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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to CODE GEASS Episode 15!!!



Aaren YASS

Lulu's power is to control others. Fitting considering his personality. In Maos case however, I can't imagine what his contract was? He wanted to know what people were thinking? If people were lying? What people thought of him? He was a child, so it's likely something simple and it's incredibly sad. It seems like he was an orphan as well. -


You know, it is interesting you point out the nudity in anime, but I swear you never even think about it that much when it happens in live actions series and movies, because it happens there way more than it does in anime.

William Armstrong (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 06:24:46 Mao's story is indeed pretty messed up. One thing to note is that we've seen CC be perfectly fine after being shot in the head, so its doubtful whether being chopped into pieces would kill CC. The subconscious is different from thoughts, thoughts are the thing you are directly narrating or focusing on in a given moment. The subconscious are all the factors, beleifs, biases, etc that led you to react in certain ways, think about certain things, or hold certain beliefs Finally yes this episode had the second scene of true Nudity in the series. Despite some of the other implied/sus scenes this is the first since episode 3 with a scene that would have required editing for youtube/twitch.
2024-01-29 06:24:46 Mao's story is indeed pretty messed up. One thing to note is that we've seen CC be perfectly fine after being shot in the head, so its doubtful whether being chopped into pieces would kill CC. The subconscious is different from thoughts, thoughts are the thing you are directly narrating or focusing on in a given moment. The subconscious are all the factors, beleifs, biases, etc that led you to react in certain ways, think about certain things, or hold certain beliefs Finally yes this episode had the second scene of true Nudity in the series. Despite some of the other implied/sus scenes this is the first since episode 3 with a scene that would have required editing for youtube/twitch.
2024-01-27 17:41:26 Mao's story is indeed pretty messed up. One thing to note is that we've seen CC be perfectly fine after being shot in the head, so its doubtful whether being chopped into pieces would kill CC. The subconscious is different from thoughts, thoughts are the thing you are directly narrating or focusing on in a given moment. The subconscious are all the factors, beleifs, biases, etc that led you to react in certain ways, think about certain things, or hold certain beliefs Finally yes this episode had the second scene of true Nudity in the series. Despite some of the other implied/sus scenes this is the first since episode 3 with a scene that would have required editing for youtube/twitch.

Mao's story is indeed pretty messed up. One thing to note is that we've seen CC be perfectly fine after being shot in the head, so its doubtful whether being chopped into pieces would kill CC. The subconscious is different from thoughts, thoughts are the thing you are directly narrating or focusing on in a given moment. The subconscious are all the factors, beleifs, biases, etc that led you to react in certain ways, think about certain things, or hold certain beliefs Finally yes this episode had the second scene of true Nudity in the series. Despite some of the other implied/sus scenes this is the first since episode 3 with a scene that would have required editing for youtube/twitch.

isaac basabe

"I wont lose to my geass" really good and strong words from Lelouch !!

XT 421

Code Geass is a story that is full of complicated emotions - but don't worry, the broader picture of where the saga is going will kick off. You just have to know the pieces on the board, and what they do, in order to understand the game that is about to unfold.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I strongly dislike Mao but you have to feel sorry for the guy. It’s easy to see how someone with those circumstances and the inability to turn his geass off can just completely lose his mind over time. Villetta’s tits are definitely pause worthy… The “lover’s spat” thing with Shirley always bothered me. I don’t see why Lelouch didn’t just remove select memories with his Geass. “Clovisland” always cracks me up That scene at the end is one of the many reasons why I will always ship Lelouch and C.C.

Khanh Minh (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 06:24:46 Cause he wasnt really thinking rationally being too emotional then. He was thinking with his heart, not his head.And logically, he wanted to cut all ties with her, taking CC advice to keep those he didn't want to lose distance from him. Given that he could only use Geass on a person exactly once, and as long as she still has feelings for him, she might get into dangerous situations again. Hell, she shot someone for him and got traumatized by it. And it's also a form of punishment to himself for killing her father
2024-01-27 19:02:41 Cause he wasnt really thinking rationally being too emotional then. He was thinking with his heart, not his head.And logically, he wanted to cut all ties with her, taking CC advice to keep those he didn't want to lose distance from him. Given that he could only use Geass on a person exactly once, and as long as she still has feelings for him, she might get into dangerous situations again. Hell, she shot someone for him and got traumatized by it. And it's also a form of punishment to himself for killing her father

Cause he wasnt really thinking rationally being too emotional then. He was thinking with his heart, not his head.And logically, he wanted to cut all ties with her, taking CC advice to keep those he didn't want to lose distance from him. Given that he could only use Geass on a person exactly once, and as long as she still has feelings for him, she might get into dangerous situations again. Hell, she shot someone for him and got traumatized by it. And it's also a form of punishment to himself for killing her father

Nob Kenobi

Code Geass is not one of the highest rated anime for nothing. Its strengths are the development of the characters and the narrative that seems very fragmented, revealing crumbs of the plot seemingly at random but bringing all the pieces together in the end. Just trust Luke!! Note: In the anime's subtitles the green-haired girl's name appears as C.C. but in the Japanese dub she is called C.2.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I agree with that in principle but I guess it comes down to how you want to perceive Lelouch. Some would say that he didn’t want Shirley to get hurt anymore while others would say that Lelouch doesn’t want someone who is of no use to him sticking her nose in his business anymore. I tend to lean toward option 2

Khanh Minh (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 06:24:46 I can find official material that support option 1 though so I stand by it :) and I ain't going to start a ship war here on the reaction channel comment section lol.
2024-01-27 19:25:51 I can find official material that support option 1 though so I stand by it :) and I ain't going to start a ship war here on the reaction channel comment section lol.

I can find official material that support option 1 though so I stand by it :) and I ain't going to start a ship war here on the reaction channel comment section lol.


I had had really forgotten how brutal this show was. I love it, but man...it's brutal.

Aaron Yin

Mao is just parasocial, like most vtuber fans, just a bit to the extreme side XD

One G. O A. T. One Dream

I mean I really Love Code Geass but this show dose have its silly edgy stuff, where the show gose maybe a biiit to far. Code Geass is a show, were you should try to not to take stuf, to serious. but I dont know why you always seam to freak out over the nudity, like this is so tame in the world of anime. Thanks for the reaction vid.

Miklar Sihn

An obvious idea is the need/want to know what people are really thinking. As an orphan, it is hard to trust anyone, while he really wants to trust people given that he was a child. So the ability to know what people are thinking and what they want would fit someone in that situation.


It can be difficult for people who did not grow up watching anime to understand that not everything drawn is a cartoon for children


If we assume that these are initials, there is no difference, in both cases it will be correct. Because it is not a name by itself


Episodes like this remind me why I love this anime

Mariano Amar

Small detail on the subs: When CC says "I became his lover", she's actually saying "I became the one he loved" Also, about you're wondering about CC not aging: This isn't really a spoiler, but she's fully immortal, not just "cannot die". This is shown, a bit obliquely, on one of the first few chapters: There's a picture of CC running through WW1 style trenches. Finally, I don't think this is explained ANYWHERE in the anime (I believe this was clarified through Twitter posts, after some info was shown in one of the series' spin-offs), but the calendar in Code Geass is not 2017 A.D., it's 2017 A.T.B. (After Throne Britannia). The calendar starts when the Celts united the British Islands against the invading Romans and drove them away (unlike our history, where the Romans conquered them). A lot of things happen kind of at the same numeric year as in our timeline, but be aware that it's technically somewhere around 1950 A.D. (some things happening later in the series will make more sense if you keep that in mind)


You will NEVER fully understand it all until the end of the last episode. This anime is basically a lineup of complete Plottwists. Everytime you think you know it, it fucks you up xD. But with the time you get a general idea, but no exact clear picture.


Mao wanting to chop up CC, although brutal and messed up, wasn't him actually trying to kill her. Since CC regenerates and heals any injury, like he stated, the idea was to pack her up for transportation, and then let her heal once in Australia.


Mao is a tragic figure and worthy of pity. C.C. is entirely at fault for his insanity and his obsession. That said, he is dangerous and needs to be put down, like a rabid dog. (It's not the dog's fault that it has rabies, but there's nothing you can do about it at this point.) Lelouch, as a victim of Mao's actions, is justified in using lethal measures against him to protect himself.

Chrono 1002

The only question would be why she made the contract with Mao in the first place, but based on what is explained I don't see fault with C.C. in this. Mao lost control over his power and became mental. On the other hand the whole Shirley situation is extremely awkward and questionable. In Lelouche's stead I wouldn't have used the geass with the "forget everything about me" command, but something more like "forget everything related to Zero and the Black Knights" and if he wanted to distance himself from her, he could also add "don't get involved with me from now on".


this is explained in background character dialogue in the dub version,

Antoine Jones

umm isnt this episode 14?

Suraj ayinde (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-31 13:57:34 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.
2024-01-30 14:33:48 He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.

He cannot say forget everything about the black knight and zero then say distance yourself from me, that's two commands, even if he said it consecutively it still wouldn work. Also she would forget how her farther died and could even possibly forget that he died because that's related to zero, also she know knows lelouch is zero so if she forgot everything about zero that'll include everything about lelouch too.

Khanh Minh (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-31 13:57:34 Basically Lelouch just wanted her to live on peacefully without all the pain that he has caused her as Zero. And for those who have already finished the series, it's clear that Lelouch is quite particular about his friends and would never want to give an absolute order as
2024-01-30 16:47:02 Basically Lelouch just wanted her to live on peacefully without all the pain that he has caused her as Zero. And for those who have already finished the series, it's clear that Lelouch is quite particular about his friends and would never want to give an absolute order as

Basically Lelouch just wanted her to live on peacefully without all the pain that he has caused her as Zero. And for those who have already finished the series, it's clear that Lelouch is quite particular about his friends and would never want to give an absolute order as

Chrono 1002

Then he could have said forget about every connection between Zero and Lelouch. Either way, it's really pushing it, when a whole school knows that she should remember him. That whole "we got into a fight" is too weak.Also even if only one command can be used, he could word it into a single sentence (btw, he asked two questions from Clovis, he just didn't know the answer to the second - according to Lelouch).

Suraj ayinde (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-08 19:54:36 The questions was based on the command lelouch gave to Clovis, and yes you can weave a two commands together in a sentence, but that will be hard to pull of in this scenario. Also Lelouch didn't even know how Shirley knew he was Zero, so instead of just erasing zero being lelouch from her mind, he thought it'll be safer to erase his entire existence as he didn't know if she could just figure it out again.
2024-01-31 20:13:19 The questions was based on the command lelouch gave to Clovis, and yes you can weave a two commands together in a sentence, but that will be hard to pull of in this scenario. Also Lelouch didn't even know how Shirley knew he was Zero, so instead of just erasing zero being lelouch from her mind, he thought it'll be safer to erase his entire existence as he didn't know if she could just figure it out again.

The questions was based on the command lelouch gave to Clovis, and yes you can weave a two commands together in a sentence, but that will be hard to pull of in this scenario. Also Lelouch didn't even know how Shirley knew he was Zero, so instead of just erasing zero being lelouch from her mind, he thought it'll be safer to erase his entire existence as he didn't know if she could just figure it out again.