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Here is the PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to CODE GEASS Episode 12!



Ian Ponce

First time I'm this early! Got my subscription for a year just because of this anime :D

Juho Kaartoaho

Nooo table-kun!!!!!! Another victim of r**e.


Table-kun clearly did not consent :(

Roxy’s Holy Relic

First time watchers now understand what all the table memes are about… Justice for Table-kun! The scene at the end is pretty heartbreaking, Lelouch is finally starting to see the impact and consequences his actions are having on those around him. I feel for Shirley. I also like that we get some geopolitics/Holy Britannian Empire history this episode. Overall a great episode

Juho Kaartoaho

Shirley just had a picture of Lelouch between the flip phone since she obviously has a crush on him.


of course everyone's asses are amazing, it's called code geASS for a reason


I think a stronger kiss is one that ends with "Your first kiss wasn't with him! It was me! Dio!"


To be clear, Shirley's father wasn't in the military or anything. He was just on a business trip in Narita and got caught in the avalanche, which spilled over into the town. Lelouch even has a dismissive comment that "the blast was too strong" and he "should consult his physics teacher or Nina next time" during the fight. So of course not only does Lelouch have to confront the fact that innocent people are getting killed as collateral damage now because of what he did, he now (while in shock himself) just kissed a girl he cares about after (inadvertantly) causing her the pain in the first place by murdering her father through his actions and carelessness.

dragean greyfield

Yes Luke, table-kun just got violated. That’s been a meme as old as time in the anime community.


TABLE-KUN!! Traumatize 😢😢


Table-kun, Spinzaku, Illegal chess, JIBUN WO... and others I won't mention because of future spoilers. Man, Code Geass had the best memes.

William Armstrong (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-22 00:56:51 7:56 I don't know what toppings she has but the box should be labeled as Pizza Hut and this being edited out in modern versions of Code Geass makes me sad 12:20 It is what you think, but no nudity present, so it is youtube safe 14:07 Technically Lelouch is living a triple life, One for being a prince in search of revenge, one for being a random Britannian noble at school, and one as "zero" 27:30 Shirley's Dad was a civilian in the town below the mountain where the previous battle between Cornelia and the Black knights took place not an active fighter, but because the explosion was too powerful it caught the town in the blast as well, and with it civilians who just happened to include Shirley's Father. War is Messy and even the most just of causes always result in regrettable deaths and suffering
2024-01-19 18:09:56 7:56 I don't know what toppings she has but the box should be labeled as Pizza Hut and this being edited out in modern versions of Code Geass makes me sad 12:20 It is what you think, but no nudity present, so it is youtube safe 14:07 Technically Lelouch is living a triple life, One for being a prince in search of revenge, one for being a random Britannian noble at school, and one as "zero" 27:30 Shirley's Dad was a civilian in the town below the mountain where the previous battle between Cornelia and the Black knights took place not an active fighter, but because the explosion was too powerful it caught the town in the blast as well, and with it civilians who just happened to include Shirley's Father. War is Messy and even the most just of causes always result in regrettable deaths and suffering

7:56 I don't know what toppings she has but the box should be labeled as Pizza Hut and this being edited out in modern versions of Code Geass makes me sad 12:20 It is what you think, but no nudity present, so it is youtube safe 14:07 Technically Lelouch is living a triple life, One for being a prince in search of revenge, one for being a random Britannian noble at school, and one as "zero" 27:30 Shirley's Dad was a civilian in the town below the mountain where the previous battle between Cornelia and the Black knights took place not an active fighter, but because the explosion was too powerful it caught the town in the blast as well, and with it civilians who just happened to include Shirley's Father. War is Messy and even the most just of causes always result in regrettable deaths and suffering

Chrono 1002

Code Geass is really good at showing that not everything is good or wrong only. Shirley has it especially hard.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I remember watching OG Code Geass back in the day and Pizza Hut was such a defining element of the Code Geass world and even C.C. herself that it feels strange to watch it now with the logos all edited out. Pizza Hut was even listed in the production credits and provided a fair amount of capital for the show. I’m pretty sure the recent editions of Code Geass removed the logos and product placement due to licensing issues, unfortunately


Desk-kun makes his apearance

Aaren YASS

"what is this" ask ur wife 😂 Honestly this is the most unhinged scene in all of the show. It's not fanservice, it's uncalled for 🤣 -

Ramzes Khakimov

I forgot how packed this episode was


Poor table-kun

Kaj Moroz

I have no idea why that scene got included. Actually wild.


When Lelouch and Nunnally were exiled to Japan as kids, Suzaku's family took them in, since his father was Japan's prime minister. As a Japanese elite, Kirihara was involved in the arrangements, so he knows Lelouch and his circumstances. So when Lelouch reveals his face here, Kirihara recognizes him, and he instantly comprehends Lelouch's commitment to fighting Britannia. Lelouch's last line is perfectly written though. Kirihara asks about "embarking on a path of carnage", but in Japanese the subject isn't explicit - so he could be asking about the Black Knights as an org or just Lelouch. Lelouch responds "if that is our destiny", so the Black Knights think he's talking about the whole org, but he's actually using the royal "we" to refer to just himself, which tells Kirihara that Lelouch still considers himself a prince.


IIRC only Pizza Hut JP gave their license for usage and Pizza Hut central didn't, so when it got ported over to the West it was all cut. I remember being so confused as a teen when I would watch this show on pirate sites and one episode was Pizza Hut branded and then the next one wasn't.


For anyone confused about the exchange with Kirihara; a few episodes ago when baby Lelouch confronted the Emperor, Lelouch and Nunally were to be shipped off as political tools. From the first scene and the flashback in this episode we see Lelouch and Nunally were given into the care of the Kururugi Family, because Suzaku's dad was the Prime Minister at the time. Hence how Suzaku knows Lelouch's secret and how they met. Kirihara was a very influential backer of the Kururugi administration so of course he too was aware of who Lelouch was and why he was there. (Made references to episodes in the past to make sure I don' get accused of saying anything not mentioned thus far :P)


NinaxTable-kun has been a thing for Decades, I wish I was kidding, Viletta was just communicating with the next of Kin of the Deceased, hence, she got in contact with Shirley, the only reason why Viletta had Lelouch's photo was because she's also been investigating the Male Students of Ashford Accademy.


RIP Table-kun

The Large Amoeba

It's supposed to show the depths of Ninas obsession. But yeah it just comes on weird. Least it made for some good jokes over the years.

The Large Amoeba

Shirley's Dad was NOT a solider. He was a civilian contractor. You remember that there was a city at the base of the mountain? Well they mentioned it was in the middle of evac when Lelouch triggered the landslide. Lots of civilian casualties are on Lelouch's hands with this one.


If I had a nickel for the times a character in an anime had satisfied themselves with a table I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice

Marcio Neves

27:20 It was prone to happen some time, his actions affecting people he knows and, supposebly, cares about

Dennis Broer

yes, she rubbed herself against the table


Also path of "shura" doesn't have perfect translation into english and it's way more fitting than just carnage. Here explenation from internet: Shura 修羅 or Ashura 阿修羅 is a Japanese way to call the Buddhism demigod of war Asura. In Japanese, we sometimes use it to describe a person who fell into a situation in which they have to fight an endless war against something, in a relentless and inhumane manner.

Jessimi G

I laughed so freaking hard when you realized what 'that' scene was about.

Bård Fredrikson

"The worst thing she can say is no." Girl: "Ew."

Jammy Jimmerino

Your reaction to the masturbation scene was funny af hahahaha

Not How it Lux

Yeah this was deffo lelouch getting hit with the reality of his decisions and the possible consequences to his actions at the end. Time to realise this isn't just a game!

Angelo Marchantt

Instead of telling us with anoying nina scenes, they just show us in that scene the level of obsesion that she has on euphy


9:12 Who is that guy she's talking to? (seconds later) Who is that guy with the glasses? (and GIANT HEADPHONES) 18:34 Name is dropped (Rakshata) (seconds later) New character appears "Who the hell is that?" 25:40 "Who died?" Luke usually pays better attention. All the info you needed to figure out "who died" was in the episode earlier... but no big deal. You see the answer minutes later. During the episode with the landslide, LeLouch was GLOATING that it was bigger than he expected. Yeah, big enough to hit the town and kill the civilian contractor who was her dad. BTW, watched this episode yesterday. Today I'm watching the reaction and WOW, now I see all the pieces falling into place!

Kevin V

the infamous table-kun scene lol

Antoine Jones

"IF you like someone, tell em, the worst they can do is so no... and move on" lol it would be nice if the world ACTUALLY worked like that... but thats only the case for maybe 10% of the time. For example.... get rejected by someone you go to school wih, work with or have to see everyday... youll see what I mean

Conta Aleatória

THE kiss is with your girlfriend! you upside down in the rain, wearing a mask and she doesn't know it's you (basically cuckolded with yourself) "with big super models come big horns" Ben, Uncle 19W/E

Conta Aleatória

nah, the worst is "EW get out of here, hell nah" or "ahahah you're kidding right?" lmao

Harley Burnie

12:14 Oh baby. I was waiting for Luke to see the “Table Scene.” Everyone reacts that way, too. I actually forget that the table stimulation is in the same episode as Shirley’s dad dying. Truly a rollercoaster!


The most 2 annoying girls got prime moments:)))


Saw anime originally on too Nami 2 decades ago, and never knew about table joke. Of course meme weren't a thing back then and I never really went on forum boards. Also toonami may have edited it out


The table self pleasure scene was out of nowhere, but still very rememberable.

Tim Keener

That table scean is the most that it gets and it gets nowhere like for the rest of the series

Itay Cohen

It's always difficult seeing the horrors table kun faces in the show