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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Season 2 Episode 21!!!



William Armstrong

yes you absolutely should rewatch the openings/ endings of shows once you have seen the show, though the importance will vary from show to show. In Re-zero's case it is absolutely neccessary


Reinhard has his own idiom because of how overwhelming his strength is compared to anyone else as shown when he one shot puck in full form. The author himself said (not a spoiler) that if Reinhard got into a fight with the sun he would win.


I personally love flash backs because I have a deep interest for characters motivation etc If you really don't like flash backs I would stay away from demon slayer

Rem is best waifu

Man season 3 will hopefully come out this year. I doubt it will be before the fall season

smth positive_

Mans said best episode ever before even reaching episode 23

Nicholas Hooker

The Reinhard comment was another of Garf's oddly placed idioms. It'd be like (and i know nothing about sports so im gonna make this up) getting something to upgrade your skill at basketball and say "Hey, you can't outshoot Michael Jordan!" Its weird and oddly placed, referencing a living person and their skill in comparison to yours, but.... yeah, just Garf


Honestly, rewatching the openings and endings could be a great idea. Since your understanding and emotional attachment will be completely different after finishing the anime

Adam Juríček

just thought that I would refresh the notifs and what do you know new re zero episode, nice

Steave Taylor

Would definitely like re-watching the openings when finishing an anime.


Lmao if you think this is the best episode, just watch the next ones ahaha


#6 day of asking Luke to watch Kamikatsu


It's just that Roswaal wouldn't lose to Garfiel even while injured. It would've just been a pain to fight him when he's powered up in his full form since Garf isn't weak. Also, Roswaal wasn't super injured, he was moreso pretending.


All the past pain makes these type of episodes so much sweeter

Patrick Jacobsen

so we've now added bowel flipper, bowel dancer, bowel destroyer and bowel crappy patty maker to the many psynonyms of Elsa.

Mateusz P

The situation between Roswaal and Ram (without major spoilers) is that we've learned in the last few episodes that Roswaal is following "the book of wisdom" as it has the one correct sequence of events that would lead Roswaal to his goal (we're not told what it is exactly but he does say that he loves Echidona more than anything else). The moment Subaru helped Emilia overcome first trial the world "strayed" from the correct path meaning that Roswaal wont be able to achieve his goal and his life is meaningless (thats why he killed himself and Subaru before), that is why he tells Ram that he is a husk as he is without a purpose now and wants to destroy this world so that Subaru can try again in another timeline and hopefully not stray from the path that the book of wisdom tells him about (the book is also how Roswaal knows about Subaru's Return by death). Ram (and Rem) have been living with Roswaal for years now so Ram had plenty of time to observe him and learned eventually that he follows the book of wisdom but also that he hides it and guards it at all times. (We know that Roswaal was behind the cult attacking Ram and Rem's village but at this point its not yet clear whether Ram knows about it until Roswaal just admitted that now, and that she had been living with the person who took (indirectly) both her family, village and horn from her). As for Ram making you cry just you wait :) And please rewatch OPs & EDs after watching this anime because ideally, you'd just watch them when watching the show. Because of the copyright issues, I get that you can't. The second best thing is reacting to them when you know who the characters are and what the openings and endings depict. Also sorry for being vague but I don't want to spoil the next few episodes, I did want to clear out some confusion and hopefully that rant made some sense.

Luca Bellan

Spoiler: it gets better

Omer Durrani



Yeah this episode is very good but episode 23 is probably my favorite in the entire show I cannot wait to see your reaction to it, the action within it is top tier 🤑🔥💯

Thiago Serra

I think one of the important things is that garfiel is a melee fighter, while rooswal is a magic user, so if rooswal fight garfiel, he would end up injured because he's proficiency is not melee fighting

Omer Durrani

If you have read the manga u know Emilias parents he says... the light novel(not manga sry) is about 10 years from finishing lad XD


You know how it works in fantasy, mages are weak to close combat but super strong at range. If garf had transformed in there he would basically fill up the whole room.


So Garfiel would have been able to put up a fight because they were in an enclosed room together. Garfiel is a melee fighter, while Roswaal is a ranged magic fighter, so he's at a disadvantage starting a fight in melee range

Pilligrim Ilyas

I don't know for sure, but my theory is that Roswaal is still pretty weak after the injury. The reason why Puck can't overwhelm him is because Puck lost a lot of his power after deceasing his contract too. But again, I don't know for sure, I just think that's the case

Pilligrim Ilyas

Roswaal and Ram's conversation in a nutshell: Roswaal was the one behind the destruction of Ram and Rem's village, that's why Ram hates him and that's why he promised Ram that she could kill him after achieving or failing to achieve his goal. Right now Roswaal considers the current timeline to be a failure so he decides to do one last thing. Follow what Tome of Wisdom told him to do (cast blizzard). Also, that's why he understands why Ram wants to kill him(he failed to achieve his goal after all) but is confused as to why she didn't do it in his most vulnerable moment (when he'll be busy chanting snow magic) and instead tried to attack him in his prime.

Muligan Shinzuo

Watching the op/ed after finishing the anime (or whenever it changes) could be a good idea. also Luke: "Can we get out of the sanctuary and back to the mansion" *Puck appears* Luke: "Fuck you, let me see more of the sanctuary" XD Question: There was never an "agreement" in the anime between subaru and roswaal or did they change that in the LN?


Speaking of rewatching OPs and EDs: I don't think you've reacted to the ending of the Made in Abyss movie yet? (Unless I missed it, feel free to correct me on that!)

Rafael Souza

About Garfiel and Roswaal, some people have already explained, but l'll repeat: - Roswaal was injured, yes, but he was also exaggerating - The reason he killed Garfiel in that loop, was because they were in a closed small room, and it would be problematic if Garfiel transformed there before Subaru and Roswaal had had the chance to talk. In a small place like that Garfiel would have had the advantage, but it doesn't mean he would have won Ok, now about the Episode itself, some things for you to think about: - Roswaal said that "this world is lost and is going to an end", then he immediately leaves, walks to the secret facility and starts working on the Crystal. Ram comes in and Roswaal says he was working on a POWERFUL MAGIC, enough to change the weather, enough to make it SNOW. And that was all because that world had deviated from the book. - From the above, what can we assume? Perhaps it was Roswaal who made snow in the Sanctuary? Everytime the events unfolded differently from what Roswaal's books said, he did the spell and changed the weather, why? - Because with that great spell, the Rabbits would have been lured and everyone would have been killed. This is a way to force Subaru to reset. So, Roswaal was basically forcing Subaru to reset (through the Rabbits) everytime the events deviated from what his Book told him was "the true future". And this is exactly what he is doing right now. - This is also why the "snowy day" seem to change from loop to loop, sometimes it snows on the 5th day, sometimes on the 2nd, well, it was because Roswaal was behind it.

James Perrott

Of all the Elsa nicknames youve given, The Bowel Krabby Patty Maker made me lose it lmao

James Perrott

Oh if you thought this was the best episode of the season just you wait lol

James Perrott

i think you miss the point of the flashbacks here tbh, its not about what happens in them being sad, its about explaining what did happen, giving a bunch of answers to questions we had, expanding the lore with new characters we will see later, new plot points with the seal, and thinking how on earth were meant to defeat pandora one day with her godlike powers. And how what happened affects emilia going forwards, remember emilia also had her memories of this wiped and is only just getting a lot of them back again. we basically knew Fortuna would die from the moment she was introduced, the flashback wasnt just about her dying. It also made you go from hating to loving Betelguese, i think that is what id call being invested in a flashback lol


If you ever go back to Chainsaw Man OP & EDs I think you should check out the full versions for TK, Aimer and Ano songs. lso Tooboe it's pretty good


Me encantaría verte reaccionar a los openings de series que ya has visto. Edit: Sorry, now in English xD I would love to see you react to the openings of series you have already watched

James Perrott

you people try to desperately to push Luke away from watching Demon Slayer just because you dont like it or are crying about the fact its popular, its so sad. He doesnt watch only what you like. Grow up


8:55 What Roswall was doing with Ram has not been explained in the anime. I have seen an explanation in other comments sections. This might be a spoiler but it seems like a real MILD spoiler. Without her horn, Ram can't recover her mana. Roswall is stuffing mana into her when he does his hand-over-forehead thing. 15:05 "Emilia shines this season." Yes the moon of Emila looks bright so long as the BLAZING SUN of Ram is out of the picture. #TeamRem 26:20 "Everything he said makes no sense to me" Roswall has given up on this loop. He assumes Subaru will and, because the bet, his next-loop-self will be in control of Subaru in the next loop. So he doesn't much care what happens from now on... except he try to continue to sabotage Subaru in this loop.

Adam Saunders

YES Rewatch the openings


We will definitely like rewatching opening/endings after anime is watched!

Eric burton

Would love to see you react to you old reactions to see the viewers perspective of what you thought the show was about


yeah absolutely do rewatch OPs. I think with the added context, you will enjoy them so much more


I would love to see a re-reaction to the re:zero openings and endings!! I think a lot of things were missed that can be now connected and you would understand the meanings and symbolism of things in the op and ed so it would be a nice re-reaction!


About reacting the openings of animes that you finish, it would be so cool, it has a completely different felling when you already watched the anime

Mr. King

Yes please react to the openings and endings of this anime again and do it for all the shows that you finish now onwards


Hey Luke, you can theorize as much as you want. I like hearing your theories even if they are wrong. On another note I forgot how great this episode was, full of hype. :D


I think the idea of watching the OPs before and after watching a show could be a fun thing to see how your appreciation for the visuals and lyrics might change with the context.

Lu C

Lol that reunion of Gar and Frederica... ans Elza is there just politely standing and waiting... and Gar turns his back to enemy 😁 what if next time they meet a rude killer... Flashbacks/retrospective - it's a storytelling tool, it depends on the skill of the author and on the amount of info they provide. For watching OPs/EDs I suggest 2 options: 1 > to integrate the rewatch into last episode 2 > have a compilation video(s)

James Courtney

So to explain a few things: - Ram without her horn cannot gather mana, so Roswall gives her mana through the wound in her head where her horn should be. - Ram’s wand is actually made from her horn. It was crafted into the wand after she was healed. - Roswall was somewhat lying about being so injured. Yes the Trial can hurt you badly, but he’s less injured than he made it seem mostly to manipulate Subaru and the others. Ram knows this. - also to explain Garfiel is healed up thanks to a Divine Protection he has that he can heal while he’s standing on the ground, so he ran with the carriage the whole way to the Mansion. - Lastly Roswall is being a bit dishonest about “Being one of the people who attacked Ram’s village” - What actually happened was that Roswall knew of the attack because of the Tome of Wisdom but was directed to not intervene until after Ram’s horn was cut off. Roswall is making the argument that his knowing and not taking action is the same as attacking the village himself. - Also Roswall thinks he’s forcing his ideals onto Echidna but isn’t noticing how they forced their ideals onto each other since her death.

Kyle Garrett

Rewatching openings and endings after you've finished a series wouldn't be bad at all, since you'll catch a lot more references hidden in openings that way.

Kyle Garrett

For longer series you could also just rewatch the previous opening once a new one comes around. So rewatch first op once you get to the second, and so on. Just depends if you want each opening to get it's own video, or if you'd rather a big opening rewatch video.


YES!!! re watch the openings

Kyle Garrett

Keep making theories during videos Luke! Coming up with crazy theories while watching a show is part of the fun and something I do too! I've posted a few on these videos myself and at least here on Patreon your community is pretty good at not using non-anime info to shut down wacky ideas and thoughts, so hopefully your YouTube comments are similar.

Gabriel Pires

8:42 - Demons like Ram and Rem replenish their mana through their horns. Since Ram lost hers, she can't replenish her mana on her own anymore, so Roswaal does it for her by injecting mana directly into the spot her horn used to be.

Alvaro Zevallos

We've seen puck appear again after emilia was dead in previous timelines on S1, as a free spirit.


Rewatch Openings after watching the Animes would be so nice. I think it makes a huge difference in some cases. Some Openings are hype af when you know the Anime :D


Luke, I don't remember exactly, but we found out that Puck is alive either in the same episode where he died or in the next, you missed it 😂


When Roawaal says he's forcing his ideal on the witch of greed, he means because she's dead. He's doing what he thinks she wanted him to do. So she wants what he wants, because he can't ask her.

Manie Gudak

Yes, you should rewatch the openings and endings from the shows after you finish them. is always nice to rewatch those ops and see things they foreshadowed in then or the way they tell how the arc is going to go based on the opening

David.Perez Perez

I remember you watch the slime opening or endings after you finished the series and I really enjoyed ur reaction , so if u do do a rereaction to the openings, I'll enjoy it.

smth positive_

He’s an old man, in a month he’ll start Re:Zero from episode 1 again bc he forgot he already watched it


Betty is still best girl. Luke don't get distracted by shallow values like the Bowel Hunters looks. Trust me bruv, Betty is awesome :).

Josh Lomax

You're getting butthurt for literally no reason. He didn't say Demon Slayer socks, he said that if Luke doesn't like flashbacks he should stay away from DS, which is very true since there's a flashback for even the smallest characters and most of them at the beginning aren't even that good compared to alot of other animes. If anybody hates flashbacks, DS season 1 is gonna be rough at the very least

Bocchi the sweep

THAT scene left my sister and I in silence while the credits rolled. Absolute masterpiece in directing!

Cédric Michaud

When Emilia said "uso janai" (he wasn't lying), I had a flashback for another anime where the voice actor of Emilia (RIe Takahashi) says these two words (Oshi no Ko) and it made emotional.

Jenish S

They had already revealed that Puck was in the other crystal... Bro's been just grinding out these episodes and forgetting things


It's funny, but this has happened to me more than once, for example, I saw Horimiya twice, only at the end I realized that I had already seen this anime 😂


Old age... memory doesn't get better... I forget how old Luke is... 67?


Best ep of s2 has yet to come. Also I wonder if posting ep1 of both series and picking the one with more views is also an option.


He shall see that episode and realize betty is indeed formidable


Headphones and listening to Roswaal's VA talk in any anime is such a treat. Luke what I have been wishing that you would actually watch a opening that happens when you react to a episode. This season of Re:Zero had one of the best openings that made watching a episode such a special feeling just because you had first listened to that opening, but best one was on that part 1 of season 2.


No he remembered that, he noticed Puck was there when Subaru kicked Garfiel's butt. He literally says in this episode that he thought Puck was gone, like left the scene. I don't know why he went that route as Puck would never leave Emilia contract or no contract as that is the only thing that changed between P & E.


Loli fan much? He literally loves Betty and think she is his favorite character with Rem. But there different distraction with Bowel Hunter and Fredericka that just takes your eyes to different places :D


No he remembered, but he thought Puck would have left, which personally is weird thinking. But nobody said Luke's rationality has been perfect :D

Jeff Drake

Wow, comments took off on this one. I didn't see it covered, but that could be because I'm blind. Puck is not at full strength here. He's working off the mana he sucked out of Garf during his fight with Subaru, so both Roswall and Puck are at a disadvantage compared to what they could be fighting at. For that matter, Ram is also at a disadvantage because she can't recuperate her mana without Roswall's help, and she spent a considerable amount of her resources with Garf. Regardless, Roswall doesn't care if he survives the fight because, as plenty of others have already stated, he thinks this loop is a dead-end and that Subaru will be forced to reset once the Great Rabbit kills everyone in the Sanctuary. And I probably don't need to point this out but 200 kph, Luke. Afterburners kick in next episode.


Well the agreement is their bet that Subaru would stop all of Roswaal's plans in this world. That is the agreement. As for LN never read it, but you typed it like anime was first, all original material is Light Novel and honestly everything there should be considered canon for purposes of understanding the creator of Re:Zero real intentions in this masterpiece of story.


I just wanna say Luke! I love hearing you have you're theories I think it's part of why I like watching you so much, so like, keep doing it! keep being you!!

Harley Burnie

Reinhard is know as the most powerful knight alive in the world. Of course getting away from him sounds ludicrous, right?

Harley Burnie

It’s a light novel source, not a manga.

Harley Burnie

19:20 I always considered that Roswaal could have been playing up his injuries, maybe to have the excuse of sitting in bed and watching Subaru RBD, RBD, RBD, until things went his way. Just a thought I had seeing this season play out.

Harley Burnie

20:00 What I don’t get is how does manipulating Emilia and Subaru, pushing Emilia to rule the kingdom, and working with the Witch’s Cult help him kill the dragon, the #1 thing he desires, like he told Ram in their dark, secret little mana-in horn-hole trist. I had no fucking clue where it all leads. I’m honestly shocked I haven’t gone on to the webnovel, because I am hella curious!

BRUNO Marques

Because the witch cult wants to free Satella. And the dragon would wake up for that. The light novels do not answer anything btw. None of the big mysteries have been answered, still a few years before anything relevant is revealed most likely.


Would love to see your Re:Reactions (Hehe) to the openings and ending of shows you watched, def want to know your thoughs after having experienced the shows Vs before viewing them.

Muligan Shinzuo

I may have explained it poorly but what i meant from the WN to the LN (i mostly read the WN) which, as you pointed out, is seen as the real intentions of the story. I did not want to be too specific with my wording but iirc the "agreement" in the WN was delivered somewhat different but i do not know if this was changed or maybe comes later on.


Watching this video, i may have just realized why Ollie may like your streams and videos. Your yelling in excitement reminds me a lot of hers. You are like 2 peas in a pot in that regard. Same energy. That's a good thing btw.

Bobby Vang

Rewatching the op and ed will be nice. Before and after reactions.


There's a tongue in cheek anime they do called isekai Quartet that all the voice actors do where they all get sucked to the same weird parody world. Officially sanctioned but not "canon" by all (now 6) isekai shows. Think if you end up watching Overlord would be a hoot to watch you respond to that short little (ongoing) series.


something new ive noticed(ive rewatched this show so many times including people's reaction) is that roswaal, when he questioned "i wonder just how you'll be able to fulfill those boasts of yours" or however he said it, wasn't simply replying to Emilia, but was mostly referring to Subaru when he said it. Another amazing insight to the depth of this story. Disclosing this detail should help you find them more as it's an incredibly good example. also I prolly would have known if I read the ln and/or wn for the first three arcs but those are the only ones ive left out.


I'd like to see you rewatch the FMA openings now that you've finished


watching the openings and endings after watching the show would be sick


Btw it's based on a Novel, not a manga.


id love the op idea since youll be able to notice things you had no idea about before you watched the anime

Bobby Vang

So to explain Rosewal's conditions in the previous life, he used his mana to activate a huge snowstorm, thus summoning Pekora and her viewers. He then ran out of mana when Subaru and Garf meets Ram and him. In this timeline, Ram interrupts Rosewal from summoning the vtuber, so he still have mana.


It’s funny that Roswaal just assumed Subaru can reset at any time he wants but doesn’t know he has to die for it to happen. Meaning if something happened to Subaru that made him incapable of dying and Roswaal genocided the sanc and suicided with them there is a chance he would perma die due to Subaru not being able to die. He assumes Subaru can just do it on a whim and Roswaal perma dying thinking Subaru will just reset but turns out he couldn’t die for X reason would’ve been crazy.


Listen I don't mind you throwing around theories but I can't tell if you were serious at all about the line with roswaal potentially being emilia's father lol. The reason people get onto you is because they have made it well aware that the dad is an elf that looks similar to mother fortuna but you still throw out a random ass line like roswaal being emilia's dad would be wild knowing after the show literally states the dad is an elf. Like come on bro.


Then you ask what something means when certain things are brought up and the show literally already showed you and told you what it means. You ask what Ram means by leaving Garfiel to her when they literally just showed you that she fought him and consulted with him after he was beaten by subaru.


Glad you are loving these final episodes though. They are just that amazing. Like the hype you gave off for how much you liked this episode

Regill Derenge

how convinient... suddenly garfiel can go through the barrier... huuum... how convinient... shit writing


Garf never said he couldn't leave the sanctuary. He just didn't want to leave. What are you on about?

One G. O A. T. One Dream

Tu Tu the let me join dis train lol convinient? what part? the part that was already explained about the blue krystals being keys? Suuuure...


Love you Luke <3


how convenient... you forgot key details of the story...


seeing comments sections on re zero content or videos about it is tough because there are always a bunch of people hating on it but what gets me mad isn't the hating, it's if they hate it because they didn't actually get what was happening or they misinterpreted it Great reaction as always though


I've loved hearing your re:zero theories and I think the majority of people agree! It's fun to theorycraft. It sounds cliche but literally ignore the haters in this case.


Well, if this is your best episode you might want to remember how to breath next episodes


It's just an assumption, but I think there was stated something about Oni being able to absorb and use mana around them via their horn instead or relying on internal mana and because Ram doesn't have a horn anymore she's unable to absorb mana and Rroswaal helps her replenish it.