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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Season 2 Episode 18!!




Let's gooo!


I hope for after Re:Zero and Parasyte, we will get Demon Slayer and Vinland Saga. 2 heavy-hitter animes to start up the year! would be epic :)


33:27 nah I loved Betelgeuse crazy character already in first season without knowing his past


You can't keep changing clothes to a character. People have to memorise the design so they buy figurines and cosplay items. It's part of marketing & business. It's same for super heroes, same costume.

Muligan Shinzuo

CorneASS is so annoying. Geuse has some quirks but i find him alot more interesting then Cornie. I feel like its time for one of these crimeboards with strings attached to clues so you can follow the story XD

Bobby Vang

I love Betelgeuse character in s1. This episode really show a tragic side to his character.

Sean P

Pandora is the Witch of Vanity (Vainglory) and is the 8th deadly sin, an archaic one that was combined into pride in 590 AD by Pope Gregory I. There is one more archaic sin Acedia which was combined into Sloth at the same time.


the fairies are bad then?


10:38 Ohhh, I didn't remember that Regulas spilled the beans that Betelguese is a spirit. 31:41 (Pandora changing Regulas' reality) Ah, I see you're beginning to realize that the BIG BOYS have come out to play. When you see the promotional materials (the posters) for s3 you can This Is Just The Start For Re:Zero Hell, these guys are so tough Reinhard -might- have to use his sword!


Since you can go back and check the names and visual appearance of the 7 witches when they were all together with Subaru, this is not a spoiler - Pandora is not one of the 7 witches that were together in the graveyard (unless she changed both her appearance and name of course).


I second this. The character was Great just with season One (The VA work is impressive)


Luke: "What the FUCK just happened?!" Pandora: "Nothing at all"


So the seven deadly sins didnt always used to be the ones we usually refer to now. Around 500-600AD the ones you would see listed would include "Vanagloria" which translates usually to "Vainglory" in english - the sub you're using seems to translate it as "Vanity". Pandora is the witch of vainglory, a sin we usually forget nowadays.

Luca Bellan

Actually you're absolutely not at fault here Luke. The Witch of Vanity, Pandora, was never mentioned till now. We met all the 7 Witches at the tea party a few episodes ago, but she wasn't there and nobody ever mentioned the existence of a 8th Witch...


And just for the record, a more common name for Acedia is Melancholy. :)


hehehe :D

Mr. King

This show is a masterpiece


s1: best villain s2: Heroic. What's not to love?


I wonder if we get a TRAGIC BACKSTORY for CR in s3?

James Perrott

All ill say are these are 7 more 28 minute episodes with VERY few openings and endings, you dont have to worry when it comes to fitting everything in for the rest of the season


If you want characters with different clothing every episode, I’d recommend Cardcaptor Sakura. The cast of Sailor Moon also has large casual wardrobes, in addition to their school uniforms.

Cody Richard

It eventually stopped being used because it was deemed an aspect of pride. Similarly there are other "sins" that eventually stopped being used because they were to similar to others.


Betty is one of the best Tsunderes lol

Thiago Serra

relax, you didnt know pandora until now


He has the same VA as Kirito from SAO. It's cool to be able to hear him do something besides Kirito's normal voice and tone.


the last 2 episodes where insane I fricking love re zero

James Perrott

genuinley asking, do you really feel like vinland saga is a good reaction anime? sure theres big moments, but the majority of it is just conversation and would be silent reacting for the most part, also in general i dont think vinland is a rewatchable show at all ngl

James Perrott

Emilia has LITERALLY changed clothes many times. In season 1 in the mansion she wore like 5 different outfits, has the robe for in the capital, and has a completely different outfit for the entirety of season 2, AND a different one as a child

Tamus Heath

Puck is a Great Spirit, not a great beast

James Perrott

Acedia is also referring to not caring about onesself, disregarding yourself and your position something emilia (and subaru) do often, so if emilia was a witch, she would likely be the witch of acedia/depression/disrejection

James Perrott

Pretty sure its implied Pandora either controlled the spirits, or brought them herself to lead Emilia to the seal

James Perrott

we dont forget it, it just became a part of Pride since it is a form of pride

Pete Bickmore

Hope you do some music anime soon Luke. So many you'd love!


Normally i would agree that its not a rewatchable show, but i would like to see Lukes reaction to Vinland :) do you have another altanative? Just curiues :) was aiming for a top anime to go along Demon Slayer


1) pandora got introduced for the first time this ep. 2) I’m sorry to say but Pettlegause was loved by the community before S2 got released. Or the novels had an English translation. Just from his S1 appearance.


nah we all loved Petelguese in season 1 because he's just funny and batshit crazy, also GREAT voice acting.

Keith Merrington

I wouldn't call Demon Slayer a top anime. It's pretty and well animated, but the writing sucks and the characters are insipid. It's not a patch on something like Re:Zero or even Vinland Saga. Anyway - Vinland saga is already slated for another slot - i.e. after Parasyte and Heavenly Delusion.


You know people also like villains sometimes? So yeah, Betelgeuse was always beloved....and now there is also the real best girl Pandora-sama. *_*

Rafael Souza

CUT SCENE - DO NOT LOOK IF YOU DONT WANT TO ----------------- Pandora was controlling the spirits, yes


I know Vinland is coming :) (if Luke does not change his mind again) And you say Demon Slayer is not a top Anime? hmm, well lets look at the facts, shall we? Acording to AnimePlanet Demon Slayer season 2 is #5 anime of all times with 23.998 votes, On Myanimelist Demon Slayer season 2 is #30 anime of all times (not including movies) with 861.883 votes. (fun fact, Vinland is #33 with 834.931 votes) (One Piece is #41 with 1.300.113 votes) Objectively i think we can call it a top anime. But if its your personal openien, then i respect it :)


If you want to know about Pandora and how she is the witch of Vanity, you should check out the history of the Seven Deadly Sins (the real one), maybe you might find out something much bigger out of it ;)


Just to clarify the timeline a bit, the witch of envy was sealed after killing the other 6 witches 400 years ago. Emilias flashback is 100 years ago.


I like Petelguese because of how insane he is. He makes a good villain. I wish you would stop calling her "Mother Fortuna" She isn't your mother, Luke and it isn't a title.


Pandora has never been mentioned before. She is not one of the traditional 'sins'. She is in the Greek myth of a woman who open a box that contained all the evils of the world. In this setting she is the Witch of Vanity. Vanity used to be a 'sin' long ago. it has been wrapped into others to bring the number down to seven. Another ancient sin is melancholy. This is to say, you are missing anything or stupid. This show just decided to ram the audience into a part of its myths and legends that had only been hinted at. This is the old convention of what has been passed down as history is often a blurry version of what really happened and only true 'from a certain point of view." The simple fairy tale of the Witch of Envy consuming the other 6 witches before being imprisoned by the Dragon the Sage and the Saint might be much more complicated. Of further note. The witch was defeated 400 years ago. The events of this flash back seem to be more recent than that. Basically, take all the info given to you here was new puzzle pieces. On your question about how the witches cult operates..... Yeah, no idea either. It is very confusing and I hope season 3 will help clear it up.


Luke thinks it's hard to be invested in a flashback, huh? I hope you get to watch One Piece soon, Luke. And after that... After that I friggin dare you to say that again.

Ricko Andrew

Luke, if they run, then what? She will catch up. They don't have any choice but fight.

Pilligrim Ilyas

Puck being Fortuna is improbable. I thought about this too but nah. For it to work Puck should've known Beatrice before Emilia. That being 100 years. But I don't think that he left forest and coincidentally returned just in time when Emilia wake up. And Beatrice all this time didn't leave Forbidden Library, so it's improbable.

Pilligrim Ilyas

I also thought that Puck could've been Emilia's father but that also weird. If Puck was made with Beatrice by Echidna (my personal theory) then Emilia would've been at least 300 years at that point, which obviously doesn't work

James Courtney

Another thing I haven’t seen mentioned here yet - is the Lesser Spirits that Emilia’s been talking to in the LN were revealed to be under Pandora’s control. In short, while the Cult thinks they worship Satella, they ACTUALLY worship Pandora but Pandora’s been keeping herself hidden for all this time. But this finally brings me to my actual theory: What if the event where Satella destroyed half of the world never happened… or was altered by Pandora? And the reason why Satella wants Subaru to kill her is so she can use RBD where she has a set restart point to attempt to stop Pandora? It would make sense that Pandora manipulated things to get Satella sealed away where she can’t kill herself, has the entire world fear and hate her so no one would dare release her, and enforce that with the Witch’s Cult doing various horrible things in her name, as well as more or less wipe out all the accomplishments of the other witches and claim it’s all Satella’s doing. More over, it’s still odd to me that the other Witches didn’t react harshly to Satella, even if they accepted they were dead. There are other things that add to this but that’s for the next few episodes…

Matthew Williams

Honestly Luke I don't know why this whole mother thing is flying over your head. It really is quite simple. Does the woman who physically birthed the child but did not raise or care for it make a mother? Or does the woman who raised that child, cared for it, loved it, tucked it in at night, read it stories, hugged it when it was frightened, etc make a mother? Yeah genetically speaking Emilias' birth mother is her mother, but her aunt Fortuna is the woman who raised her, she is her mother.

Pilligrim Ilyas

I always thought ut weird that Betelgeuse is a spirit but he also afraid of spirits. I wonder why

Pilligrim Ilyas

Even weirder that he became afraid of them after he lost his mind. Though maybe it's somehow related to Emilia's lesser spirits that lead her to her demise 🤔

Pilligrim Ilyas

I think him being annoying makes him great character. He annoys me reall hard but also I love him as a character

Pilligrim Ilyas

Yeah, if Regulus is like 1000000 then Pandora is easily close to infinity 😅

Kazami Agame

Lot of people (myself included) just like Betelgueuse because of how good a vilain he was. His insanity and behavior really were something that marked people, and the voice actor was doing a masterpiece of a performance to show that to us


"This is to say, you are *not* missing anything or stupid" I assume based on the context that you were missing the not, thought I'd let you know as I'm sure you won't want your message misinterpreted


I'm guessing there are different varieties of lesser spirits. Betelgeuse was freaking out over lesser spirits contracted to goody-two-shows Julius.


There's plenty animes which pay attention to character's clothing :D But i don't think that should be a factor in selecting anime or enjoying it xD

Matthew Williams

Puck told Subaru that he sealed Emilia's memories, if he sealed her memories he would have also seen them as well right? Wouldn't that make way more sense why he calls her "Lia" or knows certain things about her no one else knows. Puck isn't Fortuna, he's a spirit she is a forest elf.


You edited it, but what you meant was vainglory which was then combined with vanity to become the more known sin of pride.


Especially after they adapt the latest flashback from the manga. It will hit so hard with voice acting and music enchanting it. Not going to say more, since it is a spoiler.

Illiterate Mochi

Dunno if you really want to know, but anime and other forms of media often forgo reality to have characters wear the same clothes or have a very specific “look” to their clothes. It makes them instantly recognizable and memorable, and makes them stick out from the sea of anime characters.

Matthew Williams

Nah Puck sealed her memories so he's seen them. Also Echidna was killed about 400 years before the start of the current Re Zero storyline 300 years before Emilia was even born. Puck was "born" before Echidna died he is around 420 years old in the present.


Thats a hole other topic xD not gonna open that Pandoras Box xD


which is only a problem when you combine it with sloth, so they just added it to sloth. "Oh I can't do anything, I'm worthless" is only a problem if you don't try.


They have to be the same character. Only two people call her Lia, say they're her parent, and hold her hand that way while saying "I will always be with you." The show also superimposed mother fortuna over puck several times. Last episode for instance, they played the visual of puck saying it, with Fortuna's voice saying it. "I don't know where Lia is, you know who would know? The witch who knows everything" would work perfectly.

Deshawn Smith

Fortuna being Puck is a cool theory but the chances of that being true is close to 0%. By now you should know that Fortuna deeply loved Betelgeuse. You should also know that Puck absolutely despises betelgeuse as seen in past episodes. I won't say any more than that bc it's spoiler territory


Emilia lier!!! Betelgeuse awakening, very noice episode, can't wait next one ! You really have a funny theory, it would be better to not read comments these episodes🤣


It's Betelgeuse, people. Betelgeuse is a star, Regulus is a star, Corneus is a star. even the guy who appeared for 12 seconds in one episode was named after a star.


How do you beat someone who can rewrite reality ? Is it even something you can "fight" ? Pandora seems terrifyingly op.


Yeah I really can't understand this opinion. If a flashback is interesting and reveals new important information about characters then I'm absolutely going to be invested in it. This one and the one about Subaru's past/parents are both very well written and made me very emotional.


there is an actual explanation for beatrice though. and we could chalk up enchilada to just being a witch. rem and ram and frederica have their explanation in s1 already. otto is "in uniform." garf is rugged and prolly doesnt need anything else atm. most of the characters have been seen wearing other things when appropriate. roswaal even has an explanation sometime here in s2. for most other anime, i'd agree. but this one doesnt forgo it's reality.

Karen Porter

this is the first time you've met Pandora who announced herself very clearly as the Witch of Vanity. Vanity is not one of the main seven deadly sins well known about but is considered an extension of pride. Re: Zero has chosen to have a few side witches of these extensionary sins.


I think it would work if either Puck forgot all of his memories except for his emotional attachment to Emilia or if he was somehow born out of this attachment/promise that Fortuna made with Emilia.


Subaru is also the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster

Marcio Neves

Luke is lost in all those "mother" stuff. Don't overthink too much, dude, it is not that hard 😅


Don't worry it won't end in a cliff hanger

Matthew Williams

Puck sealed her memories which means he has seen them, this isn't hard to figure out...

Matthew Williams

Echidna created Puck, but yeah he did lose memories at a certain point for a certain reason.

Matthew Williams

True, but like every Arch Bishop and every witch there's a method to their madness. They aren't invincible it's just that they each have a very specific weakness and a very specific way they can be beaten. Lucky a certain someone has a special auto save function built into him.


I have my doubts on whether her power is actually to bend reality. My personal theory is that her power is more akin of messing up other peoples perceptions (ie illusions), and she acts in a way so that her power seems more powerful than it is. Even if I'm wrong her power HAS some limitations, simply for the fact that she was not able to just force the outcome she wanted from the get-go. All she needed to do was change reality so that the seal and the key were in the cult's hands, but she didn't.

smth positive_

You have this weird thing where he just emotionally disconnect every time there’s a backstory or a flashback and overthink stuff that isn’t even relevant at the moment taking you out of the experience and doing the anime you’re watching and yourself a disservice. This part of the story isn’t as hard to follow as you make it if you just focus on the dialogue


watch Hunter x Hunter Killua changes clothes regularly.


You were all over the place in this episode, That fire horse from Frozen Bonds wasn't there for the Black Serpent, but for Emilia. You got confused, but there is so much going on, that to remember these things you need to rewatch almost everything if you fully want to keep up with all that is going on. Like in this episode there was very interesting thing Petelgeuse says when he takes the sloth witch factor into himself. "Flugel" name we have heard before already =)


come on people. Let him cook! all these people have watched multiple times and picked apart every interaction with hindsight, including me lol. btw, rewritting reality by stating it out loud is one of the most op powers ever, and did u miss the "wives" part?


its easy to understand, she raised emilia so she is her "real" mother, its like adoption

Tom Boggess

pandora is the witch of vain-glory, translated in the show as vanity. You had not met her prior to this episode. Also puck is not one of the three great beasts. he is a great spirit. the beasts are the whale, the rabbit, and the snake.


My information may be a bit outdated because i'm not up to the current LN. But from what i gathered so far, Pandora is almost impossible to kill, but also seems to have little offenisve capabilties.


I read somewhere long ago that the author confirmed the spelling to be with a "P". There is also http://re-zero-anime.jp/tv/character/ (click his profile)

Just Mate

Finally, the Witch of Gaslighting


Season 1 ep 16 and this episode, trying to remember was he hinted at other times. But I am not LN reader (Yet), just good at noticing these kind of hidden hints. Don't confirm, as I have no full idea yet who Flugel is, but personally very certain he is the Sage who was involved sealing Witch of Envy. Just pure own speculation.


The witch of vanity was not one of the witches who met Subaru. So this means there are more witches. More than just the 7 deadly sin witches anyway. Emilia even self proclaimed herself the frozen witch a few episodes back. Hmm....is it just a title?

Devilish132 .

Just wait for Archbishop of Lust. I wonder how anime only watchers will react :D

Devilish132 .

I think even the witches cult don't know how they operate. There will be some small info in season 3, but don't think it will be less confusing than now :)

Jeff Drake

*cracks knuckles* Let's see if I can avoid putting any spoilers into THIS rant. The Roswall we see in the flashback is explained by the end of the season. It's confusing, even when you get there, so... yeah. I'm going to get this next one wrong as it's something I heard from another content creator who read all the novels: Pandora's Authority is the ability to rewrite reality. According to Echidna, it was as if all of existence simply differed to Pandora's opinion. It's never stated anywhere, but I think there is a limitation to what she can and cannot do: namely, she cannot make people behave differently. For example, she couldn't alter reality to have Fortuna and Guese bring her to the Seal. What she can do is pretty damned frightening, though. Also, the anime really doesn't convey this aspect about Pandora, but according to Tappei, if looks could kill, then Pandora would be beautiful enough to kill anyone looking at her. She possesses a beauty that is actually so perfect it's inhuman. It's also never been confirmed, but a lot of people have inferred that she is going commando under that poncho of hers. Also not confirmed, but heavily speculated about is how Fortuna reacted when she saw Pandora, namely she attacked with every intention of killing her, telling her to ask her brother and his wife for forgiveness when she sees them in the afterlife. To say Fortuna hates Pandora would be a serious understatement, but it would seem she had something to do with the death (?) of Emilia's parents. A detail that gets missed is that Petelguese knew both Pandora and Regulus from before, and they briefly discuss the "Church." In the novelizations it's stated that Regulus is the head of the radical faction of the Witch's Cult, while Petelguese was head of the moderate faction. What that means is anybody's guess, but there was supposedly an arrangement between the factions that had Elior Forest off limits. Pandora's position in the Witch's Cult is never explained, if she has any position at all. A theory about Pandora is that she is the BBEG of Re:Zero, though again, nothing to confirm nor deny this has ever been stated by the author. What she wants to do with the Seal, what the Seal actually is, or what the whole purpose of the Witch's Cult is are mysteries. We still don't really know a lot about the world of Re:Zero, and it looks like the history books have all left out a lot of crucial information.   Another theory I have that has no corroboration for is that Pandora came to Elior Forest with the goal of getting the Sloth Witch Factor back into circulation. I might even go so far as to say she was hoping Guese would attempt to possess it, knowing, or maybe just hoping, that Guese would have some serious problems controlling the power that came along with it. Her dialogue revolving around the Sloth Witch Factor sort of hints at this. First, she doesn't seem at all surprised that Guese pulled it out of it's box and used it, telling him to "Have a nice journey." Second, she applauded after he consumed it, saying, "Wonderful." Finally, after altering reality so that Regulus was never there, she mentioned that she was not going to reverse the decision Guese made to use it, even though her Authority possibly could have done this. I have to apologize for my comment in the last episode's comments. I forgot Regulus said Guese was a spirit in this episode. In my defense, it's not like there was any major plot points taken away in doing so. With everything else going on, that line is easy to miss and forget. The Black Serpent is the third of the Three Great Mabeasts created by Daphne, the Witch of Gluttony. These beasts were created in order to cure starvation in the world, though Daphne had a pretty twisted notion as to how they were to do this. The Great Rabbit could multiply forever, becoming an endless food source. The White Whale would feed a lot of people were it to be killed. The Black Serpent is never explained as to how it would "cure" hunger, but it's venom is really misrepresented here. It doesn't burn Archi to death, but instead flooded his entire body with every disease known to the world. The Black Serpent is pretty much a killing machine capable of infecting anyone it touches. It's been argued by people smarter than I am that it was meant to solve the problem of starvation in the simplest way possible: by killing people and preventing them from starving. Again, twisted. As far as the flashback with Beatrice is concerned, Echidna stated when Subaru asked about Betty in the third Tea Party. Echidna said, "I was heavily involved in her creation." In this episode, Echidna stated that Beatrice was like a daughter to her, where Beatrice declared that she WAS her daughter. In truth, Beatrice is an artificial spirit that was created by Echidna... though it's never really explained how she was able to do that. We are now in fifth gear, at 150 kph and accelerating. When we hit 200 kph the afterburners will kick in.

Devilish132 .

We don't know how spirits are born. It is possible that spirits are born from soul of dead humanoids. And why are You even assuming that to seal memories he had to see them? Even if it is true, then Puck being Fortuna is still possible. He saw her memories by being there and seeing it all with her. He calls Emilia his daughter as well, He was crying and apologizing for leaving Her alone when they met for the first time, Fortuna made a promise that She will always be with her to Emilia that She kind of broke, that's why apologizing makes sense, if He is not fortuna, then that would be weird. Exact same spells, waiting for Emilia to awake, looking for her for years, crying after seeing her... seeing your child after around 100 years surely will bring a lot of tears, no1 else would react this way, only Fortuna makes sense. From what I remember for a lesser spirit to becoming Great Spirit it is needed more than few hundred years, but in OVA when Puck awakes there is mentioned his wish... Fortuna Wish in short was for Emilia to be happy, same as Puck, so it was like he got permission from some1 or something to become greater spirit faster to fulfill his wish. On top of that there is literally no other person that can be so attached and love Emilia as much as Puck from the very beginning for literally no reason. Puck is Fortuna, everything points it out, even his words, and reaction for being called by Emilia as father.


i see a wall of text, didnt bother reading it.. 🤣


i don't know why, but i really love the way Petelguse says "DESU" at the beggining of the fight

Peter Parker

vanity = pride right?


aaah ?? is this the best Witch in re zero ?? :D


It was called Flugel's Tree, but sharp eyed people noticed what they called it first which give his title in plain words even from anime.

Matthew Williams

Yeah, no because Puck was created by a very specific character and ordered to do very specific things hundreds of years before Emilia was born. He did lose his memories because of a specific event more then 300 years before he met Emilia but Puck like Beatrice is in fact an artificial spirit so no, no he is not Fortuna. This isn't a theory or a guess this is known fact. Puck is crying and apologizing to Emilia when they first met because he wasn't there to protect her when Pandora attacked and considering his very specific mission he should have been there but he failed to protect her albeit for reasons beyond his control. For that matter there's absolutely zero lore in the entire Re Zero mythos of living humanoids turning into to spirits or vice versa. So while it's never explicitly stated how Puck knows what he knows about Emilia as I mentioned earlier it's really simple to guess he as a spirit who resides within her has or had access to her memories in their entirety, him telling Subaru that he sealed them himself to order to form their contract and him having to break said contract to release them tells the reader or audience how he knows what he knows. Oh, we also know from season 1 that Puck has telepathy from times he spoke to Subaru inside his mind and this skill does allow him to pick up surface level thoughts. BTW Puck is exactly 420 years old right now, older then Emilia, presumably (since we have never actually been given her exact age in the LNs) older then Fortuna. The events in Elior Forest happen exactly 107 years in the past to current day in Re Zero. Honestly I don't know why people look at the obvious logical answer when it's staring them straight in the face and say "nah, Imma going to throw that out for the most left field theory that is just unlikely as heck". If you're still unconvinced instead of continuing to argue a bad premise jump into a Re Zero wiki and look up either Fortuna or Puck either one will tell you that you are 100% wrong.

Rick James

no, they are separate in re:zero universe. Remember that we already met the witch of pride, Typhon in Echidna's tea party a few eps ago. Vanity refers to an older historical sin (also sometimes referred to as vainglory), see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins#Historical_sins

Rick James

There's lots of things like this that don't really get translated. For instance, Fortuna extending "sugoooku" is something that we've seen Emilia do all the time (implying that she inherited the quirk from Fortuna). Roswaal also has some speech quirks that a few observant ppl may realize the source of by the end of this season, so keep your ears peeled :)

BRUNO Marques

No. The subs are also wrong. It's supposed to be vainglory, which was a real irl sin before the church consolidated the sins into the seven we have today. The other cut sin is acedia, or more commonly known as melancholy.


Not in Re:Zero. The Witch of Pride is Typhon, and thus Regulus is the Sin Archbishop under her. Pandora is the Witch of Vanity/Vainglory. Similar concepts, but distinctly different in Re:Zero. There are more witches besides the main ones named after the seven deadly sins.

BRUNO Marques

Puck is not Fortuna. Unfortunately, another character is very likely Fortuna (it's kind of obvious, even if never confirmed). You see her next season.

BRUNO Marques

Pandora power is simply possibility. If she gets killed, she can just believe she acted differently and poof that reality never happened. Same applies to others, they have to be able to believe that an alternative action could have happened. It's why she told Corneas what she wanted to happen, he had to think it. An iron will means pandora can do nothing to other's. Vainglory is about unjustified boasting, which is exactly what she does and makes real.

smth positive_

Firstly my name is a pisstake and secondly everyone has the right point out things they don’t like. I generally enjoy his reactions but the notion that you shouldn’t care what’s happening in a flashback is just really odd to me and something I cannot really understand. I’ll comment about things that I like and things I don’t like as everyone should if they want to give honest feedback. I don’t think how I worded it was rude


Just a correction. Regulus is the Sin Archbishop of Greed.


Saw some people (and Luke) questioning if Emilia is indeed a witch or not and etc. So, is Emilia a witch? TL;DR: Not that we can know since so far she only used "normal" magic as a spirits user. If that blood sucking ice was an authority nothing was revealed so far.


In case someone is interested: No spoilers here, only things Tappei revealed in interviews, notes, and cut content in the anime. Still don't know why the anime cut important dialogues from the witches tea party... In Re:Zero some types of powers are above others. But any power has a cost. You either need mana or it needs to be provided by someone/something else (i.e: spirits) A divine blessing should always take prescendence over magic. So for example, even if you had a homing magic that ensures the enemy is hit no matter what it would still be unable to hit Reinhard because of his divine blessing. Same applies for Authorities over anything else. Even if a divine blessing contradicts an authority, the authority would take prescendence. The problem with the witches is that the world itself pays the cost when they use their authorities. You can think it like this, the more they use their authorities the more barren the world becomes.


because the show has had fortuna's voice actor voice puck multiple times. They keep playing Fortuna's dialogue over video of Puck saying exactly the same lines Fortuna said.


Emotional investment may be low in these EPS, but the curiosity is high


I don't think you will be able to say the same next episode ಥ_ಥ

Bryan Wells

Overlord for the next youtube watchalong!

Bryan Wells

Oh shoot I just realized it sounds like I'm confirming something. Correction. I WANT overlord for the next YouTube watch along!


I can't wait for overloard too. I mean... it's the only one missing for Isekai Quartet

Crusher 8TX

Luke is literally like the guy that showed up with Todo in season 2 when he was wondering if Yuji and Todo are real blood related brothers. "Is Fortuna her real mother, is she not?", they are not Luke, they mean mother figuratively


I'm annoyed that the "smart guys" are insisting that it's "Petelguese" now. It's Betelguese and Japanese pronounce it like "Petelguese."


I think the anime characters never changing their clothes has a few reasons all related to the process. There's at least one reddit thread on it which may or may not be accurate lol


You're right. I'm stupid and misremembered. The way he acts does make him seem like the Archbishop of Pride, though.

The Pots

it seems Luke isn't interested in flashbacks as he's too focused on the idea of it already happening so nothing new will happen to the present and he is too focused on the present plot he needs to remember that in every piece of media, a flashback or story about the past is very important to the world-building and character-building in it's series. idk, he brought it up again and I just remembered him didn't got emotionally invested on Subaru's past as it's damn well written (I cried and I cried again on rewatch, on Luke's reaction) and it's making me skeptical on his reaction next ep oof

Bryan Wells

Hey guys I just started watching this newer show called Shangri la frontier and it's actually insanely good!!! Like, the animation is amazing, the story is pretty damn funny, and the fight scenes are honestly top notch! It's sort of like overlord in that it's a video game type isekai, but the MC can leave the game whenever he wants! Also, there's a bird dude and a cute bunny sidekick (bunny, not bunny girl), what more could you want!?!

BRUNO Marques

This isn't quite right. Authorities disrupt the normal functioning of Od Lagna. But the world would still exist without it, and most authorities just tweak or ignore it. It's a system that manages souls and magic. You are confusing Minerva's Authority, where the world is forced to pay the cost of such a forceful intervention on Od lagna with all authorities doing the same.


Maybe I read it wrong. My understanding was that it applied to all authorities.


I read the LN and i hope so hard she will be voiced by Aoi Yuki. It would be the perfect role for her.


garbage slayer can't be compared to how great vinland saga is. Garbage slayer is not a heavy hitter


Thats your openien ;) but it seems Overlord will win, not bad :)

Tommy Jensen

Pandora is the witch of Vanity. The 7 deady sins have been edited a few times. There used to be vanglory that was changed into vanity (if memory serves). Our dear Pandora har the ability rewrite history as she sees fit. That's why she was alive after Greed killed her. By changing history to him not being there, Bettlegeus didn't lose his arm and he didn't kill Pandora. But she still kept their memories of him, to make sure Fortuna would run to the rescue, well, make sure she stayed there so Emilia was alone. So in terms of overpowered bad guys, think she takes the number one spot!


FLUGEL REFERENCE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯💯💯🗣️

Harley Burnie

15:19 Lolz. Luke seems like this is the first time he’s ever seen any of these characters. Wondering if the Archbishop of Greed is Pride, totally forgetting the Unseen Hands which tormented Subaru and REM, thinking Pandora was Echidna despite having just seen Echidna of 400 years ago looking exactly like Echidna of the Sanctuary, while this memory is from Emilia’s childhood (definitely not 400 years ago).

Harley Burnie

I think I have ALWAYS missed that, but then again, this is the first time I’m seeing this since catching up on the LNs. That definitely reinforced my observation of trivia and references! Like “…at home in his mansion with his wives.” Nooooow I get it.

Harley Burnie

Regulus is one of douchiest of douches I’ve ever experienced in all the anime and light novels I’ve enjoyed. Just knowing what I know about him makes my skins crawl. His shite attitude is just the poo icing on the nuclear waste cake that is him.


Yeah the anime is great but unfortunately they have to miss out a lot of ln content and obviously only a fraction of the ln is even adapted


I hope they do an adaptation of the ‘if’ stories one day… sloth, greed and gluttony are so good


nah vanity and vainglory are the same thing, it was merged into pride


Pandora = the witch of vanity can be easy to miss since she only refers to herself one time "by the authority of the witch of vanity" she was not mentioned before this episode but she did say what she was in this episode


i dont think callin your aunt mother is that weird if you were raised by her, I know some friends of mine who call their aunts mom because they were raised by them, like adoption


Emilia lier!!! Betelgeuse awakening, very noice episode, can't wait next one ! You really have a funny theory, it would be better to not read comments these episodes🤣