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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Episode 17!!! Season 2!!




Otto and Betelguese. In this season's flashback you see GIANT WOLF-GUY find him. If you go back to episode 24 or 25 of s1, you see what happened. We see him carried, on a rail, into the village near the mansion. ------ Now Re:Zero TRULY begins. ------ What happened to him? The poor bastard tried to be a hero. ------- Re:Zero episodes often are filled with horror and terror. I LOVE how this one saved all the awfulness just for the cliff-hanger ending. Wow, I never noticed the shift in the music as he approaches. NICE. ----------- Overlord, Mob Psycho, Demon Slayer? That's a NO LOSE vote!


is it just me or does he say angle artist instead of echidna


Though Isekai are not my favorite animes. I definitely love Re:Zero. I love how Subaru’s character is so well written, animated & voiced. But. My best boy and girl, sorta, are Otto & Beatrice, “kashira”

Jay P

Ok so assuming Fortuna isn't completely lying, witch of envy can't be Emilia's mother. Emilia is the child of Fortuna's brother, who are both elves. Half-elf emilia would therefore have to have a human mother. Satella was a half-elf as well, so Furtuna would have to lie about the brother as well.


Unless Fortuna's brother is a half elf, her brother could be her half sibling, maybe they have one different parent or maybe Fortuna is also a half elf and therefore her brother too


Probably the british accent makes Enchilada sound like Angle Artist. We need to stuff him full of TexMex!

Just Mate

The creator of Re:Zero added the commentary on Twitter, during the release of this episode, which confirmed that Emilias mother was a human, while her father was an elf and the older brother of Fortuna, so it's basically confirmed that Satella cannot be Emilias mother.


The scene with Otto and Betelgeuse is meant to show us how he was saved by the people Subaru brought. Remember he was going to travel that direction anyways and we only saw the guards bringing him in to Subaru


A small japanese context note here is that throughout the series Emilia has allways pronounced the word "sugoku" in a strange way, extending and emphasizing the "o", meaning she sais "SugOOku" instead. Here we can hear that mother Fortuna also does this which is a nice way of showing how much she raised Emilia compared to her parents and how much Emilia loved Fortuna :)


“Young Emilia so adorable”, someone has forgotten the opening of this season 🔥 Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti des! Nice guy👌That comparison between different arch bishops’ power was a spoiler even for me, who finished 2nd season of Re:Zero. People should be much careful about this, I think I saw a comment to another episode when someone made a huge spoiler without having the intent to do so (code geass, if I am not mistaken)


Luke touched on a theory I also had regarding Fortuna back when I watched this season, so it's fun that him and I have some similar theory crafting :D I've not read the novels or anything as I don't wanna spoil the anime (I prefer animation over reading) so I don't know if it's been proven or debunked yet though :P


Emilia wasn't grown up after coming out of the ice, she was basically frozen in time and stayed the exact same


I think you misread something. There isn't any indication that Emilia has a stepmother. Geuse calls her "your brother's wife" as clarification because Fortuna called her "sister".

Rafael Souza

This is completely wrong. Emilia's body did grow while in the ice. This is explecitly mentioned in the novels and it is shown in the anime. When she wakes up she is not a 8 year old child anymore.


I don't think random people giving random numbers like 10 or 1000000 can be considered spoiler, especially when it's not related to the actual power level. We might assume that each next enemy we encounter in a show should be overall more capable in power terms, but where does the numerical metric come from? We also might see the actual power comparison between Archbishop Regulus and not-yet-archbishop Romanée-Conti in the next episode.


Interesting theory that the brother could have been just half-brother to Fortuna. But honestly I agree on that Emilia's mother is human and his father was full blooded elf.


I never actually entertained the thought that Satella would be Emilia's mother as that would be just too simple thing for this kind of very VERY heavily written fantasy mystery. Honestly Satella could be actually Emilia's half-sister which would make more sense why they look so much a like as they both got their looks from the father. And anyway many already answered that it was cleared that Emilia's mother was human.

Rafael Souza

Lets goooooooo, next episode is gonna be FIIIIIIIIRE! About this Episode: - You seem to think "Witch" is a race, like Elfs and Dwarfs, but thats not the case. One being a Witch means that person has within herself a "WITCH FACTOR". Emilia called herself a Witch, but she isn't really, because she doesn't have any Sin Witch Factor. While on this topic, there is only ONE Witch Factor PER SIN, and the current holder is the current "Witch", for an example, there is one Witch Factor of Envy and the holder is Satella, therefore she is the Witch of Envy. About the other Witch Factors: - Echidna had the Witch Factor of Greed, therefore she was the Witch of Greed, but when she died it transfered to someone else. Now, the holder is Regulus Corneas (the guy that just showed up), and he is what would be today's Witch of Greed, except that in modern days they call themself Sin Archbishops instead of "Witch". Therefore Witches and Sin Archbishops are the same thing, they are just the vessels of the Witch Factors, they are not a race. And this means there cannot be more than one per sin. This is why there is no Archbishop of Envy, thats because Satella is still alive (sealed) therefore she still holds the Envy Witch Factor. - You asked why they showed Otto and Betelgeuse. Well, it was Otto's flashback, the purpose was to show us what makes Otto who he is now, so it showed us key points in Otto's life. When he was captured by Betelgeuse, he was held hostage in the cave and thought he was going to die. When he was saved, he changed as person and decided to follow/help Subaru, his savior. - The love letter Garfiel / Subaru refeers to is the "love letter" Subaru wrote in the wall. Garfiel went in for the trials and saw it. Now he is bullying Subaru about it, just a funny joke. - Emilia's dad was Fortuna's brother. We can assume he was a full Elf, because thats an Elf village and Emilia seem to be a special case (half-elf). If that is true, then her mother HAS to be a human. Thats the only way Emilia would end up being a Half-Elf.


I know you asked, and probably someone will answer. But you can't really explain WHY Regulus is that strong without giving away how his power works, which is a plot point in a later arc. I imagine anime-only watchers are not aware yet either. So if you don't know do keep yourself alert for spoilers.

_____ Rasse _____

Since Emilia's dad is Fotuna's brother, it means that he has to be a full elf like Fortuna, which means that Emilia's mom HAS to be a human, which means Satella cannot be Emilia's mom since she's a half elf.


She's been called the "daughter of the witch" in the show (by several people including Echidna, who's generally well-informed), so I think she still might be some sort of heir figuratively speaking. Or a vessel as Betelgeuse implied. A descendant maybe.

Kyle Garrett

For the Otto and Betelgeuse scene, remember that Betelgeuse had cultists posing as Merchants in the village when they were going to fight the cultists after beating the whale, and that when Otto was brought into the village at that time all tied up by wolf and the midgets. So Betelgeuse stole Otto's cart for their fake merchant and they left Otto tied up in that cave, where the wolf dude and the little midgets found him, tied him up and brought him to the village.

Robin Berglund

Echidna standing there, presumably already knowing way more about Emilia than Emilia herself, taking statements from her as if they are news (even when she is wrong).

Robin Berglund

Perhaps Satella is 50% elf and 50% human, just like Emilia.. Where does that leave Fortuna's brother? Is he an half-elf then? Because Fortuna is full elf, like the rest in the village right? Or is she half-elf as well?

Sean P

Isn't return by death Envy's witch factor though? It is certainly her authority.



Joshua Lopez

Brother, you are saying some stuff I don't even know about and I'm on the 26th volume of the novels. Maybe reign it in a bit.


ah my bad then, i searched it up i thought she was in that ice for hundreds of years but it was only 7 so figured she didn't

Jeff Drake

"It's a little too happy for Re:Zero." Damnit, Luke. Don't make me repeat myself.

Robin Berglund

Emilia calls herself a witch. Echidna calls her a witch's daughter. I would argue for believing Echidna more than Emilia here. Because there is one thing of being called a witch just because you look like the description of the Witch of Envy and then taking the title as your own vs fulfilling the actual requirements of being a real witch (which presumably includes Witch Factors / Authority-powers, and maybe some other stuff). As far as we know, Emilia has no Authority like Unseen Hands, or the different powers we have seen Witches display (Faceless Bride, some gravity stuff, healing violence, judgement of sin as well as Daphne's eat + create witchbeast/mabeast powers). Note, we haven't seen Echidna's or Satella's Authority yet either (although presumably Satella's Authority has to do with Subaru's Return By Death).

James Perrott

half elf never specifies half elf half human. Ever. she could be half literally anything else

James Perrott

Puck does too i hate how theres seemingly every single thing implying puck is fortuna, but then it just doesnt make sense at the same time

James Perrott

we LITERALLY SEE HER GROWN UP sat in the broken ice at the beginning of the episode lmao what are you on about

James Perrott

No, people with the witch factor are NOT the same as witches themselves. We do not call any of the achbishops witches (or warlock for the male alternative). They are specifically called archbishops with a witch factor. the original witches were seemingly the very first with their powers, not just someone who aquired them by killing someone else. Its been very heavily implied witch IS a species, hence people saying HALF WITCH so often

James Perrott

Half elf has never ever been stated to mean half elf and half human half elf half witch makes far more sense

James Perrott

it is most likley a contract with Satella that subaru was made to forget, like how he was going to make a contract with Echidna not the witch factor, for it to be the witch factor of envy that would mean he had to have killed satella which is obviously not the case, she is still alive

James Perrott

uh spawning blood draining ice crystals on all blood/wounds in the area around her could very well be a "frozen witch authority", i think that is definitely on part with unseen hand


yea i didnt see she was crouched, i already said i realised i was wrong, so silence wench

Daniel Golas

i thought at first that emilia is daughter of Satella, but not anymore since she look similar to mother Fortuna, she took appearence after her brother and since they are elves, her mother has to be human, if not she could leave sanctuary. which means witch of envy has to be either her sister or she is actually somehow witch of envy but she doesnt have the authority of envy yet/anymore. i personaly think that Emilia is Sattela but they sealed the autority away, hide her and gave her new name, would explain why some people treat her like they know her and give her special attention, but who knows, i hope we learn the truth in next season


As an argument against this, we've been told (in this Arc) that those with less than half blood are not fully bound by the barrier. Emilia's reaction to the barrier would imply she must be equally elf and human/witch. Therefore, logically speaking based on the rules given, Satella cannot be Emilia's mother.

Daniel Golas

i would argue about the second point, that is not the case all the witches still posses their witch factor even after death, means it can be separated while also stay with a user, it is connected to soul, seems like. Therefore we can assume thet existence of archbishop of envy is possible and i think it is in fact Subaru. There is evidence that support this, when Subaru was at tea party admitting his ability, irl emilia turned into WoE, i think because the witch factor he possess jumped to her, it is just a theory, but would also explain why he has fragment of soul of WoE inside him

Jeff Drake

Okay, quick notes on Petelguese. The reason he is so old is never explained in the anime, but is in the webnovel. Guese is a spirit. He's... not like Puck or Beatrice though, and that is a spoiler for a later season (hopefully). That is why he could "possess" his fingers like he did last season. Kill one body, that's all you kill: the body. As he is a spirit, he is far more resilient and difficult to kill. Julius was able to go toe-to-toe with him as Julius is a rather impressive Spirit Arts User. Also not commented on except for one liners in the anime, Guese knows Puck, Beatrice, and more than one Witch. Beatrice lamented Guese's death, saying, "You've left me behind as well, I suppose..." Puck knew him, even in the loops where he battled and killed him, but he dismisses any concerns about him as he was the reason Emilia was being hunted by the Witch's Cult. I am not sure if Puck got along with him before he became... er... what he was shown to be like in Season One. Petelguese also said this in Season One: "Satella! Satella! I will never forget every single thing you've done for me even if you've forgotten!" Or something similar. He was pretty much rambling when he said it, which was when he was on his last... er... Unseen Hands (?) at the moment, chasing Subaru and Otto out of the forest. So, that might have something to explain a bit of why he reacted to Emilia the way he did. Not only is Emilia special to the Witch's Cult for... reasons still unknown, but last season were all about Emilia being a possible vessel for The Witch of Envy. There's a ton of speculation there, but as Petelguese knew Satella, he would also have seen young Emilia and thought to himself, "She looks just like her!" His reaction is because there is something (and I don't claim to know what) about Emilia that is important for the Witch's Cult in general and Petelguese in particular. Also, keep this in mind: the Petelguese we saw in Season One was utterly bat-shit crazy. It's almost better at this point in the series to consider the Petelguese we saw last season and this Petelguese as two different people personality-wise. Here, he's a crybaby, very devout in his beliefs, compassionate, considerate, etc. 100 years later, he's cruel, murderous, obsessed and extremely chaotic. There are still lots of things confusing about Re:Zero that even people well versed in anime, webnovel and light novel adaptations don't know. I get the feeling, and maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, that we will get a picture of what happened 400 years ago and how the Witches, Emilia, the Great Dragon Volcanica, the Sage Shoula, Hoshin of the Wastes, Beatrice, Petelguese, and several more characters we've not been introduced to yet all relate to one another and, more importantly, just what the hell happened back then that caused a huge catastrophe, destroyed places and people, and left a vague idea about the Witch of Envy being responsible. Sorry, Luke. Take comfort in knowing you aren't alone in wanting to understand it all. Fourth gear still, cruising at 120 kph, but we're starting to edge up the rpms and will push to fifth gear very soon.


You are so annoyingly rude to everyone in the comments James. Learn to be kind and respond more like Rafael. With some respect

Alvaro Zevallos

Wolfe, i also read of that frozen time to be around ... 100+ years i think. so i think she only aged a decade bcs she's half elf?

Gabriel Pires



The cut back to Subaru was right after the commercial break, so there already would’ve been an interruption in Emilia’s plot thread. It wasn’t random.


Sticking out the tongue and pulling down the skin under one of your eyes is like "nah de nah de boo boo!" children teasing. It's a fun light hearted playful gesture indicating sarcasm but also used as a taunt. Basically the same as the Western act of sticking out the tongue, cranked up a few notches, though definitely not profane gesture.


The next arc will be coming out this year , so don't spoil it for him guys :D It's literally one of the center pieces for the next arc.


Emilia is physically 18 but mentally 14 when she met Subaru.

Rafael Souza

MZ41D -> Dude, wtf are you talking about? Regulus has already shown up in Season 2 Episode 1 and he has already introduced himself as the Archbishop of Greed, so how in the seven hells aren't we suppose to know that?! I didn't say anything about him other than he being exactly what HE ALREADY SAID HE IS. Joshua Lopez -> What exactly do you refer to? Because I'm confused, I didn't say anything especial, its everything we should know at this point in the anime, and specially novel readers. The Witch = Sin Archbishop thing is explained by Ricardo and Wilhelm in Volume 7, Chapter 5: "The Road To Mathers Domain", but it can be guessed from the anime, with some mental gymnastics. James Perrott -> Literally NO ONE says Half-Witch, and if "Witch" was a race then Emilia and Satella would be "Witches" and not "Half-Elf". The fact Satella is described as a Half-Elf is already enough evidence that "Witch" isn't a race but a title. and that title is granted to those who carry the Witch Factor. I don't know the reason the Sin Archbishops decided to call themselfs as Sin Archbishops instead of "Witch/Warlock", but yeah, they are basically the same thing. Perhaps the reason is what you said, perhaps the Witches were just "the 1st generation", but who knows? Fact remains that they are still the holders of the Witch Factor. Daniel Golas -> I've heard that the reason the Witches have their powers is because they were inside Echidna's Realm, in which anything can happen, basically? Since Echidna commands it, she could let them be the versions of when they were alive, thus keeping their powers. I'm not sure about this one tho, I think you are right, it may be entirely possible that the Witch Factor creates a bond with the soul and some of it remains even after the Witch Factor itself has jumped to another person.

_____ Rasse _____

"Witch" isn't a race. It's a title for those in possession of a Witch Factor. There isn't a thing like "half witch". Also I'm pretty sure that the author has confirmed Emilias mom to be human.


I figure Emilia is just Fortuna and Betelgeuse's kid. They lied and said she was the Brother's kid to explain why she looks like Fortuna, and why she's raising her. After all, Betelgeuse cried when he saw his wife and daughter together. And if Spirits are no elementals, but actually spirits of dead people, yeah, Puck could be Fortuna.

_____ Rasse _____

Satella isn't the only witch. And before you try to argue that THE witch usually refers to Satella, the wording Echidna used was "witch's daughter"

Gabriel Pires

So weird to hear Kirito and Asuna's voices on different characters! hahahahaha

Rick James

we know this is not true because we saw them talk about Emilia's parents when Emilia was "not there" (when she was sneaking out and peeking from the tree). What Geuse said near the end to Emilia about knowing her parents would also make 0 sense if he were the father.


Fun fact: the author said in a QnA that if you put all the witches and sin archbishops in a room and they fought to the death (with the exception of Satella), Regulus Corneas would win. Regulus' authority is a spoiler for season 3 so if there's anyone talking about, don't read it! He's hellaaaaaaaaa strong. (in comparison, his power would make him stronger than characters like Goku or Saitama from One Punch Man although people hate that comparison lmao but he could win against them lol)


This true although mentally she's her age after season 2 (also iirc she's 19 physically cuz Rem and Ram are 18 and she's like a year older than them)


24:38 the OST in Re:zero is so good

Daniel Musgrave

When the witches cult surrounded Otto its because in the timeline thats set (where Subaru never died) Otto got captured by the witches cult on the road without ever meeting Subaru until Subaru sends people to go save Otto And thats why in this timeline Otto feels so thankful for Subaru, in his perspective Subaru was some random savior who ensured his safety for seemingly no reason


32:00 i think it means “you suck” or "you are no fun"


Just smile and wave, boys and girls. Just smile and wave. 👋🐧🐧🐧🐧


manga/LN readers try not to spoil the series challenge (impossible). You see this is every popular show. Some are obviously trolling, but other times I dont think they even realize. The biggest one people need to understand is that if you try and clarify something and the information that clarifies it is revealed later, you arent actually clarifying it you're spoiling it. Information is not given all at once in a story and there are times where things will be purposefully ambiguous, so stop trying to give additional information.

The Pots

what's weird the cut? isn't that normal in every media and cinematic piece? the vibe in Emilia's past from that point was like the calm before the storm so cutting it into Subaru's group with a comedic vibe doesn't ruin it

Jeff Drake

James Perrott - I hate to argue because you may have read or seen something that I haven't, but as far as I could tell, the witches were all human except for Satella. They did have some... strangeness about them before they became witches though. Daphne was functionally immortal, for instance. Obviously, not completely immortal, otherwise she wouldn't be in Echidna's Palace of Dreams. She didn't become the Witch of Gluttony until after she was starved for several months/years. Rafael Souza - I think you are correct about the witches not being a race. As to why Sin Archbishops use a different title than Witches... I can't say either. I think it has something to do with how their respective Witch Factors operate as opposed to how they operated for the original (?) seven Witches. The power that a Witch had seems like it's an order of magnitude more powerful than what a Sin Archbishop has, so it might be related to that. I have a personal theory about it, but it's only conjecture: Satella somehow took power directly from the other Witches' Factors, making them weaker. Considering what is going on near her prison, I'd have to argue that there's something about Satella in general that makes her so imposing compared to the powers the other Witches once held. Again, just conjecture. I'm probably off if not completely wrong.


the "Brother and his sister" and "brother and his wife" comments I think either is a reference to how Elves usualy inbreed with their close relatives because their blood is so pure and they live a long time, or it is a reference to how Fortuna might just be hiding the existance of Emila by saying that her parents would have no offspring because they are brother and sister. It is a weird statement that is a bit confusing considering (as an anime only) we have no real way of knowing for sure. Emilia's dad is presumed to be a full elf like Fortuna while her mom would have to be Human, so they are not really brother and sister in reality, but it might just be a guise to say that they are both elves and no half elf child would be born because they are taboo. Its also not really clear when or where Satella is at this point in time.


Yh I chose to leave that out since its not confirmed in the anime yet so I don't know if that would be a spoiler (I haven't read the light novel so I don't know). What I am more curious about, which is another thing which isnt confirmed in the anime yet is why Roswal adapted his speach pattern. He has not been revealed as of this episode so I wont say more in this comment, but by the end of the season we will know from who he adopted it but not why, since that entire event happens off screen


eh, not really. They said "we knew each other since your parents met." could mean, "we're your parents, we knew each other since we met" The other one's in front of the whole village that the cover story was for. And since Fortuna keeps saying it wrong, "My Brother and sister" "You mean your brother and his wife, right" "Oh yes, right" it sounds like a cover story. Half elves are bad, you made a half elf, pawn responsibility off on a dead guy. apparently someone posted they actually asked the writer and he said no, but nothing in the show says that yet.


This basically works for any OP character - you can't explain why they are that strong without explaining it :)

Harley Burnie

Dude, seeing this after catching up on the novels, my mind is blown seeing Regulus and knowing....what I know now. Do you think S3 will cover "that?" I sure hope so, but I forget just how much further that is from the end of this season.

Harley Burnie

Damn, that sounds so spoilery, but if it would be covered by this point in the WN, I think it should have been in the LN, damn it. I never knew that, and I was hella curious. That also jives with Julius being such an adversary for the Sin Archbishop. A Spirit User being deadly for a spirit? Sounds right to me.

Harley Burnie

I am of the mind that Subaru met Satella when he was spirited away and he was made to forget it. I mean, she clearly thinks he did something grand for her and she loved him enough to install RBD. That doesn't sound like an ability one would just hand out for funsies. I really, really, really want more LN volumes, damn it!

Harley Burnie

Regulus's personality and power are something else. I wanna know all of his bullshite, ever since reading the novels. He is....just wow. I can't wait for season 3!!!!

BRUNO Marques

Regulus is invincible in standard combat. It's a gimmick. All the the Authorities are some sort of gimmick. On the other hand, you don't have to fight him at all if you are smart. Or vain, or just feeling melancholic..

BRUNO Marques

No. Satella is not involved with the Authority she just guides Subaru safely. Authorities are unique, witch factors are not and can be shared, split and even created. Subaru is not the only one with the "unknown" (probably pride) witch factor. All the witches in the dream castle have their witch factors despite the archbishops also possessing them.


i dont know if this is a spoiler but i dont think so and i havent seen anywhere where it was said but geuse is a type of spirt. maybe someone who know more can tell me if this is spoiler and ill delete it


I'm about 70% sure this info comes from a Q&A. I'm caught up with the web novel and Pettlegauses' race hasn't been mentioned so far. So, there's a 70% chance it's from a Q&A, and a 20% chance it might be from one of the many side stories. Either way, I don't think it counts as a spoiler. The last 10% for cut content I forgot hahahaha.


I'm not entirely sure if this is a spoiler either. I know they infer/state it in the anime, but you have to look very closely to the way they write the subs to catch it (they say it, but don't emphasize it). The reason it is still kind a spoiler is, because I believe it's next episode they have the subtitle that says it.


Sticking the tongue out and pulling the eyelid down, is the equivalent of blowing a raspberry. Instead of blowing/vibrating the tongue while out, they pull the eyelid down c: Same meaning, different method


In Japan they often called in laws their parents or siblings. So maybe by changing it it meant she wasn't close enough 6o Emilias mom to refer to her as sister, or maybe weird to do it since she was human

Daniel Turchan

Other than AOT and slime, I don’t know what other anime u have watched, but other than humans, other races have different life spans. Like how dogs and cats are considered “old” at like 12. So another race might look like they r in their 20s but actually be like 80 or something… it’s just weird bc we’re so used to outliving other species it’s hard to imagine something with a much longer lifespan than us… now I’m going down a thought rabbit hole like, dogs must think of us like gods or something bc we can live through their entire lifetime and not change much…🙃😳😰 ok I’m too deep, time to sleep

Matthew Williams

I'm fairly certain Luke is aware of this common fantasy troupe, he is British after all and well Lord of the Rings.

Matthew Williams

The thing is that even in the LNs Emilia's parents haven't been revealed yet so no one even knows really what the answer is.

Pilligrim Ilyas

I have a theory about Emilia's mother and possible spoilers if I'm right so don't read ahead if you are scared of spoilers. Also, if I'm right don't tell me, I also want it to be a surprise for me. I think that Emilia's mother is Minerva, the Witch of Wrath. There are several reasons. First is that Fortuna said that Emilia's eyes and hair are from her father, which means her mother can't have those. Second, Minerva has similar clothes to elves and a very kind character as Fortuna said that Emilia has. And third, the most obvious one and also a spoiler for the next episodes(!), when Minerva met Emilia she didn't want Emilia to see her, and she was so caring and emotional seeing her. That's basically my guess


Luke seems to have drunk some energy drink


Can this be read by those who have only watched this episode?

Jeff Drake

Well, yes... but it does contain a spoiler I forgot about from episode 18. To my defense, it was such a throw-away line and it wouldn't really affect the situation in this episode in any meaningful way. If you want to get technical, I screwed the pooch on this one and let slip a spoiler that would only have merited two lines of dialogue in the next episode.


In the loop where Emilia kills Betelgeuse, she starts crying and she doesn’t know why. As the viewer at that point you just kind of brush it off but now you know it’s because some part of her heart remembered him 💔


do remember that Emilia got her silver hair from her father and not her mom, meaning that her mom is most likely a human


I love so much your acting at 8:16, your hand signs were flawlessly great. I love the proximity I feel when you do things like that ^^ And... yeah... I couldn't help coming closer... even though I'm wearing headphones xD


“Young Emilia so adorable”, someone has forgotten the opening of this season 🔥 Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti des! Nice guy👌So it was just a letter?

Hououin Kyouma

I think you may have forgotten it but when Emilia got unfrozen, she was still young in the movie. She lived in the forest by herself and grew up. Puck was always around her even though they didn't form a contract. At the end of the movie when Emilia is being attacked by that angry fire spirit Emilia finally makes a contract with Puck at his request. It was already established in the movie and throughout season 1 that Puck is a greater spirit. There is no way an elf would be Puck. You come up with some crazy theories despite some of the well-established facts that were presented in the past.