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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Season 2 Episode 14!!



smth positive_

Let’s see if plan F is gonna be the one, this time for real. Seriously…

Marvin Gulizia

Emilia said "subaru you liar" because he promised to stay by the bed that night, being by her while she sleeps. Yet when she wakes up subaru is gone.

William Armstrong

Happy New Year. Well we will be getting at least some answers the rest of this season, but don't expect much about the big endgame mysteries. The anime only goes to the end of Arc 4 with condensed info compared to the novels, and The novels are currently in arc 7/8 of a planned 12 arcs for the story


8:20 Otto's camouflage works so well that Luke hasn't seen him both times.

Bocchi the sweep

It's almost time guys, a reason to peak is coming!

Kazami Agame

Emilia said Subaru was a liar because he promised to stay with her until morning but when she woke up during the night he wasn't here


straight bet is indeed an ost for re zero It's the one playing before he jumps off the cliff to save everyone


Abe J

Subtle foreshadowing... Luke's greatest nemesis. Patience young man lol

Bj Howe

You gonna get a lot of answers fairly soon if it makes you feel better.


"2024 is gonna be the best year" Whelp... if thats not a flag then I dont know what is. Prepare for tragedy


Every episode from here on is peak anime imo, can't wait to see it all!

Ron Farmer

You remember when Puck and Emilia made the contract right? If you do then your own question is answered. Pay attention

Harley Burnie

A great episode. Really pushes the plot forward. Also….the talk about Garfiel’s mom is…rough, when you’ve read the novels. And yeah, there is so, so, so much I didn’t get answers for even by the last est translated source material, though, what I did get what beyond the pale fantastic. I can’t wait to see this season’s reaction finish up. A damn fine season of anime.


next one broke the internet I watched it as I it was airing the hype was real


Why is Luke confusing the trial situation, nobody has done the trials if they had the Sanctuary barrier would be open.


Emilia called Subaru a liar because he promised that he would stay with her to help comfort her through the night but he ended up leaving to go do something else that will be shown next episode. Promises are extremely important to Emilia for reasons that will be revealed later which was also why she was extra emotional about the people that had lied to her. Also just a heads up the season will become more confusing from here so you will really have to pay attention to what’s going on.

Pilligrim Ilyas

Oh boy! I can't wait for the next episode! That would be peak!

Jose Zeledon

emilia called ubaru a liar cause he didnt stay till the morning as he promised

Hwiyeop Kim

Sorry this is an unrelated comment to this post, but does anyone know what 'big anime' he's going to start watching on Twitch? I remember he said he's going to hold a vote to watch either one piece, naruto, etc etc.

James Perrott

dude literally shut the hell up? Saying what HASNT been revealed many arcs later is LITERALLY STILL A SPOILER Shut up and let him watch the show he does NOT need you letting him know when reveales will or wont happen. You people are so carelessly ignorant its disgusting, same people who think saying "a character doesnt die" isnt a spoiler.


the climax begins and the wait for s3 is not that long anymore<3

James Perrott

Stop overhyping episodes. No it didnt, and overexaggerating this much does nothing but lead to disspointment

James Perrott

Will you people STOP SAYING WHEN THINGS WILL HAPPEN "it will be revealed next episode" shut UP, let him watch and learn for himself my god.

Jay P

So the lie was that he would stay by her until the morning. he wasn't there even when she woke up during the night. And Puck also said with him gone Emilia's sealed of memories can be revealed.

James Perrott

Cant believe you missed that Subaru left Emilia in the night even though she asked him to stay with her till morning, and he agreed, thats why she called him a liar



Puck nooooo :(

Cody Richard

Bro I can't wait to see his reaction to when Emilia starts the Trial again. She is an insufferable woman.

Cody Richard

How about you stop being a downer eh? The next episode has the "Dodge" scene, back when it aired everyone who was a fan of the show lost their mind. Over here telling people to stop doing things because it annoys you is worse than anything they're doing.


This is a pretty big spoiler written so casually... Why can't people just stop spoiling?


For someone like Luke who pays so close attention to this show, he still misses such key things. Puck said by breaking the contract, Emelia's memories will be unsealed. And subaru promised to stay the night, but you can clearly see he isn't there when she wakes up. Hence why she called him a liar


to be fair, "the main character will do.. something" is not a spoiler, it's mandatory for there to be a show.


It really really is. 2 characters with the same face said the same line in the same way to the same person, for the same reason.


my actual name is rudy and i have short legs 😔


she's okay, her reason for believing in Subaru shows she's not a bad person.

Matthew Williams

Luke is quite literally asking for this answer, and OP did not spoil a single thing in their answer. Do you get mad at people when they tell you that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow? Honestly your response is borderline psychotic and 100% unnecessary.

Jeff Drake

I'll keep from writing another bloody essay this time. ...but this is Re:Zero. Lots of other people have already explained why Emilia was calling Puck and Subaru liars, but I will remind you, Luke, about a scene back in season one where Puck was explaining why breaking promises for a spirit arts user is a very bad thing. You're getting an idea as to why with this episode, but you'll get a solid answer soon. Subaru breaking promises is easy for him when he knows he has to lie in order to accomplish stuff, but it still hurts like hell for Emilia. There's a reason for his behavior and you're going to get it, both barrels, next episode. Things from here forward are shifting into the higher gears and it's just going to keep accelerating. Just buckle in tighter, hold on to your seat, and get ready for a whole lot of rapid-fire plot development. To quote a great showman, "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"


I think canonically Otto is stronger than suberu in a 1 on 1 fight.


I can’t believe I forgot about this moment. About the liar stuff I think enough have already explained the obvious. And remember you ain’t seen 💩, so get ready 💪


Luke, you missed two things in this episode - it's not spoiler, because you literally didn't read it. Puck said, that him breaking contract means, that Emilia will regain her memories. That's why he & Subaru, decided to do it. Before Subaru came into Emilia's life, there was noone Emilia could really trust and rely on except for Puck. 2nd thing is, when Emilia was saying "Mother Fortuna, you liar. Puck, you liar. Subaru, you liar". Subaru is a liar, because he said, he will stay with her holding her hand through the night, but when she woke up he wasn't there. That's it, thanks for great reactions, and have a nice year :)


I think she called Subaru a liar because he promised her to hold her hand until morning and when she woke up during the night he wasn't there.


"I just wanna know!" congrats you have developed late stage re zero syndrome


Next episode is one of my favorites.


Cody's comment will make more sense when the moment comes. Saying more is a spoiler. It is not an actual dig at Emelia.


S2 Ep26 was first gear. S2 Ep28 was second S2 Ep 30 was third S2 Ep 34 was 4th S2 Ep 40 is 5th gear Hold on to your hats. We are not at full speed yet.


this is so funny. Emilia: "promise me you'll hold my hand till morning" Morning came. Subaru is not there. Emilia: "Subaru you liar". Luke: Idk man, it's too hard for me to guess why she said what she said.


Bro its about to get so nasty :( siiiigggghhhhhhhh. Like I'm praying for a Heart Attack. When one of your only hopes depends on someone getting a Heart Attack, You're in a bad situation. But here we are...


Well, about Emilia calling Subaru a liar, she said she wanted Subaru to stay with her till morning, and he promised her that he would do that. But what did Subaru do next then, you might ask? Yeah, he just kinda didn't keep his promise by leaving Emilia during the night. To Emilia it therefore looks like Subaru abandoned her, just like her mysterious mother figure seemingly did and Puck earlier this episode. They were all people who presumably promised to stay by her side like Subaru did, but then later broke that promise and abandoned her, making Emilia right now feel more alone than ever with no one to lean on (according to her at least). That is why Emilia called Subaru a liar.

Keith Merrington

It's his first watch. It's easy to miss the little stuff when your head is trying to grapple with new thoughts and trying to piece together an overall plot.

Robin Berglund

Garf at least have a good chance of victory in the confined space of Roswaals cabin. I give him much less chance when Roswaal can fly and bombard him from above...

Alfred Chow

Luke my man, you are NOT ready for what's to come


I thought it was already established and obvious that the trials are made in order to take down the barrier. If the barrier is still up it is very obvious that garfiel did NOT complete all of his trials. Its already been said a few times.


Luke you say you move from you old house so you no need to sniffing when reacting so you dont miss something ,but you sniffikng all the way video lol


You guys need to calm down, i don't know why so many people are so toxic on thoses reaction. Luke is a human, he is new to re-zero and he is new to anime. He don't know the codes of isekais, animes etc. Yes he miss a lot and so ? I miss a lot the first time watching anime that's why i love to watch reaction, because their is a lot to catch up. I don't know why so many people pay to see videos and being toxic or mean.

Ricko Andrew

Man if only he reads some of the comments or maybe one of his team just tell him some things he might mistakes

Pierre-Olivier Blanchet

Not really? It's just simple reading comprehension. I think the problem is he puts too much thought into what he's going to say to the viewers that he forgets to pay attention


she called him a liar because subaru was gone when she woke up..

Regill Derenge

stop reacting to 32145 animes at the same time... you are not paying attention at all.

Regill Derenge

when you keep forgetting things that are being said 2 minutes ago it's a you pb, not the viewers'.


I can’t believe I forgot about this moment. About the liar stuff I think enough have already explained the obvious. And remember you ain’t seen 💩, so get ready 💪

Hououin Kyouma

Emilia calls Subaru a liar because he promises he will be by Emilia's side while she sleeps but Subaru leaves. She is calling everyone a liar because, despite their promise to stay with Emilia, they always leave her. It doesn't need any effort at all to figure it out because it is clearly shown why Emilia calls them liars in this episode. I don't understand how you miss all that. Even if you are watching multiple anime how is it that you miss something discussed and explained within one episode of an anime? The last time I watched your Re: Zero watch along (S2 E13) was at least a month ago and I was watching your other reactions today I just came back and continued from the middle of this episode. I saw everything is explained and yet you are asking something that is already explained. Sorry if I sound kind of rude but please try to pay more attention to what everyone is saying maybe pause more often and if confused rewind. You do it for sus scenes (exp oh Elsa did this! Let's rewind and watch it again for science!), so you can rewind and reread things to clear out any confusion.