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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FOOD WARS AND INSPECTRE Ops and Eds!




Food wars is such a good show. Obviously it’s over the top with the fan service but after a couple episodes you get so into the story that you just forget how absurd it is lol


Lets go , i like Food Wars a lot. Actually feeling hungry every episode. Btw, you can watch and learn more about Japanese Cuisine and other part of world as well.

AchmodinIV SWE

I absolutely love In/Spectre. It’s a Yokais (Japanese mystical spirits/demons) mystery, detective show


I've been thinking of rewatching food wars lately, Last time i watched there was only 3 seasons released so i haven't seen seasons 4-5 yet.


Show is cheeky and serious at the same time


In/spectre is a dark comedy detective anime It is good BUT I think it's not a big anime so it's unlikely that you'll watch it soon unless you choose it yourself

Madlen Stauffer

Food Wars is a realy good anime, one of my favorite. The nude scenes is when the food is so good that you get naked, its more comady. But it has also darker themes the more the show gos on. I think you would like it, but don't watch it befor you ate ^^

Yami Youssouf

SNOWDROP is UP there with my favourite endings overall so much emotion, the stakes defo go up as the anime continues hence the shift in tone

Gavin Wong

Reason why food wars has minor nudity coz the author makes hentai so he wanted to add some elements to the anime to make it funnier

Shiwa chan

Watched Food Wars to the end, love the art style but wouldn't put it in my top 20 .


Food wars should be a Patreon anime :p juuuuust to be sure xD


The first few seasons of Food Wars are absolutely top-tier. Lots of great waifus in that series too.


this is missing OP 1 from food wars. the most famous one. ive watched 3 times and didnt hear it am i losing my mind

Pilligrim Ilyas

Honestly In/Spectre such an underrated anime. It's a paranormal detective with all the things that come from this genre. I think you'll like it but at the times it might get too complicated. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing for you though (for me it's definitely good) And yeah, check out its endings. They're even better imo. Also, I highly recommend another peak paranormal detective which is recent - Undead Girl Murder Farce. It's only one season, so you can watch both opening and ending together. Definitely recommending.


PLS you need to react to in/spectre, it's somewhat of an acquired taste but it's one of my absolute favorites!! The dialogue carries the show and the concept is so so interesting

Jonathan Kinney

Food Wars is a fantastic show. Most of my cooking philosophies are from this show. It’s essentially about food that’s so good that it triggers a very primal response in people that sends them on crazy LSD head trips. Combat in the show is determined by which head trip the judges find most intense. Also, people are usually naked during their internal head trips, cuz you know, cheeky stuff sells (The author used to make “that kind” of art). That being said, the cheekiness tones down/you ignore it after just a few episodes once you start to get pulled in by the plot instead. Highly recommend! Also, for some reason these reactions made me think of Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann and/or Kill La Kill from studio trigger, which Luke should absolutely watch both of.

Bobby Vang

Horny wholesome show. That's all I'll say.


Food Wars is great fun to watch when you accept that the losing clothes (imaginary) foodgasms are part of the show. I love Food Wars first ending, Spice. The table scene is iconic. I have it as my alarm tone.

John Cabral

I give you full warning that s5 is a kind of "forced" continuation of the story and goes off the rails, like cooking with gunpowder. S4 has a solid ending for the series

John Cabral

I really want food wars as the replacement for Mushoku Tensei when it's done. It's a good pallet cleanser (pun not intended) from the world of MT


Both Food Wars and In/Spectre are amazing anime that balance a good serious story with some comedy and cheekiness. Food Wars being more on the cheeky side tho.

Alexiel Knight

Food wars minus the fan service is a great and wholesome show. So if you can look past that (unfortunately its pretty common and not just a few episodes), then its definitely worth watching.


You have to react to in spectre endings, those are sooo good, a beautiful song in all the parts


This might be a hottake but imo In/Spectre has better Eds than Ops^^ Especially the first one is a banger

Arcane Pengi

I would describe Food Wars as Doctor Stone but replace "Science" with "Cooking". The writing style is very similar, albeit much more spicy (in more ways than one 🥵🌶)


Most of the cheekiness in food war happens when the testing of the food happens, basically exaggerating the pleasure from the tasty spectrum to the cheeky side.... it's one of the cheeky anime that is built on some solid story telling, so if you look past the cheekiness there's plenty to see still.


Sexy curry is peek anime ending!


Food Wars is like 95% of shonen anime in it's cheekyness. It's sprinkled in here and there for the horny teenagers, but not meant to be a focus of the show. In this case a lot of it is meant to be symbolism for how amazing the food tastes it blows your clothes away in a pure way not cheeky. But obviously is meant to be taken both ways depending how you want to take it.


I really love the endings for Food Wars. I think if you watch the show and listen to the endings that the first two will grow on you. You should check out more stuff from nano.RIPE since you enjoyed the 3rd and 4th ED so much. They have such a unique style and vocals. I would recommend Non Non Biyori as they do all the openings. Also the endings are sung by the cast and very adorable.

Ethan Sparks

You would definitely love Food Wars. It's basically Iron Chef in anime form, but instead of professional chefs competing with each other, it's culinary students competing in a battle royale at a prestigious culinary school. It's very comedic and over the top, while also being surprisingly realistic. You can actually look up the recipes for the dishes made in the anime and make them yourself. Also, Food Wars is (in)famous for it's visual metaphors and symbolism. There's a lot of that. It also does a really good job of towing the line between cheeky and wholesome. There's a lot of cheeky visuals, but the story and characters are actually very wholesome.

David Stowe

I would love to see you watch this series. It's quite entertaining for the first few seasons especially. Then it gets weird after the studio lost their recipe advisor that was keeping things relatively in the scope of reality.

jay _

Food wars watch arc soon i hope


"Sexy Curry" is one of my favorite ending themes ever. Definitely should check out the full version with lyrics. That said while Food Wars is fun and cheeky, it isn't really that great of a series overall and was dragged out by the publication for more money.


Food wars is quite good. A good analogy is imagine if you just showed the nudity of game of thrones. Yes tons of that in it… but so very much more. Same here. And its moments of cheeky ness are more… figuratively (but also not) and reactionary maybe are the best terms without giving away things. Definitely more a patreon show though than straight up YouTube lol


I will always recommend In/Spectre as an anime. You are correct in that it has both light hearted and dark elements to it, and to me it has horror/scary story elements to it. It is at its heart a mystery anime, however and I don't know how much Luke would like mystery animes (has he really watched any to this point?), so that is the only sticking point


Props to nailing the character characteristics based on their visuals alone :D


I still want an aoashi op ed video. they are sooooooo good

Adam Saunders

Food wars is a cheeky must watch. Genuinely such an entertaining show with loads of that good anime food!

Adam Saunders

I love the way that so many of the assumptions that luke made were absolutely spot on 🤣

David Weidemann

Food Wars is wholesome, cheeky, and a must watch. Let's do it, Luke!

Lu C

Food wars has also one additional aspect - educational > it not only introduces you to a ton of culinary techniques but also expands your vocabulary in dishes and ingredients. And there is the OST, it's really fun to listen.

Adrian Muñoz

That Sacchan Sexy Curry ending is a peak song. The vocals sounds off at the start but it gets pretty good every each episode.


I like In/Spectre, the stories with traditional Japanese youkai are fun. However, not a lot of people liked the anime. It's sort of a mystery show so most people complained that so much of the first season was spent on one case. The second season adapts later volumes which paced out the stories a little better.


Food wars in my top 10 anime, it's a lot about cooking (duh) but it's more showing growth and how people can change and grow. Sharing experiences and fun through cooking. And I think most of the recipes in the show actually will work out great. The recipes and techniques of cooking are real. Apart from some silly ones but the theory of cooking should make it work


this need to be next patreon exclusive :D

声優 何でも

Food wars for next patreon exclusive

abiyyu hilmi

Food wars for next patreon exclusive, it's cheeky at season 1 and 2 but 3-5 slowly reduce just give littlebit fanservice scene and it's very good season


I never found the time to watch season 2 of In/Spectre. But i did like season 1 a lot. I believe if you like psychological mystery shows with a lighter tone and fantasy elements, it's a good recommendation. Also, you could learn a bit about the topic of Yokai by watching this.

Tye Charlie Naylor

Crazy how lukes assumptions on the food wars character were pretty much on the nose. You've been watching too much anime luke haha


I really loved food wars but man I couldn't get into it past a certain point in the latest season...

Kevin V

I'd love to see you watch the No Guns Life OPs and EDs. Hiroyuki Sawano composes the second opening, but all songs are amazing (the endings are my favorite). Some of them are not on yt, but they can be found on animethemes

Brian Castro

Pls do food wars series


foooood warrrrs


less questioning and more u need to watch food wars u will absolutely love it!

Harley Burnie

Luke…you no picky out da girl walking with a cane and having a fake eye pop out, and get a conclusion about her at least? Lolololz. In/Spectre is fantastic, in my book. The first season blew me away, I think you nailed the energy of it. Dark af and lighthearted. I recommend it, absolutely. Under appreciated anime, fo sho.

Harley Burnie

Aaaaaaand…..lost me with Food Wars. I can’t get into cooking animes. I even skipped the cooking scenes in Campfire Cooking Isekai.

Jens Schwarz

Yeah the last season retroactivily tainted the whole series for me. Before it was one of my best animes.


just saying, this anime has its dark moments lmao