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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE to Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 11!!!




It will be so weird when you move Luke...all we have ever known is the dusty musty and crusty attic. Hopefully the new place feels just as homely.


Rudy has meet some demon children. Got some of them killed too. Why you ask Fitz?


Well I understand from the story perspective for why it took this long for something to happen between Rudy and Sylphy, it can be annoying. The reason it did take this long was because Rudy needed to warm up to a person and take his time before doing anything romantically. Also, Sylphy just needed to called Rudeus "Rudy", for Rudy to suspect her of being Sylphy. As only a few people in the world call him by that nickname.

Renaud Nadeau

Luke, you do know that him looking for her name on that board was still like 2-3 years ago. Hahaha

Muligan Shinzuo

You like the princess? I see what type you like now ;)


Dont move Luke!! We'll miss the attic!! Just kidding LOL

Luca Bellan

And we thought all this time Rudy was the pervert.... 😂

Ian Campbell

Remember, Rudy straight up told ‘fitz’ he was still looking for a childhood friend that was caught in the teleportation incident.


I'm so happy you finally got your pay off. We had to wait 7 painstaking weeks for this pay off, at least you got through it in 3.

Ian Campbell

I have high bets that next reaction will be my favorite “Luke” reaction yet, knowing the content ahead of time and his reactionary style 😂😂😂

Daniel Griffiths

the animes nearly caught the manga up, the series is based off the light novels... all 26 of them lol i think were around volume 9 atm... so the ED arc is fairly short in the grand scheme of things but its definitely one of the slowest parts of the entire story


Sylphie, your Lalatina voice is leaking

Keith Merrington

It's been driving you crazy? Huh ... hadn't noticed. :-) BTW, it's Sylphy (or Sylphie) not Sylvie (PH, not V). Also, this is episode 11, not 10.

Guilherme Vergne

How funny, luke never get it when Rudy is talking about his pp.


3:23 "If Mushoku Tensei is a really massive manga..." AMATEUR! It's a series of Light Novels. Around 24-25 volumes. People say the full adaptation will take 5 or 6 seasons. EXPECT the full adaptation because Studio Bind was *created* to do the full series. 13:57 "I would shoot down a flying fortress." I haven't read the LNs but this HAS to be foreshadowing. Recall in episode 6 or 7 he prayed for falling women...

Roxy’s Holy Relic

We finally made it to the cave scene! The parallel back to Season 1 where Rudeus learned that Sylphie is a girl and now doing the same for Fitz in the cave is so perfect imo. Also, massive shoutout to Ariel for giving Fitz a much needed push. Ariel’s face when Sylphie is imagining how many kids Rudeus would put in her is hilarious. Housekeeping note: you keep saying “long manga” in your reactions but the source material for the Mushoku Tensei anime is a series of 26 light novels. The anime has adapted the first 9 novels so far so we have quite a ways to go. There is a manga adaption as well but it’s not very good


s2 p1 ends volume 9. Part 2 will probably adapt next 3 volumes so up to volume 12. With 26 volumes total we're looking at another 50-60 episodes after p2.

Cédric Michaud

6:52 Me: Why do you mention this person called Eugene? Ariel: Not Eugene, yuujin (friend), TO-MO-DA-CHI (friend) Don't mind me, it is just a reference...

Rodrigo Flamenco

1.- Sylphie isn't a demon, she's mostly human with 1/4 elf and 1/8 beastfolk as her dad was a half elf and her mother was 1/4 beastfolk. She just happened to have green hair for reasons that will be explained later on. 2.- Rudy never forgot Sylphie, this was cut from the anime but he remembered her from time to time. When he found out that Sara's parents were hunters he thought "the same as Sylphie", he was looking for rumors about an "excellent magician with green hair" during his travels but obviously found nothing. 3.- Dunno why the new director went for this "non reaction" by Rudy, I didn't liked it either. In the LN and in the manga as well, Rudy was cursing himself for being so dense to not recognize her in the past year. He even says that the white hair isn't an excuse, since hair color can change just like he did with Ruijerd back in Rikarisu. He mentions that he hated the "dense protagonists" he read in the manga and that he had promised not to be like them, but after all this he had to admit he was one of them, he really was just dumb in that regard.

Daniel Griffiths

the shades are a magic object that hides her identity, thats how he finally realised after taking them off


Fitz' identity was not a central plot point untill last episode, it's just that you were told that Fitz was Sylphie, so you were aware it was coming at some point before it actually became a central plot point. In the novels, the reader wasn't even told about Fitz' identity untill Ariel called Fitz Sylphiette in one of the scenes from either episode 9 or 10. Also, regarding what you said in the last reaction. Please don't confuse our comments with anger. You give reasons for why you think what you think, and we try to argue why we think those reasons don't work here, using information that has been revealed at this point in the story, sometimes including cut content from the novels. You're right that it isn't always reasonable for you to know, or to have caught all of these things, but that is why we tell you. In the end, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the anime

Keith Merrington

Apparently not. Someone explained it all in a previous episode's Patreon comments. The sunglasses are just ordinary glasses, but they hide the eye color. Apparently Ariel has some other magical item to project Sylphy's visage onto her, but it's not perfect and can't change the eye color - hence Fitz must always be expected to wear the sunglasses so that no-one can tell when it's Ariel in disguise.

Gun Bunny

Yet another reactor who missed the fact that Sylphie, USING HIS STAFF, MIND YOU, was winded holding off Rudy who was just using his own innate abilities. Also, in hindsight, the long payoff was important (narratively speaking) for the long term health of their relationship, as it allowed them to fall in love with who they both are now, rather than leaning hard into the memories of who they *were*. They've both come a long way since Buena Village.


Do we really need to wait whole week for the last episode? 😭


Typo ep 11!


It was pretty funny how Luke was synced with Princess Ariel in this episode, even their facial expressions when Sylphie was talking about her fantasy. See how the anticipation gave you a bigger payoff. Great episode and great reaction.


It was extremely important for their relationship and for Rudy to learn the difference between lust and actual emotional love in a relationship.


I know it took a long time to get here, but I really appreciate the slow build up from a character development perspective. After Eris left, Rudy was completely devastated and it affected his ability to trust and open up to people. If Rudy had known early on that Fitz was Sylphie, he probably would have struggled to reconnect with her. His fear of rejection from people he cares about would most likely have driven him to stay distant with her. Instead, he became friends with her again without even realizing who she was, and now is emotionally ready to take the chance to open up to her. You can see how much Rudy has changed from someone who only cares about fulfilling their own desires to someone who can put others feelings first, rather than rushing to immediately try to "solve" his impotence problem. If he knew right away he probably would have bungled it like he did with Sara.

Abe J

Luke would say you ever met SylVee??? Everyone would say no. Hey listen. Is that the Vone ringing? No, Luke. PH = F sound for vuck sake.


What do you mean that's not a good plan?? It was a great plan!! XD Also the emotions that I felt after the payoff when Shylpie was able to tell Rudy the truth was just great. The story writing is just masterful. I also loved how the princess reacted to Shylpie saying all of those things. LN wise, this episode was faithful to the novel. I cannot wait for the next season.



Jacob Langone

banger midseason finale incoming

Arcade'owy Łowca

Bro almost defeated Sylphie+wand by just putting slightly more effort than usual. Rudy is a beast.


Ariel and Luke think Sylphy has always had the white hair. Sylphy doesn’t tell them things about herself. Luke thinks Rudy can’t remember his white-haired elf childhood friend. That’s why he’s sure Rudy has forgotten her. Remember how they didn’t even know she hadn’t told Rudy who she was for months?


You stated that the plan was unnecessary and yours was better. Just remember the Princess group believes Rudy probably forgot who Sylphy was, just saying she’s Sylphy might not get him to remember if they’re right. So the Princess came up with this plan to try and force Rudy to relive that strong memory from childhood forcing Rudy to remember Sylphy. Unnecessary, yes. But to them it was do or die for Sylphy, it needed to work or she’d never get to interact with Rudy again.

Девон Ч

>start video >presume I'm in shower >call me wierd real chad


I can't honestly react like Luke. The whole situation is just stupid. Sylphiette is stupid. She started using the googles, because the Princess asked her, for safety reasons, idk. And then Sylphiette started making a drama out of it. Kudaranai, mendokusai, baka. After he came to the school, the arc started being boring, which made S2 worse than S1.


I love Ariel's facial expression when Sylphy tells her what kind of relationship she wants with rudy xD

Ron Farmer

Closet Perv Sylphie has been released...! Her humping that statue/lamp(whatever it was) had me in stitches! As well as the looks on Ariel's face and the bodyguard Luke. Every second of her screen time this season has been a joy and watching this episode broke me... The "Nani... Rudy?" was so sweet and tugged at my heart that even a jaded man like myself can believe in love again. Next week's episode can't come soon enough... I absolutely adore it


11:14 Notice how Luke (the real one) and Ariel make the EXACT same face when they see Sylphie recounting her fantasies with Rudy XD. Anyway. Next episode may have some -emotional- surprises in store for you Luke. Although, when you understand the theme of this important arc for Rudy, you can guess where this romance is leading. It's a crucial arc for Rudy's psychology (stuck in depression since the end of season 1). It's an healing arc. I look forward to part 2 in the spring season, in April.


Yeah 😂 Check how princesses face evolves there 😂

Matt Tucker

Gaaaah Everyone always misses the point, the point isnt for her to see if he remembered her. Sure she could do that without revealing herself easily. She is afraid to find that out, she is afraid of learning he DOESNT remember her, that would break her. So being sneaky about it doesnt help her at all, she is living in the uncertainty, that he might still remember her.


She is down BAD

XT 421

Light Novel items: as people mentioned in other comments from other episodes, the original story in the Web Novel/Light Novel (where there are no pictures) this reveal is MUCH stronger to the viewer. Also Rudeus very much had a "gay panic" moment with Mr. Fitz - quite a few of them.


18:17 Shame on you


And it's a person who finds season 2 worse than season 1 (which means you didn't like it either) but continues to watch (?!) who comes to talk about the logic and stupidity of Sylphiette. Just goes to show, the characters' illogical behavior is quite human and realistic, isn't it?


Luke this is eps 11 not 10 ,your title is wrong


So, you enjoying that payoff, Luke? I've understood your frustration with how slowly this revelation has progressed, and I won't reiterate everyone else's Watsonian reasons for this. But I will add my two cents regarding the Doyalist reason for this taking so long. Rudy may have remembered Sylvie from Buena Villa, but she's grown significantly since then. If she had revealed her identity sooner, this arc would have been all about Rudy reconciling the Sylvie he remembered with the Sylvie of now and trying to keep her secret. Instead, by keeping this revelation under wraps for about a year in-universe, Rudy was able to get to know and form a relationship with "Fitz" without romance or nostalgia or the gap between who she is and who she was interfering. And that's the story Rifujin na Magonote wanted to write for their romance. Side note, the evolution of your facial expressions during Sylvie's "Oh, Rudy, how many kids do you want to put in me" scene was just peek entertainment.


You should do another ep of mushoku tensei tmr so that you can do code geass next week

Nero Integrate

What do you mean if it gets too weird you will cut? That's the whole reason it's patreon exclusive???


I know it's extremely annoying that it took so long, but what I really love about it is that it allows Rudy to really fall in love with Fitz, even if she had been a man. Without this arc, their relationship would have always been about their past life in Buena, which would have been more about his sexualised old life and not about real love. And now they can have a normal relationship without it always being centred on the past. Of course, you also have to bear in mind that the whole story was told in a light novel. Up to this point, you've only seen pictures of Fitz 2-3 times and until shortly before the end of the current episodes, there were little to none hints that it could be Sylphie. It wasn't really revealed for a long time, so it didn't really bother people there. But I also don't know if it would have been better if they hadn't said who Fitz is right at the beginning of the anime. It probably would have bothered us too.

Jason Tam

its funny you mention kaguya, the both share some other similarities, kaguya a little later on.

Colm Barry

I love Ariel being like "Even I can't take another episode of this bullshit"

Paul Berry

The amount of correct predictions you make is scary sometimes lol

The Pots

the goggles is a magic item that hides the user's face. if it was known that Fitz is a girl thus also a "fake" then it's gonna be a lot of trouble in Asura Kingdom, what more if they found out Sylphie is not a royalty (since she's from Buena Village) > Sylphie started making a drama out of it she's literally saying she's super scared of Rudy forgetting her and she's only 16 years old. still very young to be thinking those kind of things. if she suddenly states she's a girl, then from what earlier I said, it's gonna be a lot of trouble

The Pots

when will be the next/last ep reaction? I'm so excited to see

Yogesh Mehta

When Rudeus reunited with his father, he mentioned that only his family and Sylphie called him "Rudy" instead of "Rudeus". Right before Rudy asks Fitz if his name is Sylphie, Sylphie calls him "Rudy" for the first time since they reunited


Lukes face when Silphy started explaining what she wanted to do with Rudy made me laugh so hard! Man that was great


Luke the walking spoiler. haha Princess: What kind of relationship do you want with Rudy? *pause* Luke: Purely sexual *unpause* Sylphie: I want to get in bed and talk about how many children Rudy is going to put into me. Luke: .....I didn't expect that answer


@GTB, my behaviour isn't illogical, i wrote the S2 is worse, but i didn't write i hate the show. So yeah i watch the show, and i'm gonna continue, as i know it will get better, and despite bad S2 i still rank it high among isekai animes.


At this point in the series we've just barely hit the 1/3rd marker. So yeah. The story is huge. Also the Fitz reveal was unfortunately made more frustrating in the Anime. Not because it's actually done very differently, but more in that we are more privy to Fitz's Identity in the Anime at an earlier point. The Light Novel does more to convince us that Fitz couldn't possibly be a woman. It's only alluded to in the Anime, but her glasses basically have a charm that masks her face. While there are certainly hints right at the get go to his identity (The conversation about Fitz's master is the big one). It isn't actually confirmed for the reader until volume 9 of the novel (which is about now in the show) I don't really think there was any getting around revealing it earlier in the Anime though. The Voice Acting would have gave it away even if they tried to hide it better story wise.

Chris Gama

And also remember when he first met back up with his father, the first person he asked about was Sylphie (which his dad got mad at him for, not asking about his mom at all).

mania man

i thout ihi was talking for YT but after a read you comment camed to its a patreon exclusive i woud by sad if hi woud cut something what hi dont need to , not talking about the time whe rudy undresd sylphi when they were 6y thats understandable but now its just wrong

Edward Of DOOM

I'm about to binge all your watchalongs for this show and noticed you have 2 episodes labeled ep 10. was it intentional?

Jakob Connell

Less of "He forgot about Syvie" and more about "He doesn't know what she looks like 10 Years later " (especially since the last time he saw her was when she was 5 or 8 or so). With everyone calling her a guy, her hair changing, and Sylvie herself not telling him (Because he looks pretty similar, has his same name, so why in the world would Sylvie not tell him it was her if she was that person), it would take some hoops to jump through for him to find it is her despite all the evidence saying otherwise.

phil stevens

i assme this is episode 11. see two episode 10 titles for s2


Couldn't have said it better myself. I hope Luke read this comment.


In the novels, he just said "I am looking for someone". Didn't mention a friend or family or anything specific. So thats just a goof by the Anime staff.

Peter Parker

expectation vs reality


"That's a terrible plan!" Well, there's a reason Ariel lost the inheritance dispute. :-)


watched this episode for the first time with you now and before sylvie started talking about what she wanted to do with rudy in my head I was jokely thinking "I want you to f me like a dirty b" AND WHEN SHE SAID ALL THAT I WAS STILL IN SHOCK LMAOO

Alpha Beta

6:20. Rudy Comes to university with an elf clinging to him like shes his lover. He kidnapped and domesticated 2 beastwomen who have been calling him their boss, and following him around. He has been spending countless amounts of time behind closed doors with another woman (nanahoshi). He was interested when a girl came to challenge him for matrimonial duel. Luke - Rudy isnt interested in other girls.


-What kind of relationship? -Purely sexual. I mean you're kinda right lmao