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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to PARASYTE Episode 3!!!




would love daily uploads on this!!!:)

Aaren YASS

What's the upload schedule for parasyte? Friday+Saturday?

noah van den berg

The reason she got annoyed at the molester was because he touched her body, not another person's body

Aaren YASS

Maybe you'd like "when they cry/Higurashi". Its technically not a HORROR horror as much as it is a mystery, but it's horrific 😂-


you know. i watched This back in the day as it aired. i gotta be honest. i loathe the dubstep soundtrack .


Rice? RICE!!! Did you know that unlike bread, rice can be used to sculpt different shapes and figures? You can mold rice with your hands into whatever you want, while what can you do with bread? Stack loafs? Who wants to stack boring loafs?


Is it just me or are there several points where the recording cuts? Like at 11:09

Abe J

I agree with you in saying this is about the closest to horror. I would recommend Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000). It's a movie but would consider it horror.


It's categorised as 'horror', but i've never had a jump scare, I never felt 'fear'. Isn't horror supposed to make me feel fear/terror/being scared? Also I never felt pity,shock, disgust either. All I thought is good animation, good fights, cool concept, well done execution. So I never considered this anime to be a horror.

Karen Porter

Hmm... thriller or more mystery and suspense based horror is what you enjoy more so than slasher flicks, is this correct? If so, maybe look into Serial Experiments Lain, Boogiepop Phantom, Danganronpa and Paranoia Agent? There are probably a ton that I don't even know about honestly, but those are my suggestions. I don't really care for slasher flicks myself, but mystery and psychological thrillers that make you question everything are super fun.


If you want to see horror anime, you might enjoy reacting to Dark Gathering. That's quite a nice horror anime with an amazing opening theme.


I never felt those things about John Carpenter's the thing either, and to this day I think it's one of the best horror movies in existence. Also IMO jump scares are cheap and most of the time feel like cop outs.


Another good horrorish anime is Shiki. You should check it out if you ever get the chance.


I had forgotten what a FANTASTIC character Teacher Tamiya is. She's might be even better in the live action movies.


Thinking about later, the Friday+Saturday uploads are gonna start to kill when it picks up. I’m waiting on that good ol’ ‘damn cliffhanger!’ Kinda shout of annoyance lol


really wanted it, and also "when they cry/Umineko", or it's op and ed at least.


Rice Poll!


I second this, great Movie, would watch again


Hopefully the anime adaptation of "Uzumaki" comes soon since I think that'll really scratch that horror itch, Junji Ito is a master of body horror but unfortunately the anime adaptations of his work have been lacking.


Thanks luke now I just spent a few minutes researching whether animals commit suicide...... The answer is it depends on your point of view, there are some reports of this happening, but you can't know if it was international or due to stress since most of the time they were in captivity or something like that.


Seeing that you're enjoying it reminded me of Ajin, I don't know if he's that much of horror but it's good to watch


Sounds like he might like a bit of Monster and probably Uzumaki when that comes out


Luke would like Dark Gathering.


that series had some damn good music in it. gave me chills

Kalisa Fox

some animals do commit suicide, or its assumed, theres been no concrete study that i know of that proves or disporves but for dolphins and whales, usually from the loss of a loved one they can get so depressed they put themselves in extream danger or refuse to surface and drown.

Kalisa Fox

A good horror anime you may also like is "Shiki" its also 1 season complete story.

Crunchy Potato

Current Rice War Statistics: Twitch chat: 1 Luke: 0


Will you be watching the Madoka movie soon? Usually they come out on the weekends so I was expecting to see it today


A-kun? Nah, I prefer sausage eyes.


The parasites seem to take personality traits from the host. Shinichi is passive emotional, and intelligent, Migi behaves similarly compared to his species. The woman was a teacher and somewhat passive which tends to be a feminine in nature, the parasite behaves similarly but not to the extent of Migi who has to negotiate with a human and lacks hunger. The man has little interest in knowing things that has no immediate benefit and behaves aggressively which tends to be a masculine trait.


Yep would definite recommend dark gatherings to Luke. Not everyone’s cup of tea but definitely a good horror watch.


I can only recommand it, and I think I won't bz the only one to do so... Monster. Monster is one hell of show, and I'm pretty sure you would like it. Tho it's more of a slow paced story, and a pretty realistic one as that. I'd say it's a classic, but it may not be as popular as other shows that got the title.


Yes, truly a masterpiece. People could fight me over it, they'd have to have serious arguments to say it's objectively not an incredible show. But I admit i know more about the manga than the anime.


paid just to watch your parasyte reaction in better quality :) it's hard to say anything and not spoil it for you, but if you think you might guess the ending with what you know so far, i can tell with confidence you'd never guess how this anime shifts :D


He said on another reaction, I think it was Doctor stone, that he needs to find the time to watch it since he has a pretty busy schedule right know

Miklar Sihn

Yeah, it seems likely that animal suicide does happen, but it has yet to be proven. We do see animals choose not to eat when under extreme stress or when in grief.


I watched this anime 2 times and I can't remember what was even the ending xD

William Pina

Most people don't consider it a horror because next episode is when the magical girl shows up and then Migi has to team up in a mecha robot to defeat the evil time traveling Dr.

Aaren YASS

He already did op and ed, so now he should watch the show (og, not the sequel)

Juho Kaartoaho

And after the fight is over he is then transported into another world where he will become the most powerful washing machine and he has to defeat the evil demon lord.

William Pina

It's an interesting subject because suicide assumes an understanding of living and dying, and while all life has a self preservation instinct, we cannot infer that it includes an understanding of death. Do beached whales know that they are killing themselves? Or are they just careless because of emotional distress?


Good sir, there is a whole slab o' fish, soup & salad next to that bowl of rice. This boy's eating good.


If you want to watch a horror anime I'd recommend Higurashi to you. It has lots of mystery/puzzle elements to it similar to Re:Zero so I think you'd definitely enjoy it. It's also an older anime (the original seasons at least) so the animation is quite dated but the "bad" animation actually enhances the horror experience in a strang eway.



Antoine Jones

I wouldnt call Parasyte Horror at all, too much daylight, the main character(s) arent trying to survive/run for their lives, theyre fighting back, and its not even remotely scary. This isnt horror, this is just action with "monsters" in it imho. I mean I dont think anyone is gonna watch parasyte and say "Nope, cant sleep after that episode... Im gonna have nightmares for sure" Death Note had the music, atmosphere, tense moment s, thriller/thrilling moments, kept you on the edge of your seat at points, a killer who (As far as most ppl know) could make you instantly die at any given moment any given time? Death Note would be closer to horror than Parasyte


in Japanese, Migi is Right, Hidari is Left.. he simply called himself Migi because he is the right hand.

Tom Boggess

a common japanese breakfast includes some sort of grilled fish, miso soup, and steamed rice, possibly some pickled vegetables too. sometimes just toast if your taking it to go. anything else is considered western breakfast.