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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Episode 6!!!



donald cuck

fun fact : each episode is better than its previous one


It's great you're enjoying it so far because honestly you're still not at the best stuff in season 1, and season 2 is even better.

Coping McCoperson

Glad you rockin with it. Please catch up on Frieren too. It’s getting so good


I am pretty sure the story that Subaru told Ram in earlier episodes would be translated to Ogres. "Oni" can mean ogre or demon, fairytale that Subaru talked wasn't about demons, but ogre / oni. Point was the story resonated because of the colors blue & red to Ram & Rem. So somebody got you confused as like in this episode Oni word is used to mean demons as Rem&Ram are demons. Oh well in the end it doesn't really matter that much and now I wonder why I even typed this. Well not long until my favorite episode of Re:Zero and introduction to our all time favorite character everybody, but Luke know who I am talking about :D


Barasu means balls, I believe. it's rams way of insulting subaru constantly :)

Fay X84

In japanese consonants and vowels come in pairs. So Subaru’s name is divided in three parts Su Ba Ru Ram is just taking the first [Su] and placing it in the rear. That is why she’s calling Subaru → Barusu.


Let's vote for Vinland Saga on YouTube next. Luke deserves to see that masterpiece.

Kazami Agame

Well because you mention Game Of Thrones maybe you would be interested in watching Akame Ga Kill, it's known as the Game Of Thrones in the anime world. It's a really cool show to watch

William Armstrong

reminder episode 8(15 of the original series) you will need to watch the ending sequence/song(required) and episode 7 will be your last chance to watch opening 1.


Fun Fact: The author said that if Ram were born singularly and had both horns she would be the undisputed strongest character after Reinhard and The witch of envy


That's usually a meme comparison tho, or for very shallow reasons... pretty much the only thing they have in common is that a lot of named characters die, and they can both be really edgy. There are plenty of better comparisons between GoT and anime. I would put Vinland Saga, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Attack on Titan, Kingdom, Code Geass, Shinsekai Yori and many others as being far more similar, for example.


saying there’s no stakes is such a stupid take, yet so many people think that way. Besides the mental damage that subaru takes because of the pain and losing relationships, there might even be situations where no matter how many times he restarts he might not be able to save everyone, dying every time just to ultimately fail and see his loved ones die again and again. This is not something to take lightly. i think whoever thinks something like this, never imagined what subaru feels in such situations and just thinks of everything as “a character dying multiple times”.


Next monday huh...


Great reaction! Prepare for the coming episodes. As per the rezero schedule, prepare the tissues 😭


The crazy thing is a lot of people consider S1 to be weaker than S2 so you only have MORE great story ahead of you


On the one hand, it's absolutely terrifying that he could die and loose his progress. BUT on the other hand, if he doesn't die, you don't know when the next "checkpoint" will be, which is even scarier.


Fun fact! In the English dub Subaru also uses the word "nommed", it makes the scene very cute

Muligan Shinzuo

Its a good feeling, figuring stuff out and getting validated. Don't forget that Beako gets weaker the further away she is from the castle.


Team Rem


Glad you're having a great time with this. I am so curious about your take on the things that gonna happen from here on :)


I feel this has much more stakes than you would get without RbD! There's no limit at all to what might happen becase of it. I really don't get how anyone would think this has less!


That's not right actually. It's a curse name from some old Japanese movie, outside of Japan the reference is lost on people of course.


No, I think she's top 10 maybe top 5 but she ain't stronger than regulus or reid. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head that is stronger tho. So she's really high up


This isn't correct, it's a name of a blinding curse from an old Japanese movie. I forgot the name of it but the characters from that movie say "Barusu!" and that's hoe they activate the spell. Unless ya have watched the movie, ya won't get it


Re Zero really lets you feel like no characters has any plot armor. Sure it means deaths are less permanent but that doesn't take away from the moment to moment suspense. Another show that is great at this is Summertime Rendering, it has been in the twitch tournament at least once so I hope it wins some day.


I mean yeah but the name is a reference to the name of a blinding spell from a really old anime movie.


Fully 100% on this information to compared to so many others who are just making wild mistakes on why Ram is calling Subaru --> Barusu


@Nik Has the author fully agreed on that info? If not then it's just Ram making fun of Subaru by switching his name up. And if you go full realistic Ram would have no clue of what you are talking about so in the end it's just Ram being Ram.


Yeah Akame ga Kill shouldn't ever be compared to GOT. AOT or even Vinland Saga is closer to GOT in anime terms. Akame ga Kill still decently good anime.


First time subaru made it through an episode without dying and you're horrified that he could die


100% and listen to the song fully, we need to keep spamming this comment when he gets to episode 7


No waifu wars please... They're even more stupid in a show like Re:Zero.


The question is not "where is rem", the real question is "who is rem"


There are a lot of human beings that can't really emphatize with others and to understand psychological stuff which Re:Zero is very heavy on that topic. You need to be able to emphatize with other human beings, if you can't then you will behave most of the time like said "idiots" who dismiss Subaru's struggles.


Since you watch RE:Zero now, you need to watch Overlord and then Shield Hero after that. So you can watch Isekai Quartet in the end and laugh till you die xD


Why Ram calls Subaru Barusu? Id say because if you say Subaru fast enough many times it becomes Barusu and she gave it as a nickname of a sort.... kinda makes Ram a bit geeky if you ask me. Though theres some speculations it comes from how Japanese person would say "Balls" - it turns out pronounced "Barusu"


and even worse when the checkpoint is clear but it’s a horrible checkpoint.


I vote Demon Slayer after Re:Zero :)

Keith Merrington

I have to say Luke, the enthusiasm in your reactions to this show is making my re-watch so much more enjoyable. Glad you're enjoying it so much.


I recommend watching the Memory Snow OVA episode. I'm not particularly sure when you should watch The Frozen Bond (probs season 2), but Memory Snow plays out pretty much right after this episode. Yall can let me know if that's not the case.


There is one thing you don't get to experience with these Director's Cut versions of the episodes and that is the fact that when this show aired they wanted to get absolutely every second they could out of their time slot. So there almost no episode with a proper Op or Ed, they usually just have the Ed play over more episode. Also, I don't know if it's true or if it was a rumor, but I heard they even bought up the ad slot that was meant for the middle of the episode for Season 2 so that they could skip the ad break and get a few more minutes of episode in.

smth positive_

in the directors cut its actually the literal next episode since it canonically takes place between arc 2 & 3 so i hope he watched it before episode 12 & 13 and didnt skip it. Frozen bond he should watcg after season 1 ends

smth positive_

i think hes actually 2 episodes in front of the uploads you can see it if you go on the re:zero playlist

Robin Berglund

Here is a little video that is gold, one of the Re:Zero episode previews; Emilia speaks like Megumin (Rie Takahashi) [Same VA] https://youtu.be/frr-3qfFPf0?si=WAXE6VOZF47DpCn-


"Can they not just pick the horn back up?" Can you just reattach your hand after it gets sliced off? It won't work the way it's supposed to ever again. Demons absorb mana from the atmosphere through their horns--it's a necessary part of their lives. But ever since the day her horn broke off, Ram has been crippled, relying on Roswaal to pour mana into the place where her horn used to be. Also, as a small reminder, it was mentioned that the dragon made a pact with the (now deceased) royal family of Lugunica. It's supposed to be the kingdom's guardian protector, though no one is sure what the dragon will do now that there is no royal family. So yeah, Roswaal saying that he's planning to kill the dragon is an ominous bombshell. Now the million dollar question: will you go on to Episode 7 next or the mid-season OVA movies? Because chronologically, Memory Snow and Frozen Bonds would come before Episode 7.


Subaru -> Su Baru -> Baru Su -> Barusu It's just Ram being cheeky

Rodrigo Flamenco

It's coming.... he's getting closer...


Im cry laughing at Luke's stress about Subaru dying. Like it's so funny but also YOU ARENT WRONG. Good luck with future episodes it's gonna be *fun*

Kyle Garrett

I can recap what the anime has told you so far about the dragon. Subaru read a story about how the kingdom is protected by a powerful dragon's pact with the royal family. You also learned the royal family is now gone, and no one knows if the dragon will keep protecting them or not. You also know that there's people fighting to become the new King/Queen of the Kingdom, and that Roswaal (the strongest magic user in the kingdom) is supporting Emilia taking the throne. Now you've also learned that once Emilia takes the throne, Roswaal is planning to kill a dragon.


Gues Memory Snow is on Saturday! Woo Hoo!


I think the word Oni doesn't have a direct translation, it's a creature particular to the japanese folklore. For example, I'm from Brazil, in brazilian folklore we have a myth about a spirit of the forest called "Saci", a humanoid with only one leg that controls the wind, jumps around and make pranks on people. "Saci" is simply the name of the entity, there's no translation to any language.


I don't think he's ready for episode 15. (I for sure wasn't ready when it came out)


"oni ( 鬼 ( おに ) ) is a kind of yōkai, demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore". Then it gets confusing as nowadays in japanese anime authors use in their fiction for their stories western mythological creatures like actual Ogre how it's in western fantasy. Will add another translation meaning for word oni I found. "oni, in Japanese folklore, a type of demonic creature often of giant size, great strength, and fearful appearance. They are generally considered to be foreign in origin, perhaps introduced into Japan from China along with Buddhism. Cruel and malicious, they can, nevertheless, be converted to Buddhism."

Daniel Golas

Except the on coming up soon with substantial crynge in it, good episode just hard to watch


make sure to check out the OVAs to re:zero. "Memory Snow" would chronologically be next after this episode


those are appas not apples

Arcade'owy Łowca

"Does the dog rub off on you" Well, its safe to say, Subaru has that DOG in him.


Time for anxiety the anime!


@Daniel Golas, I meant Luke doesn't know. That was what I tried to say, but maybe was confusingly worded =) or he has already seen the episode I am hinting at so maybe he do know.

Daniel Golas

So RAM is hornless, and Rem is the horny one, seems about right :D

donald cuck

spoiler alert!: i actually loved this episode, i think it was necessary because u discover a new side of subaru, it was really important for his development and it just reminds you that subaru is a human after all, he is not an overpowered main character sent in a fantasy world with harem and goofy ah monsters in it, he is just a normal person getting more and more mental issues as the story progressing, but i understand ppl opinions about this episode

Sikk Karuzo

Let the waifu war begin.

Kyle Garrett

Interesting. I'd personally leave Frozen Bonds until either before or after S2 part 1, since while chronologically it's before Ep 7, the content covered more directly ties to S2P1. Memory of Snow before Ep7 makes sense chronologically, but it's a big tone shift from the rest of the season, so it might be jarring for a new viewer? Especially given his mindset at the end of this episode. I might just leave that until after S1 as a little reward for getting through S1. So I personally think S1->Memory of Snow -> and then S2P1 or Frozen Bonds in either order -> S2P2 is the ideal watch order. Though he's probably already watched a few episodes ahead of this point anyway, so it's likely a moot point to discuss. xD


I loved the war that formed at the time, most debating between Emilia and Rem, it was very funny to see, it was everywhere xD


I get confused between the two sisters too. Often I end up asking myself, who is Rem?

David M

They don't outright explain it in the anime, but putting 2+2 together you can see what Roswaal is doing with Ram. Demon race need horns to absorb Mana, Ram uses her mana up casting magic and fighting, with no way to restore it, she'll slowly drain down to her od (the magic equivalent of a soul), deplete that and die. Roswaal can manipulate all elements of Mana, so he's basically injecting Mana directly into her through the place where her horn used to be. She relies on him for survival in a very literal sense.


Seriously can't wait to see his reaction to 𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙏 Episode with 𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙏 Ending scene, if you know you know


Pretty sure it's true, all of season 2's episodes are longer than a normal episode


I know you're not wrong, but remember that Emilia used magic to reattach Rom's arm in a previous episode. Luke has no reason to think that a horn can't just be reattached in this world. The series is intentionally vague about what is possible and what is not 🤷‍♂️


@rakka That's a good point; it never occurred to me that Rom's arm was reattached and ergo whole limbs can be reattached. Minor plot hole discovered?


I don't know if you notice, but it's why Ram never called Rem "Nee-san" but always adress to her by her name. Because Ram want her sister to be Rem and not Ram's sister.


@Kyle Garrett I'm the kinda guy who thinks that preparing for an arc two arcs in advance is perfectly fine and foreshadow-y. I mean, at this moment in episode 6 we haven't done anything else with the Felt and Reinhard side of things since episode 2, and there are little hints on certain characters in the mansion arc that don't become relevant until season 2. Why should Memory Snow and Frozen Bonds operate any differently? (Also Memory Snow is just a tone shift from the entire rest of the series, so by that logic, there is no good time to watch it.)


Well yes, but it's the way she's being cheeky that's notable. As Subaru pointed out the first time she said it, she "turned my name into a blinding curse."


There are too many **THAT** Episodes and **THAT** Ending scenes in this series to know what you know.

Sef Last 64

Oh, Re zero is a hard one to replace... But keeping up the dark feel; Overlord sounds like a direct option...


I looked up at the question and, those were the rankings from the characters that had appeared at the time. So it's likely that Reid had not made an appearance yet. That said, Ram DID rank higher than Regulus, so there's that.


i had a feeling it wasnt true hahaha. I fact checked this before posting just briefly to see if it was true, but i guess i didn't search far enough


He also learned that the Witch of Envy was sealed with the power of a Dragon, a Sage and a Hero.

Alexandre Le Lay

Roswall gives mana to Ram since she needs it, healing her horn in the process (from what people say)


I mean, 𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙏 episode that has...Snow at the end... can't really say more than that without going into spoiler territory much.

Adrian Kaźmierczak

So a few things: 1. I think it's best to compare a Demon's Horn to something like ears or a nose. Once you lose those, you lose ability corresponding to that body part. So once a Demon loses its Horn, they lose their most of their special abilities. 2. It was said that Mabeasts are connected to the Witch of Envy, that Subaru has a strong Witch's Scent and that Mabeasts are drawn to him. It's why he knew he could draw their attention with trying to talk about his power and why Rem, who could smell that Witch's Scent and disliked it, attacked him in her Demon form. 3. I really enjoy hearing your speculations and theories, it's always fun to see your reactions when it turns out you've predicted something correctly.


I thought you were talking about *THAT* episode where somebody plays twister


This is the episode that proves who best girl is


i hope the memory snow ova is after this


Also Barusu is a spell from Ghibli's movie Castle in the Sky, but Rem is not supposed to know it unless spoilers don't read The Sage did spread this story as culture in this world

m MC

from now on the anime gets better and better


Agreed. People just aren't ready for relationship discussions. It's a very important episode for the characters' growth

Maurice S

This episode explains really well why Rem has this huge inferiority complex. I mean just imagine you are her. Your sister is a prodigy and since it does not get mentioned in the season or the one after to clarify a bit more. When the village chief said this child is... He said that Ram is such a prodigy that the clan thinks that Ram is the reincarnation of the demon god. So imagine how Rem felt all her life knowing because of her Ram only has one horn and would be even more amazing if Rem would never have been born. Also all of her life people around her are praising how amazing Ram is and how strong she would be had she 2 horns (even if they did not mean it this way this directly implies that they wouldve been happy if Rem was never born so Ram could have 2 horns. Imagine what this does to you and your psyche). Rem loves her sister and looks up to her and all of her life tries to catch up to her which is impossible. The only person really supporting her was Ram all of this time. When the witch cult attacked the village and killed all of their clan and cut off Rams horn she smiled because this huge weight got taken off of her shoulder. Now Ram is not this huge prodigy anymore and is not completely out of range anymore. This felt like a relief for Rem but she absolutely hated herself for thinking this way because its her beloved sister and she took relief out of the suffering of her sister. This is why even now when Rem can do all of the work better than Ram she still thinks her sister is the most amazing person and she sees herself as nothing but a very cheap replacement of the amazing sister she knew. All of her life with this huge guilt and inferiority complex. And now comes our boy subaru and for the first time really tells her that SHE matters and she is unique and special and nothing could replace her. Basically Rems time was standing still being in the shadow of her sister and Subaru for the first time in her life grabbed her out of that and basically started her time again. I think you can now see why she got from mad and killing him to really really liking him. Also if your horn is cut off you basically lose all of the powers from being a demon since you cannot really channel the mana in the atmozphere into you again and you are much weaker. Thats why Roswaal has these sessions with ram to channel his mana into her broken horn to replenish a bit of her power since she is super weak without having this additional mana. And yes.. Yes Subaru gave her a huge headbut that hit so hard his head wounds opened up again. This seems really weird but try to keep it in mind as a fun fact, you might learn later on what the reason for it was :D


Yeah, it's so confusing that my brain sometimes just starts to tremble


There aren't many other anime that feel similarly to Re:Zero but there are a couple other mystery/horror I bet you'd love going by your taste. Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (When They Cry) and Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World). Also Evangelion is a classic in the same vein.

Alvaro Zevallos

A replacement for Re:Zero... i hope you're doing the two seasons. because for me, this was the """boring""" season haha. A good replacement would be Vivy or Ascendance of a bookworm. Both are hidden gems.


I guess you could say Ram is hornless. *badum* Rezero is like playing a game with random autosaves enabled. You can't choose when to save and your character gets to experience all the mental and physical trauma of you save scumming, but it's set in a warzone.


I'd be hella down for Vinland Saga, especially after the masterpiece that is season 2 (the prologue/season 1 is honestly a masterpiece too though) having concluded earlier this year.

Sebastian Stróż

It's SO MUCH FUN watching you enjoy this anime. Seeing you being all anxious at all times and overthinking everything that happens is just the best. So hyped for your reaction to some of the key moments!

Ron Farmer

Summertime Rendering has the same kind of feel as Re:zero so I think you might enjoy it

Alexander Ravensworth

For what anime to follow Re:Zero... Well, if you want one with similar vibes and quality of writing (albeit far less gruseome), Overlord would be appropriate!


Barasu is a mix of Baka and Subaru Baka being idiot. Ram is just making fun of him with the nickname Calling him an idiot all the time

Kevin Zogg

About Ram and Roswal - this is my speculation (I really don't know). I interpret it as repleneshing her mana. Maybe she is unable to do it since she lost her horn? That's my best guess...

Maxime Rioux

I love that you take your time checking out every little detail in this series, it's the best way to enjoy it in my opinion. Next are the two OVAs. First the one called Memory Snow (Director's Cut episode EX), a fun and light hearted side story, followed by Frozen Bond (that you'll find separately under another season on Crunchyroll), which dives into some of Emilia's and Puck's past. You may decide to watch them now or after season 1, but watching at least Frozen Bond before season 2 is strongly recommended.


Yeah, nah I much prefer his solo reactions without chat and without the meta-talk of patreon and unrelated discussions. Made the viewing experience much more fun, and he's able to actually pick up on details and put together information unlike in his twitch streams.

Marcio Neves

That's why Rem is the best waifu 😁


So a bit of fun juicy info on magic, Ram uses fula But before she said El Fula So magic spells get stronger with a word added before No word before is the norm spell. If you add El, before it it becomes a bit stronger like a level 2 spell, but if you say Ul before instead it's even stronger (lvl3 spell) then Al before it is the strongest form of that spell, the highest level spell. Sumerise Fula - normal wind spell El Fula - strong wind spell Ul Fula - stronger wind spell Al Fula - strongest wind spell.


It's so funny, He "loves" subaru. I really wonder what his opinion will be next episode KEK. If you know, you know *cheers*


from what has been said and discussed in Discord, it seems that he is watching memory snow before the next arc. Maybe the pallette cleanse will do him good xD


I'm happy you guessed right about Subaru only two times, because if it was more... the number of dead Suburu we'd have gotten there... Anyway, I was like you thinking that it could not wrap up with a good ending, glad we're both wrong ^^


Watching them now will spoil some developments further in the season. They're meant to be watched after season 1.

Tamus Heath

"YES! SUBARU FIGHTS!!" Episode is here.


We are almost at the best episode in anime history. Only a couple more days…


This is a spoiler, but you mentioned on discord you were already watching so I hope you did. SO. The fact that this series is so relentless and leaves you on edge is why I'm really happy for Memory Snow. The OAV lets the characters settle, gives the story a chance to chill. Let you hang out and enjoy where everyone is at for an hour before the next arc crushes your sanity.

Ricko Andrew

Gosh it's irritating seeing him not enjoying the moment because always scared 🤣


That terrible sense of dread near the end of an episode where things go well is the true classic Re:Zero experience lol. Watching you react to it as i rewatch all those moments is lots of fun.

Ricko Andrew

If the horn can be regenerate, then it wouldn't be such a big deal. And it'll be mention too. So, nope.

Quagger (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-09 04:13:26 Id also like to say that the stakes arent necessarily revolving around death alone. People tend to lack an empathetic outlook towards the mc cuz they thing that just cuz he can reset time everything is gonna be fine. They forget the risks and tolls of return by death. They dont value the building of relationships and the loss of shared moments along with the mental toll. Theres a good video talking about it somewhere, id reccomend watching on your own time. Or maybe u could put em in the limelight, if i can remember what it is. Oh yeah magic isnt explained much at all in the anime cuz the story takes the "norm of a real world" approach where not everything has to be monologued and answered. But theres another video that explains rezero magic in full id reccomend watching before s3 comes out.
2023-11-09 02:57:32 Id also like to say that the stakes arent necessarily revolving around death alone. People tend to lack an empathetic outlook towards the mc cuz they thing that just cuz he can reset time everything is gonna be fine. They forget the risks and tolls of return by death. They dont value the building of relationships and the loss of shared moments along with the mental toll. Theres a good video talking about it somewhere, id reccomend watching on your own time. Or maybe u could put em in the limelight, if i can remember what it is. Oh yeah magic isnt explained much at all in the anime cuz the story takes the "norm of a real world" approach where not everything has to be monologued and answered. But theres another video that explains rezero magic in full id reccomend watching before s3 comes out. The thing about "this child is.." about ram wont be explained prolly til the later half of s3. Also "echt of sorrow" is one of my favorite rezero osts which plays during oni backstory. An oni horn processes allows them to absorb mana from the environment. And it processes mana. I cant remeber exact details. Not having their horn is like having a nervous system disease that leaves u in constant anguish, while also becoming far weaker. But she's still stronger physically and magically than humans. I will say, the story has a despair and resolution formula. Youll prolly get used to it eventually.

Id also like to say that the stakes arent necessarily revolving around death alone. People tend to lack an empathetic outlook towards the mc cuz they thing that just cuz he can reset time everything is gonna be fine. They forget the risks and tolls of return by death. They dont value the building of relationships and the loss of shared moments along with the mental toll. Theres a good video talking about it somewhere, id reccomend watching on your own time. Or maybe u could put em in the limelight, if i can remember what it is. Oh yeah magic isnt explained much at all in the anime cuz the story takes the "norm of a real world" approach where not everything has to be monologued and answered. But theres another video that explains rezero magic in full id reccomend watching before s3 comes out. The thing about "this child is.." about ram wont be explained prolly til the later half of s3. Also "echt of sorrow" is one of my favorite rezero osts which plays during oni backstory. An oni horn processes allows them to absorb mana from the environment. And it processes mana. I cant remeber exact details. Not having their horn is like having a nervous system disease that leaves u in constant anguish, while also becoming far weaker. But she's still stronger physically and magically than humans. I will say, the story has a despair and resolution formula. Youll prolly get used to it eventually.

Tamus Heath

Ascendance of a Bookworm is great, but very chilled and slow; not an awful lot to react to in an episode. Vivy: Flurite Eyes would be a wonderful replacement, not the same kind of story but heart wrenching nonetheless


She didn't say a little bit of wind magic, she said a little bit of extreme wind magic lol


I just love how you catch on little details that go over most people's head. It makes your reactions so much fun because it makes me notice things I didn't see the first 4 times I watched this show.

Ryan DesVoigne

I'm glad you are enjoying it so much! It is my #1 favorite anime! When it was just the first season, I still really liked it, but it was the second season that propelled it up to #1 for me. So I can't wait to see you're reactions to what's to come!


I may be incorrect, but I'm pretty sure Betty gets drastically weaker the farther from the library she gets, so she couldn't really help farther than healing him in the village.

Jose Zeledon

no, it was not about demons, IT WAS about ogres, the word "oni" means "ogres" but since in Japanese folklore ogres are also the ones in charge of the Japanese hell that's what have lead to wrong translations in many cases in the most notably recently kimetsu no yaiba giving it english name as demon slayer when they are also onis in that anime, so rem and ram are not really "demons" they are more a different race of demi-humans as is shown in the series


I don't know if this applies to Re;Zero, but in other shows with oni the horns are what gathers, replenishes, and stores mana. Ram's horn being broken may mean that she can't replenish mana and slowly dies as it is expended. Raswal may be replenishing her mana keeping her alive. It would also explain why Ram is seemingly much more "in service" to Roswal than Rem seems to be.


I suppose but only in the sense that it's not explicitly said "Beatrice is a spirit". She's confirmed she's not human, has the whole old-child-vibe, speaks of contracts where spirit contracts is the only other mention, is hinted to be weaker outside the library. It's laid on thick but point taken.

Bryce Patterson

The girls are Oni and Oni means a set of things in Japanese folklore it can mean Yokai, Demon, Orc, Ogre, Troll. You will see Oni Demon masks at Festivals in Japan. the famous Oni usually used in Anime and media are the demon generals Gozu and Mezu who guard the gates of Buddhist hell they also torture bad people in hell and if anyone excapes they hunt them they are usually depicted as red and blue but their are also black, and yellow. The more you watch anime you will see this come up the red and blue oni are in dragonball z goku meets them when he falls of the heaven pathway and you will see the masks for sale in any anime that has a summer festival.


I think some people explained the "demon" part wrong or just partially to you. It's a bit more complex than Ogre or Demon. Maybe it's better if you know the differences for future references, since those distinctions are a commonly returning topic in anime and manga. So sry for the longer comment. Common Japanese words for "Demon" are "Oni", "Yokai", "Akuma" or "Ayakashi". The more commonly used words for demon are "Akuma" (mainly for infernal demons like the 72 Demons of the Ars Goetia, Vampires or even S@tan himself) and "Yokai" (for natural related demons like Ushi-Oni, Jiraigumo, Kappa and even Werewolfs). Ayakashi isn't really used anymore, except rarely inside the elderly communities. Mainly 'cause "Ayakashi" is also a collective term for specific "Yokai" types bound to bodies of water. Like the Funayūrei, a type of boat spirits. For "Oni", it's quiet similar. "Oni" are a specific type of Yokai, which actually do resemble our Western Ogres. They do have some distinct differences though. Like Ogres being man-eating evil monsters with brute strength. Oni however are rather mischievous, with a wide array of abilities, like control over elements or shape shifting. They can also be either evil or even guardian deities. A good comparison are maybe Chinese Dragons, which are usually a symbol of wisdom and power, and European Lindwurms, which are quiet similar to dragons but far more greedy and usually guarding treasures. In the case of RE:ZERO, Oni refers to the Yokai type Oni. Which do come with either one or two horns. Rem and Ram's design were actually inspired by the famous Japanese folklore of "The red Oni and the blue Oni".

Ethan Sparks

For clarification, Betty is a spirit who is contracted to protect Roswaal's library. It's implied that Betty becomes weaker the further she gets from the library, so I think that is the explanation for why she didn't help Subaru in the forest.


Barusu is basically "moron" And Roswaal is giving Ram mana. Remember, Ram said Oni pull in mana through their horn. Ram cast a ton of magic but has no horn to pull in replacement mana. So Roswaal has to stick it in. Not like that. Maybe.

Alfred Chow

I believe that the waking up to a unknown ceiling thing is a homage to Evangelion, it happened to the MC too


That is STILL not narrowing it down. There's at least 3 in the snow.


"People tend to lack an empathetic outlook towards the mc" Yeah, I've seen so many people complain right from the start about why he doesn't just kill himself whenever anything goes wrong, completely ignoring that he doesn't always know WHEN it will reset to, if he has unlimited resets or not, the fact that he still feels the pain and horror every time, the mental strain from everything happening, etc. Same type of people who watch Steins;Gate and go "why doesn't he just explain himself better?!" while he's having a panic attack or mental breakdown.

Sef Last 64

Well yeah, i meant between those 3; OvL its like mainstream dark, around ReZ Lv don't you think?


That one indeed, that's what I meant with snow at the end, can't remember others with such snowy ending, but that one will always be 𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙏 episode that got me, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Luke reacts to it 🙃 that's why I said, if you know you know in the 1st place 🤷

Keith Merrington

I always found it strange that while Subaru could understand the language as soon as he was isakaid, he couldn't read the signs on the appa seller's stall. You'd think he'd get reading as well as listening comprehension. Oh well.


Please skip the Memory Snow it’s not meant to be watched until after season 1 despite it being in chronological order on Crunchyroll


Luke is Subaru confirmed


@Misthafalls Ahh, that's good to know. I do not (and currently cannot) have a Discord account, so I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for replying!


Honestly, it would've been so much easier for both the translators and the the people watching the show if they had just stuck with the word "Oni" rather than try to translate it as both "Demon" and "Ogre" at different times.

Pilligrim Ilyas

I don't think that's true. As far as I remember her powers are not connected to the Forbidden Library in the slightest. her being a librarian is just a role and her duty

Beowolf Chow

Well, it's a mixup of the characters in his name. Su Ba Ru = Ba Ru Su, but the first time Ram does it, Subaru says "You've turned my name into a blinding curse" Which infers a second meaning other than simply mispronouncing it on purpose to annoy him. There is rumor that it also has to do with a Studio Ghibli reference, which Ram would be unaware of, but Subaru (as a nerd) likely would be familiar with.


Glad you are enjoying it so much, but please DON'T skip the ending song of episode 15 (director's cut 8?).

Hououin Kyouma

I felt the same way when I first watched this anime.


Not wrong... That way, we could at least avoid any confusion trough wrong translations, since most Japanese words have multiple meanings. Although. Sometimes it may be better to translate Japanese words, since not every westerner would still understand what's being said. Like "I took the shinkansen" instead of "I took the bullet train". Most ppl have no clue what the shinkansen is. The official name for both the Japanese bullet train network and some specific trains. Or even more extreme. "That guy is a sakura". Most would think sakura just means cherry-blossom. But in another context, the term also refers to someone who pretends to be a customer to promote specific products, just for the sake of promoting. Like a fake reviewer on Steam or Amazon, but not just limited to internet reviews. So it could become a tough call depending on the case. Since only leaving the term and not adapting the sentence for a full translation could potentially cause even more confusion.


Barasu is just Subaru rearranged. Tame Su off front, have Bara, add the Su at end and get barasu


SPOILERS DONT READ THIS LUKE: I think it is episode 8 in the directors cut normally it would be episode 15

Cédric Michaud

I'll repeat something someone else said but please DON'T skip the ending song of episode 15 (director's cut 8?) because it is an experience by itself.


That's not it, while she is a spirit contracted to protect the roswaal domain, her strength isn't dependent on proximity to library. The library is like her "domain" where she can control things, but she is perfectly capable outside of said library. She has other limits on her strength (not going to spoil it) . Betty doesn't help simply because she's really closed off to things due to (spoilers again). IF you know, you know. It's hard to pay attention to what Betty says due to her cadence and Subaru's ability to literally gloss over it every single time, but if you listen to her, you realize that "Not that this concerns me" is her attitude at this point. And she's LITERALLY NOT JOKING.



Scott Humphreys

There are no Ogres or Demons. There are Japanese mythological creatures. Ogre and demon are used in the translations but are not correct. I would prefer if they used their real names. Oni, Akuma or Kami.


Lol, that's what they do actualy, oni mean ogre, akuma mean demon and kami mean god. So...


Nah, Overlord is a lighthearted comedy. Except for the sheep. We don't talk about the sheep.


Roswaal I think was giving her back mana that she lost from the battle. I thought it was weird at first too I was like ayo? Ram and Roswaal?

Mr. Dog

Oni are not demons. Oni are orgers but to be more exact they are the Japanese ogre. But it's usually best to just call oni, oni as Japanese Ogre is a mouthfull. Normally calling Oni and orge would be okay but if there are Western type ogres in the world as well it's just better to call oni, oni. Also Akuma is specifically translated to as devil. It can also mean demon as well. However, before the Japanese started using the English word Demon as a borrowed word. Demon/Devil used to be called Akuma which directly refers to the type of demon/devil akin to Christianity or religion type demons. Also Akuma, Bakemono, Obake, mazoku are blanket terms for mythological or supernatural creatures. Oni is a specific type of species not a generic category. I hate how English translators can't figure this out already with the monster that is an Oni. Oni is much like what a Kappa. A kappa is called a kappa and no translated to anything else. Much like how a goblin is called a goblin. Not a demon. Both a kappa and an oni could be categorized as demons/monsters. But that is not their name. If you saw both a Troll and a Goblin together you wouldn't point at each and call them both a demon. That's confusing. Same thing how if you saw a kappa and oni together. You call them by their species name, not a general category.

Daniel Turchan

Yes, I felt the exact same as u watching for the first time, I described my first experience of watching this as an entirely asshole clenching experience, it’s so tense I can’t breath, and I love it

James Perrott

theres literally no reason to watch memory snow after season 1 and not now, its literally set right now chronologically, and has zero spoilers for the rest of the season its absolutely perfect to watch next

James Perrott

i ilked parts of vinland but man it would just be a boring reaction show ngl, theres specific scenes that are good for that, but not the whole show Demon Slayer is super good reaction wise, and far more fun IMO

Daniel Husher

you have to watch ghost stories dubbed the funniest dub ever idk how well it will do on youtube maybe patreon


Yeah idk why people expected you to make the perfect sentence, its not like you know everything! You just know what you know.


Well it wouldn't be Onee because I'm pretty sure Ram is older but you're right


I 100% agree with you. It is up to the translator to make sure they keep or translate specific words depending on the context. This is why most fansub translators leave many words as is (like the infamous "all according to keikaku" line), since the general audience for fansubs are more involved in anime culture and therefore anime Japanese. In cases of official translations though, it is marketed towards the outer layers and outside the animanga sphere so they'll localize as much as possible. Depending on how the official translator sees fit, you can see these differences even between mainstream anime and actual niche anime. This is why I wish official translations could use translator's notes here and there but alas its not that easy when its "official". (Sorry to add on too much; I used to do fan translation so I wanted to share some insight)

Matt Tucker

Great watch! Keep an eye on the EDs they are good and sometimes meaningful to the episodes.


Thanks for sharing the insight! ^_^ Personally i am fine with both official and fan translations btw. And i appreciate the work of both groups. As long as all important information, messages and meanings are present, people could honestly be less harsh about it in my opinion. Especially since Japanese is difficult to translate accurately into most Western languages and it can't be helped to adapt stuff sometimes. I am honestly only getting frustrated when entire dialogues are purposefully being rewritten to change the topic entirely. Like certain conversations in the last few Fire Emblem games. Either to westernize stuff or hide certain topics. That's where i draw the line.

Matthew Williams

Ram is intentionally mispronouncing Subaru name, she did it at first to tease him and piss him off because she just didn't really like him but she never got any rise out of him. As time goes on it's become more of a pet name.

Matthew Williams

Betty can't go too far from the mansion because of certain reasons.

Sébastien Jean-Pois

You’re defiantly not ready for Akame Ga Kill…. 🥴

One G. O A. T. One Dream

This anime gave me PTSD like for reals... so yeah.. this is "suffering the anime"


Nah Akame has the gore shock value but besides that it's a pretty bad show