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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 54!!!




“Hate leads to bad shit” - Jedi Master, the Fourth Luke, you are great!


It's a little odd that I'm agreeing with the mass murdering Scar on this one. If we look at the situation without any outside parameters then I don't think Mustang killing Envy is really a big deal, especially taking into account all of Envy's atrocities outside of Hughes' death. However if Mustang wants to become the type of leader that Riza told Ed about, one that would cede power to the parliament and rightfully label himself and others as war criminals, then he really cannot act on the festering wound that Hughes' death created. I'm sure we've all heard advice being thrown around like "you need to let it go" or "you have to accept what has happened before you can move past it", but if Mustang kills Envy how can he really do those things? There isn't really anything to let go of if you already took action and avenged your friend. And he hasn't really accepted that Hughes is gone if he is still waving the flag of vengeance in his honor, and never will if he plants that flag in the corpse of Envy. If he doesn't make the conscious decision to let Hughes go while there are still other avenues for him to take then Hughes' death will haunt him forever, and I can easily see him becoming the type of leader who genuinely covets power. No way would he let go of Ishvalen territory after he and Hughes fought to keep them inside Amestris, nor would he let go of the power that the position of Fuhrer holds, not after Hughes did so much to help him get it.


Despite Envy being the biggest piece of of the story, I still find his death to be sad, especially since I've also seen OG FMA, and what the backstory of Envy had there, so seeing his last words be a farewell to Ed while saying his full name, makes it even more sad.


The “I lied” line just kills me every time XD


You know, I always enjoyed the romantic aspect of Hawkey holding the secrets of flame alchemy on her back and entrusting it to Roy. What I never really considered before until now though is what kind of madman was her father!? Who the heck thinks "Dang, I got this really dangerous research I need to hide. Oh I know, I'll tattoo it onto my daughter's flesh!"

Adam Saunders

Despite envy being despicable, absolutely loathsome, a true villain, the first time I watched that scene I couldn't help but cry over it, I think the first time I cried watching this series. It was so moving but in a fucked up kinda way, I felt such pity. Such a great show.

Daniel Golas

Ed burned envy more than mustang ever could

Hanna Sherry

Came to Patreon just to rewatch for episodes like this. The music adds so much to true epic feel of this show

Hououin Kyouma

You were asking about someone among the Briggs army having glowing red eyes and then later on asking I wish Izumi shows up again. Well, the red-eyed person Izumi all along. The silhouette of her with her hair and red eyes and also showing her feet on the sandals she was wearing were the hints. She was among the Briggs soldiers all along since their ambush started.

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