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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED with Full Audio reaction to JUJUTSU KAISEN Season 2 Episode 10!!!



Klein Moretti

Would love to see your reaction to manga maybe read along stream in the future

Matthew Valentine

This arc is being adapted so well so far


little suggestion, op. of the game Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIJSU7DTXqs

Thomas Juino

For the nails, it's the other way around, Geto is the one who created the nails to lower veils, testing those nails was the all point of the assault on the exchange event in season 1 + the fight with mechamaru just before ;)


I think Mei held off those two strong curses/curse users and managed to give Itadori opportunity to move past them, at least that is how I understood mechamarus plan. Or maybe they just teamed up against them to kill them fast.


so the thing is with sukuna, if itadori is killed sukuna wont die, he will be resurected when someone eats another finger and sukuna is able to take over their body, sukuna is only killed when all of the fingers are consumed by the vessel that holds sukuna, in this case itadori


-Mei was handling the curses. - yes that was THE SUIT - Geto IS DEAD but his body is technically living and recognizes Gojo and the imposter living within him so he fought back…kinda lol


"Can they kill Itadori" My guess is we gonna see them try and probably succeed but at the same time we know Sukuna made a pact with Itadori and nobody from the enemy team knows about that pact. Sukuna also have a permission through the pact to come out 1 time of his choosing so who knows.... maybe the brain is an old friend of his and they can make a deal for Gojo... My point is I dont think they can kill Itadori even if they tried together and i think Gojo will be back soon either cause of Sukuna or the 2 girls that Not-Geto betrayed


10:24, yeah, I could recognize Kirei's VA from a million miles away


So the deal with Geto's body is this: He did die, but Gojo didn't actually have it destroyed as he should have, allowing for the 'curse' to take over the body. Which we saw with the brain in his head. The reason the body fought back is one we still don't have much answer to even in the manga. But we have some nice interpretations based off certain events. Two of which I will mention will have minor spoiler elements, but nothing huge, will still mark beginning and end of them though. As we saw 'Geto' mention in the episode, it's all to do with the concept of the soul. Now we've had some mention of the soul so far, but always around the question of the soul and body as a tandem. Does the Soul come first or the Body? How does the relationship affect one another? Now I believe that the soul and the nature of it relates heavily to Cursed Energy. And only those with a true understanding of the soul will understand Cursed Energy at it's core. An idea with which I have some reasoning for: The first being Itadori, if we have an understanding that the 'Black Flash' is the moment a Jujutsu Sorcerer truly 'tastes' Cursed Energy, as Todo put it, then surely it is best used by those with that understanding of Cursed Energy's core. Which comes into the relation to the soul. All characters who most often use a 'Black Flash' have a grasp of their own soul. Such as Itadori, the human best understanding this, who is naturally aware of his soul as a vessel. Then we have Nanami, the last record holder of 'Black Flashes' consecutively. Who was able to instinctively guard his soul from Mahito's attack. However for someone with his record, surely he should've had a better understanding of his soul, right? So first we must answer, what is the soul's relation to the core of Cursed Energy? That I believe works like this: The soul is itself at least somewhat Cursed Energy, it is you as a person. Cursed Energy stems from feelings, most negative ones, those we truly feel to our core. Hate, Envy, Jealousy and Fear. All emotions as true as can be, there is no rationalisation to them. You cannot fool yourself into hate, nor fear; yet you can do so with love and happiness. You are capable of rationalising as such, they become less true to the soul, to yourself, more so being just what you think. And we know those negative emotions tie themselves to Cursed Energy and fuel it. The more in touch with them you are, the greater your Cursed Energy output. Although the less rational you become and the easier you are to beat. So where is the balance struck? The 'Black Flash', an instance where your Cursed Energy and Body are perfectly in sync (at least as close as possible) and 'overlap'. So I believe that those who have experienced a black flash are more in-tune with their Cursed Energy, their soul. Hence why Nanami was capable of instinctively protecting it. But Nanami wasn't perfect in this understanding, he still struggled with his sense of self for a long time, which is why his understanding of the soul was weaker still than Itadori's or Mahito's, both of whom have been more open as people and honest in their wishes. They allow themselves to purely be who they are, having greater understandings of themselves than most others. Think of Itadori's scene in S1 where he explains why he wouldn't want to kill, he had an almost instant answer of a very deep topic, knowing he may have to kill actual humans. Yet despite that, there was no debate to him about any moral topic, no rationalisation to his thought, just exactly what he felt. Whereas we see Nanami struggled with his sense of purpose for a long time, living a life he didn't enjoy for the purpose of money. Actively ignoring his own true desire to satisfy the logical choice. Even whilst making the choice to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer again, he says he's just best suited to it, again rationalising that choice with logic. His downfall to this understanding is his attitude. This is where we enter SPOILER territory. The end of which I'll mark with: END OF SPOILER. Spoils up to chapter 236. The next case we have is actually Mahito himself. Who was like Itadori stated to be 'blessed by the Black Sparks'. Later in this arc, when we see Mahito in his 'true form' in battle, he achieves a Black Flash, in the moment he is closest to his soul, when he is in his 'perfect' state melding soul and body completely. There's not really much more to add to this, since we don't see more of him after this lol. Then we have Kugisaki, who is also able to interact with the soul and has a strong sense of self, think of the scene where she talks about who she cares for, and has performed a Black Flash. In the scene where both Itadori and her perform the Black Flash in the same moment, they are both showcasing their characters and being true to themselves. Itadori is showing his compassion, how he is apologetic even to these 'curses' as they too had feelings. He ultimately isn't a violent person and wishes to kill as little as possible. Kugisake mean whilst, is acting quite violent and like a show-off. Ultimately an integral aspect to her character as she likes to showcase her strength, she's not a compassionate character and only really cares for a select few in her life. Sadly we don't get to see much more of her after this arc, so no further instances really. Lastly, for spoilers, we have two things, Megumi and Gojo. We know from Gojo's speech to Megumi that a Jujutsu Sorcerer's growth isn't linear, there is no set path. Hence why some people grow faster than others, such as Itadori and Gojo. Both of whom are very true to themselves, whilst Megumi as Gojo said needed to be more selfish. Allow himself to be who he is without fear of interfering with others. A concept Megumi struggles with, his domain being the physical manifestation of this idea, as he gets closer to understanding this his domain becomes more complete. Taking the place of what a Black Flash shows, since his Shikigami do a lot of the fighting and we're unsure of if they can Black Flash. Then there's Gojo, who has performed multiple Black Flashes, but is still not as aware of his soul as say Itadori. Now that could be due to Itadori being a vessel, however I believe it's due to Gojo being blind to his own short-comings. Which is why, even though he may say he's the strongest, he actually lost to Sukuna in the recent chapters, the man who actually has the best understanding of the core of Cursed Energy (alongside Kenjaku). Now shown to even alter Megumi's body to adapt to his soul, showing his great understanding of his soul and the core of Cursed Energy. An understanding we see in his ability to adapt and change his technique to even cleave space itself to bypass infinity. Plus we don't actually know his technique, so the 'Open' ability thing could actually be another instance to show that. Not to mention the barrier-less domain, a HUGE flex, with Tengen stating how impressive that is. Quite cool for Sukuna to have flexed that so early on I have to say lol. END OF SPOILER So, how does this relate to Geto and the 'brain'? Well, we know Cursed Energy is intrinsically linked to the body. Hence why 'Geto's' Cursed Energy 'signature' appeared the same to Gojo, despite it being another entity. (minor spoiler) But the 'brain' takes the technique from past bodies and can still use it, yet the 'signature' still stays the same. Which is because he's no longer in that body, so only the technique remains engraved in the brain. (minor spoiler over) The Cursed Energy, the power source for it, comes from the Body. And from the soul attached to that Cursed Energy. Hence why the 'signature' is that of the body, and possibly why the real Geto could fight back despite being dead. Since his 'self' is still preserved in the soul. But he's cut off from the body, unable to actually do anything. Except in that one moment, which is interesting as to how that happened, especially since it's the first time. Maybe it has to do with Geto's Cursed Spirit Manipulation technique, and how the 'brain' is more Cursed Spirit after all these years, like what would happen with Tengen. Could be possible that Geto's soul is unique due to how it interacts with the technique of the body? Ultimately, it seems Mahito's question of which came first seems ridiculous, since no matter the answer. They both affect one another, if you lose an arm then you must lose that part of the soul right? If one changes, then so too will the other I believe. Also, does that mean Reverse Cursed Technique can actually regenerate the soul too? So many questions arise from this anime and manga. But frankly I think I've written enough for now lol. Anyone let me know if I missed anything by commenting, But put appropriate spoiler warnings if necessary. No one likes people who spoil without at least letting someone know and avoid that part. Also I ended up typing all this instead of my Sociology essay lol. But can't stop that G.O.T Games grind 👍.


Itadori didn't beat those 2 curses, Mei Mei stayed behind to fight them.


I didn't even read all that, I was just scrolling down to another video, but have a like for typing all that shit out. Good on ya

Helix Gaming

I applaud you for not only typing this insanely long essay on Jujutsu Kaisen soul theory but also choosing to type it instead of an essay for school. Maybe next time do the school essay first, then come back and type this, though. lmao

Sharif Alvi

I ain't reading all that. I'm sorry that happened to you or whatever.

Crunchy Potato

Very well put... whatever you just said. I'm sure it's probably eloquently written.


My reaction was pretty similar lol "NO!! Suit guy!!!" Also, prayer beads. Pretty sure those are prayer beads the lady was holding - or at least, based on them. If she's a cursed spirit I'd imagine they'd be more like anti-prayer beads. I base this knowledge purely on other anime


When you said you didn’t understand how the sealing works at first I thought you were asking how the ceiling works and I was like wow that’s just as silly of a thing to say as when you accidentally said it was weird Denji had teeth 😂

Kieran O’Neil

if you were Scoona and I were Scoona? no idea who tf that is, I know who Sukuna is however.