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Here is the PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Mushoku Tensei Episode 11!!!



Keith Merrington

First! (never been able to do that before :-)


I think this episode showcases perfectly that Rudeus is realistically imperfect and makes mistakes, and I love it for that, such a great episode imo


You can't travel across the ocean, it's the Seafolks territory. They agreed to not attack ships that are taking shortest routes between continents so they have to travel mostly on land to go back


Family members missing during Paul's monologue. Zenith (Paul's wife/Rudy's mom), Lillia (The maid), Aisha (Maid's daughter). Norn (Rudy's sister) is with Paul. Green hair girl is Sylphie.

Victoria Pritchard

Mushoku Tensei has ruined me for all other isekai, nearly finished reading all the novels.


That's a nice shirt damn

Keith Merrington

The people mentioned as missing at the beginning (in Paul's letter) were Zenith (Rudy's mother), Lilia (the maid) and Aisha (Rudy's half sister - Lilia & Paul's child). Please try to remember names - make a few notes if you have to. Just a quick list of character names and roles would help you. In fact all the people in the region were caught up in the mana disaster that transported Rudy and Eris to the demon continent - but they got transported to random places. Paul and Norn were also transported (as Paul was holding Norn when the disaster struck) but they were a lot closer to home so they returned quickly and were able to start searching for the others. Roxy was too far away to be affected by the disaster, but heard about it and came to find out what happened to Rudy and Family. She then teams up with Tallhand (the dwarf guy) and Elinalise (the elf lady) who were members of Paul's old adventurer party 'Black Fang'. They go off searching for Rudy and family - which is why you see Roxy on a ship at the end of the episode.

yuzu hibiki

This episode showed just how flawed and immature Rudeus is especially so when his morals are still different from the People of this world. He may have lived a longer life but he is very much still a child that thinks he can solve everything. In terms of strength Rudeus at the moment, is stronger than most Magicians. But he still at a disadvantage against most of the close range fighters. To simply put he has no experience in real combat and at the moment, he is only stronger than that fodder bandit that ghislane killed in a 1v1. but he curbs stomps 98% of the MAGIC ONLY users thou.


Rudy is indeed quite powerful at this point, but he's naive of the world and lacks experience compared to some others. He's also not good with a sword unlike Eris, so could be fair to call him a bit of a glass cannon

Peter Parker

Can’t wait for THAT episode 🤫

Ale brenna

You should really make a list with character name and little description or you are going to loose a lot in this kind of anime, especially if you take some months to finish them and you're also watching other anime at the same time


Can't wait for the second part .U.


it's the OG, rest are just copies. He didn't made an isekai, he made a story with plot that just happened to be 'isekai'. The others shows got it all wrong.

Kamil Butala

Couldnt wait for today now i cant wait for tommorowahhh cmn get on second season already :D :D


I would recommend you read ascendance of a bookworm, its really really good. 👍

Kamil Butala

Maybe letting him find the reasons out by himself is better and much less spoiling as you saying there


so This will be an angry comment. >:(. TL;DR it's about this part of your comment only " Please try to remember names - make a few notes if you have to.", the rest of the comment is ok. Why people =.= force luke to 'remember things', I never understood. "Please try to remember names", I feel these type of comments bring pressure for no real reason. Imagine you watch a show with a friend and your friend who watched tells you: man please pay attention to the names and try remember them. Your friend add extra pressure for you to squeeze out your brain energy to remember the names, and instead of 100% enjoying the show, you will 95% enjoy the show(spending energy to any background stuff and names just in case there's somthing). That's how I feel shows get for some people from a 9/10 to 8.8/10 then 8.5/10. The crowd bias creeps in slowly in the back of the mind and some people don't realize that and end up not giving the truly fair score at the end. Who cares if he doesn't get it from the first scene all the details. The show will give these details as a reminder later, when I watched I didn't pick things either like luke. And now I am at the same place where you are in terms of 'details' and knowledge. WHAT'S THE GOAL in being able to deduce from first scene what will happen in scene2 if in scene2 the show explain scene1 so u go into the scene2 with full knowledge so nothing is missed. In this scenario what's the point of that part of the comment. i'd understand if you miss a detail and you're fked and u gotta rewind to get it, but this show is quite chill, not like 86 or steins gate or whatever else hardcore show where u need to pay attention. So if u read this comment I want to know the reason behind why. I understand the reason of you wanting him to fully understand every intricate detail every scene and micro detail the show has to offer. But at the same time, I don't understand why adding pressure such as "take notes" in an anime that's not a puzzle at all but instead it's a 'watch and enjoy', 'easy to understand' show. If u miss first time, 2nd time the show tells you and explain everything. Is it a must to watch a show in a particular way? Overall my comment is angry because I've been ignoring these type of comments for years but now I just have to get emotions out so I don't feel angry, so if u feel disrespected srry. I just don't want to see added pressure to anyone (Be it streamer/youtuber/normal people). Is it a lot of pressure? no, but I bet over the course of a show multiple people add multiple "stress-like" comments which takes away from 100% enjoying. (there were already the sus-scene haters that he addressed in the beginning of the show, which thankfully seems it didn't affect his experience so far, but I still feel while that was going on, he didn't 100% enjoyed the show because he had that in the back of his mind, so he enjoyed 90-95%, the better he enjoy the show, the better the reactions, the better the reaction, the better people have a good time watching his react) So I respectfully hope you don't write "Please try to remember names - make a few notes if you have to." stuff like that in the future if the show doesn't require attention like steins gate or 86 or death note. The rest of the comment is fine, I only disagree with the quote not the rest. So if you have an argument on why you think it's actually beneficial for him to know 'earlier' information that he will get it later anyway and would not be a hindrance to write in notepad informations and paying attention to background details then tell me (PS: many shows give away pieces that some viewers are able to deduce, if you deduce cool, but if u don't, the show give it to you anyway, so every party is happy, so paying attention and taking notes is 100% waste of attention and energy since I don't see the benefit.)


What do you mean you didnt see any crazy monsters in the second season of made in abyss. There were so many freaky looking monstrous creatures throughout the 6th layer. The giant 6 legged sky scraper, deer, bug, looking things were freaky and dope.


in this comment section there is a dude called: "Keith Merrington", go at his comment, go at reply and read my reply, if u don't want,fine. But I encourage :D to do so.


Rudy generally doesnt even realize how strong he is himself within the context of the world, but at that moment when he said he'd wipe the city off the map if he had to - Rudy could probably have done it at that point in the story if he wanted to. He definitely has the mana to do it, and he knows high level water magic.


Rudy didnt se to do a lot of things but he is so fcking strong, he didit improve with the sword now becasue theres nobody to train him, just rRuijerd but he is with Eris, the same thing apply with the magic, he is alredy so fucking strong with magic so no one and nothing can make him improve yet, the magic attacks didit see so powerful because he preffers the efficency than powey, so he just use attacks like te rock magic because is efficently and dont provoc a big disastewr with, but he has and stupid big mana and he magic knowledge is big too, so he is not exactly week, he just get stuck in the magic improvement

Yami Youssouf

we totally didnt have to wait 6 months for it at all no no, tbh you will have to wait with us for season 2 part 2 coming in april next year as part 1 is nearly done airing


yea luke tends to just completely forget a whole ton of stuff when he watches things dw about it

Chicken Permission

Ruijerd has a huge soft spot for children. He will do anything to protect them, even if it's a bit extreme, like killing that bug guy.


I swear I keep hearing moh-shoo-koh but my brain can never focus on the word enough for me to be sure and it's driving me crazy (not the pronunciation; me being unsure). So I'll just leave it here so I can ignore it: it's moo-shoh-koo.


I hope now you're gonna stop saying Rudy is an idiot and useless :p. Rudy's clever af...but he makes mistakes (remember it's a story about human imperfections). Here, he was so focused on reaching their goals quickly that he took a risk. It cost a life. A lesson he'll learn. And yeah, Rudy's also a magician powerful af. You will learn more about it. But he doesn't show off, he's not a nekketsu-style character. What you already know : - Rudy became a water saint ranked at 5 - He can do incantationless magic - Even though Ghislaine intervened, he stood up to Eris's kidnappers, injuring 2 of them. He was 5yo. - He's never out of mana - He masters various magics (water, earth, wind, fire, healing, for what you've watched so far) - He makes very precise figurines with earth magic (it sounds common but it's not) - Feeling cornered, He was about to destroy the city. - it wasn't pretty clear in the anime but before leaving with Ghislaine, he put Paul in trouble during their fight (Paul is an advanced rank swordman in 3 styles) because the way Rudy uses his powers against someone stronger than him in close combat is particularly clever. Thanks to his powers and intelligence Rudy is (and will be many times) considered a magic prodigy. etc...etc... and at this point, he's only 10-11 (at this stage, Eris is a waaay better sword fighter, but Rudy could easily beat her with his magic). Eris's admiration for Rudy doesn't come from nowhere. You'll have to read about Rudeus' exploits, because -on purpose- the anime never makes a big deal of them (even more in season 2)...well, almost never. Rudeus himself push humility to the limit, systematically downplaying his exploits and depressing his abilities. I was expecting more reaction to the massive and devastating effects of the teleportation incident XD. I say this because it's at the beginning of this episode that we understand the global scale of this incident. All Rudy's family and friends are missing, but the whole kingdom has been affected, with many dead and missing, and the consequences are catastrophic. A misery we glimpse at the beginning of the episode.

Keith Merrington

@Kamil Butala - OK there's a tiny bit of spoiling there, but 99% of what I said should be apparent from this (and previous episodes). The spoiling is of a trivial nature and there's a good chance that he'll never read the comments anyway.


@Frentzy - Your comment is understandable to some extent, but it seems like a response to the wrong comment, totally out of place. While it is true that it is annoying that people want the person reacting to understand everything that is going on in the first instant, what this comment mentions is simply advice that could help improve his overall experience. (I'm referring to the first paragraph you're arguing for, and not the rest of the comment, which you seem to agree with. Instead, I see it as too much information being dumped at Luke that he doesn't necessarily need to fully grasp at this point). If Luke finds it difficult to remember the names of characters, taking little notes would help, just as other people do. This way, at times when characters are mentioned without showing images to identify them, he will be able to understand the situation being alluded to and become more immersed in the story. What's the problem with people who watch his content and even pay money to see his full reactions wanting to advise him on ways he could better enjoy not only this particular series but future ones? Remember, this is still a job, he earns money for this content. This is not a Twitch reaction; Luke has several days between each episode and can learn to better manage each of the series he watches currently. If he can improve further, it will not only enhance his overall experience but also increase the quality of his content for those who watch him, and this, in turn, will lead to more people following him as they see that he maintains a real interest and gives the series he watches its due respect. This is a win-win for everyone.

Keith Merrington

@Frentzy - Luke is pretty bad for remembering names. An obvious solution is to just jot down names and roles - e.g. "Paul - Rudy's dad", "Zenith - Rudy's mom", ... "Philip - Eris' dad" ...etc. It's not a significant burden. I'm not expecting him to write a precis of every episode. Simply recalling a name and role when it's mentioned in an episode can trigger additional memories that help make sense of a story. Admittedly, it is only £1 for all his content - which is a bargain - but with the (almost) constant complaint he makes that he can't recall characters, you'd have though he'd implement some basic note taking by now. In the end though, it's just a suggestion, and I'm enjoying his reactions nonetheless.

BigSFL Reacts

you should get a notebook to keep track of relationships and names


That's what mages are better at than swordsmen, large scale battles, not 1v1. on battlefield saint lvl mage is counted as 1000 soldiers

Keith Merrington

@CurseMark4Life - IKR, how can anyone forget the Turbinid Dragons? They were huge wonderful elegant monsters. The second season was a lot less explory [sic] though, and I think that's what Luke was referring to.


About Rudy "getting better", the cycle of improvement often comes with relapses


Ok so I did read both comments and hope I am not wrong but Both suggest same idea, that he should note the names like keith suggest, so when the name appear he can watch the list and see if any name presented is in the notepad then he can recall on the spot. I guess i can't complain on that , fair argument. As for the other stuff, I find it weird "is his job, we pay, he should provide quality". Now I think this is 100% subjective. Because even tho everyone pays, we probably have different expectations. I understood that what you guys suggest is less complaining from his part which might be annoying for you as a viewer, so taking notes solves that issue. And since it's his job you don't see it as a problem, and in this particular argument I can't say anything against it cuz It's your money your demand, your time, you deserve to ask for that. In my case I like to see a reactor that is doing exactly the same amount of work as a viewer is doing while watching. So I have troubles with names as well, I think it took me 20 episodes for my brain to make the connections of the name and the character (we know what's to come and why I managed to make those connections without a notepad and I know in 10 episodes he will make the correct correlation naturally between the name and the character). And in my case the less work the reactor does, the better is for me. Because his confusion is natural, is relatable to my old self (A.k.a the me when I first watched it). So it's actually funny him not understanding or losing himself over and over. Now is this annoying for some ppl? probably, So we get 2 camps, one who get annoyed one who doesn't. If he prepare more feels less of a genuine reaction to me, feels like he did his homework, he know what's going on, in which case is less fun for me. The final conclusion is I guess I should just shut up. Since I wrote that comment just to chill, it was angry purposely so I calm down from all those youtube comments I saw over time. I have nothing to add here. GG WP.

Guilherme Vergne

The anime dont enter this in detail, but the ocean is too dangerous, because there are some strong water monsters that would destroy any ship. Also the north has a problem that i dont quite remember, maybe its just so damn cold. So the common access to the demon continent is from its south and its where we're heading and also where roxy is going with the two people who knows paul from past. But will they meet each other? How? Why? You'll have to watch it.


I wonder if s2 will be disappointing to luke since s1 = exploration, s2 = character development. And seems the main thing he is attracted to and ranks it high af is exploration.


by north you mean heaven continent? because the biggest problem there is the fact that the level ground is 3000 meters above sea level and is very hard to climb it


Rudy is totally underestimating himself for most of the story, he just has no confidence in himself most of the time. But the biggest factor here is that he has little to no actual combat experience, which is why he freezes in those times and is, like you said, dead weight (for now). Also I totally see that "dated feel" since I think the whole show has like a grainy filter on top of it, which makes it feel kind of like older fairy tale movies.

Cédric Michaud

Ah yes the episode where all the females and the males in this show are having "fun" episode 69 I think?


This is one of my favorite eps. Love the scene in the forest and all the chaos. Also Eris is great. One of my favorites as well.

Kyle Smith

While Rudy does make dumb decisions sometimes as does everyone it is unfair to call him selfish in that moment. There was nothing about the decision he made there that was selfish. This was more a problem of misplaced priorities and Rudy not understanding how dangerous this world really is. Rudy's decision to wait until the last moment was rooted in his promise to help Ruijerd improve the Superds reputation, unfortunately we was caught up thinking this was like some video game or manga where they can make a super hero entrance and save them last minute and in return they get all the praise for doing so. Unfortunately, the world isn't so kind to allow you to get away with thinking like that and Rudy learned a very valuable lesson. As for the whole anime stance thing you mentioned. A lot of it is rooted in symbology and cinematography. Its not soo much about people not doing that in the real world and more about what the stances and scene represent. It shows them face different direction to symbolize their differing view points and eventually the conversation evolves into them facing each other and standing eye to eye to symbolize them aligning in view points and direction. You will start to catch a bunch of stuff like this in anime and it can be pretty interesting to parse the deeper meaning behind this stuff when you start to recognize it.


I just found out about the map and holy damn! they took the longest way! 😮

Cédric Michaud

And here we start the second part of season 1 next episode.

Sebastian Stróż

@Frentzy which is kinda sad tbh since Luke wanted to know more about the world and Abyss and he got all that in S2 but he is still kinda disappointed in it :(


so happy to see you're enjoying this!


Hey, since Luke already watched Hellsing ultimate what if we have him watch Hellsing Abridged after he finishes Mushoku Tensei?


Well, yes, the long and safe way compared to the deadly and deadlier way.

XT 421

So one thing that is no longer spoiler-territory because you're in the Demon Continent that the anime leaves out but is in the source material is how Eris's opinions for Rudeus change over the years he dedicates to tutoring her and working with her. It is written like a character stat page in the light novel and she slowly goes from pretty much hating his guts to appreciating his talents and abilities to absolutely adoring him, more than Ghislaine and her grandfather. That said, I'm loving the reactions - keep them coming!


Rudy is technically strong he just doesn't have the experience in battle really. Most mage's can use up to Intermediate-level magic, fairly skilled ones can use Advanced, and Rudy learned Saint-level water magic by the age of 5.


1:10 I never noticed the moving suitcase before. She Has The LUGGAGE!

Matthew Williams

Not really an important or really relevant piece of information, but pig guy who got munched on by the big bad red snake used to be in a party with Roxy back in her adventurer glory days.


@Frentzy I kinda agree with both sides, and as you said I think it's not that big of a deal for a show like Mushoku Tensei. I'm just gonna add an exemple for the "you might want to take notes" side : Made in Abyss season 2 reaction videos were kinda disappointing because of that (to me, and to others, as you said it is very subjective. In the end he got it all right, but like more than half of the episodes reactions were him not understanding the plot or "big reveals" because the main names flew up his head or because he forgot important scenes that occured two episodes before. So it was a tiny bit disappointing when you are expecting him to be kinda surprised at some key moments, but instead he ends up having a poker face of even being totaly confused haha... In this case even him could have appreciated the season better, based on his opinions at the end ! That was way better for 86 for example, due to the fact that he watched 5 episodes per watching session. For shows for which he only watches one or two episodes per week (and considering he watches 6 or 7 other shows at the same time), taking notes might be a good exercise ! (off screen potentially, and this could even make him remember them without having to check them out later) Anyway, he does as he wishes, those are simply advices !


If it helps you not driving crazy, yup, he says Moshuko instead of Mushoku haha

Kot Bajun

Doubling down on that as well. I think Bookworm is the same type of a story where it simply happens to be isekai and darn well written otherwise.

Anthony Shepherd

I don't think that Eris is leaving Rudy behind in strength at this point in the storey, Eris took 2 attempts to slice that big red snake and Rudy also took 2, Eris sliced in across a thinner part and Rudy left a Gapping hole in the large part, I think that it is pretty close :P

Harley Burnie

6:50 One thing...you have a tenacious habit of pausing an anime and asking a question one second before they explain. Most things gotta be hella Edgy McDarklord kind of cerebral plot, or just a shite anime, to leave out the "whys & hows." I have definitely wondered what your content would look like with a discussion after the episodes, with like notes or something. Like the AutoSave or Semblance of Sanity channels.

Harley Burnie

11:40 It's the Demon Continent. If you ain't selfish, you'll die. Rudy definitely made a mistake, but considering he has a job to do, he is a new adventurer, and he came to that land with a Central Continent mindset, he knows he has to be better, more clever, more greedy to protect that noble girl AND push ahead. This was just one crazy bloody lesson, and the guilt will cause him to grow with a more caring attitude.

Harley Burnie

19:21 Rudy is way more able than you've sounded like you thought. He made Saint class at 5 years old, and he has been refining that effort since. I think maybe 10% of magicians could make it to Saint class in their lifetimes, and usually after decades of effort. He likely could wipe a city off a map, if he was clever about it. Thankfully, he is primarily a water based mage, so that kind of damage wouldn't be so rampant, not like fire.

Keith Merrington

LOL! Not sure if it has tiny feet on the bottom though. Didn't see any. Also she picks up her luggage when she runs towards the notice board.


He was *about* to wipe a city off the map. the spell he was going to cast, to kill Nekopara, was CumuloNimbus. We saw its power in episode 2. Now he has the staff to enhance it what appears to be 5-10x (note the size of the water ball in episode 8). The demon town was in a depression so the flooding would have wrecked it and drowned many.

Maurice S

Rudy is already at a very high level of magic, way more than most people could achieve. Also he can cast spells without an incantation which is super special in this world. Also also it is stated that he has quite a lot of mana compared to other people and if you remember back at the time of the teleportation disaster they said a huge amount of mana is needed for this to happen and the guy that was working for the god in the castle thought it was rudy.

Justin Poirier

It has been stated in the source material that only 1 in 20 people are born with the capacity to utilize mana, 1 in 20 of those being able to master it and become a mage. Of those mages only 1 in 100 are able to reach advanced class in only 1 element. At this point in the story, Rudeus is a Saint class water mage, and an advanced class fire, wind and earth mage. Something else from the source material, at some point while they are in this city with towering walls of stone, Rudeus considers the option of blocking off all the exits with earth magic and flooding the city with molten lava. You'll see as the story goes on that he isn't just a powerful mage, but he is also a genius when it comes to using magic for combat.

Chrono 1002

The whole end part of the last episode was about Rudy and Ruijerd arguing about whether using bad people to make make money was bad or not. Obviously Ruijerd was pissed about having that job. Also agreed, Eris is by far the best character.

The GoDKing 27

Uh there was a ton of strange creatures in Made in abyss S2 just not as much exploring.

Chris Gama

As for what you said about how the animation looks old school, I feel that way too. Yes anime today is all done pretty much digitally, but there are certain effects that their animation programs they use now that can really change up the look of anime. Simple things such as film grain for sure. But also just the way they do line-work, the programs they use can randomly add variation to the lines on screen, makes it look a bit more hand-drawn and hand-painted, by adding imperfection to the usual perfection of digital art, it makes it look like the animation is drawn on cells like they used to do it. (of course most of the base art is still drawn by hand) Modern anime has sure come a long way! The flat-looking digitally painted anime of the mid 2000's to even some in the 2010's is long past.

Somedude Watchintv

Rudeus' problem during this episode is to some degree he still treats the world like games and visual novels he's played. At no point did he ever expect someone to die because in a lot of games and anime the monsters would only threaten until the hero showed up and then the fight would start. This and Eris' fake kidnapping turning into a real one is starting to show him the flaws in that thinking.


Rudy, is this barely losing any of his power? He's incredibly powerful, he's just not trying to harm people, so he uses very little. You'll see this in his Battle with The dragon god