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Here is the PATREON EXCLUSIVE Made in Abyss Episode 11 reaction!!




Will you be reacting to the openings and endings when you're done watching the anime this weekend?

Aaren YASS

These final episodes are actually quite emotional. It probably depends where your values lie and maybe personal experiences, since the theme of this season is different from season 1. It'll probably be a few years before we get season 3.

tyler Pantaleo

Cant wait to see your reaction to the last episode! I wonder what your opinion on season 1 being better is, is it based on the journey aspect? You will notice that as they got lower they stayed in certain layers longer. And i think that will continue as layers get more difficult, and with there own stories to tell. Each season will probably focus on a theme as well. This one being ones value, which is why gold is used a lot as a description, since its used to determine value. City of gold = city of value, and this season is an exploration on finding your own personal value.


Yes that Nanachi entrance was dope

Kaj Moroz

I think watching the episodes split up so much, you've missed some of the more recent callbacks since they were 4 weeks ago at this point. I would definitely recommend if you have time, going back from episode 1 and just binge the entire season. Especially when you were mentioning you almost remember the smoke.


Luke, I highly recommend re-watching the series yourself, especially season 2. When I first saw it, I had the same feeling as you. But after watching it again and fully understanding the details and story, it became my favorite season. I think you missed a lot of details and that's why you didn't enjoy the first half of Season 2 as much as most here. I don't blame you, it's confusing at times, especially with subs. But if you rewatch Season 2 and notice the foreshadowing and the important meaning of the story, I believe you're going to really love it.


Faputa’s drive to destroy the village is something akin to an instinct. For her to stop would be something like holding her breath. For better or worse, it’s something she must do.

Keith Merrington

The Star Compass was key in leading the Ganja (suicide squad) to the Abyss. It is far from useless. Rico is a white whistle. Only she can use Prushka to activate Reg. That makes her a key component in the ultimate Reg fighting configuration.

James Perrott

once youre done with the anime, and listened to the openings and endings, i SERIOUSLY cannot reccomend enough to listen to the entire soundtrack of this show, especialy for season 2, some songs didnt play at ALL, and many of them the best parts arent used, its criminal, i dont understand why at all but i think it would make for 3 amazing streams in the future, just listening to season 1s ost, then the movie ost, and then season 2s ost all 3 are absolute masterpieces and every single song in them deserves attention IMO, id absolutely watch reactions to all of it, and you wouldnt be dissapointed it would just take far too long to react to the soundtrack 1 at a time for youtube videos, but you could upload clips of your favourites

James Perrott

Best girl Nanachi finally retured with peak OST

James Perrott

i think its more because hes watching many shows at once, i never have any issue remembering details when watching only 1 episode a week


Damn, I forgot that the giraffe looking thing is just plain disrespectful. I can just hear it have an evil villain commentary over every scene.

James Perrott

even when understanding everything season 2 is still the weakest of the 3 for me, first half of season 1 was always something new, but episode 10 until the end of the movie is just an absolute 10/10 masterpiece every second of the way i love season 2 despite its slow start, but it just cant compare to the end of S1 and the movie

James Perrott

Nanachi is also useless in a fight lol, the fishing rod isnt exctly a weapon and now belaf is gone


Seasons 1 and 2 are tied score-wise on MAL, S1 is 1 rank above so there are more than 10 ratings, but the number itself is the exact same to 2 decimal places. Overall I find it hard to agree or disagree, I think all 3 things are 10/10's overall. All 3 did their jobs perfectly, we can only hope for the same quality with season 3 in a few years.


Someone else pointed this out, but the pure essence of Faputa's creation was to free the village. She was born as the final child, with the goal to free her mother's corpse as their home. Ultimately, imagine you're on a revenge mission to kill a group who murdered your family, and then when there you're presented with semi-legitimate reasons for why they did so, your very being would still be anguished. Faputa shows here that she's struggling against her instincts, and can't understand what feeling is correct. I'm hoping you do the op/ed's after this, full version of op 2 would be cool too if you have time. Love as always <3


Yeah that's based on your preferences. But i think we all can agree that this whole show is an outstanding piece of media.


Riko/Pruska are the support class for the team. Provide huge buffs to Reg and cooking skills and general encyclopedic knowledge. Also, even if a full strength Fabuta joining them wouldn't make them unstoppable I'd say. You see how overwhelmed she is at this level of the abyss and she's stronger than Reg. Plus I don't know how immortal or regenerative she is once the villagers she eats are out of the picture. So far all her healing we've seen from what would be fatal wounds seems to be tied to the village using her siblings (the black goo) or eating villagers.


Its another Ohms Reaction! This episode was incredibly intense, gory, and mysterious. First, Reg gets knocked out (figures since she even tried to destroy him from within and that didn't work) and pinned down so she could finish. But then she blamed Riko for changing him and honestly, the tension scared me. But then Gabu came in (to my shock!) and saved the day, though the sheer impact was enough to essentially knock him out, though not without giving her a sound piece of advice. Then Nanachi and Belaf (Who i thought crumbled as he tried to get there) arrived, with Nanachi wielding a... scent throwing plaque on a fishing rod? it confused me, but then i realized, Belaf must only be able to sense things by their scent, especially because what looks like his eyes are not his eyes. Of course, his longing for death was finally granted by the princess, but not before exposing her to the scent-memories of her mother, which knocked her out for a bit. The internal conflict that ensued really came to bear. All her life she basically had longed for the destruction of this village, but the memories of her mother, and how she was loved, especially by Veuko, threw that into conflict. And in the midst of that conflict more chaos appeared as the crazy powerful creatures of the greater abyss appeared to lay waste to the tasty morsels within. Faputa did not put up as great of a fight as I'd thought (I have a theory on that), but then, when she was nearly destroyed by the dragon... the villagers saved her through giving her pieces of themselves to eat (gross, but then this whole value system is in a way). So now she's out, restored and... has a symbol like Reg in her eyes? Anyways ~Speculation time~ I have two running theories about two elements of the show. 1 - Faputa's effectiveness at killing the villagers hinged upon the fact that she was directing her *entire reason for being* upon killing the villagers. With so much of the power that she clearly possessed directed at them, she was not effective at attacking enemies not part of the village, even as they seemed to destroy 'her reason for being'. Yet once she consumed some of the villagers (which changed her perspective enough to value herself as a being more) the power she possesses now can be used fully and without the prior restraint that she had when focused purely on the village (if you can even call it that) 2 - Faputa's power and eye marks have to do with the power of the wishing-eggs within her. That being the case, given the marks when it comes to Reg are affixed to his helmet, one questions whether the wishing eggs are meant to be power sources for the technology of the abyss, or rather whether its simply to indicate a connection to said technology. Either way, this is fascinating, and I look forward to seeing more!


This. Belaf seems to be blind now. Since he valued Irumyuui kids' tastes, his eyes became mouths with long tongues


i dont even care that i have to wait 24 hours, because you aren't, you're going straight into the final episode with your emotions high from the last one, a perfect way to end the season


"First, Reg gets knocked out (figures since she even tried to destroy him from within and that didn't work)" Just to be clear, Faputa never really tried to destroy/kill Reg ^^.


Enjoy! Can't wait to know what you think of this prodigious finale, of the season 2 as a whole, and of Made In Abyss as a whole. Oh, and I have to say it again : Faputa.is.such.a.fu'in.good.character! (and the voice actress should have won the award).

Pete Bickmore

Glad you're seeing why people do love this season. It is different from the shorter arcs that season 1 had. But it was actually those that weren't very successful for the manga. It was the longer arcs after Nanachi was introduced that really made the manga blow up. We're invested in a long story over many years that hopefully we'll eventually get to the end of in the coming years.


If like Fupata you've believed something so deeply that you believe it is your identity for hundreds to thousands of years, its going to take a lot more then a couple conversations over a day to change your mind


I dont know how using one's own body to invade another and potentially cause internal injuries as she did all this time could not be construed as trying to kill someone, but... ok

Regular Grayzone

I suppose Faputa is a relic of sorts, but to recharge she needs food, where Reg needs electricity. She was made from 3 Wish granting relics


The violence is yummy.


The ost "juroimo mutation" was playing in the backround. It makes this scene way more intense and epic, imo


Can you please react to the Opening for this season of Made in Abyss now that you have completed the show. Its seams happy but now that you know what happens in the season oh boy is it crazy what they put in the opening. Also the Full ending song by MYTH&ROID is amazing. Make sure it has subtitles so you can understand the lyrics. I am also very excited for Mushoku Tensei!!!


Yes, you're right about her actions. Not about her intentions. She was trying to push him around, but her aim is never to kill him. Faputa is extremely attached to Reg. When she wants to kill, she says so; but she never tells Reg. At the start of the fight she tells him "Faputa will make you remeber, even if it takes giving you a beating", not "killing you". During the fight, she takes the time to talk about their past, taking his helmet from him and giving it back to him just afterwards, explaining the intent of her past actions (for example, why she took Prushka). At the end of the fight, when she knocks him out, she could do whatever she wants with him (like send him deeper into the Abyss), but no, she takes him back with her and puts him down gently. Faputa is extremely attached to Reg (it's even the source of her anger towards Riko). She's very powerful, and while I don't know if she has the ability to kill him, I'm sure she never intends to. It's just my opinion, my interpretation...but it seems pretty obvious to me.


What monologue do you need beyond "Spits ball of acid the size of a car on you"


She can see the force field and thus what people will do a second in advance. And then tell it to Reg. Reg shoots you, Faputa tears you apart, Nanachi uses survival skills and jerry rigged tech to make the abyss fight you. By the way, Reg is jerry rigged tech. She deduced Wazukyan's whole plan in seconds, she's a genius.

Hawk of Battle

Luke last week: We all know Faputa's gona die, right? Luke this week: Faputa gona join them on their adventure!

tyler Pantaleo

Yup. It directly correlates with Belaf"s, "one day i hope you dicover your own value". Paraphrasing, but after freeing her mother and containing all the memories of the hollows, she now knows the value of what she accumulated.


Everyone sees things and understands things differently but without a doubt season 2 surpasses season 1 in almost every way possible. The amount of complexity in this season amazing its hard to wrap your mind around it. If you really delved into how complicated and amazing this season was you would at least have to admit writing and character wise that this hits peaks that rarely get hit.


Everyone sees things and understands things differently but without a doubt season 2 surpasses season 1 in almost every way possible. The amount of complexity in this season amazing its hard to wrap your mind around it. If you really delved into how complicated and amazing this season was you would at least have to admit writing and character wise that this hits peaks that rarely get hit.


Faputa is literally the embodiment of her mother's rage and regret. She was born to be and express that rage and exact revenge on those who consumed her mother and siblings. She cannot simply "let it go" as Gabu said "it is her natural instinct". However, Belaf did say something very connected to this idea in his passing moments, he says "at the end of your destiny there will come a time where you decide your own value". I believe this to mean that he is wishing for Faputa to gain her own identity, her own reason to exist, her own purpose beyond just being the incarnation of her mother's rage, and the "embodiment of value". Ultimately that is her character arc, as we see it in this season. Acknowledging her mother had experienced things other than rage and regret is an ego death of sorts, because it's all Faputa knew of her mother's experience. So again, she can't just "let it go" it's her identity, her very reason for existing, her life's purpose and the death of that is very painful and requires her to grieve what she knew to be true. Which is why we see her struggle to accept it.