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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to JUJUTSU KAISEN Season 2 Episode 1!!!



Captain Warcrime

I believe the flashback arc takes place like 12 years before Season 1 (or 10-11 years before JJK 0).


dw only first couple of episodes will be about past.

Captain Warcrime

Also, Megumi isn't a bastard. His dad simply left after Megumi's mother died. You might be getting him confused with Noritoshi Kamo (the blood manipulator) since he was an illegitimate child who happened to inherit is family's technique which allowed him to stay in the family.


Yep that is where the good looks of Fushi came from. In japan i think the husband can take the wife’s family name instead of the usual wife taking the husbands last name


5 eps flashback 18eps present

Frederik Munk

You can watch the opening and ending. There is no spoilers past episode 1 in it. And it's only the first 5-6 episodes, that is in the past (can't remember the amount). Also, this backstory takes place in 2006, where Gojo was a second-year in Jujutsu High


Right now, gojo, shoko and Geto are second years, so they are 16 (at that time)

Angel Martinez Barrera

You have to react to the warning, it is a Mexican rock band that is made up of 3 sisters. They have 3 albums and they are under 23 years old. I recommend you listen to their cover of enter sandman by metalica, from when they had Daniela - Guitar - 14 yrs old. Paulina - Drums - 12 yrs old. Alejandra - Bass Guitar - 9 yrs old. The metalica drummer said that the little drummer was a beast when he heard the cover. https://youtu.be/1boUYB9LFJY You should also listen to their songs in their live performances disciple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo0odllVq8g&t=196s&pp=ygUUZGlzY2lwbGUgdGhlIHdhcm5pbmc%3D dust to dust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeIbG8nkOiU&pp=ygUYZHVzdCB0byBkdXN0IHRoZSB3YXJuaW5n evolve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxy5WOQ4qfg&pp=ygUSZXZvbHZlIHRoZSB3YXJuaW5n Thanks.


the first 5 or so episodes will be a flashback, the movie you watched happens some time after this flashback and before season 1


There are no spoilers in the opening. You're good to go!


In my opinion, this was one of the best arcs of jjk even tho it was short, I think you’ll like it

Austin Deery

First 5 eps are flashback and then after the 3 week break it will continue on from season 1. The movie and this flashback provide a lot of context which is needed for the rest of the season.


You're confusing Megumi with Kamo. Kamo Noritoshi was the bastard! He fought Megumi at the Kyoto vs Tokyo episodes and you mentioned that :P. Megumi's dad simply left him, and Gojo then rescued him from the Zen'in clan, we witnessed that rescue at the final episodes of S1


Damn, this must have been first time Luke realized something before me. It took me till episode 4 to realize that was Megumis dad.


Megumi is not a bastard. His dad's name changed from Zen'in to Fushiguro when he married his now wife whose last name is Fushiguro. The dad changed Megumi's name to Fushiguro then too. The wife is Megumi's step-mother and her daughter, Tsumiki, who we saw briefly in season 1 is Megumi's step-sister who has a different biological father than Megumi so they are not blood related (not that it matters). Megumi's biological mom is a different woman who the dad met and had Megumi with before he married his now wife Fushiguro. We don't know for sure what happened to Megumi's biological mom, but I think she died.


Season 2 ep 1-5 I think are flashback too them in high school, they movie takes place years after, then season 1. So the order is ……season 2 ep 1-5, JJk movie, then season 1


Yes the character art style changed to a more simpler design so it’s easier to add more fluid animation. It’s a different director this season. The first director left bc he made his own studio


Hey All, I purposefully held back on watching Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 to watch along with you all, and as such this qualifies for a Ohm's Reactions (those who watch Made in Abyss know what I'm talking about) The approach of going even further into the past before the movie (a prequel to a prequel, as it were) is unusual, but given the relationship between Gojo and Goto, it seems like whatever incident it depicted must be of monumental importance to the story going forward. It is also interesting to see how Gojo and Goto's stances on the rest of humanity have essentially flipped. Additionally, Goto's power, though massive, seems extremely unpleasant to him. It really makes you wonder what sort of dark arc he went through to become how he is now. Their carelessness and their friendship/rivalry is pretty good though, and funny to see. And now with the explanation of Tengen-sama's rejuvenation process, and its necessity, its looking to be a wild ride, especially as we see these two extremely powerful sorcerers in action. But what really shocked me was the presence of the elder Fushiguro. If he truly is the father of the current Megumi Fushiguro, then does he also have the same technique? Also, there is currently no clue whether he is going to play a direct or more strategic role in the battles to come, so I'm really interested in where this is going. Also, the animation really does look different, and in my opinion better. That alone makes me think the fights here are going to be absolutely WILD. Here's to looking forward to that!


op and ed are spoiler safe so you really should react to them :)


Hello, would like to clarify something for you if you didnt already know. If you did I am sorry for bringing it up again. Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is a prequel, so basically it happens before season 1. First 4 episodes of season 2 happen when gojo was still a teen, and to clarify something Gojo did kill Geto Suguru. The post credit scenes of the movie, where Gojo visits Yuta and the guy that became good, formerly evil, happens in the timeline right when the exchange event happens in season 1 (you can check, Gojo says before the exchange event that he has to go somewhere). In conclusion first the timeline goes like this: first 4 episodes of season 2 >> Jujutsu Kaisen 0 >> Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1.


Hopefully you recognised papa Fushigoro's voice, it is the same voice actor as the most bad ass and coolest dad straight from Kaguya-sama, papa Shirogane. (Also Zeke and Dio)

Puraido Eustass

Oooh, can't wait JJKS2! Let's go! Hm, for the kid that was raising the hand, we learned that too, to hold out the hand if you wanted to cross the road, maybe because kids are small and this way they are seen easier? Not sure. Utahime is very cute in this, and Mei is awesome, as always. Gosh, I love the way how Suguru purrs Satoru's name at the end. I listened to it so many times I still can't get enough! This scene will be the end of me. Gojo and Geto look so good. I'm dying every time I see them. They are so precious! They are just kids! Yep, Fushi's dad. Papa-Guro. Fushi wasn't a bastard. Papa-Guro met Mama-Gumi, and they had Megumi. Then Mama-Gumi died, and a few years later, Papa-Guro married Tsumiki's (Megumi's step-sister) mother. Misses Fushiguro. He took her last name. Also, good job for figuring out that this is Fushi's dad. I have seen people that thought he was his brother ... (And also people that thought that the Bathtub girl was Megumi's mother .....) And no, the Gojo's Past arc is 5 episodes, then I think 2 recap Episodes for the Movie, and the rest continues where Season 1 left off. I think.


Miwa (the light-blue-haired 2nd year with the sword) is the one with the crush on Gojo. Utahime (who we saw in this episode) has a large scar across her face in the current timeline that she's missing here. Utahime is the one usually complaining about how much she can't stand Gojo.


No one ever said Megumi (Fushiguro) is a bastard. He said that his father hooked up with Tsumiki's mother and then they ran off, leaving the two kids alone. We know nothing about Megumi's mother - maybe this guy abandoned her or she died. He was originally from the Zenin clan and he traded his son for his freedom from the clan, but Gojo stepped in to take Megumi instead of the clan. That's about all we know. Gojo, Geto, and Shoko (the current doctor) are about 16 in this flashback since they are second-years. That put this arc about 12 years in the past, I think. Mei Mei is already money-focused but Utahime seems pretty new to officially solving cases- maybe that's why she becomes the head teacher at the Kyoto school.

Jeremy Berry

Episode 4 of season 2 just came out the other day don’t worry it gets crazy lol this is just the start of season 2

yuzu hibiki

This Flashback is vital for the next arc to come. You will understand more when it comes but in essence, it's the flashback for Gojo & Geto taking place before JJK 0 (the movie). I'm really excited to see you react to the next few episodes so totally looking forward to it. Gojo is still kinda twisted in this flashback like how he was in JJK0 when he pretty much send panda & Inumaki to die so that Yuta gets stronger.

Thomas Juino

season 2 is like 12 years before seaosn 1 and the movie...


Miwa- blue haired teen second year / Mei - has the 2 big braids and is money hungry / Utahime - has scar in present time and was teacher-leader for Kyoto school second years. Also I might be off a bit but I believe there’s a difference of about 10 years or so between seasons. Also you got megumi confused with Kamo, who megumi faced in school event and said they were the same.

Gavin Wong

this is before the movie - - first 5 episodes of season 2 is pre


Yes react to the OP it fire

Thomas Juino

and both the opening and ending have no spoilers, so feel free to react to them as soon as possible !!!


Utahime is the one with the scar who always argued with Gojo. You're confusing her with Miwa


Doesn't Utahime also have a crush on Gojo (might be misremembering), tho you are right about the one going all fan girl and crazy is Miwa.


I think you are confusing Fushiguro's story with Noritoshi Kamo's (the guy from the Kyoto school who fights with a blood technique and always has his eyes closed). Kamo's mom is a concubine so he is an illegitimate child. You might remember the mom left, told him to become strong, go up the ranks and then go look for her. What we know about Fushiguro's past is that his dad left his wife's clan (Zenin), then ran off with Tsumiki's mom leaving both kids by themselves. Hope that helps.


My theory is that Fushi's dad not so much loved Fushi's mother but rather wanted a child who would inherit the shadow technic and once he had that he gave up on his clan. Thats why in s1 when that other guy was fighting Fushi he said "why did it have to be you who inherit this power" or something like that. Also i swear the way its going next season will be Gojo as a 10yo. kid and s4 will be probably Sukuna's reign...


The change for the animation style is the director has changed and the art has been improved upon heavily, they removed alot of detail from the characters meaning they are able to animate them better aka we are getting some amazing animation this season and the director is very creative with storyboarding !


A little tidbit: people's CT don't manifest until 5 or 6 years old usually so there's no way for Toji to have known if Megumi inherited the 10 shadows technique or not. Megumi would be sold into the Zenin clan regardless though.

Moba Test

Yes. Toji is a mukoyoshi (adopted son-in-law). This may take place in marriages when: 1. The woman's family is of a higher socio-economic rank than the man's family. When a family, especially one with a well established business, has no male heir but has an unwed daughter of a suitable age, she will marry the mukoyoshi, a man chosen especially for his ability to run the family business 2. The woman has no brothers who can continue the family name 3. The man has been disowned by his own family; or 4. The man's natural family has a notorious or shameful background and he prefers to hide his identity A foreigner may also take his Japanese wife’s surname instead of "Japanizing" his own when he takes Japanese nationality.


To explain further, it is a ten year flashback, it takes place in the summer at a time when Suguru, Satoru, and Shoko were still in school. This is a small arc and it will last 6 episodes, afterwards it will resume with the next arc with Yuji.

Cédric Michaud

Edit: 14:45 Nevermind this comment, you know who are these girls. 5:50 Both girls are already known. The one with the white hair was the girl that Gojou paid at the end of the season to recommend the five students including Itadori and Megumi and the other one (the girl with dark hair) is the girl named Utahime who has a long scar below her face. Like someone already said, this arc of five episodes who will begin season 2 (that someone said six but I've heard five) is set place ten years before the main events of season 1. So it is when Gojou and Geto where students of the jujutsu sorcerer school themselves. The already-released four episodes are really good (the last two are especially peak) in my opinion.


The CG backgrounds are very reminiscent of Chainsaw Man, I love the feel of it but there’s a lot of controversy surrounding the use of CGI in modern anime. I don’t get the hate but there’s plenty of it unfortunately.


Honestly you are in for a treat with fushi's dad


This flashback takes place in 2006, so it's 11 years before the season one.


Noritoshi Kamo is a bastard. For Fushiguro Megumi is different because his dad left the clan by himself


Shoko was actually mentioned by Nobara at the end of season 1 i wonder what relationship they have.. sister not by blood? or just friends ?? :o (edit : she called her -san.. so i guess just a friend :D ) i cant wait for present time (im enjoying alot of the past aswell dont get me wrong :D) yeah.. Utahime is the scar girl that hates gojo.. which we still havent seen her ability.. im very curious.. she said at season one about some ''reception''


interesting how removing details making animations better :D ufotable has plenty of details no ? :D imo i liked season 1 animation more but i dont dislike season 2 animation.. already got used to it pretty much


Probably a bit more than 10 years, at least in the anime version, if season 1 is supposed to take place in 2018. That or the principal hasn't updated his laptop to Windows Vista yet :P


I kinda have to disagree in that it has improved. The animation seems unatural to me especially, when Gojo and Suguru were walking next to each other. I liked the art style of S1 way more. I have to force myself through this one, simply because I love the story of Jujutsu Kaisen too much to give up on it.

Regill Derenge

yup. the new animation is super trash. too much cgi. I must prefer traditional animation.


the fact that there is barely cgi this season and its all aditional animation.

James Dorling

Shoko's the doctor lady who was sad she didn't get to do an autopsy on Itadori in S1


yeah i figured already.. but still cant believe it took me so long lmao..


The hand in the air is a really good thing in japan, they teach it their children, cause otherwise they would be to small to be seen by drivers and so they at least see the hand and know there is someone walking there. they should adapt that around the world for making going to school and so one for kids safer. And as a Digimon fan i really like the reference to Digimon from Gojo, he is a man of culture.