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I forgot Bon Clay was in this anime


I dunno.. in my eyes Ed hearing he is a homunculus automaticaly tells him he is ''immortal'' :D


notice when ed and izumi are talking about the Truth and doing the wavy arm thing that both ed's arms are flesh coloured? animation mistakes at its finest


Why'd you skip the beginning when she actually expelled them? I assume you just immediately jumped to the end of the opening, but there was a scene before it.


Remember, ALWAYS remember, teacher sure is scary….


Dude you’ve got to stop being suspicious of characters that have literally zero reason to warrant suspicion. You keep ending up wrong and just spending all the time you could be enjoying that character trying to find reasons they are bad for no reason


If you love overpowered characters, try Seven Deadly Sins. The anime, not the characters in this show.


He had Shou Tucker and Bondrewd in one week. It is completely rational.


Hawkeye is best girl.

Andrew Lindsey

Great episode…love the next one.

Lexi Browning

This is a random request but I think you’ll really enjoy it and your audience will enjoy it too since hardly anyone reacts to it. There’s an anime called Bakuman that I think all anime watchers should see at least once. If you’re creative in any capacity, it’s a must watch for sure. The show’s made by the creators of Death Note and is pretty much a love letter to manga, anime, and the artists/writers behind all of these amazing stories that the world of anime has given us.

Roy Meulblok

We are only 13 episodes in and it feels like we already have been on a huge journey, thats one of the things I love of this show. Only 64 episodes, but it feels waaaaaay longer and is hella satisfying.

Chyro Nighthowler

Dude you've got to stop telling someone that is watching a show for the first time who to not be suspicious of. Of course you know if you've seen it all, and of course its 'obvious' to you.

Tom Horne

I'd rather fight Olivier and Alex than Sig and Izumi.... If you know... you know


Greed has always been my favorite Homunculus. Gotta love him. He’s just a old greedy bastard

James H. Hobbs

You definitely need to watch the OVA later on. One of them involves Izumi and her early life and is amazing.

Tom Boggess

yoki is a character from the original fma anime. he was a solider in charge of a mining town and taking all of their wealth. Edward elric "bought" the deed to the town from him in exchnange for a bunch of "gold" that turned out to be fake, ruining yoki.


yeah the story is also in the manga and I really wonder why they cut it from brotherhood

Daniel Thunberg

Him saying that he would rather be sharing DNA with a Lion or Gorilla to be badass, me .........

Meruka Hinaru

Your suspicions on characters are so funny to me haha Now I'm gonna start suspecting characters on animes that I watch haha

Hououin Kyouma

The Yoki guy was just teased in the wanted poster and also mentioned several episodes prior to this. If someone read the manga would know exactly who he is because he appears in several chapters towards the beginning of the manga. The anime skipped his arc and only mentioned him. Oh btw since this episode was made by compressing too many chapters sometimes it doesn't make complete sense. That's why you were getting confused about Greed and Ed's conversation. They heavily skipped stuff and for convenience Ed overheard Greed on his way.