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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OSHI NO KO Episode 10!!



tyler Pantaleo

Man i need a second season quick, this show has been so good! Also, i think we are going to see them be more successful before we start delving more into who the father is? Or maybe we will get slice of life with tidbits of moments into who the father is?


I think Kanas problem with complements is that everyone always tell her how "talented" she is but that supposed "talent" never translated into any success. It's like, "if I actually was as good as everyone says, then why does everything I do end up as a failure?".


Kana really is the best girl because she is such a hard worker. She feels responsible and cares for others. Just a couple insights from me: there are people like kana who are self-critical (because they recognize their weakness) and don't really take compliments at face value. I think they would appreciate it more if they were complimented more on how hard they worked to hone their skill/talent instead of the end result. It's pretty easy to throw out a compliment and say oh you're good at something, but people don't realize the amount of work and effort that is put into making something good or becoming a master at your craft. The second thing is talented people sometimes feel alienated from others because they stand out. People put you on a pedestal, they get jealous of your talent and some even work to sabotage you, others assume you're conceited just because you're better at something then the average person. At the end of the day, everyone just wishes to have someone they can open up to and rely on. As Kana said, someone that will support them. The more talented a person is and stands out, the less relatable they are to the average person. It's like a gap in social standing. When you're a hard worker that has gone through the trouble to stand on your own feet, it's difficult to find someone that is equally as capable to support you. Competence, love and support are in high demand. What I'm trying to say is: it doesn't matter who you are or where you came from, everyone wants someone that can back them up. Kana was happy because here was someone that recognized her for who she was. When Aqua started listing all her good points and insights about her behavior, she was like oh! Here is someone that actually knows the real me. Someone that actually pays attention instead of seeing the face value persona that is Kana Arima.

Scott Humphreys

Part of the reason Idol gets so much credit is we already loved Yoasobi. They already have 2 monster songs before Idol. Racing into the Night is still probably their best song.

Dinh Duy Nguyen

Kana beats herself up for everything, she said “everyone involved (in her singing career) wants to forget that episode”, but it’s more like she wants to forget everything. She is still a teenager and after her success, she only experienced failure. At that age it’s important to have moments of success, if you only experience failure, you will see yourself as failure. I defined myself by my consistent failure in my teenage years, on top of that asian parents, but Kana also had the pressure of the public. Her thoughts has a very negative nuances, but she still has the drive to be a top actor and keeps going. I love Kana as a character, because she did that what I wasn’t able to do.

Juho Kaartoaho

I'm so on edge for the last episode since I know what this show is capable, but I have no clue how are they gonna end the season.


Agree alot with the Ending take, I love both but i find myself listening to repeating mephisto more often .


i personally like the ending MORE than the OP, and that's saying since something since the OP is AMAZING, but the ED is just SOOOOOO GOOD


I would like to point out, even as the reincarnation story simmers on the back burner, that you should keep in mind that Ruby and Aqua *never* once sat down and explained who they were in the past. That's why the romantic complication of Ruby remembering the doctor she once had a crush on. She never found out he was dead or missing because her mental timeline went from "cancer girl" to "baby" with nothing in between. When she fell asleep reminiscing about him she entertained a fantasy that maybe he would be her fan if she somehow got famous enough to be heard about way out in that remote town. It's pretty sad when you think about it.


The ending probably doesn’t get covered because of the vocal range. Idol is way easier for girls to sing.


I agree with the take on the ending too. At first I spent far more time with Mephisto on repeat vs Idol, though they are both great songs, and Idol grew on me more, but I’ll hum along to Mephisto more than Idol


I think Kana takes compliments poorly precisely because she gets so many, yet was abandoned and treated as washed up. “You’re such a good actor but not good enough to get jobs.” “You are a great singer but not enough to be a professional singer.” It’s the compliments contrasting with the way she was treated, caused her to view the compliments as hollow.


That damn violin is the bane of my existence, but also the siren song of the next episode. I was wise enough to wait for this series to be finished so I could just binge it straight through in one sitting. I would have gone insane waiting week to week.


"One thing that I'm confused about, which seems to be a general theme we're seeing a lot..." - Yes, seeing you confused about things is something we see a lot. :)


What a surprise choice for the lead performer:)) Kana got a new fan or an old one? Does everyone love Pieyon or Aqua ? Or both of them?