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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OSHI NO KO Episode 8!!!




Is it just me or the VA is also Ai's VA?

Gabriel Pires

"Aqua is sort of surrounded by no one and everyone at the same time" Damn, Luke, that line hit hard, and I 100% agree with it


Well, she is in the opening. It would be odd if her role was only in the reality show.


BTW when Akane said she believes Ai had a child... the look Aqua gave her was like "say something and you are dead"


probably less of that and more of, how on earth did someone who didn't know ai at all even deduce that, and what led her to that conclusion


I don't know if you knew or not (someone has probably already told you) but the writer for this show is the same writer as Love is War. That's why they are both God tier shows


The anime already confirmed that the producer in NOT Aqua's father after he did a DNA test on his cigarettes. This was mentioned in Ep 4 IIRC.


Man I love this show. Regarding the relationship between Kanna and Aqua. Aqua is naturally cautious about everyone around him due to his traumatic past. He doesn't trust people and keeps them at arms length so naturally he doesn't have anyone to open up to. Kanna on the other hand is honest to a fault. She doesn't hide anything. Neither her feelings or thoughts. She is very transparent and easy to read, which makes her the most predictable and trustworthy character in the eyes of Aqua. She is the perfect counterpart to Aqua and I'm totally rooting for those two. p.s. I was a little bit worried that Akane would end up working closely together with Aqua. I was dreading it might lead to a 'school days' scenario. Since Aqua has no qualms about using people.


I see Luke also ships Aqua and Kana. They grow so fast 🥹🥲🤧

Oliver Schubert

Sometimes you say something accurate that no one else thinks of. Sometimes you ask "Is he his father?" AFTER Aqua made the DNA test. Dude is still sus as hell tho


mmmm i dont know. The more i think about it the more my theory goes to Ruby becoming same as Ai (cheerful, carefree etc) and Aqua (now this is only a theory) is becoming more like their father (cold, calculating, manipulative)


I'm more interested in if Ruby and Aqua will ever find out each other's previous identity. Ironically even though they grew up together they still have a lot to catch up on.

tyler Pantaleo

There is another channel that breaks down this show from a psychology perspective, and its crazy how much the show writer got right.

die kokosnuss

Lukes like: A girl talking to a guy? i think she loves him! lol


Hi there! No full metal alchemist today?


Did anyone else notice how near the beginning of the episode when Kana walks to school and overhears the girls talking about shipping Aqua with Akane the colors were very dull and sort of clouded, and then the second she hears Aquas voice and sees him the colors get a lot more bright and vibrant? I only noticed it on the second time watching and it just blew me away how perfectly in sync that is with Kana's emotional state.


Waiting for that as well. Subscribed for fmab!


Manga Spoiler: It gets really freaking good


i remind you that he did a DNA test on that guy lol

Luis Guerrero

As someone who read the manga, its definitely more surprised horror than what you are claiming

Kenneth Tong

btw the "Delusions of Grandeur" that Kana says, in Japanese is 中二病, which directly translates to "Middle Grade 2 Disorder" where basically a lot of kids think they're anime characters and act like it. Like if you watched AoT and liked Levi and start acting like him, that's considered 中二病 (Chuuni Byou. Pronunciation: [Chew-Knee Bee-o])


Nasty Akane!