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Here is the FULL reaction to our Patreon Exclusive Series MADE IN ABYSS Episode 10! 



Daniel Griffiths

i was timing this down im so exited XD



David Rodriguez

The real made in abyss begins!!!


The MVP is here

Nathan Dykstra

You may have already gotten this recommendation but since season 1 is an odd number of episodes, and you do 2 a week, you could do the "Marulk's Daily Life" OVA's for the other slot that week. There are 4 of them and they are all only a few minutes each. They came out after the end of season 1 and before the movie so it fits.


Welcome to episode 10, setting the tone for the rest of the show XD


Note to self: Do not try to block a giant venomous hedgehog with umbrella


Welcome to abyss!!


That's actually a good idea. Be aware though, Luke - the final episode is a 40 minute long one rather than the usual 20 mins.

Rory Rouses

Episode 13 is a double length one hour episode. You could do one week where you drop episode 13 om Friday and then drop an opening and ending reaction for season 1 on Saturday.


Man, I'm worried about you. If this episode was too much for you, I can't imagine how you'll react to the rest of the show, you probably won't handle it.

Daniel Griffiths

fair warning episode 13 is 40mins... and it shouldnt be split... the film shouldnt be separated across 7 days either.... not sure what the right course of action should be other than maybe a one off sunday/monday slot to finish off the film maybe? not sure this is a difficult one tbf


congratulations you made it to the first episode of the real made in abyss.


just so you know last episode is double length

Tomáš Votruba

This was my... 6th time seeing this scene? And I actually had to pause and get a duvet because I started shivering. It just doesn't get any easier!


I think it's fair to say. Record ep 13 and than record the movie one week later. I believe you need to take a break after ep13.


In Chinese, adventure is translated to 冒险(Mao Xian) which means taking risk and this is somewhat similar to Japanese as well if I'm not wrong,冒険 (Boken). Made in Abyss is so good that apart from the plot and emotions, they actually set on a real adventure which is full of risk unlike many other shows where the MC always just go for a happy Pokemon-like adventure. Btw, I just realized Pathway was played in this scene too apart from that scene... such a beautiful yet sad OST... And finally, here comes the fluffy bunny, ah my fav Welcome to the point where real adventure starts! **LUKE, PLEASE DON'T SPLIT EP13 INTO TWO PARTS NOR THE MOVIE FOR REACTION!!! IF SO, THAT WILL BE THE MOST FRUSTRATING REACTION EVER

Sebastian Stróż

Wolcome to the abyss you are now officially out of tutorial. Also, I forgot ep 13 is double length so as some people suggested it would probably the best to drop ep 13 of Friday, dont upload on Saturday and then do the same for a movie week after.

Vladilena Milize

You can do Episode 11 tomorrow - 12 and 13 next week. Episode 13 is a 47 minute long episode aswell. Then do the movie the week after that.

Rimtia Crowing

Nanachi is the most beloved Character of the Series as for the Manga too. There was no way to not show Nanachi everywhere when the Anime came out.


I believe it's everybody's favorite, maybe together with an other character in the later episodes, soso...

tyler Pantaleo

Oh Nanachi, she is the best character to me, with a backstory that is full of emotions. This is where the story reaches its own point of no return. The training wheels come off here.


This show will break you.

Addstir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-27 20:09:09 As much as I'd love ep 13 (40 mins) and the movie the next day. If you can't do it, as someone else said: You can drop ep 13 as 1 full episode on Friday and make Saturday a reaction to the opening and ending of season 1. (free extra youtube video too? Where you can reannounce you're doing MIA on Patreon now and say you've just finished season 1, next week is movie and then onto s2) Then the week after do the movie? You're not meant to know what hollows are yet. The show never actually says where most white whistles are, just that the 5th layer (we're on 4) is their "domain". Each whistle kinda shows a max depth to be honest. Red-1st, blue-2nd, purple-3rd, black-4th, and white-5th. (You can't return from the 6th layer as they have said, so I wouldn't include a whistle for that layer lol) The "presence" he sensed was Nanachi I believe, as Ozen told them "The creatures of the depth are far more deadly/cunning than I" > The orb piercer kicked away a dangerous weapon and kept its distance. I'm so happy you didn't look away during this scene, this is the "turning point" of made in abyss. I said this on Twitch, but even early on when she chopped open a fish it shows the gore and sets the tone that this isn't a happy lil show about kids. The show gets darker too, I hope you're ready for the ride. :)
2023-05-27 18:00:09 As much as I'd love ep 13 (40 mins) and the movie the next day. If you can't do it, as someone else said: You can drop ep 13 as 1 full episode on Friday and make Saturday a reaction to the opening and ending of season 1. (free extra youtube video too? Where you can reannounce you're doing MIA on Patreon now and say you've just finished season 1, next week is movie and then onto s2) Then the week after do the movie? You're not meant to know what hollows are yet. The show never actually says where most white whistles are, just that the 5th layer (we're on 4) is their "domain". Each whistle kinda shows a max depth to be honest. Red-1st, blue-2nd, purple-3rd, black-4th, and white-5th. (You can't return from the 6th layer as they have said, so I wouldn't include a whistle for that layer lol) The "presence" he sensed was Nanachi I believe, as Ozen told them "The creatures of the depth are far more deadly/cunning than I" > The orb piercer kicked away a dangerous weapon and kept its distance. I'm so happy you didn't look away during this scene, this is the "turning point" of made in abyss. I said this on Twitch, but even early on when she chopped open a fish it shows the gore and sets the tone that this isn't a happy lil show about kids. The show gets darker too, I hope you're ready for the ride. :)

As much as I'd love ep 13 (40 mins) and the movie the next day. If you can't do it, as someone else said: You can drop ep 13 as 1 full episode on Friday and make Saturday a reaction to the opening and ending of season 1. (free extra youtube video too? Where you can reannounce you're doing MIA on Patreon now and say you've just finished season 1, next week is movie and then onto s2) Then the week after do the movie? You're not meant to know what hollows are yet. The show never actually says where most white whistles are, just that the 5th layer (we're on 4) is their "domain". Each whistle kinda shows a max depth to be honest. Red-1st, blue-2nd, purple-3rd, black-4th, and white-5th. (You can't return from the 6th layer as they have said, so I wouldn't include a whistle for that layer lol) The "presence" he sensed was Nanachi I believe, as Ozen told them "The creatures of the depth are far more deadly/cunning than I" > The orb piercer kicked away a dangerous weapon and kept its distance. I'm so happy you didn't look away during this scene, this is the "turning point" of made in abyss. I said this on Twitch, but even early on when she chopped open a fish it shows the gore and sets the tone that this isn't a happy lil show about kids. The show gets darker too, I hope you're ready for the ride. :)


please don't split the movie in half. if you only do one episode next week that can be fine because the final episode is twice as long. Plus, as another comment mentioned, there's some little shorts too you could do one day as well if you want to.


Welcome to The Abyss


And so it begins, the anime has officially taken off the kid gloves...


Others have pointed this out in previous episodes, but the Abyss is inspired by the ocean. The fact that only 10% of the creatures in the Abyss have been named correlates with scientist's estimation that only 10% of the species in the ocean have been discovered.

Tuti Egg

The last episodes of S1 (ep.13 is about 50min long) and the movie will almost answer all your question you asked in this video. So yeah from now on the real journey starts, where they throw alot of informations at u.


You could potentially split the movie in half, just put both halves out on saturday but have then separated by like 9 hours.


I think you misunderstood what Nanachi said about the curse at the end. She was saying that the curse is not present at the specific spot where their hideout is. That's why Reg was able to ascend with Riko without the curse affecting her.


Nanachi is one of my favorite characters in the show. Her backstory is pretty wild and I cant wait for the reactions to come

Michał Koczorowski (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-29 13:07:18 Okay, so funny fact about Nanachi, the bunny. Made in Abyss manga was originally doing terribly, it was believed even at the time, that the series would have to be cancelled. As a last ditch effort to save his project, the creator of the manga added this character, and created the arc that you will see now see in the next episodes. Turns out, this was a banger move, as MiA's popularity spiked, and Nanachi quickly became a fan favorite. I guess this is why they are now throwing her everywhere they can. She did kinda save the entire franchise.
2023-11-29 13:07:18 Okay, so funny fact about Nanachi, the bunny. Made in Abyss manga was originally doing terribly, it was believed even at the time, that the series would have to be cancelled. As a last ditch effort to save his project, the creator of the manga added this character, and created the arc that you will see now see in the next episodes. Turns out, this was a banger move, as MiA's popularity spiked, and Nanachi quickly became a fan favorite. I guess this is why they are now throwing her everywhere they can. She did kinda save the entire franchise.
2023-11-29 13:07:18 Okay, so funny fact about Nanachi, the bunny. Made in Abyss manga was originally doing terribly, it was believed even at the time, that the series would have to be cancelled. As a last ditch effort to save his project, the creator of the manga added this character, and created the arc that you will see now see in the next episodes. Turns out, this was a banger move, as MiA's popularity spiked, and Nanachi quickly became a fan favorite. I guess this is why they are now throwing her everywhere they can. She did kinda save the entire franchise.
2023-05-27 18:17:40 Okay, so funny fact about Nanachi, the bunny. Made in Abyss manga was originally doing terribly, it was believed even at the time, that the series would have to be cancelled. As a last ditch effort to save his project, the creator of the manga added this character, and created the arc that you will see now see in the next episodes. Turns out, this was a banger move, as MiA's popularity spiked, and Nanachi quickly became a fan favorite. I guess this is why they are now throwing her everywhere they can. She did kinda save the entire franchise.

Okay, so funny fact about Nanachi, the bunny. Made in Abyss manga was originally doing terribly, it was believed even at the time, that the series would have to be cancelled. As a last ditch effort to save his project, the creator of the manga added this character, and created the arc that you will see now see in the next episodes. Turns out, this was a banger move, as MiA's popularity spiked, and Nanachi quickly became a fan favorite. I guess this is why they are now throwing her everywhere they can. She did kinda save the entire franchise.


Eh, I'd say this was the most drawn out scene of pure discomfort. Sure, there are even more intense scenes, but they don't last for nearly as long.


You asking all the right questions. some will be answered some not. And well, as deeper you go as much darker it gets. And yes there are 13 Episodes, but the 13thn is a special double one. 40 Minute Episode


That's a hell lot of a edit work lol, ep13+movie will be over 3 hours long, I"ll be hugely glad and stunned if you actually make it.

Sebastian Stróż

For me the genius of MiA is from how well written it is. We all knew Riko cannot die there but at the same time... Fuck, we all had the "did they really do that?" thought. It's the only manga where while reading it I have the constant feeling like someone is squeezing my guts. And this anime may just be the perfect manga adaptation due to Kevins amazing music. It just compliments it sooooo well. And to answer some of your question and clarify what was said already. There are creatures so strong that even Ozens strength is no match for them (she said it herself). Nanachi said the Curse is not present around her hideout, we dont know if she can be affected or not. I'm just pointing out things that have been said already so if something is explained later in the manga/show just let Luke find out for himself. As always if something can be considered a spoiler then just smile and wave instead and dont comment on it.

Michał Jastrzębski

I guess, welcome to Made in Abyss proper... :) You'll get to know more about hollows / narehate in the next episodes. Brace yourself.

Jacob Langone

Me at 16:43: "God Damn!" Luke 2 seconds later: "God Damn!"


You mentioned before how a lot of people were saying "he's not ready for this series". Episode 10 is the first taste of what they were talking about. They are taking a trip to the bottom of the netherworld (a name in common to the abyss and hell) and everything is metaphorically and literally down-hill from here. I wouldn't be surprised if the author took significant inspiration from Dante's Inferno. Two friends set out on a journey into the multi-leveled pit of hell to try and rescue a loved one. Fortunately though the show is much more than just pure shock value. The artistic beauty, the extremely imaginative world building, and the eternal optimism of some of the characters keep it from turning into just a pure horror show.


It's up to Luke, but if you don't want ep 13 and the movie to be split into 2 parts, put a like to let him know. A pivotal episode telling you: "I'm cute, but I'm a seinen for mature audiences". Better to keep that in mind :)


My third time watching season 1, and that episode is still just as hard to watch. The soft, sort of childlike, artstyle only serves to make those moments even more impactful for me.


id personally rarther the movie be in one video

William Pina

You can split the movie in 2 if you'd like, but you have to watch it in one sitting. Episode 13 is a double length episode, so you could split that in 2 also (Friday and Saturday) but again, watch it in one sitting. Might already be too late, but don't skip the intro to episode 11, it adds information not seen in episode 10


this isnt a spoiler or anything, this is just me personal thoughts from being a made in abyss fan i think Ozen would lose to an Orbed Piercer in a head to head fight, she wouldnt be able to tank those spikes because even with her vigor her skin is still skin, even if its toughened, and it probably outspeeds her too and can dodge very quickly, so yes, the Orbed Piercer is a White Whistle level threat

Pete Bickmore

With EP 13 being double length, Maybe the best way would be to do it would be to do a full episode 13 on Friday and Saturday can be the OP and ED season 1 reactions. If you want to do both though I won't complain. :p just don't split them up please. :)

Maurice S

Yep this would be a little taste of what people meant by you might not be ready for MiA yet. I wont Spoil anything but If you already said its hard to watch this Episode by god you are in for a Ride with this Show :D as already shown its a beautiful Show with a nice Story, captivating Landscapes and friendships but it also really doesnt shy back from showing fucked Up Things aswell

Andrew Southwell

As horrible as this episode is to watch, it's such an important shift. Until now, it's been a relatively easy journey and you even mentioned how naïve Riko has been. This episode is a stark reminder to both us and Riko, that the abyss is a brutal and unrelenting world, and anything can and will go wrong given the chance.


other reactors said the same thing at this point and their reactions are similar. It's because this episode caught you off guard. It doesn't matter how many anime you've seen before. This show is something else :D

Maurice S

Yeah.. i skipped this Anime at first because i thought from the graphics i saw its a children Anime. By god was i wrong lol :D after the First season i already thought this Anime was fucked up But after the movie and 2nd season fuck me.. thats why i mean If He already thinks this Episode was hard to watch He really needs to prepare himself for the Future


if this is horrible, well you ain’t seen nothing yet.


Yeah, this is truly the episode where this show becomes what it will be from now on. As someone said, the art, the characters and the world is what makes it worth watching, but yeah, it is gross and dark sometimes. The movie has some f-ed up scenes, for me it was the most difficult part to watch, so I hope you're prepared for that, but trust me: it is worth it. It's okay if you have to take breaks or look away from the screen, I think I did that a couple of times, specially watching the movie. Love your reactions, I don't mind if you split the movie in half. Keep up the hard work Luke, I'm gonna be around for a long time, your videos and energy are on another level. You're a big part of my routine now, can't wait for the next episodes of MiA and FMAB! Love you 🥰


Episode 13 is a double length episode so you could do that one week and then the film the next. Personally I vote for both same weekend but I'm greedy lol. If time is a concern for you you can prob break it up pretty easily. The directing and pacing of this ep creates prob the most unsettling thing I've ever seen in a TV show. Once Riko is stabbed it just doesn't stop...until it does and makes you stew in the thought that you've lost a main character juuuust long enough. Evil. But honestly, Tsukushi is just getting warmed up...


episode 13 is a double length so you could split them into 2 and do the movie the week after

o k

i cried T.T again T.T

calvin chau

There are predator and prey relationships in the abyss like any other biome. We saw abit of that back in layer 3. Many docile creatures have just been casually strolling about paying no mind to the raiders. The ones that get highlighted are expectedly...the hostile, territorial, maybe even carnivorous sorts of creatures.


One thing I've been wondering, why skip the openings and endings for reaction videos? I understand for twitch streams since it's live, but for a video you can just edit out those parts for youtube.

James Palmer

Episode 13 is twice as long as a normal episode, so you may want to split that in two and then do the movie after.


it gets really messed up from here on out


A thing it seems like you missed: When Reg warned Nanachi about ascending and that it would hurt Riko, she remarked that Reg "can't see it after all" and that "The curse isn't present right now", implying it was safe to ascend at that time and place.

Hawk of Battle

This. This is the episode we've ALL been waiting for. Probably one of the hardest episodes of anime to watch. The pure discomfort of watching it, the pure panic and desperation of Reg as he's forced to mutilate Riko to save her life. Man it hits hard, it hits real fucking hard! Probably the most visceral reaction I've see from you in any show you've done so far, which is exactly what we wanted to see. But it's ok; best character Nanachi has arrived! You're gona love Nanachi. This is where the real show begins! And as others have said, ep 13 is double length, so you can break that up a fortnight from now and then do the same for the movie the week after. Ignore the people saying not to break up the movie, this is easily the best way logistically to do things.

Michał Jastrzębski

...and then one remembers, that thats not even remotelly close to worst things one can meet down there, either.


I don’t where you are watching the anime but if the last episode is 24 minutes long you have to watch it with the episode before, is obligatory for the contribuyes of the history!!

James Perrott

This is exactly what ive been saying episode 13 on friday and then react to the opening and ending for season 1 on the saturday then the week after, friday can be the short Marulks daily life OVAs, and then the full movie on saturday

James Perrott

so he doesnt see spoilers since the opening and ending spoil many things and give you a mich better idea of what might happen, going in as blind as possible is ALWAYS best

James Perrott

"ignore the people saying not to break up the movie" uh, no, those people should not be ignored. theres a reason everyone is against splitting them, no one wants to watch just half then wait a day, everyone will wait till saturday. So theres no point at all to splitting them. its not the best way at all, theres no upside

James Perrott

(Please read) Pleeeeease dont do any splitting up of reactions, i think this would be the best way to handle this: next week episode 11+12 like normal week after: episode 13 on friday (its a double length episode but would really not be good to split) and then the saturday you should react to the opening and ending of season 1 as you havent seen/heard them yet, theyre both great too Then you can wait a week to do the movie on friday or saturday, just please dont split it up. The other day that week you could react to the Nanachi version of the opening song, yeah her Voice actress has done an official version where she sings it, and its super cute and nice. Then season 2 can begin the week after that


the movie is the hardest part to watch, imo. It's some really messed up shit in it and at the same time it's epic as hell.

James Perrott

This episode, man have we been waiting for this. This has to be the single most memorable episode in all of media for me, its the most brutal, intense and realistic thing ive ever seen from anime, and they didnt hold back at all in how horrific it is. Even before the moment riko gets stabbed, the episode is setting the mood so well, you really feel like something is just not right, and that we arent in the same abyss as before. The atmosphere is so good with the eerie fog and almost no music or very subtle music, along with regs unease, it leads you into this huge moment so well. The last episode was truly a tease of what the curse is like with the hallucinations and sickness, then we get thrown into hell right after. The music is SO good by Kevin Penkin, the music when reg ascends is just perfect, it really makes you feel like this is going to be really, really bad, yet its not loud or fast music at all. And then the music for riko hallucinating is almost childlike and cheerful, but feels off, its just so unsettling. Then the arm scene happens, and no matter how many times i see it, its hard not to cringe at how horrible it is, its so amazingly well done, I hate unnecesary gore, this was violence done PERFECTLY for a show so realistic like this. And we seriously need to talk about Riko and Regs voice actresses, theyre on another level, Rikos worry and pain in her voice is so real and you can tell how scared she is, and then her screams when her arm is broken truly hurts to hear, alongisde the horrible sounds. Then Regs crying and sceaming for riko when shes dying is absolutely heartbreaking Back when season 1 was the only season out, I had no idea if the show ended at 13 episodes or not, so it really felt like she was actually going to die and i was so shocked. but even knowing it continues, this episode always hits so hard. An finally, best girl nanachi, my favourite character is introduced. This is the true turning point for this show, and the start of the greatest parts for me. Absolutely a 10/10 flawless episode. One of the greatest of all time of any show ever.

James Perrott

No matter how many times I watch this episode, it never feels any less impactful. This episode is unlike anything else ive ever seen in my life


Now you're in the Abyss


You will need a break after episode 13. Maybe react to the openings and the trailer to the movie after the ep 13 reaction? The movie is about an hour and a half long or so. Could do it in two parts for a weekend. For your own sanity, watch the entire movie in one go. Chop it into two pieces for us, and show it on a Friday- Saturday.


Oh what a cute bunny creature, I wonder what her story is ...


That was hard to see. I'm very squeamish and was eating too. Riko keeps treating this as a field trip instead of a dangerous expedition. Also you missed that the bunny girl said oh you can't see it? The curse does not reach here. She can "see" the curse. Very interesting....

Regular Grayzone

I finished S1 2 months before the movie came out, and I ended up ignoring it for 6 months after release. I just felt no urge to immediately go back into this world with how satisfying the season ended. He will probably not wait very long, but any type of break is good after S1


This is one the first times I had to pause an anime. That scene was hard to watch

o k

Why whould you want him to chop the film in two part for us but watch it in one go ? that doesn't make sense. If it's better to watch it in one go, then let us watch it in one go too. And watching a trailer just before the movie is just spoil imo. If i watch a trailer it's because i don't know anything about the show to check if I will like it or not.


Yeah this was longer than I remember it being. The other scenes flash across the screen more. I'm sure of that because I just rewatched them.


The movie's the best part. Season 2 has a lot of good character and worldbuilding but the pacing is weird. Probably should have done all the flashbacks, then all the current day stuff, or vice versa. Mixing them together paces it weird and breaks flow.


Congratulations brother, you've reached, at long last, the START OF THE PLOT! I'd advise against chopping up episode 13 and the movie. I don't even know where you COULD stop the movie, it's almost a single continuous set of events. But whether you cut them or not DO NOT WATCH THEM SEPARATE. You watch them through. Having a wait in the middle will ruin your enjoyment and your sanity.

nick Glo

Ozens test was reg and rikos reality check to the abysses dangers. This episode was ours and it was executed perfectly. I cant wait for you too see nanachi's story.

Tom Boggess

nanachi is a special case, but a hollow is a human who ascended from the sixth layer. The curse of the sixth layer is "loss of humanity or death" A hollow is a person who didn't succumb to death but turned into something that is no longer human.


You definitely want to split the movie over a Friday-Saturday. People would not be too happy with a Sat-Fri split. Honestly having the movie not be split at all would nice, but then you would be recording a double length episode and a full length movie in one day. Probably not the best. I've mentioned this before, but with ep 13 landing on a Friday, you could do the four "Marluk Daily Life" shorts, or just skip Saturday. I'd be fine with that.

noah van den berg

When people said they were afraid you wouldn't be ready for this anime, this was (one of) the episode(s) they were talking about. It truly is one of the most brutal anime there is, as far as what children have to go through, so you did a good job holding yourself together🫡


The real show starts this episode.

BRUNO Marques

Hollows were 1st mentioned at the start of the show. They are well known by experienced cave raiders. This close to the surface they are very rare. Nanachi is affected by the Curse. It gets explained in the next few eps. As to the aggressiveness of the abyss, you have seen harmless creatures. Even in the deeper layers there are harmless creatures. Which is very odd.

Martin Vaclavik

many people already said this, but the last ep is longer (48min), therefore we can split ep13 one week and the movie the next week B-) You would truly be a madman if you did both and then upload both in its own video in one week... but we would love you for that eternally for sure xD

Scott Humphreys

5th Layer is Sea of Corpses. 6th Layer is Capital of the Unreturned. One thing I find odd is that it's taken for granted that the Abyss has a bottom. But Sea of Corpses sounds nice? Plan your next vacation.


Assuming the Abyss has a bottom is not that odd. For the most part of our history, it was always assumed that our world is limited (be it a flat or round earth, both have their limits; even the sky was thought to be just a dome with lights).


Man he need some mods for the comment section. This is a major Spoiler. Hope he already has seen next episode.

Muligan Shinzuo

Remember when this show was all cutesy about some kids cave raiding, me neither.


Why did you talk about that? Edit this. The Show will take care of explaining that at the right time and in the right way. When Luke asks what a Hollow is, he's thinking out loud, sharing his thoughts...he's not actually asking us for the answer!

TsUNaMy WaVe

Re: Nanachi For some reason, a lot of people assume Nanachi is a girl, but actually they are non-binary, and it is confirmed by the author (you can see their tweet about it here: https://twitter.com/tukushiA/status/908947558545817600). In addition, the official English translator of Made in Abyss has also chosen to use gender-neutral pronouns. If you could use the right pronouns for them that'll be great. I have no idea why Nanachi's gender misconception is so widespread, especially when it's not even up for debate since the author gave us a clear-cut answer.


I haven't watched the reaction, but this episode is why... as fantastic as I think Made in Abyss is... I decided to not continue it after the season ended. Also not watching the reaction because I don't want to see it again.


I haven't watched anything beyond S1, but yeah the gore itself wasn't why this episode was so unsettling to me. It's the overal storytelling, the very realistic handling of the characters and the excellent voice acting. I really liked the main character and to see and here her struggle in pain like that along with the visuals and seemingly no hope, I honestly had a hard time watching and even listening.


It is definitely not for the weak of heart, that's for sure. The movie sequel and season 2 are not pulling any punches either.


Your message is a bit misleading Tsunamy. The author said we don't know the sex of Nanachi. That doesn't mean that she is non binary


I kind of understand, but thats a shame you will miss a very great written masterpiece. I've rewatched it multiple times, it's my favorite show.


There really aren't that many anime that have significant spoilers in the openings and endings. It's very much a minority of anime that have enough spoilers to be a concern. And by not watching them you miss out on a large part of the experience. For example, just hearing a One Piece opening instantly takes me back to that arc and that time of my life when I watched it. Not to mention the moments when the opening plays mid episode during the climax of a season won't hit nearly as hard, and those moments are some of the most hype. There's also the times when unique endings play during certain episodes to enhance the impact. It wouldn't be difficult to just warn him "hey, this anime you're about to watch has major spoilers in the opening, so don't watch them" for the handful of anime where it's a concern.

TsUNaMy WaVe

The fact the author didn't say "they are male/female" is enough to not use gender-specific pronouns for them. And in addition, you could see this other tweet from the author regarding this: https://twitter.com/tukushiA/status/908953776102432768 I take back what I said about them being 100% non-binary, but there is no question about how their gender is unknown and shouldn't be assumed. In the tweet I linked you can see a comment from the manga's translator who said he's glad the anime didn't use specific pronounces when referring to Nanachi, and the author replied to him with their approval of it as well.

victor gil

first of all, any white wistle can easyly solo that creature, second of all, i must warn you, after this the anime only goes more brutal

GTB (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-29 05:00:14 Akihito Tsukushi is pretty clear : He wants to keep, on purpose, the genre unknown (unknown ≠ non-binary) and let each one of us choose/imagine it. So Nanachi is whatever you want him/her/them/it to be.
2023-05-28 22:04:21 Akihito Tsukushi is pretty clear : He wants to keep, on purpose, the gender unknown (unknown ≠ non-binary) and let each one of us choose/imagine it. So Nanachi is whatever you want him/her/them/it to be.

Akihito Tsukushi is pretty clear : He wants to keep, on purpose, the gender unknown (unknown ≠ non-binary) and let each one of us choose/imagine it. So Nanachi is whatever you want him/her/them/it to be.

kazadori164 .

in the beginning, you wondered why riko and the others were so blasé about people dying......this is why, this is the reality of the abyss. anyone who wishes to be a cave raider let alone a white whistle must be prepared for at least this much mentally.

Sharif Alvi

You could do 3 episodes next week and then split the movie in two the week after for Friday and Saturday. Loving these reactions!

Thomas M

The funny part is that this isn't even the hardest to watch part of the show. Might make the top three so far. Maybe.

Sean Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-29 05:00:09 Because Episode 13 is double-length, that can be stretched into two videos so that the following weekend will be the 3rd movie. Season 2 is 12 episodes, also with the final episode being double-length.
2023-05-29 05:00:09 Because Episode 13 is double-length, that can be stretched into two videos so that the following weekend will be the 3rd movie. Season 2 is 12 episodes, also with the final episode being double-length.
2023-05-29 02:00:02 Because Episode 13 is double-length, that can be stretched into two videos so that the following weekend will be the 3rd movie. Season 2 is 12 episodes, also with the final episode being double-length.

Because Episode 13 is double-length, that can be stretched into two videos so that the following weekend will be the 3rd movie. Season 2 is 12 episodes, also with the final episode being double-length.


Yeah, I thought it was really damn good. Just a bit too much for me. First time I passed up on something that I actually think is fantastic.


Same here. I don't cry with Reg anymore, but the discomfort is real


I'm also team 'watch the opening' but that's been a debate as old as time. You grow a bond with that opening and I mean....it's there specifically to be watched. It's there on purpose. Some might consider it 'spoilers' but for me it's like watching a trailer for what's to come. Is it as it seems? or is there a twist we aren't understanding. It builds the anticipation. But it's a battle we'll never win


Man I love this show. The story telling and atmosphere is just something I've never experienced before. Watching it with someone who hasn't seen these scenes yet is like experiencing it again for the first time. I think I've maybe watched this show like....5 or 6 times over? plus the movies that summarize it, and I just am fully captivated by the world and characters each time. The voice acting, sound effects, soundtrack, and animation are fantastic and haunting


All this talk about gender and pronoun is so stupid. In case you've forgotten, this show comes from Japan and Japanese language is different to English. You'll do well to know pronoun isn't much of a deal in many places including Japan. You can go through an entire conversation about someone without revealing one's gender unless it's part of the topic.


And to Nanachi's gender, it's more like asexual. Like Rimuru from Reincarnated as a Slime. Nanachi is a hollow and hollow isn't considered ***redacted*** in a sense. Why would you assign a gender to a moving ***redacted*** and force others to respect your preferred pronoun that isn't even part of the show? Much like Rimuru, Nanachi's gender, if any, is up to Nanachi.

TsUNaMy WaVe

@Nobody, your arguments only support my main one. If you can hold a conversation in Japanese without mentioning the gender then why not pay the character the same respect and do it in English too? It's possible, they/them is neutral enough. When you don't know someone's gender, you use they/them. It's as simple as that. I totally agree that Nanachi's gender is up to Nanachi, but so far it wasn't revealed and so putting Nanachi in a box is wrong imo, and using neutral pronouns is the best way to go. Thanks to the comments here I got enlighten on the matter as well, and I'm grateful for that. But the fact that Nanachi's gender isn't known stays, and thus using neutral pronouns should be the best - and both the author and the official translator agrees on that.


I get caring about pronouns for people in everyday life. But its a work of fiction and using "incorrect" pronouns for a fictional creature doesnt hurt a single soul. Just let people interpret works of fiction the way they want. Its called having an imagination


Idk if anyone has said this or if you will see this comment luke. But as everyone is talking about splitting up or not splitting up. I want to suggest reacting to ep 13 one week. And the movie the next. And just putting out one video each week. I dont see a need to split it up to have a video for both friday and saturday. We are getting the same content regardless and with this being patreon exclusive, no need to consider views or anything. Thats just my input on the topic


The Drink thing is a metaphor.


Exactly. "Giving respect" to an anime character for their gender identity is such a foreign concept. Why bring up gender identity politic when people, especially the creators, are having fun? Look at the Fate franchise. How do you even gender King Arthur with boobs who fathered a son.... with smaller boobs (note that "King" is genderless in Japanese). Or what's the pronoun for the "Hideyoshi" gender? Just relax and have fun.

TsUNaMy WaVe

I'm sure that if he had misgendered Reg or Riko, people would first jump up to correct him before, if even, they'd say "we are all here to relax and have fun". That's all I did - suggested to him to use the right pronouns for Nanachi. Yes, we are all here to have fun and he can address Nanachi however he wants. But Nanachi's gender being unknown *and* the author clearly approving the use of gender-neutral pronouns are facts. You don't have to follow it, but you can't pretend it's not true. I just gave him the option in case he didn't know about Nanachi, and said what I personally think, just like all of you did. And he'll make his own decision; which ofc I'll accept regardless.

David M

Currently Active White Whistles and their locations as of Episode 10: Bondrewd the Novel, Sovereign of Dawn - Idofront base, 5th Layer (Sea of Corpses) Wakuna the Chosen, Sovereign of Guidance - Unknown Srajo the Mysterious, Soveriegn of Mystery - Unknown Ozen - Seeker Camp, 2nd Layer Lyza the Annihilator (Possibly Active?) - Last Dive, 6th layer or lower. Empty grave with personal effects found on bottom of 4th layer AFTER their Last Dive.

Ringo Tang

"WTF is a Hollow" his mind is still innocent


this scene was so fucked, i had to take a break after the episode lmao


I just remembered I exited out of fullscreen and just scrolled so only the subs were visible LOL


I'm mostly a dub watcher but I'll admit Reg's voice actress did a great job from fighting off the bugs forward.

Marcio Adrian Flores

"I think this is Twitch or YouTube safe" Luke EP 2 Hahaha that's why all said Patreon exclusive... This is the begging. This ep was shocking.


try to remember that hanji from attack on titan is also genderless, in the manga. originally, hanji was genderless, but not confirmed non binary, which are different things. the gender of the character is left up to the viewers imagination, and hanji was straight up just turned into a girl in the anime, and nobody really made a fuss. it's not that big of a deal, really