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Here is my FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 2!!



Antoine Jones

"i wonder how long ago this was" it literally said "10 years earlier" on the screen lol

Antoine Jones

Also they alchemy didnt go "wrong" like yuou said a price had to be paid the price was Ed leg and Al lost his entire body.. only his soul was left over. So Ed used alchemy AGAIN to bond his brothers soul to that suit of armor and the price that was paid for that was his arm


You are correct in your guess. He traded his Leg for the Truth, gaining leagues of knowledge in the process, such as the ability to perform Alchemy just by slapping his hands together. Yeah, it can be pretty sad. But don't worry, there will be a happier episode soon. We love us some slice of life episodes, to detract from the sadness of the backstory.


I think the reason FMAB is the highest rated is because its overall just a great show, so not anybody can really hate on the series itself. There is kindof a toxic fandom of the show on MAL so thats also another reason why its at #1. Mostly MyAnimeList is just a big popularity contest with the mods and criteria makers on the site not really being that fair with their systems. People just use it because theres not really any other place to go for somewhat acurate ratings and community. Theres plenty of shows that are legit better than your FMABs and Attackon Titans of the anime wold that either get low ratings because of people who just dont like the genera of the show. Mostly Shonen action anime like JJK and Demon Slayer are what will become popular and get inflated ratings, but when you see shows like Steins;Gate or Re:zero and Made in Abyss you know that its a good show. The top 100 animes on MAL are all pretty good but more of the lower 1000 could be considered better than a good amount of the ones in the top 100. Just my 2 cents on MAL and FMAB's rating

brad marsh

you do realize answering any of his questions is just spoiler foreshadowing for him. not a single one of us who watched the show for the first time ever had a guide or knew what type of episodes are coming up or why something happened for when it happened. The show told us the answers, the show decided the flow, the show showed us if the next episode was light or dark, not someone in chat, patreon, youtube or a manga. Let people watch and get their own answers, their own foreshadowing. And god damn it Luke if you read this stop asking questions you get SPOILERS!

Regular Grayzone

I assume he could only bind Alphonse to the armor because Al had just died, or people would do risky gambles and try to put deceased family members in human shaped things all the time.(dolls, armors, mannequins) Ed was there when Al died and had an armor at hand. Lucky that. It's just my theory on what happened. I don't think "Soul Data" as they called it was required when he bound the soul to the armor.... But he did use his own blood to write, so maybe that helped somehow after all.

Regular Grayzone

I really don't like people who can't let go. They down rated other shows who claimed the nr.1 position more than once. It's stupid to be so stuck in the past that you can only truly enjoy one show.

Regular Grayzone

I use the site Kayoanime.com and end up downloading the shows I watch. If you don't want to risk anything by downloading something, then that's a smart policy. It's just what I've been using the last 3 years. And VLC media player of course

Benjamin Siimes

Oh my sweet summer child, the darkness is just beginning. This show is so good at ripping directly into you soul in the most visceral ways possible, all while surrounding it with an amazing story and unique characters.


someone needs to stop into one of his streams or something and get him to use a different site, those subtitles are awful and slightly spoilery as it gives the names of characters who shouldnt be named yet, as well as things like "epic music plays" in the subtitles

James Palmer

Ed took the phrase "it costs an arm and a leg" way too literally.

Lijnaito2021 !

It's surprising more quiet in the episodes comment section kinda peaceful tbh


So as for the beginning bit, in this world alchemy is a literal science. The idea of equivalent exchange is a law in this world, one just as important as newton laws. It's something you always have to take into account when using alchemy, even if what you are taking into account is the absence of it. What is seen as "equivalent" is not on a person-by-person basis, it's a fundamental aspect of this world. So, for an example, we'll take Ed turning the spear he threw at the bad guy in episode one into a bat. He could change that spear into that bat because the spear and the bat were both made of the same material as well as the exact same amount of that material. Edit: This is going to basically double my post length but I hope some people read it anyway. Something I love about this series is how they treat Ed's "genius". In too many anime the idea of a genius is someone who can do something that literally no one else can, or no one else thought possible, but in the real world we call people geniuses because their intellect in a specific field is way beyond their age. Mustang uses the words "skilled" and "advanced" when describing Ed when they first met, and it goes to show that nothing they are doing is fully beyond other people, it's just that they're legitimate children practicing their craft far beyond their peers, and even far beyond many (but not all) adults.


Some notes for you: 1) This episode told us that Ed and Al tried to bring their mom back when they were 11 and 10 years old. The flashback said it was 4 years earlier from present day, so you can add it together and figure that Ed and Al are 15 and 14. It also said 10 years earlier that their mom died. So altogether, Ed and Al were 5 and 4 when their mom died, 11 and 10 when they tried to bring her back, a year passed for the surgery and rehab so they were 12 and 11 when Ed became a state Alchemist. And they are now 15 and 14, meaning they have been in the military for 3 years already. None of that is spoilers, just what you can put together from the details of this episode. 2) Something they never really properly explain and just leave you to figure out on your own: Fuhrer King Bradley. His title is Fuhrer, meaning the leader of the country. His 1st name is King and his last name is Bradley. King is his name, not his title. His name isn't a spoiler either, They literally said it in this episode. They just don't bother to point out that King is his first name and not his title. It was just really confusing the first time I read the series so I thought I'd help


You can watch the show anywhere lol, the options are endless. Also, it's on netflix


Wow. I have watched this show like 10 times and I never knew Bradley's first name was actually King.

Silvio Guidi

i just had the confirmation that you just screwed the watching of the best rated anime, english dub are so stupid. no emotion, feels out of place. the second episode is on another level in jap. very disappointed. in anime you always want to watch the original material


I wanted to give the dub a chance, it seems pretty well received after all. But I’m sorry, I just can’t stand listening to this. Gonna find my way out the door


Ignore the hate about dub or sub. Both are great in this show. These comments are just ignorant people hating on incredible VAs just because its in english and not Japanese (don't know why it's a trend). I watch most shows subbed first because they come out first. Then if i rewatch ill switch to dub. I don't get all the hate, most shows have good VAs for both. Yes there are some dubs that are not good but same goes for subs. Most of the time its just people being stubborn heard a bad dub once so the rest are trash too. At least i understand the dub only community's argument because it makes sense to want to watch in a language you understand. The sub only community Idk aside from them saying its the original which I dont get. If your all about the original is the best then why even watch brotherhood when its not the original FMA. The only other argument ive heard from sub only community is theres more emotion in the jap VAs. Which i could agree with if it wasnt said for every anime that exists.


good i wanted to give you a chance, you seem like a nice guy after all. But im sorry, I just can't stand listening to you ill gladly show you to the door.

Aditya Chakrabarti

I would disagree with you. I find English dubs to be not as good as the japanese ones, and I personally find them to be immersion breaking. It's not just about the language. Though I do agree that hating on the dubs and being toxic about it is unwarranted. If a person can enjoy the dub and not find the experience immersion breaking, there is no reason to hate on that. Ironically, despite the fmab dub being a dub I don't find immersion breaking, it is the dub I find the most irritating. This is due to a difference in translation of one Scar's dialogues in episode 4. That was a character defining dialogue to me, but the translation error changed the meaning of the entire dialogue. Other than that, I have no probs with the fmab dub.


He was also polite about it, he could always just say "fuck off" or something


Imo, the "its the original" argument is the most valid one. All scenes were written with a specific delivery in mind and it's very easy for that delivery to get butchered in translation. Especially with languages that have such huge differences such as english and japaneese. The following is more of an issue in live action but plenty of people also gets really put off when the voice lines doesn't match up with the mouth movement. Personally I haven't had many issues with this dub so far.


I watch the eng dub for the first time. It's not bad, but nothing compared to the original.


I agree with this argument and in english dub why the voice of truth does not change depending on who it speaks to?


When people say this is the highest rated anime of all time, they are generally referring to the rankings on myanimelist.net. The list isn't totally wrong and this is a great anime, but I wouldn't take that as gospel. Anyone can go on that site and rate an anime and this is how those scores are determined. There are a lot of anime that are a lot better than this though, including Attack on Titan.


It’s pretty much the meme of Japanese originated content being cooler than English adaptations of that content. Even so, I do have to admit that the Japanese voice acting is much more passionate and professional comparatively. Not like it ruins the reactions or anything, tho.

David M

As someone who understands English and Japanese enough to not need subtitles, the Dub on FMA is mid-tier. Notable problems: The Dub voice-over problem that plagues NEARLY EVERY dub show, they remix the audio to LOWER all sounds except dialogue, and it ruins the mix intended by the artists, and ruins music and SFX quality. Also, for some reason, they use a 5.1 audio track in english dubs, but the original is a stereo mix. Very few anime were designed for 5.1 audio and it's blatantly apparent when you compare them. Changing dialogue to match lip-flap movement, resulting in characters repeating words and sounding cartoonish. The above are UNIVERSAL problems with dubs with very few exceptions. For specific issues with FMA Brotherhood: Edward's english VA has no range, and is unable to pitch his voice to be deeper or higher depending on Edward's age, he always sounds like he's a teenager, even when he's 6 years old. Edward's VA also can't do high emotion scenes. The entire scene of them losing their bodies sounds outright painful in Japanese, in english the VA sounds like he's mildly sad, and is unable to convey the intense emotions the japanese VA did. Compare the two scenes in both languages if you own the blu-ray. Alphonse's voice has RIDICULOUS amounts of echo/reverb on it in the dub. It's seriously really bad, and made worse by how often he talks. Lust's english voice sounds like a middle aged wife instead of the sultry femme fatale. Hughes' VA is hammy in english, and chews scenery when he isn't being rude. Changes his character considerably. Furher Bradley's actor has no range, this will be super apparent later. the "White Figure" in Ep2 loses all its vocal effects in the dub, in a glaringly dumb move they contradict a major plot point by doing this. There are other characterizations the dub ruins, a few are REALLY egregious and bad, but they haven't shown up yet. Suffice it to say, this is no Cowboy Bebop where the Dub is better than the Sub.


i like the way that whenever hes talking about finding the stone, he only mentions his brothers body and not himself


Yo love your content man, both dub and subbed are great, me personally I prefer dubbed, but pick whichever one you enjoy more, because the more you enjoy it the better.


I'd just like to point out, their mother was only 26 when she died. Twenty. Six. She had such a long life ahead of her taking care of those boys and it was just robbed from them all by an illness, and left Ed and Al drifting. IDK... Her age when she died just makes it feel that much more agonizing

Daniel Golas

Alphons lost his body for their Mothers soul but it was incomplete, they couldnt really get the soul but Ed got to the gate, he then got the knowledge, paid with leg, then bind Als soul, paid with arm

Joel Bobosky

Automail is what his prosthetics are called. I'm normally a Japanese audio with subtitles purist... but with the subs being cut off I guess there's no choice but to watch the dub.


FMAB - bringing out the worst in fandom, since 2009.


I am very much a sub only kind of person also, but this is one anime the dub is just as good as the sub, also...rude much? Take it down a notch.

Miklar Sihn

For the first few episodes, the original FMA anime does a better job. It does the introduction bit better and does a bit more with this part of the story too. Later, i personally think FMAB becomes better.


I did, took like two minutes lol. There are good reasons why the sub is better in it, so if you want to have understanding on why people like the sub better this is a good post to read. Personally the faults listed are overshadowed by the fact that I can listen and understand instead of read and understand. It let's me be more in the moment for the show. I stick with subs for most shows because the sub is legitimately bad (even the newest series that have been dubbed sound bad to me, even though people say it's gotten better as of late.) but if the sub is good and not grating on the ears I'll watch that. So few dubs are serviceable enough though.


I said I'd sub your patreon if you ever did FMA:B or Code Geass, so here I am. I can't wait for your 64 episode journey through this masterpiece.

Keith Merrington

Well that was much better than the first episode. Still not great but at least there's the beginning of a story. Let's hope it keeps improving.

Daniel Garcia III

The anime is on Crunchyroll also so I have no idea why he's saying there is no other one.


I had forgotten how awkward this arch with the church was in the second season. In the first season it was much better and more violent, maybe Luke should have started watching the first season and at some point switched to the second season after skipping the first episodes

John Rea

I don't think it is on Crunchyroll where he lives, he could just do a vpn tho so idk . But I may be wrong.


I remember getting traumatized about that scene when I was a kid


Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Dragonball, One Punch Man, Attack on Titan, Goblin Slayer and so many other toxic fandoms say hi.

Jordan Spyker

This show is indeed quite dark. The original FMA that came out in 2003 had a cold open of the moment they try to bring their mom back and losing their bodies. That's how the original show opened, no opening, no context. Both shows are wonderfully done, and while I personally have a teensy preference for the original myself, both are excellent versions of a horribly dark yet endlessly heartfelt story. Beautiful, beautiful piece of work. <3

Jordan Spyker

Also, just a couple points of clarification!!! I won't give any spoilers obviously but for what we see up to this episode, when Ed and Al tried to bring their mom back, the "cost" of the transmutation was Ed's leg and Al's entire body (except his soul) in exchange for the bucket of "human ingredients" becoming whatever the thing was we see in the center. Ed then uses alchemy to bind Al's untethered soul to the suit of armor (that I guess their dad just kept in his basement for shits and giggles???), and the cost of transmuting that soul bond costs Ed his arm. So in the end, Ed loses two limbs and Al loses his body in exchange for some kind of "thing". Also, Ed and Al were 5 and 4 when their mother passed, 11 and 10 when they attempted to resurrect her via human transmutation, 12 and 11 when Ed took the test and joined the military, and present day are 15 and 14. I believe Winry matches Ed in age as well. I recall you mentioning having two boys of your own, and even though I first watched the original FMA when I was around 14 years old, I'm nearing 30 and have had two little girls of my own, and I just gotta say this show is EXTRA brutal when watching from a parental perspective. I have seen both shows many times through and I still cry at the same points every time, and was weepy watching you react. It's gonna be a wild ride man. :)

James Collins

Yeah to follow up on that brother hood was made with the assumption that everyone had already seen the original so the glaze over all of the important details at the beginning that the original took the time to go into depth with so brother hoods first few episodes aren’t quite as impactful as as the originals are but they are still alright

Casey Mitchell (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-11 15:07:58 Actually, the price for the attempted human transmutation was Al's entire body and Ed's LEFT LEG. Ed used his right arm as the price to fuse Al's soul to the armor. Ed did not lose his arm during the transmutation.
2023-06-11 15:07:58 Actually, the price for the attempted human transmutation was Al's entire body and Ed's LEFT LEG. Ed used his right arm as the price to fuse Al's soul to the armor. Ed did not lose his arm during the transmutation.
2023-06-11 15:07:58 Actually, the price for the attempted human transmutation was Al's entire body and Ed's LEFT LEG. Ed used his right arm as the price to fuse Al's soul to the armor. Ed did not lose his arm during the transmutation.
2023-06-11 15:07:58 Actually, the price for the attempted human transmutation was Al's entire body and Ed's LEFT LEG. Ed used his right arm as the price to fuse Al's soul to the armor. Ed did not lose his arm during the transmutation.
2023-06-11 15:07:58 Actually, the price for the attempted human transmutation was Al's entire body and Ed's LEFT LEG. Ed used his right arm as the price to fuse Al's soul to the armor. Ed did not lose his arm during the transmutation.
2023-06-11 15:07:58 Actually, the price for the attempted human transmutation was Al's entire body and Ed's LEFT LEG. Ed used his right arm as the price to fuse Al's soul to the armor. Ed did not lose his arm during the transmutation.
2023-06-11 07:15:28 Actually, the price for the attempted human transmutation was Al's entire body and Ed's LEFT LEG. Ed used his right arm as the price to fuse Al's soul to the armor. Ed did not lose his arm during the transmutation.

Actually, the price for the attempted human transmutation was Al's entire body and Ed's LEFT LEG. Ed used his right arm as the price to fuse Al's soul to the armor. Ed did not lose his arm during the transmutation.