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URM... I don't think you are all ready for this one! Here we go...

Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OSHI NO KO Episode 6!



Yami Youssouf

I haven’t seen the reaction just yet but Luke and everyone seeing this comment, I hope everyone is doing ok and if not remember there will always be close ones to you that love and appreciate you, you are never alone, make sure to reach out and talk to someone if you ever need it.


To everyone who watched the Ep: The events of this episode were directly based on a real incident that happened on a Japanese reality show with a young star named Hana Kimura. Please be respectful if you choose to discuss this topic and please seek out help if you are struggling with related issues.

Aldiandya Irsyad Nur Farizi

25:47 in japan it's actually like this see "hana kimura" for more info A youtube video titled: "How Twitter Bullied a Japanese Female Pro Wrestler" show some of the tweet which is similar to this show

Alfonso Acunia

G.o.t these two comments above me


Right there with you man. I'm so invested too. Aka Akasaka's character writting is amazing. I'm sure you've heard, but this episode is based on Hana Kimura, a reality star on "Terrace House" who passed away after online bullying. RIP.


24:10 The person "being protected" saying something might not have that much of an impact. This happens in real life as well, and speaking out, quite often doesn't do anything, or helps just a bit. Sometimes people might start attacking the person they were "defending". Basically, it's like they just want something or someone to be mad at, they just need a target and when an opportunity presents itself, comments start flooding. This is more prevalent within younger audiences (the first example that comes to mind that is not that far from what you're doing is Minecraft youtubers and their fandoms)

higgins8000 . (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 19:13:07 This episode was based on a real person. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52829186 https://imgur.com/a/d38dCwf
2023-05-17 17:10:28 This episode/chapter was based on a real person. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52829186 https://imgur.com/a/d38dCwf

This episode/chapter was based on a real person. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52829186 https://imgur.com/a/d38dCwf

Sin from Genesis

God these reactions are so good! I love hearing your thought process on subjects like these. Not to mention how real your reactions are it just makes it so much better

Muligan Shinzuo

As i stated earlier, this should show you that the series tends to be closer to reality, albeit in some cases exaggerated, and like other people already said, it is assumed, i do not have any proof, to be inspired by the passing of Hana Kimura. It is scary how easily people see it acceptable to berate people online, sometimes without any reason. Fyi: The Anime is pretty faithfull to the manga version not only in the story and progression but you can even see scenes taken 1 for 1 from the source material. This show is really one of the best this year and easily in my Top 10 Manga/Anime of all time.

Dinh Duy Nguyen

I'm Vietnamese and we talk like that, but worse, it's our culture. Bullying in Asia is on a different level, think about Ollie Uncle - the scale, the consequence, the reaction is completely different compared to the west (I live in Germany). But from my knowledge China, Korea, and Japan are the worst, because the bullying goes to 10, with Japan having it the worst, 'cause they jump from friendly to total hostility, and in Vietnam it's like 7-8, but all the time, even if you get bullied in Vietnam, you only have to tell the kids parents and they will give their kids at home a 9. A 10 is the worst, because you will be mentally destroyed by the kids, teacher and parents, nobody support you (ishigami), and I only heard story of 10 in those three countries, having the teacher and or parent against you suck


What makes this even more heartbreaking is that the entire ark is based off of the story of japanese wrestler Hana Kimura who sadly took her own life after being bullied over an act she had to perform on a reality show


Not only did they air this but from akane saying that she can't talk about things that weren't aired it seems like they deleted the part where they made up to cause more drama.


Akane mentioned she can't talk about behind the scenes things on the internet cause of her contract. That's why the other girl isn't speaking up for her online


Bullying in some asian countries and especially japan is on another level compared to bullying in european countries and is one of the biggest social problems there. In japan there are yearly 60 times more suicides(15 per 100k people) than murders(0.25 per 100k people).


This is why I will always give the benefit of doubt to anyone getting cancelled... I feel like I've heard something before along the lines of "In the court of public opinion you're guilty untill proven innocent" and it fucking sucks to see

Pete Bickmore

I think bullying in Britain was very face on and direct when I grew up. From what I understand, bullying in Japan is ultra passive-aggressive. Saying those kind of things behind their back to pretty much destroy someone’s reputation. We think western twitter is a cesspool but apparently Japanese twitter is even worse.

Michał Tyszkiewicz-Klimkiewicz

Personal opinion and conspiracy theory - I haven't read manga so if I am spot on it's just because I am awsome (huehue) - if you look back on the chain of events, in the nail-doing scene Yuki puts diamond thingie on Akane's nail, which later causes the scratch on Yuki's face, so..... her being hurt on the set makes people watching the show even more invested and partial to her, not mentioning "the drama" which also works in the favour of the show and her career. Just saying, maybe that's not the case at all, however her capitalising on Akane acting in similar manner to what she did (slapping Yuki in some manner with her freshly done diamond nail) wouldn't be a long shot since she(Akane) clearly is overly serious and wants to prove herself on the set somehow.

Kyle DeForest

To your point about the other girl stepping up for Akane, I do believe that they are contractually obligated to not talk about show related stuff that hasn’t been aired on tv, and since them making up was never even filmed, both of their lips are sealed


Not the same situation but yes, bullying can be this level, all the way from 4th grade to 8th grade of primary school I was alone, bullied by most of the people in the school, those who didn't bully me weren't my friends so that they wouldn't get bullied as well, people were manipulated into attacking me verbally and with a little bit of violence, spread rumours around me, I remember once they created a fake profile of a girl in school who messaged me, I thought I found a friend and when I approached her they bullied me even more for approaching her while she said she doesn't even know me, 5 years of hell and not a single friend, every single word I said was taken out of context to make sure it sounds wrong, if I fought back against the bullying the public would see me as the bad guy for doing that, teachers didn't care, I was the one sent to I don't know what its called in English, but the person in school who treats bad kids and talks to them to try to make them better, for some reason I kept trying to be a part of them but I only made it worse, then internet wasn't that big of a thing, if it was, it would have probably been even worse.


People might not talk like that much irl, but with the anonymity of the internet... People are brutal.


The final year of high school was horrible for me and I somewhat could relate to Akane with all the gossip spreading around. Developed epilepsy and wasn't properly diagnosed until after I graduated so the seizures kept happening in class. I was ostracized by everyone and had many thoughts of just ending it. At this point, I don't think I'll ever want to see anyone again from that school, and contemplating not attending the reunion that's coming up next year. Spent 9 years alone and that won't change anytime soon. But I've heard the bullying in Asia is on a different level from the West and that may just be the norm there which I'm glad I'm not subjected to.

Bobby Vang

Luke, in Asian entertainment, yes. Netizens talk like this. This arc is actually inspired from the real events of a japanese wrestler who took her own life after being in a reality tv show. She was bullied after "acting" a scene where she got mad at another actor.... the thing is, it was all an act, it wasn't real, but the internet bashed her until the unfortunate incident.


Well, this one was really hard to watch for me. Haven’t watched your reaction yet, but I just watched that on my own, and I can say for certain, this is the third time I’ve cried watching anything. Wow, I might wanna read more manga by this author…

Christian Diaz

They put the suicide prevention number at the end of the show. Plz help prevent any suicide attempts. It’s a real thing and some please really need the help ❤️


People 100% talk like that about people and entertainers. I know because I talk this way and it’s painfully accurate. Since starting this show, I’ve been catching myself thinking of the next hurtful, out of pocket thing to say to someone putting out something for my enjoyment. I’m so glad something like this exists because it’s really holding a mirror in the face of internet trash like me. Bless this author

Darío Ruiz

As others have already said, bullying in Japan is brutal. It's one of their worst problems. A silent voice touches on it, its a common bullying practice to write incredibly hurtful things on the desk of the victim. If you remember. Shoko was trying to clean Shota's desk. In my uneducated opinion, I think one of the causes of this to be the fact that Japanese soceity values social harmony and that means you would not express your opinions in person.... but in Twitter, you have no face. Anonimity really can bring out the worst of people. Check the case of Hana Kimura if you wanna see how its actually like, just remember its not a pretty read/watch.


Yes this is the kinda stuff people do when bullying these days btw, it's MUCH worse than it used to be due to social media (I'm british too btw so it isn't a regional thing)


Yeah. People talk like that all the time at least here in America. I’ve been at the brunt of people talking like this to me, and this episode hit me like a truck because I have similar feelings to how Akane feels in this episode. From entertainers to students, to doctors to homeless people, to people working minimum wage, to the most famous people in the country. Not just in the online space, there’s a constant amount of people that just wanna see someone die or go insane, then laugh at their misfortune. This episode hit me so hard because I’ve been in this state of funk for the last maybe 6 years, and continuously it gets worse, and I’m without the ability to get help where I live. I live up here in Utah, where we have the highest teenage suicide rate by far of any U.S state, and as someone who’s currently a teenager it isn’t difficult to see why. I know… knew people who took their lives while I was growing up, and it’s always bothered me heavily. Then even though the state says it attempts to put resources into mental health and suicide prevention, if you call the hotline here most people just get left on hold for hours. We’re far more heavily divided compared to most states, we’re just the quietest about it. The church looms overhead of all those who aren’t religious constantly telling you that you deserve to die for not believing in their god. Separation of church and state may be a part of the constitution here in the U.S, but in Utah, that line is thin, and slowly, every day I’m seeing things and hearing things about how worthless I am even though I want to deny it. This happens in school, at work, and even just walking around outside, and especially when I’m around those I think are my friends. Racism boils underneath Utah’s strange culture. As someone who’s mixed white and black I’ve always been looked at as an enigma by everyone, even the spanish speakers who will scold me for fooling them into think I spoke spanish via the way I look (though I assume that bit’s normal everywhere). I got into anime (for 1 because I was bored and decided to give Attack on Titan a chance one afternoon) because I wanted to see a media with what I had thought was better writing. I honestly have never cared for most american T.V shows or movies. I watched maybe 30 anime in 2021, and I was loving it, but then my view on the genre as a whole changed when I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion, and then my whole mindset changed from one where I was just watching something because I liked it, but I was now watching something because I relate to it on an emotional basis. And it’s clear to me that the writers of these anime and manga are clearly people I might be able to relate to in terms of emotional struggle, and I’m glad communities like this one exist, that way I can voice myself in an environment that isn’t threatening in my opinion. Thank’s Luke for building that sort of community. (Holy crap I wrote a lot… well I am planning on becoming an author myself. The best times to write are when you either watched something really emotional, had an extremely emotional experience, or are on the verge of doing something terrible to yourself. If you read all this, thank you first of all, and second of all if you too struggle with mental health like I do, but can’t get any help like I do, try writing. The things you write don’t have to be about anything in particular, just have a thought in mind and type it out using a phone or a computer or even a piece of paper. From my experience, by far the best writing comes from pain, sadness, or happiness. Here, I’ll even give an example of something I [didn’t write but had an idea of]; Within the mind there’s a hand, and the all seeing eye. The hand covers your face, and forces you to stare into its palm. In its palm plays a series of images. Outside of the hand exists the all seeing eye. The all seeing eye projects images into the palm of the hand, these images show a filtered version of what the all seeing eye sees. They aren’t evil by any means. All they want is to protect you, but you wanna see your own point of view for a change. However, to get rid of the hand, you’ll first need to remove the all seeing eye. Of course, you won’t be able to remove or force the all seeing eye to look away and change perspective. The only way you’re gonna be able to disable the hand, and the eye, is if you blind the eye. That begs the question… How do you blind an all seeing eye?)


I'm not your enemy... Well done and Well said Aqua


if you noticed, the one commented "just die" was anonymous, sigh... some trash take advantage of this and say whatever they want

Gavin Wong

this anime brings out all the truths to ppl who are celebrities, singers, influencers and al these states facts hence the director has spoken to so many of these ppl in person in real life,.

Gai Valentine

It’s times like this that I’m very glad I’m untainted by social media. I personally see no need to be known by thousands of people. People should value privacy.


Maybe the other girl just didn't think it was any of her business like I have a job to do, an image and reputation to maintain, once it's done, it's no longer my problem. We can't really know what she is thinking, but that's what I believe. I was thinking how aqua could lend a helping hand the entire time. I can relate to him. Seeing someone doing their best makes you want to help them, I don't think that's a strange thing. I bet she ends up joining their idol group and rebranding her image. This kind of bullying happens. They can't escape the criticism because they are glued to their phones and everything is "connected" nowadays. Word spreads even if you try to disconnect. Get them off social media, take a long vacation, find yourself and come back with a punch ignoring criticism. Some people even move homes to escape criticism, never feeling any release. You just got to learn not to care and gain some mental strength. Help others out and realize you aren't as bad as others say you are, you have your own strengths and weaknesses and what really matters is what YOU think about yourself. That's how I dealt with it. At the end of the day, if the world turns against you, who else can you rely on but yourself?


Yes people online talk like that, and in highschool people say nasty shit all the time about others.

Scott Humphreys

It happens in America too. If you are a little bit different. If your family is poor. Children are mean. If you punch the bullies you get in trouble. If you punch too many bullies they find someone literally twice your size. I never got bullied when there were no older kids around. Bullies are cowards.

Oliver Schubert

People who were saying ep 6/7 are good are manga readers. You can generally judge how many chapters fit into an episode based on experience and how fast the show went through chapters previously. (about 2-3 chapters per episode, excluding the first; I'd expect my favourite arc so far to start with season 3) It's really neat that you don't spoil in the thumbnail, that stuff is annoying, especially for newer shows.


I’m not gonna lie, this episode was hard to watch. It’s a harsh topic and a genuine problem with the internet. It made my sad in a fundamentally different way from ep 1. For the part you were saying about Yumi not helping put out the fire, you have to remember that Akane said they were not aloud to talk about what happens off screen by contract. So, her hands are kind of tied. This kind of bullying happens online all the time. People don’t have the stones to talk like that irl, but the internet means no consequences.


They had static cameras that are always filming though. They talk about it in episode 5 and you see them unmanned all throughout both episodes so far.


Man that episode was painful to watch. I audibly yelled when she stepped off the ledge. Throughout the show I was hoping Aqua would step in and help her, but I really have mixed feelings about that end. For her sake it's what I wanted to happen, but I worry a bit about the message that sends. Everyone has people who are actually worried about them and care about them even when it feels like everyone is against you, but that doesn't mean they will always swoop in at the perfect moment to save you when you need it most. It's important to seek out help from people like that like her mother in this episode or her friends from the show.


The worst part about this episode is it IS based on an event that happened IRL in very similar circumstances. It's based on Kimura Hana, who was a female professional wrestler who went onto a reality TV show "Terrace House" in 2020. There was some drama that was staged by the producers, and like in this episode she was harassed online (Apparently a lot of the tweets in this episode are real tweets that were aimed at Kimura). Sadly, reality isn't anime, there was no Aqua to save her at the last minute, and she tragically took her own life at just 22. Absolutely heartbreaking. I'm glad the anime hasn't sugarcoated the dark side of the internet, and instead holds a mirror up to us all. Also props to HiDive who put a disclaimer at the end of the anime with links and phone numbers to suicide prevention hotlines. I've never seen that included at the end of an anime before. Be kind to people, sometimes it's far too easy to forget that there are humans the other side of the screen.

Mr. Dog

Luke an answer to your question. Yes people actually bully others like this in real life. It's very vicious on English Twitter and in the US. And Japan has it similar to the bully comments online. This actually happens.

Matthew Nichols

I can't help but think of a certain vtuber I follow that tried to take her own life after intense online bullying and harassment, thankfully unsuccessfully. Some of the lines Akane was saying and some of the things Akane did were eerily similar to things this person had said about how she had felt - "This is what everyone thinks" in particular cut like a knife. So yeah, I'd say the show got this spot on.

Harley Burnie

Luke, if you didn't know, thus is a manga. That's how folks are gonna know if upcoming episodes are gonna pack a punch. Just like Cheat Skill's light novels and Hell's Paradise's and Heavenly Delusion's mangas, it is killing me not to nom up Oshi no Ko's source material. This season has some of the most enticing animes I've ever seen in one season!

Stefanos Georgiou

Yea been on the receving end of stuff like this and yeah, it gets bad....


I haven't necessarily heard people talk quite like this in real life, but I've definitely heard people say terrible stuff about people they've never even met personally. On the internet, however, I've absolutely seen people say shit exactly like this. It happens whenever there's some big drama with an internet personality. People think that just because they're behind a screen and have some anonymity, they can say whatever the heck they want.


Demo, thank you for sharing, and for making the effort to express yourself. You are not alone ;

Justin Haynes

(PLEASE READ) this stuff happens on twitter all the time and has been for years

Jesus Lopez

Yeah this happens on the internet constantly. Just not to long ago streamers were getting attacked for playing the new Harry Potter video game... a video game


I remember the morning after a certain episode of AOT S4 P1 had come out when I actually got spoiled of a major character's death (no spoilers here if you know you know) by one of those reaction channels that sometimes pops up in your YouTube recommendations. The video was literally titled something like "[CHARACTER'S NAME] IS DEAD?!?!" and the thumbnail was of the character laying dead on the ground... So yeah, that for sure ruined my day back in 2021, so it is very much appreciated that you don't do shit like that. I honestly believe you're my favourite reaction channel, because unlike many other channels your reactions are always honest and never seem like you've pre-watched the things you react to. I also like that you always prioritize your viewers and their enjoyment over your personal gain and that I appreciate. Keep it up and have a good one.

Angelo Marchantt

to answer your questions, and not to take away from your personal experience, but if this kind of thing surprised you, then you haven't really been around bullying (that's a good thing). this is nothing compared to how bad it can really get, or how bad it used to be even before social networks

Dersimcan Bulut

I think Grave of the Fireflies would suit your taste


People are horrible, my dad shop got robbed few years ago and we gave police CCTV which they released to media, i read one comment online the guy was saying my dad was acting and it was inside job. so yes 100% people think they can say anything because they are anonymous online. there was no empathy


There are different levels of bullying, in the UK bullying is technically a crime, you can be fined or jailed for half the shit said here. That being said bullying is a real thing here regardless, for most, it's name calling or a common peak is an assault. But there certainly are people who take it further, they're usually just stopped due to our system. The UK very clearly drills mental health into us from a young age, as young as 7 I had assemblies in which people missing fingers came in, war veterans, telling their stories etc, to educate different walks of life, different mentalities so on. When you reach secondary (Our schools are: 4-10 and 10-16) school, you will have at least once a year suicide talks etc, we take mental health very seriously. The thing with Japan and Korea specifically is they have some of the highest suicide rates globally due to having less serious measures, with stricter expectations. Here if your son's grades fall, you ask if he's okay and reinforce it with a good attitude, in Korea or Japan it's very common to get angry, to tell them they're a mockery of what you've done for them etc. I'm glad this episode focused on women a little since the idol industry is predominantly female + the suicide rates globally are VAST VAST VAAAAAAST MAJORITY men, so the women kinda get ignored when prevention is mentioned.

Kenneth Tong

Lmao her name became Acne hahahhaa 😂🤭

One G. O A. T. One Dream

given the tweets were literally taken from a real incident. Yeah, people a ahools like this. As the Joker said: All it takes is one bad day. I mean thats why I fear people, mob mentality can get real demented, people rather trow stones and join the narrative than stand out by questioning if what everyone is saying is true. If everyone is saying it... it must be true right? Thats how it is, Right? 100 people cant be lying, RIGHT? oh humans, they can do good, and they can do evil.


Don't hate the player, hate the game. Kaguya-sama writer, do not forget, otherwise I wouldn't even bother watch an average anime with school+drama+romance


did he upload episode 6 ? I can't find it