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Here is the FULL reaction to our PATREON EXCLUSIVE Made in Abyss Episode 5 AND WOW things ramped up with this one!!!!



Zagrom Field

2 MiA reactions a week; yay! Super looking forward to it.


I'd say there is no twist to Made in Abyss. The show doesn't try to trick you in any way. It's brutally honest.


You will find out later what the conditions are, to become a white whistle...


Luke: Is there a twist in this show? Me: *grimacing* Eheh...

Rimtia Crowing

I think the "being chill about death" thing comes from the fact that there are a lot of people dying in the abyss and everyone knows it or has seen it happen, if death is all around you all the time it becomes normal for you and you brush it off, especially if it is someone not related to you.


If you think Hellsing monologues break the atmosphere i cant wait to see what you think about Naruto... i mean they have flashbacks within the flashbacks while fighting :D


the abyss is such a dangerous place that death is an expected outcome, and after 2000 years of Orth's histroy focusing solely on this dangerous pit, its just become common place for them

Ricko Andrew

They are not calm with death, riko looks depressed after seen the corpse, and reg just a robot so not really depressed. But they indeed depressed and sad when it came to death

Zagrom Field

In regards to the whistle colors and how one 'upgrades'. Something the show kind of talks about but glosses over is that there is a 'cave raider guild' the whistle thing is just a ranking system. It basically gives you permission OFFICALLY to go certain depths or to own relics of certain grades. Riko would have to resurface to report back to the guild to receive any kind of promotion, and cause she snuck into the abyss I'm not so sure how they would treat that because the guild kind of regulates the official entrance to the abyss; she basically broke the rules. Pretty sure the promotions are based more on achievements rather then how deep you were able to go and then return. White whistles are different, and will be explained more later. All I'll say on that for now. Also, the number of active white whistles is also discussed later as well. I have not read the manga, so its possible someone can give more details that aren't spoilers up to this point that are explained in them.

Eggicus Roundplumpius

Reg's Incinerator is very interesting, because it's basically the only offensive technology from the abyss we've seen so far. Also, the details about the "force field" and the curse that are being drip fed are quite interesting. It carries both light and nutrients, and seemingly further from the centre of the abyssal path the curse is lessened. I've always wondered what the purpose of both this "force field" and the curse were by the people who made the abyss. Nothing is confirmed, but I always wondered if the abyss was a prison at one point in time. Things that go in cannot easily come out, at least if they're human. That's another thing too - we've yet to see the curse affect anything that isn't exactly human. Even Reg, who is pretty close, isn't affected. That would surely suggest the abyss was made to contain humans. The further down you go, the worse it is - the lower layers could be maximum security? I don't know, not even the manga has gotten that far. This story is the biggest tease ever to tease, and I believe Attack on Titan is second only to this (at least for the first three seasons it was, we're moving forward with a bit more pace now). I wonder what other people's theories about the Abyss are.


The satisfying feel of watching made in abyss is just, YES


About adventures and exploring the world - One Piece is like that, big adventure where they go to new islands and each one of them have their own unique culture, creatures, customs and terrains. Ofc I'm aware how long is One Piece and it's not really a great idea to react to something this long, but it is anyway my fav adventure show.


Don't skip the recap!! They're very short and set the tone for the episode.

BRUNO Marques

You will get some answers next couple eps. There's no twist. Keep watching.

Michał Koczorowski (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-12 21:22:50 9:18 Okay.... i have to stop right here. Slow clap for being a C&C fan. My man!
2023-05-12 21:22:50 9:18 Okay.... i have to stop right here. Slow clap for being a C&C fan. My man!
2023-05-12 18:35:27 9:18 Okay.... i have to stop right here. Slow clap for being a C&C fan. My man!

9:18 Okay.... i have to stop right here. Slow clap for being a C&C fan. My man!


For me the first sign this show was going dark was her gutting that fish the previous episode. Most any show tends to show people catch an animal and then in the next scene it's stewing in a pot. Very rare to see them actually plunge the knife in and watch the innards spill out.

Michał Koczorowski (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-12 21:22:49 There is no twist. There is a .... change. You'll know when you get there xD
2023-05-12 18:41:38 There is no twist. There is a .... change. You'll know when you get there xD

There is no twist. There is a .... change. You'll know when you get there xD

James Perrott

reg is literally more affected by it than riko, him being a robot doesnt change anything in terms of his personality and reactions he is new to everything since he has no memories, he gets more shocked and upset, riko is very naive and doesnt seem to understand how other people feel very well

James Perrott

hell yeah we reached the 2 episodes a week and the show has really picked up the pace, doing 2 episodes at a time will work out perfectly for a certain episode later

James Perrott

Riko was shocked to see the dead person but she seems to not understand how other people feel that well and seems easy to not let things bother her if she couldnt do anything about it, she is naive but also stays calm pretty well for this

James Perrott

the bugs on the dead person were not related to the bird thing eating her, just random insects that would gather when theres any dead creature being eaten.. another example of the dark realism in this show


you will learn more about the whistles in the Dawn of the lost souls movie thats inbetween season 1 and 2


id recommend not skipping the recaps cause they usually have some extra dialoge from the narrator and have some of my favourite quotes in the series.

Frank Stendal

She is like Hange with a titan

Zagrom Field

The first warning shoulda be that her bedroom was an old torture chamber in episode 1 XD Personally I see the stuff in this show like gutting the fish as a sort of refreshing realism rather then grim or dark... but then it gets grim and dark.

Sebastian Stróż

"guys please dont answer that" this MF answers its right away... Are you that dense or what?

Sebastian Stróż

Yeah no, there are well done shounens that use flashback when needed and not to stall for time.


Yeah, the only really important thing to keep track of with watching Made in Abyss is to absolutely make sure that you watch the 3rd Movie before the Second Season or you will be so very lost. It is also worth noting that the very first like 5 minutes of the 1st Movie also have some new content, but otherwise the first two movies are the whole first season in movie form.

Blackcat menace

another good reaction! unrelated note it could be fun to react to the valorant cinematics or music videos?

Mad Scientist

The reason they don't care about death so much is that it's pretty much their whole culture. The abyss is like their deity. And when people die their souls "Return to the Abyss". So in essence, adventuring the abyss and dying in it is what people look to do. It's their whole culture, and pseudo religion as well.

Edu S.

If there is a twist? Heh... Remember when reg cave raided for the first time and then found the bodies of people who were praying that were from over 2000 years ago? :)

Edu S.

I have never heard this theory that the abyss was "made" by people, seems kinda odd idk


Yes, the endings are the same for every episode but please watch the "recaps". They set the tone for the episode and have some extra dialog from the narrator. Also the recaps are pretty short anyway


MiA is both visually stunning and emotionally captivating. It will likely be your favorite anime for quite some time. Hard to imagine what's going to top this.


He's not ready...he is NOT ready. :)


Hey, i aleays wanted to ask you. Will you play ganes on your streams. I wanted to see you play Foxhole one of the best games ive ever played.


You will miss new information and details if you decide to skip "recaps". This show doesn't handle "recaps" the same way as other shows might.


Yeah like she was not a sheltered child but rather spent her whole life on learning about everything related to the Abyss. So she was prepared to encounter some of the more messed up and dangerous creatures.


The eggs are stress balls. Naturally occurring stress balls. the Abyss is full of weird, physics breaking, impossible artifacts. It's what people are going down there to find. The deeper you go, the rarer stuff you find because no one else can get down there and back. The White whistles have all gone very deep, and found very rare and powerful things. But they can't go back to the surface anymore, so it's like they're underground demigods.

Hawk of Battle

Luke; I feel like I'm seeing signs of this show being a BIT fucked up! Oh sweet summer child...

Gai Valentine

The twist is how dark it gets


Here we go; 2 episodes a week, baby! Made in Abyss goes little by little. There are several signs here and there to warn you. And then, there will come a time when it stops warning. Some of your questions will be answered quickly, some later, some you'll have to figure out for yourself; and some still remain unanswered. Mystery is an important part of Made In Abyss and the way it gives us pieces of the puzzle is one of the reasons that makes it so fascinating. And dear lord, this OST is a masterpiece.


You wondered why you would need the Star Compass to tell you up and down, when you can just look. Well, I will only say that the expression, "You can't see the forest, because of all of trees," applies to the Star Compass.


The ending is the same but the next episode tag at the very end slowly pans the map down further as they make their way, which I find very neat


Adventure horror weekend!


Well, they can go back up as long as they don't go past the Fifth Layer. It's only after a White Whistle takes their Last Dive by going to the Sixth Layer that they will never return.

Scott Humphreys

"Things ramped up" ;) "I'm glad I didn't wait!" We'll see about that.

Gai Valentine

Yeah, and Luke also mentioned countless times that he’s heard that Made in Abyss gets dark, and he’s going into this anime with that expectation. Nothing I said reveals anything he doesn’t already know. It was a joke based on the only preexisting knowledge he’s claimed to have. Come on, man, keep up with me here.


I can't remember exactly how many white whistles there are but I think 5 or 6 counting Riko's mom.


The anime does an incredibly good job of following the manga, there are just some extremely minor things left out in season two.

I3ladeDragon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-13 17:36:02 If he doesn't skip the "recap" in the next episode, it will showcase four of them. But if he skips the "recap" he will never know. XD
2023-05-13 13:58:27 If he doesn't skip the "recap" in the next episode (or the following?), it will showcase four of them. But if he skips the "recap" he will never know. XD

If he doesn't skip the "recap" in the next episode (or the following?), it will showcase four of them. But if he skips the "recap" he will never know. XD

Zagrom Field

I just know the manga goes into more detail on some things; such as a particular fellow we have a run in with later. I have read more about that guy. But I wasn't sure if the manga covered more about the guild itself in particular; I've never seen anyone mention it and I have never gone out of my way to look into it.


The leaves at the beginning point towards the north and the center of the abyss respectively, not towards the "top". You can't really know where the north or center of the abyss is by looking up


it will be explained in the next few episodes, i think...

Sam Sepiol

the compass is a bit of a novelty when used in the abyss since as you said it's worth since you can easily tell where the bottom of the abyss is but it works outside of the abyss as well. Riko was holding onto it for the novelty not because it's actually useful to her.

David M

The endings are all the same, but the preview for the next episode in Season 1 show Riko and Reg's current position in the abyss on the map along with notes Riko writes, so you might want to look at those just to kind of see where they are.


They built the camp away from the center of the abyss where the curse is weaker and the creatures tend to be less dangerous and numerous.


I know this is an old video but I still have some thoughts to share! I wouldn’t say that people don’t care about death, but they have a culturally specific view of it. This city was literally built around the Abyss by people who wanted to explore it, so continuing that tradition is considered a noble undertaking. It’s like what you would say about any scientist in our world who die as a result of their research, like an astronaut dying in space—they died doing what they love, they made great sacrifices for the sake of humankind, etc. So White Whistles especially, who have accepted the greatest risk by diving the deepest, are revered as heroes. But there’s also an almost religious aspect to it. They say that when someone dies exploring the Abyss, its the Abyss bringing their soul home. That’s also the same reason everyone seems kind of okay with little kids taking off to do this. The mystery of the Abyss calls to those who seek adventure, and even if they worry about Riko going because of her age, all the other cave raiders understand the need to search for those answers and respect that it’s in her blood to do this. It’s dangerous, but also very brave, and it’s her choice of how to live life, especially since they believe everything that comes from the Abyss will one day return to it, and Riko was born down there.