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DeN..S..1..EP..30.. Enjoy!!





Ah! You are almost at the end, I have to catch up with this one


I think L's conversation with Watari was him realizing that he's likely dying soon. That whole episode he basically has an acceptance of the inevitable. But he basically would have told Watari to put the plan in place to inform Wammy House on his death. His successors are his 'master plan'.


If shinigami exist in this world, then it's not so out of the ordinary that the death note can tell what your intentions are when spelling someone's name


I was always on Lights side until he started killing people who didn't do anything wrong, such as Ray or his Fiance or L


I'd say the very concept of superheroes and supervillains makes things a bit different. The scale of destruction a single superpowered criminal can do is massive, and a conventional jail is much less likely to hold them unless their jailers are of comparable power. So anti-heroes and vigilantes make sense in such a world. But in Death Note we only have a single superpower - the note itself, and Light, roughly speaking, uses it exclusively. He is like a kid who comes to school to "teach the bullies a lesson" with a gun. On top of that, Light is neither an anti-hero nor a vigilante - he is basically a dictator, a tyrant. Once most people are too afraid to commit major crimes, he wouldn't stop - he would lower the scale of punishable offence more and more until it comes to killing people for, like, not tucking in a shirt correctly or raising voice in public. Because Light's main objective is not making the world a better place but becoming its god. And when god is no longer needed, people stop believing in him - which would be unacceptable for an egomaniac like Light.

Bård Fredrikson

I used to be on Light's side when I was younger, but growing up, I realized that reading news paper articles or seeing reports on criminals on the news, didn't always give me the full picture and it was very easy to see how Light could easily have ended up giving the death sentence to someone who was wrongfully accused of a crime and after that realization, I came to the conclusion that Kira's power is just not going to be used simply for the power of good. Putting on a mask and going around killing people? Same issues, that's why these stories are often written as revenge stories, so you at least can get away with that they had no choice in the matter. And it's never like this, where it is basically a villain as a protagonist.

Bård Fredrikson

Also want to note that the Death Note rule in this episode is an outright fabrication, as Light would have died in episode 1.


I’m not too big on saying what Light would do given certain circumstances since it’s speculation, like changing what a crime worthy of death is if all major crimes came to an end. But something to keep in mind is what Light said at the very beginning, that “there’s something about the notebook that makes you want to use it, even just once.” His personality without the notebook is his true personality. I’ve always felt that with the notebook we see a corrupted form of Light, pushed to an extreme (be it from his massive intellect or something else) and used to its fullest potential serving his personal thoughts on who should be judged

Karen Porter

I believe that final, silent, interaction between L and Watari was L explaining what he felt would happen soon, and to have Watari set up the notice to send at the specified time after the computers were wiped to announce their deaths to Whammy House.


FMA in Dub is a masterpiece compared to the sub


If Light was a vigilante killing criminals in a Punisher-esque way I would still be wary of him. If you're the judge, jury, and executioner then you're going to inevitably be wrong about some of the people you kill. False arrests and false guilty verdicts already happen in a world where your actions are scanned and reviewed by 10 or more people. However, If Light only killed criminals with the death note it would definitely be more of a grey area where I could understand people siding with him. And it's just so funny because if he really did buckle down and only kill criminals Kira would essentially be untouchable.

Antoine Jones

the difference between Deadpool and Logan are theyre not villains, theyre anti heroes.... Logan wills people who tries to kill him or he NEEDS to kill.... Hes no gonna kill a jay walker or some purse snatcher or a robber... hed just knock their ass and out and let the police death with them. Light is murdering petty criminals like theyre major ones. Also, if the police or someone good tried to stop Deadpool or Logan from killing someone theyd only incapacitate the cop then go back on to whoever theyre trying to kill, as opposed to straight up murdering a cop whos only doing his job. Lastly; Light wanna willing to kill his own innocent sister to protect himself. Deadpool or Logan aint doing that. So yeah you ca not compare what they do to what Light does... THEY actually have morals or at least a code/line they wont cross. Deadpoll wont kill a child for ANY reason, for example.... I bet Light would

Eirix Erosaito

About your question in the video, regarding how would I like light if he were doing it with his own hands, and the answer is no, he is not doing it because he is a hero, he is doing it because he is a narcissistic autocrat, who think of him self as a god, no I wouldn't like him either way.


I disagree with comparing Logan/Deadpool and Light in the way that you did but of course it's still fine to root for light in the context of a story but outside of "I like the character" he's just a self-serving narcissist with a god complex. Regardless your asking of "what if Light put on a mask and killed those people himself" reminds me of a manga called Akumetsu which is basically about a guy who literally wears a mask to go out and brutally murder extremely corrupt politicians in Japan and I think you could make the arguement that the guy is a lot more morally correct than Light. I doubt it'll ever get an anime adaptation so if you're ever in a "fuck rich scumbags" kinda mood you should check it out.

James Palmer

The thing is we always expect Light to end up 1 step ahead because that's how his character is written, so I can see from a story perspective why he had to beat L. It wouldn't have been satisfying if L had simply won in the end, it would have felt unpoetic. At the same time clearly Light's victory over L was not a good ending point for the story either. It's a very jarring transition and so naturally people tend to think of Death Note in 2 parts, L era and post L.


I don't think Deadpool goes around killing innocent people though. And someone like Punisher, he does research and makes sure that the people he kills deserve to be punished as per his judgement. But L has been killing people who are guilty only of trying to catch him, which is messed up. And obviously, while he keeps saying he is doing it to make the world a better place, that almost seems like a by-product of him just making himself some kind of a god figure and feeding his egotism.


The problem with Light is that he also kills good people. Anyone who stands in his way gets killed, while most antiheroes don't kill good people.

まき のり

Light is indeed a villain. However, this does not mean that the villain should not be the protagonist. The presence of a good villain makes the story better.

Angelo Marchantt

Absolutely not. It can obviously come to personal opinion but the general opinion is original is alwqys better

Angelo Marchantt

I mean light literally only wanted to kill criminals, the innocents that end up dying are only because they get in the way of the world he wants to build. A bunch of criminal dead and a couple innocents here and there in exchange for a world with no crime. I can easily get behind that. If you world would've accepted kira when they saw all the crime rates go down so many innocent could've been saved


There's also several reasons as to why subs > dubs when doing reactions. You deal with twice as many copyright claims on YouTube and when audio is cut for those reasons you cannot tell what's happening. Subs, for the most part, are also closer to the original intentions of the creators, dubs often (especially more recently) take a lot of liberties with translation.


I think a good comparison to your vigilante question would also be Dexter. A forensics scientist during the day and a vigilante at night, who kidnaps, kills and disposes of criminals. It suffers the same issue I have with DN, that the later arcs are pretty slow, uneventful and dragged out.