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DeN..S..1..EP..27.. Enjoy!!





Mello seems to have no morals similar to light.


the show is 10 times harder to watch after L’s death, so downhill

Dr. A

Honestly I prefer how the manga ends, it just hits different.


33:07 No, I appreciate you man


Many consider the 3rd arc (from here to the end) the lowest points of the series because it undermines Light vs L. I personally feel the same and that L's death was the ending of the series.

D Jung

1:30 By the time L dies, the whole world knows about Kira. In the last episode it was even mentioned that some countries recognize Kira and submit to him.


Not a spoiler - just in case it was not clear, Near is an alias

Matthew Valentine

Near is my fav character in the entire show and in a few eps down the road you'll see exactly why.

Pedro Oliveira

Now that I think about it, do we ever know L's real name?


A neat detail in the names, but we have L, Mello (M), and Near (N). Coincidence? I think not!


I might be in the super minority, but while I liked L, I found him a little...stupid. I mean, he knew Light was Kira, accused him of being Kira, was willing to lock him up for being Kira, but because his brain could not comprehend the possibility that Light might be lying when he was in jail, he just let Light go and told him, "Hey, come join me on the task force. We'll work together so you can try to kill me." In the immortal words of Mrs. White from Clue "He was always a stupidly optimistic man. I mean, I'm afraid it came as a great shock when he died...." L knew it was coming, and yet he did nothing to prevent it. He deserved what he got. (And, yes, I know Light wasn't lying because he had his memory erased, but L didn't know that).


Dunno If you can call him stupid. He "knew" Light was Kira but he needed proof and without knowing of the Death Note how could he possibly have any proof. He locked up both suspects and the killing kept going. He can't just lock him up forever just because he was pretty sure. That he let him join the task force was not stupid, but risky. He wanted to keep an eye on Light, but at the same time he was conflicted if his thought could have been false. The biggest problem was, he had no idea how kira killed and as a "normal" person you would never guess something supernatural. So I think he was just taking the risk in hope he could gain a great ally or outsmart him if necessary. But that's just my opinion.


I know I'm late to the party but can somebody explain for us dummies here why on earth the post titles for this series are so "heavily encoded"? Are the copyright nazis patrolling *behind* the paywall now? I had a confusing few minutes of searching the other day, before I noticed the odd entries.

James Palmer

yeah it's to avoid being flagged, a few episodes got taken down a while ago and since then this has been the format.


Seems like it, there's another person I follow and they also had to obscure their posts a bit


But L did start hearing the term "Shinigami" rather early on, and even if he did not believe in them, once he touched the Death Note and saw Rem, he should have started really realizing he WAS dealing with the super natural. He just did not put two and two together fast enough for such a "brilliant" man. His suspicions of Light should have been tripled, and he should have told Light's father, "If anything happens to me, your son is responsible whether you want to believe it or not." Then again, maybe I'm just looking at things from a viewer's perspective. L is still a great character, I just don't think he's a brilliant as people want him to be. But as you said, just my opinion.


Don't wanna sound like a broken record but l did not send a message. It was a dead mans switch that got activated because l did not update. Just google it.


Light Yagami is an Anagramm for "I am gay". He could have had sex with her but It would have been to make her do what he wants similar to the kiss. I could imagine him doing that despite being gay.


You can Google the name but I believe it was released in the 'Death Note 13 How To Read' on a true name card.


11:30 well the thing is.. None of them are smart nor brave enough to realise the 13 day rule is a fake, the only thing that keeps light seemingly fully cleared. Besides lights dad is insanely sure light is innocent which also plays a big part.


to me, part of the brilliance of L's death, is that it was so sudden. we were expecting that to happen at some point potentially, but not that early. and the fact that it was so sudden and quick was perfect (in my opinion, of course)


Honestly, while I'm enjoying the ride that is death note reactions, I cannot wait for you to experience FMA: Brotherhood. It's such a different show that I'm excited to see what you think of it.