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Here is the FULL VOD from the Steins Gate 0 stream! Episodes 12-16!!

GotGames_TB - Twitch




The thing is they cant simply choose what timeline they will end in. They only know of 1 major event that switches between 2 different time lines and thats Kurisu's death. Also even if he agrees and go to save Kurisu he will end up in the other timeline where Suzuha will yet again show up and beg him to change the timeline. Right now Okabe just doesnt see what he can do to escape his personal hell of choosing who to die - his childhood friend or the woman he loves


Hm. I don't feel like I'm enjoying this twitch format with such shows. Looks like too much distraction from chat and very frequently and that's affecting the enjoyment of the show, especially in S;G where you should pay attention. Missing way too much especially the subtle details.


tbh with all the praises i have for this anime i can say even watching it alone for my first time i felt distracted at some moments and sometimes full episodes. Ofcourse once something happens it drags you back into it with full force. Another such anime for me was Re:Creators with their endless monologues and expositions but i can say i liked that one too alot


At least, you should give it the attention it needs, but that's a problem in twitch. I mean not just with S;G, but in general any show, I'm not liking this format. It feels 70% chat interactions and 30% talking about random other things instead of focusing on the episode and discussing show related things. Feels like wasted potential. But maybe that's just how this format is and it's not for me? A bummer that it's wasting a great show like S;G. I had the same though when watching along for S;G's S1 too, but it feels much worse for 0.

David Stern

Don’t spoil aot in your steins gate streams.


I think its fine for SoL or comedy anime like kaguya-sama or konosuba but for info heavy shows it just doesn't work, but in terms of the talking and stuff that's just gonna be part of the format


I don't dislike talking or the chat interactions themselves, but not when they overlap with the show's running time, and frequently. A big reason why Luke's reactions are maybe the only ones that appealed to me is because he focuses on the show he's watching instead of talking over every other scene. This seems to not be present in this format, which is why it felt jarring. Maybe it's just me.


I've had the same feeling as you, while I'm very happy for the reaction and felt that the bulk watching works better for the series it really takes away the "immersion" in the series for the lack of a better word. It works for more chill stuff or movies since you have one big story block that you can focus and immerse yourself in. I'm sure Luke takes in all the information and doesn't miss much of it, it just feels like something's missing


The Twitch format is supposed to be a 'couch' format. A Watch-Along with the audience. Perhaps Steins Gate could be considered not the best choice for this format. But the Twitch format is for that and YouTube is for just me with no distractions.


I understand, I agree then that maybe it's just not the suitable pick, as I think this format is very fine for the more easy going ones. In any case I still enjoy watching along. Thanks Luke.


If he changes the past to avoid WW3 it will literally be worse... The alpha timeline (the events of the 1st season until Okarin was able to get to the Stein's Gate Timeline) leads to SERN making a time machine and gaining control of the entire world. Less people die that in WW3 (about 4 billion instead of 5), but the grip or SERN is much more absolute, with people having absolutely no autonomy, thought-crime being illegal, people being sumarily excecuted for having substandard genetics, etc. It was actually much more difficult for a resitance to form against SERN, as evidenced by the fact that Suzuha was never able to meet Okarin and Daru in the alpha worldline's future (which is why she didn't know that Daru was her dad). Also evidenced with why the time machine she used was imperfect and could only travel backwards in time and not forwards. Daru was only able to invent the timemachine in this timeline by stealing parts from SERN, and he wasn't able to make it be able to go forwards in time before he was killed. Also, the timemachine in the alpha worldline materialised halfway inside the radio building to the point the radio building had to be closed down, whereas the beta worldline time machine was more precise. The alpha time machine was not resilient and a lightning storm was able to damage it causing the user's memories to not time travel with them, which lead to Suzuha killing herself in the 1st season. Knowing all this, Okarin fears that retrying to save Kurisu to avoid WW3 will just lead them back to Alpha world line and leave them in a worse position (which is entirely sensible as Kurisu surviving is EXACTLY what lead to the alpha worldline to begin with). Stein's Gate was only achieved by having Kurisu DIE but also SURVIVE, but this Okarin is not aware of that. MORE IMPORTANTLY (spoilers), that Okarin was able to get to Stein's Gate in the first season was ONLY possible because the events of the Beta worldline were allowed to play out, so Stein's Gate may not have been possible without Okarin allowing WW3.


Calling him selfish is a really bad take in my opinion. Sure, trying to spare 1 life at the cost of WW3 is selfish, trauma or not, but he is not just sparing 1 life. Saving Kurisu returns them to the Alpha World line which is in many ways WORSE than WW3, the future of that world line was explained many times in the first season, just because you've forgotten doesn't suddenly make Okarin selfish... "But Future Daru said this was the worst timeline", yeah, beta worldline future Daru said that to Suzuha. Alpha worldline future Daru didn't because he was DEAD before he got to meet Suzuha, but I wonder what he would have said if he wasn't. AND, Okarin is not trying to just let WW3 happen, he is trying to stop it without time machines, because he knows that messing with time does not give the intended results, and may place them in a WORSE situation (i.e. the alpha worldline, which he first got placed in BECAUSE they managed to mess with time with a D-Mail just once)


Beta world line dystopia of WW3 is actually BETTER than alpha world line dystopia of SERN absolute control, where they are able to excecute you for crimes you will commit in the future like minority report, where thought crime is illegal and Suzuha was unable to put up anywhere near the same amount of resistance. Geez, I thought the first season made this obvious!! But regardless, he's not even trying to welcome WW3, he's trying to avoid it without time machines to avoid triggering an even worse dystopia. I'm not saying he's correct in his approach, and time machines are likely neccesary, but it's no way near the way you are painting Okarin and the situation.


Healthy, untortured Luke - "Yes, 100% I would torture myself to save the world" Luke, after being tortured 100 times - "Mommy! Mommy! I'm sorry, please make it stop! I'm sorry!" Not saying torture would definitely lead to that outcome but it's easy to say yes if you can't put yourself in the shoes of someone who has actually gone through it.


I aggree, especially on this episode. With the whole back-to-the-future photo reference, they mentioned 3 times that it was faked and he was distracted all 3 times so he only just understood it was faked right at the end. I understand he pays more attention than he lets on, but he was clearly too distracted at that time.

柏均 林

I don't think there is anyone enjoy watching a watchalong which the streamer didn't pay attention "frequently"(even did not rewind most of time). It's unfair to everyone whether he already finished this show or not. I'm here to see the steins;gate reaction not the reading chat reaction. Okay, maybe just me.

David M

You say you'd go back and try again, but you have to remember that the last time he went back, HE KILLED HER with his own hands. You say you'd do this for your own children, but I think you'd feel very differently with their blood still warm on your hands.

Harley Burnie

1:56:00 Dude....looking away and missing a huge bit of Mayuri's development. Le sigh.

Nakama Forever

This is were I have to say goodbye on Patreon. I love the content, but I just can't stand this bad video quality. I have horrible internet at the moment and there's not much I can do about that right now. I have no way to adjust the video quality on this platform and it's stuck at 144p and I can't even read the subtitles. If you watched it in English then maybe I could just listen in but that doesn't look like it's your choice. Seeing as I never see any responses from you on these videos I'm not sure you'll even see this but I'll try and catch you on YouTube. At least there I can adjust the quality.

Regill Derenge

Damn.... too bad you watched SG on twitch.... missed so much and misunderstood most of it. oh well

Tom Boggess

lol bootstrap paradox song