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DeN..S..1..EP..14.. Enjoy!!




Angelo Marchantt

a yes, just tell L "what? this girl that no one has seen before around me that showed up at my house the extact day after you suspect kira met with the second kira? naaa I totally know her for months, you know it just never showed up in the surveilance reports you already had on me, naaa bro, promise, We already know each other from a long time, trust me". Light trying to pass misa as a GF for months would've been the stupidest thing ever lmao

Angelo Marchantt

What? what was that whole "lifespan" conversation lmao. All rem said was even if killing L ends up increasing Lights lifespan Rem wont die cause she doesn't give a shit a bout Light. That is valid for killing L or killing anyone, a shinigami could kill a random bystander on the street and it could expand a lot of peoples lifespan without dying, it never said "killing L WILL increase your lifespan" even if that would be true, they have no way of knowing that.

Tom Horne

Considering that the death notes clearly affect fate in such a way to cause events to happen, its likely that unless their actions are to directly save someone, then fate will step in to course correct. For example, lets say that I was going to stab person A tomorrow, but a shinigami has now killed me. I think that fate would still step in to cause person A to die, it would just be by another means (such as an accident or mugging or something). This is because people's lifespans are already pre-determined, and the only thing which changes it would be direct results from the death note. If it wasn't the case, then light killing anyone (especially L) would technically lengthen his life indirectly

Tom Horne

It wouldn't be the worst strategy. Considering that Raye said that light would have dates on his days off, I doubt he would be logging the names of these girls to relay to L (especially since he wasn't a major suspect at the time). Also, Light could say that Misa is a model, so their relationship was kept under-the-radar to prevent any leaks, which would explain why he never took her to his house before. With how smart Light is, he could probably make a convincing argument (as well as coach Misa on what to say for certain questions etc). Sure, it might not convince L, but hardly anything convinces L even if its the truth. All Light would need to do is make a convincing argument that L wouldn't be able to poke holes into or disprove, and the investigation team would make L drop the topic

Tom Horne

Also, I'd just like to say that shinigami are stated to not know everything about the Death Note, so its unclear if Rem truly knows exactly what would happen in a situation where someone's life is inadvertently affected



Angelo Marchantt

I agree a lot with that and it's something that I can't really recall if ever was mentioned (I assumed it wasn't). Considering the case of Misa having her lifespan extended by jellous we can assume that at the very least it is possible to mess with them, at least from a shinigami. But it is very interesting to think how it would affect the rest of the world's lifespan when light or misa use the death note considering how many times they use it so either fate somehow happens for the most part and the lifespan is sort of mantain or you happen you affect it in a major way maybe without even knowing and that has to add time or even substract it


So he didn't watch Konosuba movie? been waiting for the reaction all day.

Antoine Jones

i dont know what seesaw youre keep talking about with Light... are we watching the same show? there s NOTHING redeemable about this guy.... at least you would probably argue Eren (which I still say the same thing about him) but Light? its 100% unobjectively clear that he the BAD GUY... like really. There are shows where the main character is the bad guy (I mean look at Breaking Bad and Narcos) this is something new... stop wanting Light to be good.redeemable.. it aint happening lol


Stream crashed during the movie, he said he'll finish it on the tuesday stream which if everything else is as normal means it'd be uploaded here on wednesday.


Come on man... Rem is clearly female, lol.


Shinigami. Think of it as a Gami with huge shins. That's a shinny gami


It's Shigashima, not Shinigami, get it right. sheesh!

Big T

Yes, team Ryuk! Best character FTW


On the topic of the numbers yes they are random cause we aren't meant to decipher them cause they would contain spoilers. for example if lights lifespan was only a few more months or years it's pretty safe to assume that L captures him cause we know that L wants to have Kira killed which would reflect on lights lifespan.