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Here is the FULL reaction to THE PATREON EXCLUSIVE series HELLSING ULTIMATE Episode 4!!



Angelia Dark

Behold your view of the most evil anime character to possibly exist.


What do we want after Hellsing Ultimate? Hellsing Ultimate Abridged!


I'd say that this anime doesn't aim to make a lot of sense. It just aims for pure unadulterated coolness. Why does Alucard stab Rip van Winkle with a gun that doesn't even have a bayonet? Because it's cool! Why does Anderson's cape contain a literally infinite amount of bayonets? Because that's also cool! Why is a blimp taken as an unstoppable force that no air defense can even hope to have a chance against? You've guessed it right! Because it's friggin' cool!


Blimps are filled with hydrogen gas.. Just light a cigarette and watch it all go down..

AchmodinIV SWE

Well it’s a metal blimp though

Angelia Dark

There are also a few scenes here that really remind folks that Kohta Hirano used to be a hentai manga artist.


In my honest opinion, i find The Major to be the only morally good person in the show. I think even the director said so I'n one of the talk overs.


Slight spoilers. The military bases are run over. Anderson can teleport objects. And he is litteral called Vlad the impaler


This anime is my all time fav. And this episode is the best one :)


I recommend that you watch the eds all are different. The first 3 are boring. But they hint at major plot points. Maybe watch them all after the show it's done. :)

Lu C

Don't worry Iscariots will appear soon. Mars, they mean the Roman god of War. And what to watch next? You could check out Hellsing Ultimate Abridged but the fan parody is still on Youtube available, so this might not need to be Patreon exclusive. You could also try something that is not fantasy and has no supernatural elements like 'Black lagoon', it has 2 short seasons (12ep) + 5 OVA Or a classic 'Ghost in the shell: Stand alone complex' from 2002. Or 'Claymore' 😉 it's a gem and has great soundtrack. They made only 1season 😭 and you can try to compare it with anime that you already reacted.

Nosferatu Z

I'd realy love to see you react to Berserk from 1997, but it might still be to early for that. I personally like the Anime from 1997 more then the movies that were made later, but they are probably better to watch for someone who hasn't watched a lot of anime yet.


Mars is the Roman God of War


dude, even as a german I have trouble understanding what these guys are saying with their over the top german accents XD. And why is it that they still use WW2 technology from the 30s and 40s? Is that some kind of cliche? :D

Lu C

Hehe, no thanks. I am picky about animation, some styles are just not for me 😁


Obligatory complaining. I can't stand the over done German accents Hollywood perpetuated. Probably that's why I rather watch sub.

Markus Wallin

Remember that Vampires both have an aura of total unnaturallnes AND make people enjoy being eaten. So Rip Van Vinkle had the weirdest experience and Alucard just loved it. Alucard IS a Monster, he has no moraility and neither does the Major, he just loves war. I don't mind the 50 split, i kinda love the complaints and I never heard this speech in the dub before. the SUB beats it but I don't mind.

Arcade'owy Łowca

Different vampires has different abilities. Some are common, some are commonly known and even once you've aged up you will gain new ones, but some are unique. His ability is shrodinger's existence. He does exists in that particular place and doesn't exists at the same time. His whole existence is just a possibility, and he have controll of that. Pretty op if you ask me.


I don't think it's ever stated that Schrödinger is a vampire, infact, the wiki states him as "werecat"

Nosferatu Z

I only watched 1 and half a season of log horizon and it didn't realy catch me. If he reacts to it I don't think it should be on patreon only. I'd say it is to tame for that.


Would love to see Luke react to ME!ME!ME! - Daoko (feat TeddyLoid) and Girl - Teddyloid | Feat. Daoko. Can you even imagine the look on his innocent face. Put them in one video & then move on to the next series. I think it would be fun!

Júlia Stocco

I'm once again asking you to watch the opening and ending of the Hellsing old anime (it will not spoil Ultimate I promise!)


Pollington is an actual place.


He likes letting everyone throw everything at him, so then he can strike fear into their souls before killing them.


Also, he's going to be stuck on that ship with nothing to do for a while, so why not kill some time.


40 min into the episode and I am having trouble understanding the story. ep1&3 sub was fine to understand, the dub in ep2 was also fine to understand the story but holy this episode I don't get what's going on, even you an English native speaker have trouble at times.


I checked sub and some german words were translated into english which actually made sense. It seems for whole episode to make sense you have to know german +english at certain moments (dub ver I mean)

Szayel H

ANOTHER would be a nice next anime


Half and half is fine. All I ask is that you watch the end credits of Episode 8 for the music!


I never liked the art in this episode as it used too much black face with fully white eyes constantly, there was nothing like earlier episode drawn characters and the female on that aircraft carrier was just wasted as she was just too insanely done without any real background.


The "I love war" scene was so long that it actually took 3 days to record according to dub director(Taliesin Jaffe) in the commentary. lol

Matt Thompson

Bout to pop off hard. Think this is primarily a context episode. Could really see the hentai background peeking through in the visuals though. 😅


why there was no subs? :-(

TheLousyGamer [ITA]

I would love to see you react to Alice in 冷凍庫 cover by Mary, she has an amazing voice and also has many other beautiful songs and covers. strongly recommend it :)

Ryuden Tamarashi

Im still 100% for dubs! it makes some things make alot more sense (Like not realizing pip was french is so easy to miss) As for post Hellsing. Well The abridged is an easy choice but i think you can do that on Youtube. Baccano! would fill a similar somewhat brutal slot, but would also be the battlefield for a dub/sub war as its...well...even MORE accent heavy. So i would Vote for Re:zero. a darker show that features some of the best MC character development I've ever seen, awesome characters, and just brilliant Voice acting, in both languages. Also the OP's, as you've seen, are banger. Now for the reaction. this is perhaps my favourite episode of anime I've ever seen. the first half is good set up and interactions. others have answered most questions but ill try to fill a bit. Rip van winkle...ah my friend you have good taste. I love this character completely. her Entire 'arc' in the show is that of the germanic opera 'Der Freischutz' in which she is gifted seven magic bullets by the devil that can perform impossible feats, but the seventh is said to be under the control of the devil. in the story, samael, the black huntsman, gives these bullets and comes to claim the hunter whom asked for them, whisking them away to hell. in this allegory, rip is the hunter, and Alucard is Samael, though said magic bullets were given by The Major. Yes, the death was slow, drawn out, and (like the seras/integra scene) oddly sexual. the characters WERE originally for an...adult manga...i believe, but by their design, Vampires are inherintly highly sexual creatures.a stranger that comes to whisk away virgin women and seduce them with dark powers..highly associated with mystery, wealth, and blood.....anyway. I really just love this miniature opera within an episode. there are many layers and and stories within stories to examine. But beyond all that. Alucard was flying a GOD DAMN BLACKBIRD, I'd argue the coolest plane to EVER fly the skys, and while you're right theres more than one, i think they were meaning more 'only one left in operation'. On top of that, i could go on about The Majors speech, and what his statements mean, but I'll leave that for later, as it could dip into spoiler territory.


Dub is just so flat, its missing half of the emotions in their voices.

Nosferatu Z

I have not seen it yet. I would definitely watch it if Luke reacts to it.


Der Freischütz is actually a German opera, wherein a hunter unknowingly makes a deal with the devil to win a shooting contest and impress a woman. In the end, the devil comes to take his due.


I hope to see Castlevania after this. The main characters are sooooo good and it will be a shame for it to be forgotten about just because it lost in the poll.


The speech is a lot more bearable in sub, with VA who can bring more character/emotion into it and without the ridiculous accent. One of the things i enjoy is how this show pays homage to vampire mythos and Bram Stokers book. Sexuality is a major theme there, and it feels like that the weird finger licking scene as well as Rip van Vinkles drawn out penetration were here to evoke the same sense of disconnect of whats proper and the norm as the original book would have had in it's victorian audience.


I understood it back when i first watched it (When i was 14, it came out in 2006) and also now no problem, its not that hard


Dub continues to be fantastic, dang near perfection. Man this show is great reminds me of back when i first watched it


+1 for Claymore. It's IMO vastly underappreciated, and hasn't been reacted too by (m)any other people. Very disturbing in it's own way, with great action scenes and characterisation.

Lu C

It's a pity that Claymore did not had opened ending, as the manga was still ongoing... We need a reboot. Lol on my anime list ranks Claymore manga 8.3 same ranking as Hellsing 😁


There isn't just 1 or 2 cases, its nearly overall. The lines and translation is fine, its just that the lines spoken aren't spoken like they are there as that character in whatever moment that character finds themselves in. Compare it to a laugh track, yes its people laughing but you can hear they aren't laughing at the scene, it's a little off. They can sound "like the character", but they aren't sounding "like the character in that moment". The hellsing ultimate dub isn't nearly as bad as most other anime dubs, but its still noticeable.


I think the next Patreon anime should be Elfen Lied. The gore is just as good as Hellsing in my opinion.


If It got a complete series covering the whole manga it would have turned out better, but as it is its more of a horny gore joyride and then its juist over and didnt really go anywhere.

Arcade'owy Łowca

I don't see a point in that. Luke just got into anime, doesn't need repeats. there's a ton of beautiful anime he had not seen, for what he would waste time watching something that is average, and very similiar to what he had already seen?

Casey Mitchell

It's true throughout. It's every voice actor that isn't Alucard, Maxwell, or Anderson. The Major is decent, but even he lacks the impact or barely contained insanity that his JP voice actor has. It's not terrible... by EN voice acting standards. Which is an extremely low bar.

Casey Mitchell

Mars is the Roman version of the Greek god Ares, the god of war. Maxwell and Anderson are supposedly declaring war on the concept of war, which is ironic and supposed to give you some insight into how unhinged they are.

Steven H.

Elfen Lied has a beautiful op, but its not a good anime whatsoever. Edgy for the sake of being edgy, and i dont think luke is gonna like the constant nudity of minors (hes normal)


Personaly I don't know if Anderson's origin was ever revealed, but i can't remember him beeing scottish. Maybe it's just "creators freedom" in the eng dub. But man, as a german it is so hard to understand those "germans". I never met someone with such a strong accents. Well maybe I would prefer to speak german with them either way. xD


I really don't find that that to be case at all. You think maybe it's because you dislike the accents. They are British after all, it would be understandably

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-26 17:45:36 Anderson is my name & its Scottish! Anderson is like the 7th or 8th most frequent surname in scotland.
2023-03-26 13:46:28 Anderson is my name & its Scottish! Anderson is like the 7th or 8th most frequent surname in scotland.

Anderson is my name & its Scottish! Anderson is like the 7th or 8th most frequent surname in scotland.


So? Still no prove that Anderson from Hellsing is scottish. As long as the author doesn't say he is scottish, he could be anything. Anderson is also a danish name...so maybe he is danish? Dunno.


Yeah they really overdid the accents but I still love them though I'd love subtitles for understandability


Even the official translation of the manga had his dialogue written with a Scottish accent.

Michał Koczorowski

Any scene with the Nazis. They are done absolutely awful. The accents are way, way, WAY too much. It's as if they took the most stereotypical "crazy nazi scientist" accent, and made it 3 times more ridiculous. Honeslty i can't see how people take any scenes with them remotely seriously. I can't


Wow, i´d never had imagined to somehow get slightly triggered by mispronounciation of a name with german (or rather, Austrian) origin^^ Yep, that cat-boy's name is ''Schrödinger'' (or probably, ''Schroedinger'' in the subs i'd assume because, you know, Umlaut and translation don´t really go hand in hand usually xD). Also, i´m pretty sure you know, but yes: it´s a reference to ''Schrödingers Cat'' (the hypothesis about quantum physics, where a hypothetical cat in a box can be both, dead and alive at the same time, unless you open the box to check; which leads to the action of observation of the experiment change the result of the experiment) But in the english dub it sounds SOOOOO awful^^ At least in the german dub (which is also actually really good) they got it right (well, it would be a shame if the german dub would mess up german words xD). But to be fair, this is the first time i actually could complain about the dub, and being german probably amplifies that even further...


Mars is the ancient roman god of war. You better know this god as the greek god of war Ares

Shadowy Fox

😂 Yep, you're seeing why vampires have historically been symbols of the sexual and taboo for a long, long time.

Shadowy Fox

I actually find the reverse to be the case. I think the classically trained actors are better at providing character/emotion in the dub. Stage actors are generally better at being voice actors from a purely technical standpoint, and only a few of the recurring actors aren't Shakespearean actors. Anderson and the German accents are pretty accurate. The German is period accurate and harder to understand because of it. The further you go back with most accents, the harder they become to understand. Anderson's is meant to be the kind of accent it is. Taliesin Jaffe (the voice director for the dub) got to speak with the creator of Hellsing on a couple different occasions and has said that the creator was quite happy with the dub, including the accents and acting.

Shadowy Fox

I remember the commentary talking about how there was an American singer who did an album that was basically an English retelling of the opera.

Shadowy Fox

I'll be honest, I'm not sure where you're getting that they're so flat.

Shadowy Fox

I think it's more than a bit elitist to say English voice acting is a low bar. It may have been at one time, but that bar has been raised for decades. I find the Major is much more able to convey his insanity than the Japanese actor is. Integra is one of the stronger performances and is a fair bit better than Alucard, which is saying something due to the actor's credits. Walter's VA portrays the character as he's written in both anime and manga in a way that requires intimate knowledge of that sort of personality. While the Japanese is good, I think the English VAs play characters from this setting better. They have cultural understanding and the accents are more lived in.

Shadowy Fox

It definitely fits that it was be Shakespearean. A lot of the VAs are trained in that style.

Shadowy Fox

Exactly! It's a game! That's why he's also allowed the restrictions on himself.

Shadowy Fox

Schrödinger isn't a vampire, so his ability is not vampiric. In fact, it's something else entirely. It is "existence as belief," as I once heard it said. He exists as long as he believes he does.

Shadowy Fox

It's specific to their era. They're holdovers from the war. The entirety of Millennium are essentially a madman holding onto his dream of war.

Shadowy Fox

The hydrogen gas thing wasn't really a problem even during WWII. That was a post war ban. Prior to that, they're helium filled.

Shadowy Fox

Alucard stabbing her actually makes a lot of sense. He's not doing it for efficiency. He's doing it as an act of sadism.

Shadowy Fox

The Major isn't a good person in any sense. I've watched a lot of the commentary and interviews, and him being good has never implied. The Major is morally grey if anything. He wants war for the sake of war. There is no good to him.


ok.. im not a dub hater or anything.. but only watching sub cause.. i dont care about the accent and sub sounds more profesional to me..some show do have pretty good dub voices.. but if the subtitles doens work :D its pretty hard to listen to it because of the accent :D like what is he saying ?? i dunno.. would recommend the sub if the subtitles doesnt work

Puraido Eustass

Typically, I don't care about sub or dub, but The Major's speech is so much better in German. I mean, they are German, so it's kinda obvious. I listened to a comparison of the Jap/Eng/Ger/French version, and well, yeah. Fun fact, apparently, they could not convince the French to sing in German (Der Freischütz) because they used the Japanese Version.


FFS, that guy talks way, way too much. I was just waiting for someone to blow up a nearby gas pipe or something.


Schrodinger is so messed up by dub by having German accent he does not have. He is way more easygoing in the original. To Seras he says just "konnichiwa" and she timidly replies back. Same for other characters. I am completely missing glorious "Amen" from Maxwell as his guy is executing the priest.


I had a lot to say about the accents in sub v dub but, it's really moot. Other languages (Specifically Japanese also has accents, but I get you are most comfortable with the ones you are familiar with) Anyway, "has she not had any blood?" Correct. She sees drinking blood as something evil creatures do and thinks of herself as human still. This makes her weak, which is why she is forced to sleep in a coffin with graveyard dirt in it. She has to drink blood to maintain her strength, and drinking Alucard's blood will make her a full fledged vamp. "Mars...what?" He said 'we face a war god' which is Mars, the Roman God of War. Also known as Ares, in Greek mythology. "That was weirdly erotic, I don't know why" probably because it was girl on girl, yuri is nice from time to time as is yaoi (BL). Any time one girl is sticking her fingers in another girl, it's a good time. Yes I said it like that, intentionally. "I've never heard of Pollington" I am just going to leave this here: Pollington is a village and civil parish in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. The story she tells about being 'The Huntsman' is a from a famous German opera, which she sings a song from 'Der Freischütz'. The Major is describing the fate of the Kaspar--who uses magical bullets--where Samiel 'The Black Huntsman' kills him. I don't know if this is really a spoiler, I feel like you weren't going to watch this Opera, but what do I know! Sorry, if I did spoil it. "This is a very slow kill" Yeah, Alucard likes to savor the fear and terror he brings to ppl. I think scaroused is the correct term. XD "Why was Alucard locked up?" Well, he's a weapon of war, normal humans were able to kill vampires when they came up, there weren't a lot before Millennium popped back out of the ground. So he wasn't needed, and thus stored in an underground basement. Integra likes to keep all her cards on hand and not locked in the basement. I agree with her decision. Yeah, Major was insane. And all his soldiers were cray cray too. They had issues.