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DON'T DO IT!!! NOT HER!!! NO!!!!!!!

Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Death Note Episode 7!! And ah this one hit hard!!!!




You REALLY aren't sure if Light is the good or bad guy? just a reminder that he is always clouded in RED and L is always clouded in BLUE. not to mention he's literally murdering innocent people, the criminals were one thing, innocents are another.


"It's as easy as putting on contact lenses." As someone who just started wearing contact lenses, THAT IS A LIE.


It was when Light killed L's double Lind L. Tailor on TV for me because it proved that his purpose is not really to make the world a better place. If he is willing to kill who he though was the world's best detective who has helped society by solving high-profile cases, then he is selfish, and just playing evil games. Don't get me wrong though, he is a very interesting character. Makes the show what is it.


I've seen people consider this to be Light's most fucked up kill. Because he taunts her right after. Knowing she's technically already dead.


Who was I rooting for at this time? Well, I was rooting for L. But because I was rooting for L, it wouldn't have been satisfying if Light had lost to this woman. It's not that I was happy that Light won this battle per se, but I wasn't ready for the game to be over yet, you know? I wanted L to be the one to defeat Light, so I was both sad for the woman's death yet also relieved that Light didn't lose here.

James H. Hobbs

This is the first indication that Light is not just about just killing criminals. He enjoys these games because he feels winning them shows he is right and the most intelligent. There was no reason to taunt her at the end There by saying he's Kira other than to purely gloat over what is a distraught woman who had lost the love of her life.

Edward Of DOOM

I didn't see anyone address this yet: In Japanese Culture, it may be considered a sign of high respect to follow behind someone older/more experienced than you. The way servants do to rich, or siblings do to parents. Light is being respectful of her status by following at a distance. They are not friends yet, so he would not walk side-by-side with her.

Cory Tripp

No spoilers, I promise. You said you felt like you were kind of being forced to root for the bad guy because he's our protagonist, and that would make L the antagonist, which is usually the bad guy's role. And like you said, Light is no longer just killing criminals, so he truly is a bad guy. This show has purposefully flipped everything around so that the bad guy is the main character. It's also an interesting experience for the watcher, because like you the watcher starts out at least semi-rooting for Light's goal, and then has to watch this turn bad and deal with having wanted Light's plan before.