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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED Anime Openings Reaction to TOARU and what is this ANIME?! No idea!! But lets find out! 




It's finally here!!!


Thank God! He finally did it 😉


Luke, please react to Darker Than Black OPs/EDs !




Basically it s three series. Index and two spin offs. RAILGUN: It s a series about a City, and the students, and science, and magic, and religion, and individuals thown into this chaos and fighting to protect what s dear to them. The world where science and magic collide, and people caled espers, awakened by the City’s measures. INDEX: same City, focus on magic this time, the actual main series btw. Accelerator is another spin off to Index, about a certain esper.


Er, yeah those characters are not from other shows. Character design principles tend to be shared between anime as a whole, so it's not uncommon for characters to have similar looks though. It's an intellectual property nightmare to try to do multi-anime crossovers, so you won't see it unless multiple shows are owned by the same umbrella company (this is what happened with Isekai Quartet, I don't know of any other instances of anime crossovers happening). This show isn't exactly light hearted, but it definitely doesn't present that way from the OPs. Stakes are fairly high and it gets pretty dark at times. There are 3 different "shows" that you reacted to, all within the same universe with similar characters. Each one is designated with a slightly different title. "A Certain Scientific Railgun" (OPs 1-4 + 6-7) follows the girls primarily shown in the OPs, "A Certain Magical Index" (OPs 8+) follow the guy with wild black hair, and the weird one, "A Certain Scientific Accelerator" follows the white haired guy. Each show interacts with the other, and the main characters of each appear as anything from cameos, side characters, to even antagonists in the other shows. As a whole, the show is really about the city they live in moreso than the individual people. I haven't gotten into the original novels, but I hear they're incredible. However, it's also an *incredibly* confusing series. Most people who like it practically have to get a PhD in figuring out what the hell is going on. Due to having 3 different "shows", the interactions between which season to watch when get really confusing. For instance, the Accelerator show should not be watched until after you've watched specifically 2 seasons of Railgun and 2 seasons of Index. Not only that, but within individual seasons, weird decisions around story pacing and such end up adding to the confusion. It can be very convoluted. It's the kind of show that if you aren't following the story to a T you won't have any clue what's happening ever. Addendum: "To-aru" is Japanese for "A certain". Calling it the "a certain" series in English sounds strange though so most times it is referred to as "toaru". The last word in each show is phonetic, so shortening them to Railgun, Index, and Accelerator respectively works for both the Japanese and English titles. Specifically, A Certain Scientific Railgun = To Aru Kagaku no Railgun; A Certain Magical Index = To Aru Majutsu no Index; A Certain Scientific Accelerator = To Aru Kagaku no Accelerator.


light or dark anime? Well, depends on the arc :D


Toaru Majutsu no Index -> A Certain Magical Index Toaru Kagaku no Railgun -> A Certain Scientific Railgun Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -> A Certain Scientific Accelerator


also thinking wayyy too hard lmao its not that deep most character designs in anime are similar


Yes it's here. Depending on the arc it can be very light or very dark


This anime was my first anime ever, so I'm glad you're finally reacting to the op


It not from differents Series. Their more like same series but different perspectives. Railgun being Mikasa the Coin flip girl as MC. Accelarator being the White hair guy perspective and Certain Magical being the spikey hair guy sides with the little nun. it a world between 2 sides. Scientifics/Abilities versus Magics/Christians and Church.

Mr. Kungkang

It's not different universe, just different POV between the main character and their environment. If you want to watch this series, i recommend you watch the INDEX series first season, then RAILGUN series (all season), after that you can continue season 2 INDEX series, after that ACCELERATOR. after that you can watch season 3 INDEX series. This is just my recommendation, different people have different recommendation. Actual timeline between this 3 series are quite mixed up. Like, a couple early episode from RAILGUN first season occured before INDEX first season. Just try to watch all of it. Hope you like it, BECAUSE I LOVE THIS SERIES. IT'S SO FREAKIN GOOD!!! Now you make me want to rewatch all of it

Kaitou Mara

It's so funny watching you make these conclusions. You really should watch the anime. You are way off though.


you are crazy xD


It is indeed a shared universe thing


Ah yes, light hearted...


Danmachi Danmachi Danmachi


What about "Monogatari Series" openings??


Seems like after AoT 4.21 you'll see time travels everywhere


24:10 That right there is peak 2000 anime.

Sven Hegenbart

whoever did this playlist did you dirty xD The main show is A certain magical Index the Ops you reacted last with the black hair guy Misaka is a side character there but was so popular among the readers she got her own spin-off A certain Railgun - The ops with the 4 girls in it. The random one is another spin off show . the white hair boy is an antagonist - his show plays timeline wise later then the main shows as you are supposed to have already known/watch them. all of your explanations are wrong xD there are no multiple dimension or chars from other shows ( similar character desgin doesnt mean the same show xD ). It all plays in one city where science is on top and the student try to gets Esper powers.

die kokosnuss

these predictions made me unreasonably mad lol

thailer somerville

You missed the mark so many time it hurt, your looking why too much into to😂, you listened to 3 different series, all of which are either happing simultaneously or continuing where another left off. You watch them out of order as well with might have been what tripes you up, all of the series have a decent dark element with death and blood being a regular thing in the show, a certain magical index is one of my favourite series I highly recommend for a watch along.


That was a helluva rollercoaster 😂 whoever made that playlist royally screwed up


As people have explained, these are three different shows happening in the same city/world. The timeline between shows is kinda hard to follow, but I find it's not worth bothering to think about it if you watch each series at once. If you do, you can understand the timeline from the context, like Index episode 1 events taking place during late Railgun season 1, since some scenes are pretty much the same. Personally, I like recommending Railgun first as a whole show in itself, then if the person likes it, they can watch Index seasons 1 and 2, and Accelerator before season 3. Railgun is the most lighthearted-ish of the three, and it introduces the watcher to Academy City. Index introduces the church(es), and by the time one gets to Accelerator, they can understand the nuances on the confusion when both factions meet.


Railgun, Accelerator, and Index are all set in the same world with one overarching story but they're seen from different perspectives and each have their own unique stories


Here's the Monogatari playlist, I think I didn't miss anything https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUO0Zhz66cV7JpkA1b3iP6pId_UAFgWzR It was hard not to add "Into the Labyrinth" as the bonus item, but it's not an opening (it's a fan made music clip aka AMV) so I'll leave it up to you to look it up. And react to it, of couse.


Index is the"Main"Series While railgun and accelerator series is side stories. Also it is it's own series, so there are no characters from different series besides the toaru universe.

Nate Ming

This is a series where I watched a handful of episodes from each, and always just bounced off it every time

James H. Hobbs

This is a series based on light novels. So the main story is the Index series, but then you have the spin offs of railgun. The spin offs are happening at the same time as the main series, just focused on different characters. Each title refers to a different character in the story. The story is primarily set in what is known as Academy City. Which is where they are raising children to become Espers (the superpowers). At the same time, there are magical organizations that are moving. In this universe, magic coincides with religion (hence the nuns and such.)


Think of the To Aru series as a story telled from three different points of view: the original series was "To Aru Majutsu no Index/A Certain Magical Index", which currently has three seasons, then 2 other series run parallel to this one, each one following a secondary character of the original series as their lead. "To Aru Kagaku no Railgun/A Certain Scientific Railgun" follows Misaka Mikoto, the girl with electric powers, then "To Aru Kagaku no Accelerator" follows the white hair dude, Accelerator.


Also, don't think this series follow a chronological order as you've seen them, To Aru Majutsu no Index was the first one created, but both Railgun and Accelerator run parallel at the same time as the "main" story. The timeline actually has multiple seasons taking place at the same bracket of time, but if you want the full picture, timeline would go like this (seasons in brackets occur at the same time): 1st: Railgun season 1 2nd: (Railgun season 2, Index season 1) 3rd: (Railgun season 3, Index season 2, Accelerator) 4th: Index season 3

Ryan Thomas

sorry to break this too you but your way off and completely crazy none of the characters from other anime's show up and its all one universe


i couldnt contain my laughter every time he dropped a shows name thinking characters were from it, i love you dude XD


Where the Naruto shippuden ED's part 2 at😫


You're so far off you're ice cold my dude. Lol. But it was fun to watch you name off all these random anime characters from different anime that you haven't even watched. Does show you're knowledge is growing. You were close when you thought they were the same universe, because they are. This isn't the multiverse lol. Also i just want to point out, just because a girl has red hair and wears a Sarashi (Japanese term for the bandages binding the chest area), they aren't Erza from fairy tail. It is a form of binding/clothing worn under their kimono's. You will also see samurai, ninja, sometimes wear them as well.


"It looks lighthearted" 2 seconds later a dead body is shown :D BTW whoever arranged the openings did a poor job. Thats not the correct order, thats why you got confused... though the series timeline is somewhat confusing too with certain events overlaping in different animes within the Toaru franchise

Aqua no Kiseki

Luke be reaching so hard to understand these openings! All 3 anime just take place in the same city and they overlap.


Lmao great reaction. This is just a case of seeing too many similar characters. The author has a tendency to keep adding new characters each season/story arc. So you are bound to start seeing similarities and forget who some of the characters are. So this all takes place in one city where science and magic meet. Index is magic side, it's very mediocre imo, but it's supposedly the main series. Railgun is the science side. This show is actually good because the characters are more fleshed out instead of being generic npcs. Accelerator is the dark side of the city. Think of Kenny from AOT but overpowered. Both side shows are really good, however railgun has like 50+ episodes and index even more. Accelerator has 12 episodes. I was really happy you discovered this one. The gatari series has unique openings and endings for each arc/season kind of like chainsaw man's endings. It's going to be hard.

Akai Ryu

Of course no spoilers, but you're far off haha - They're all in the same Universe, but the different names are basically reflecting a different POV of the Characters (In the first one you see the POV of the Girls, in another one the POV of the dude).


I was laughing so hard at what Luke was guessing what was going on

Dennis Broer

if you watch is be sure to watch it in the right order. Toaru no majutsu no Index is the first one. but you watched it as opening 7 or 8. it might be index 1, railgun 1, index 2, railgun 2 , accelerator and finally Index 3.... I think. Look it up, since Im uncertain what exact order it was xD


I think Index is okay, but I much prefer the Railgun series. The writing's just a lot better and Misaka. makes for an excellent female MC. She's tomboyish, but still clearly a girl through and through. Despite that also badass and capable, doesn't need to rely on others for every little thing. Basically a good example of an actual proper strong female character, not like the majority of 'strong' female characters you see in western media that are pretty much just men in a women's body, without any of the flaws of either sex. In the Magical Index part she's a lot less present and you don't really get to see how she truly is. And well, the best arcs in the show also center on Misaka (but they're even better in her own show). Railgun does take a while to really get started. It's fairly episodic for most of the first season until the major arcs start. The second season gets started a lot quicker. Third season? Bit of a mess, I guess. It's not as good as the first 2. Still pretty decent, I guess.


As for your question about monogatari series, it is unfortunetly heavy copyrighted so u might struggle to find full playlist on youtube. However u might find 23 openings on dailymotion.


The show is about one city named Academic City when science managed to give normal people esper powers. The thing is that all the 3 shows (Index, Railgun and Accelerator) follows the stories of different characters in the same universe and city where sometimes they all meet and really serious things happens. It has an order tho, Index is the original one and then Railgun is a spin off about Misaka Mikoto (the lighting girl) and Accelerator is also a spin off, they had an specific watching order so I recommend you to check that.

Secre Swallowtail

There are two openings to the game of its name:ToAru Majutsu no Index: Imaginary Fest Openings 1-2

BoT Hitman

It's same universe but others explain this already :D This universe is probably one of best in the anime, if u wanna watch this than go with Railgun S1->IndexS1->RailgunS2->Index2->Accelerator->RailgunS3->IndexS3, and about Monogatari this kinda difficult find all op's on yt, almost impossible


You are completely wrong about this anime. Also you watched it in the wrong order. A certain magical Index is the parent story while the others, scientific railgun and scientific accelerator, are side stories about certain characters. Toaru means "A certain" in Japanese. The order these came out in was; index 1, railgun 1, index 2, railgun 2, index movie, accelerator, then index 3 and railgun 3. This, however is not the order to watch them in. That would be; index 1, then railgun 1 and 2, index 2 and movie, then accelerator, railgun 3, and finally index 3. To understand what is going on, you'd have to watch it which hopefully you do since it is one of my favorite anime series of all time.

Blackcat menace

Day 3 of asking for a blue lock openings reaction :D


Ye it's all in the same world/universe, because we'll you see stuff happen in one which does affect the other story or shown an effect with a certain blonde, as ye, the episodes collide and mix, the watch order of it is way too confusing so I'd say watch in release order


You watched them out of order but I don't blame you, this show is a disaster to keep track of. Last time I checked there are 3 different shows with multiple seasons that you have to go back and forth between.


Watched the rest of the vid. The more you watched, the more your prediction got worse lol. I think this is the farthest off you've been so far.


You got conned into doing a whole Franchise at once :D So all three series are connected but each series focused on a different character all in the same Science School city. And each goes down a different yet connected rabbit hole of the conflicts behind the cities purposes between the scientific and the magical. You even replay scenes from one series in another from the other's main characters point of view a few times.


Well all already explained that this is 3 different stories in same universe. Anime is mediocre, not bad, but not anything amazing either. So I do not recommend for reaction for you, if you have free time on your own they are watchable. But as for reaction you have other anime that are 10x better to last until you die so no need to do this.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6sQx5rb4MVoPP2DntDhA0-ojo4-Ivw2y All Monogatari ops playlist


I don't watch the videos where he reacts to stuff i haven't seen, ngl, never even heard of Toaru Series, but might add it to my watchlist for now at least. (Actually after checking, the English name being "A Certain Magical Index" which i did hear of and mean to check out eventually lmao), so just checked the last few mins, since he tends to get confused by just watching openings, i'd love to see just how much confused he'd get if he reacted to Monogatari openings lol, so thanks for that share, hope he sees it.


The original series is Index while the rest are spin-offs which were made later. They are all pretty good still. Railgun is the more popular of them.

David Lewis

It is a fascinating intertwine universe

10redturtles -

The MCU comparison is pretty spot on, it's a bunch of different separate series that all take place in the same universe

Ethan J Soto

As other people have said, it's 3 different anime in the same universe: Index being the parent one. Railgun is a lot better in my opinion. I would recommend you reacting to it, it's a great ride. One caveat, the start of railgun is really slice-of-lifey and chill, feels like a typical "cute girls doing cute things" and occasionally things turn up. HOWEVER, the dark themes you like seeing and some crazy shit starts happening soon after - that's the peak railgun. You do not need to see Index/Accelerator to understand Railgun, though some information about Index's MC would answer some questions about him when he pops into Railgun's story.


First and foremost, this anime has nothing to do with other anime or multiuniverse bullshit. I am honestly shocked at how far you ran with that. You have simply discovered that some characters in anime may remind you of characters in other anime simply because of their hair color or something. These openings are however technically from 3 different anime, Index is the main anime and Railgun and Accelerator are spinoffs following 2 different prominent side characters from the main series and are honestly way better than the main series. The events of the 3 series happen in tandem with each other. The first season of Railgun actually happens before the first season of Index. I personally recommend watching Railgun first.

声優 何でも

Side note and request: Regarding your thoughts about "ISN'T THIS CHARACTER FROM THIS ANIME OR THIS ANIME" I would like to quote my good friend Michael Jordan: "Stop it, Get some help." Honestly let's stop comparing characters from two jarringly different animes just because they have a "resemblance". It takes you away from the moment and off to weird tangents often time being completely pointless and includes lots of confused screaming. Unless the anime title somewhat resembles each other, often time it's just a coincidence or just an anime stereotype you're not used to yet(you'll get there). Other times, it's probably just a homage or an inside joke(maybe it's drawn by the same mangaka, maybe it's made by the same company). Let's just focus on the beeps and bobs and the amazing animations that took the creators a lot of labor to produce.


Thanks, added Tsuki OP added as well +nise OP2, OP3 24 total, that should be it Sky Logan's playlist a few comments below looks a bit more consistent though: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6sQx5rb4MVoPP2DntDhA0-ojo4-Ivw2y


@Rey Toaru series is not that amazing, but still it's pretty good anime, sometimes. Honestly there is just one arc that I love, and the rest of the anime is just okay, but some characters are amazing and one of my favourites of all time.


This reaction had me laughing too hard! THIS IS GOLD !!

Ron Farmer

Hard agree. Main characters often do resemble each other. You get used to it

nik kel

Luke - "that cat, ive seen it before" like they modified the matrix.

Bobby Vang

Luke's connected anime world, xDDD even if he hasn't watch any of those shows. How vastly different they all are in personality xD

Manie Gudak

This was fun as hell to watch honestly.

Kaiki Deishu

the amount of tinfoil used for his hat in this video must be immense


There are a lot of recycled characters in the anime world, get used to it. It's like copying a friend's homework and making some changes so that the teacher doesn't guess. Anime/manga creators often do the exact same thing.

Sir Elderock Komdragon

Anime goes through animation styles and art styles depending on when it was made many of the characters like similar if the show originates around the tame time and target demographics. But as for the show index is the main series and the rest are happening in tandem to the main story if you are wanting whe whole story there is a very special way to watch it that is is for chronological order. Otherwise it is watch index s1 first the railgun s1and 2, accelerator then index2 and three the railgun 3.


Who keeps recommending you these playlists, seriously? At least there weren't any missing this time, but the order made no sense whatsoever. You should really ask someone to make you a custom playlist when doing these big series opening marathons. Heck, I'd be down to do it, it's not like it would take long either.

Von Yoosten

He instinctively picked up how much superior Railgun is to Index 👀

Tom Boggess

honestly starting from the railgun openings ins't the best for trying to understand from openings. It's also a very complex storyline, there are three series with multiple seaons. the best i can tell you is that the story isn't really about the characters and is instead about the world they live in. One last thing. there is slight lolicon (sexualization of young girls) in this anime. nothing explicit but there's a clear relationship between an underage character and a highschooler. (by underage i mean 12 or under. When this was made the age of conent in Japan was 13)

Tom Boggess

toaru in this since mean literally "a certain" everything beyond that is greek to me. Im only JSPL N2. so i'm not privy to a lot of nihongo. I want to get to n5 in the future but since nihongo is so far removed from English i think it might take a while

Tom Boggess

"these behind cuddles are innocent and cute." nope the one who does the cuddling is a massive lesbian.

Tom Boggess

the toaru series ia a compilation of different animes all taking place in the same world following different characters as the focus. railgun features misaka, accelerator follows accelerator and last order, and index follows touma and index


these animes are awesome!!! you should totally watch them

Marcus Petral

I'll admit, I watch this every now and then just to amuse myself with how confused you get over these openings. However, if you ever plan on actually watching these I can fill you in on the proper order of this (These opening were so out of order XD). I need a reason to go back and rewatch this banger.


i'm just gonna comment here again, i've watched this entire franchise and it's really solid. i think you would really enjoy these shows! toaru isn't as popular in the west as it is in the east though, and it's a pretty niche series, so it'll probably take your twitch chat like a decade to pick this anime. if toaru ever gets picked, i'll be so excited to watch your reactions!

Yel John

Tried to look if you had any reaction with Toaru, unfortunately only with the OP, such a great show as well