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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Attack on Titan Season 3 Episode 20!!! Buckle up!!



Julien Fabrice

so just you know the treatment is like Germany after the war. Discrimination and telling them Germans are evil cause their ancestors did something wrong. And to this day Germans are not released from the crime and must feel to bow to the world for forgiveness about what happened 100 years ago. So you say the Germans now are not to be punished for what happened... By the way I'm German and think I don't need to be punished for what my Grandfather did (while Brainwashed) in the war and we Germans don't need to bow and lick the shoes of every Country of the World, cause we were the last Devil in the World (every country in the World was at some point of History the Devil itself, but at WWII we were the last to be a Devil in the eyes of the world. But if you see what happened after the downfall of Nazi-Germany (Atom Bombs in Japan, what happened in some not christian Country and what is happening in Africa with the stealing of resources)). So if you compare AOT to the History, who are the Bad Guys and who are the Good ones? I think there are no Good or Bad Guys just some different point of views.

Kieran O’Neil

the fact Luke still didn't fully realize it that Zeke was Eren's brother when it was literally shown is the most stupid Luke thing ever lmfao.


6:05 You wanted answers. You GOT answers. "You Can't Handle The Truth*!" *Truth? Well, maybe. 15:24 What's your source? Source? I made it the fuck up! 22:32 OMG - Zeke's doll is the Beast Titan!


Merry Christmas everyone


Wait woah, we nearly reached Season 4. What a journey


Just for a general rule, whenever it comes to oppressive history one should believe the majority of the victims side, some parts may be exaggerated to make it lose worse, but generally it is jsut as bad as they say it was


do you remember when we said nobody is good or evil? It is literally just like that people have just different views about the world. BOTH SIDES ARE EVIL AND GOOD <3


Besides this often some good parts are left out when telling the stories of oppression. Hence we can only guess that perhaps the eldians were the bad guys and did horrible things, they also managed to bring a certain amount of prosperity with it.


stop thinking in ''good'' and ''evil'' and start thinking about the 1000 shades of gray inbetween,


Don't try to choose side in AOT, it's meaningless, and the beast titan is younger than you think, and you've seen every one of them in season 1, besides it just said that the owl is the leader of the Restoration in this episode.

Evan Petroelje

The 7th titan was left behind on marley to guard the mainland against and attack, you haven't seen it yet


Oh my godddddd bro, the teacher(Erwin's dad looks different to Zeke)

Fernando Lahude

Man, stop thinking about coletives, start thinking about individuals and their ambitions


Yes, Grisha told folks he met in the walls that he lost his memory. What else could he do? Pull a S2E6 Reiner?


At 30:50 the big bearded one was who ate Eren in s1 btw

Georgie Acero

one of the best show truth bombs/reveals ever in my opinion, it truly changes everything you know. it's like you get two shows in one with AOT


All I can really say without spoilers is: There's two sides to every story. Both sides weave their own narrative to something beneficial to themselves that paints them as the heroes and the others as the villains. Marley claims that Eldia committed to eugenics and ethnic cleansing, omitting any potential positive impact while painting themselves at the heroes that fell the evil Eldian Empire. Eldia claims they developed the world and its infrastructure, omitting any potential negative impact while painting themselves as the bringers of great progress and change. Neither side is objectively correct. Neither is Good or Evil. Thinking in black and white will do nothing but confuse you. Even the team that invaded the walls (Zeke, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, the quadruped, and their comrade that was eaten by Ymir) showed mixed feelings in all that they did, but were resolute in their choices. "You guys haven't done anything wrong. But you still need to die." Side note: Almost all the titans transformed here are titans from Trost. Including the one that ate Eren.

Kaj Moroz

It's very unclear here who's "good" or "bad". I would just suggest watch what each side does and figure out who was doing the right thing in the end. There's so many layers.


This episode was information overload but tells you EVERYTHING you need to know to understand what's going on in AoT. Zeke is actually only around 20-something years old in Season 3 (maybe early 30's, but I don't think he's that old--he just looks it because of the scruffy hair and beard). And I was so happy when you called Dina being the titan that ate Eren's mom. One of your predictions was actually right. LOL.

Kevin Williams

Your reactions are priceless.

Angel Hernandez

When thinking about who’s good or bad remember what Armin told Annie back in season 1. A good person is just someone that is good for you, and there’s no person that is good for everyone. Both Eldians and Marleyans are heroes in their own perspectives and objectively both are equally as grey.

Jacob May

Just some pieces of information about the episode: Some of the Restorationists were the titans who killed Eren and Armin's squad in the battle of Trost back in the first half of season one. This includes the santa looking titan that ate Eren who was the bald bearded member in this episode. Second, the arm bands and internment camps the Eldian people live in are supposed to allude to relations between this and the Nazi's treatment of the Jewish people in WWII. The history where Eldians were the blame for everything evil is similar to how Hitler rallied the Nazis behind the extermination claiming that the Jews were responsible for Germany's issues after the first world war. How much of what the Marley government says is true has yet to be known but given the brutality and Nazi-like treatment towards the Eldians, it is safe to assume that not everything they say is 100% truthful When the Marley officer that fed Grisha's sister to dogs is talking about how the morbid is entertaining after turning everyone into titans, he is looking directly into the camera, implying the show is saying the same things about us. an interpretation is how we have been watching the horrors of both their world and ours with a morbid curiosity that plagues all of our minds. It's a fun thing to try and interpret what the author was trying to get across here and what nuances you want to take from it Past this is spelling out what intelligent titans we know of so far. Nothing is stuff that hasn't been said but if you would like to figure it out on your own then I'd stop reading here. The titans of the 9 we know so far are: 1. Eren's titan from Grisha 2. Eren's Founding titan that Grisha stole 3. Bert's colossal titan 4. Reiner's armored titan 5. Ymir's titan/ Reiner and Bert's friend's titan 6. Annie's female titan 7. Zeke's beast titan 8. The mysterious quadrupedal titan with the beast titan earlier in the season

Nei Sune

Dammmm so close to season 4 the crazy stuff about to start.


Someone tie this man's hands when he presses play on an Attack on Titan episode.

Martin Vaclavik

btw the titlecard of ep.1 shows us the map of Paradis Island and the Continent, damn I love this show ♥


the old bald guy with a beard turned into the titan that ate eren in s1


"The Owl" is an Eldian Restorationists spy that infiltrated the Marleyen Government, hence why he saved Grisha and can turn into a titan.


18:50 :O


hyped for next week


1. Eren Founding Titan 2. Reiner Armored Titan 3. Armin Colossal Titan 4. Annie Female Titan 5. Zeke Beast Titan 6. Yamir (don't know what is her Titan name) 7. Unknown Person Animal Titan??? 8.???? 9.???? Have we seen any more titans other than 7 so far there should be a total of 9 Titans right? I haven't seen all of AOT, I only watched until season 4 part one and I have forgotten most of what I saw so now I'm rewatching from the beginning with Luke.


On the mission there were only 4 Titan shifters which were Reiner, Berthold, Annie and Marcel who got eaten by "Ymir." Marley wouldn't send all their Titans on this mission so they had to keep some back ie Beast Titan and Quad Titan plus I don't wanna go any further to avoid spoilers


One fun fact if you look at all the men who transformed into Titans we seen them all in season one ie the Santa Claus looking Titan that ate Eren


Remember, Grisha had two of the titan powers before passing them on to Eren. He already had one before eating Frieda Reiss (The Founding Titan). The last two are the "Quadrupedal Titan" and one that's not been shown yet.

Raul Leao

8 should be Grisha's first titan,the one he had when he fought Frieda Reiss.

Brandon Guzman

The 9 Titans and their Owners 1. Erens Base Titan (prev. Owned by Grisha, Kruger) 1a. Erens Founding (prev. Owned by Grisha, Fritz family) 2. Reiners Armored Titan 3. Armins Colossal Titan (prev. Bert) 4. Annie’s Female Titan 5. Ymir’s -REDACTED- Titan (prev. Marcel [Reiners comrade]) 6. -REDACTED- ‘s Quadraped Titan 7. Zeke’s Beast Titan 8. UNKOWN

vinny cucinello

And we can say to u now : welcome to this new show about titans . :-)

Kaj Moroz

Actually so useful. Takes into account the stuff you'd know by now and who had what.


I love this episode as reactors always have their brain cells melt trying to figure it out. There is just overload of new information to process and then do you believe it or not :D


I'll just say this. Obviously Grisha was lying about having no memories. He recorded his past in the books in the basement. It was a lie to keep Shadis from digging into his past


if you find it annoying then dont watch it lol. Complaining about it is more annoying


A lot of the titans in this episode were actually present at the Battle of Trost so the reason some of them look familiar is probably because you've already watched them devour somebody


No, I will enjoy his reactions while simultaneously commenting (playfully) about his reactions, just like he claims to love the show while also hating the "random" flashbacks and cliffhangers. He does not have to change for me.


It's a little confusing the way they described it, but if an intelligent titan eats another intelligent titan, it will have both powers. So Eren's titan is the combination of two, Grisha's original titan + the founding titan he stole from the reiss family


yeah this episode is insane

Elias Austin

Grisha never actually lost his memories

David Weidemann

after this show the good/bad switch dissolves :-)

Christopher Wolstenholme

In case the parallel wasn't obvious: Eldians = Jews, Marley = Nazi Germany. No one can really be certain of the truth of history, the Marleyans might be lying to justify oppressing the Eldians, the Eldian version of events might be painting a rosier version of the truth as well. Either way the oppression is hardly justified. It's hard to say who on a personal level is 'good' and who is 'bad' but it's pretty clear that the Marleyan treatment of Eldians is evil Also your face when Zeke is revealed made me actually laugh out loud

Thomas Berry

I actually read somewhere that (unsure how true it is) the Eldians are meant to represent Post-WWII Japan. This big force, monsters to the world, that was expanding its empire. Lost, forced to an island nation, their history and identity taken from them and made into a "weaker" version of themselves, and being repressed globally. It said that there is, allegedly, a small but rising belief among Japanese youth, or at least those around Isayama's age, who have been seeing Japan as having fallen from grace. So he made this story as a kind of "Go ahead, this is what will happen if you do." warning.


Watched this on Christmas Day :) Merry christmas GOT games wow next year is gonna be a good one with season 4 and more new anime you are gonna love it. Thanks for keeping us entertained with you, aot is great and it just gets better every episode. Its such an amazing show cause there literally isn't a moment where im bored its always full throttle action and so many questions. Best show ever.


Eldians are pretty much a 1 to 1 parallel of Germany, history wise, culture wise, language/name wise, appearance wise, the only real parallel for Jews is the camps and treatment, but that isn't enough to justify calling them parallels to each other, especially compared to the mountain of evidence that Eldia is Germany.


Something need to be clarified is the way Marley treated eldians isn't the worst, other nations did way more, the eldian ethnic cleansing is a global thing.


Oh yeah Grisha Yeager (at the time of him showing eren the key) is 39 years old.


Also the fact that dina has royal blood and when eren punched her fist when she was in titan form that royal blood connection caused his coordinate powers to activate.


Yeah but it can be figured out this episode. also hes already watched next episode bro. He doesn't react to them today and edit in like 1 hour. Hes prob already finished s3 by now chill. And its something that happened in season 2 with the coordinate powers. He literally just posed next episode 21 two hours ago bro, proved my point tho.


They look similar. I've seen multiple reactors make this mistake


No way, I like it this way. Better than other reactors who scream and yell over the whole episode


Maybe, but is it right to punish someone whose only crime is to have ancestors who destroyed the world a 100 years ago ? I mean, Grisha is right when he says that his sister and him were only walking around, so why did they kill her sister for her ancestors' crime? Also, by oppressing eldian people, marleyans only succeeded in increasing Grisha's (and others') hatred. So all of this is just a circle, the circle of hatred that just repeats itself over and over again. The truth is nothing is right in this series. It just reminds you that on both sides, there are good people and bad people, and also people in between, because nothing can be 100% black or white. It shows you how cruel humanity can be


Youve seen all these titans before.... the "santa titan" is the one who first ate Eren (way back in season 1)


Yeah we've seen most of the titans shown in that scene actually! It's crazy how recognizable they can be despite just being those things


It's such a pleasure to watch you going through all the deep mud. Attack on Titan is a multilayered mess of a puzzle to his audience. And I love every fuckin' bit of it.