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WHAT!!! WHAT!!!!! WHAT THE F***!!!!

Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Attack on Titan Season 3 Episode 12... WHAT!!



Julien Fabrice

we watched the openings of each episode, cause sometimes the opening just changes for the episode

Julien Fabrice

he needs to watch the opening and endings of every episode, cause of the random changes and it lets you feel the arc more

Julien Fabrice

i was so hyped after the episode, i watched it before sleeping and the day after was almost the hardest school day (9. or 10. class) in my life. Almost no sleep (2 hours i think) and was only thinking about this

Julien Fabrice

for everyone who know the future, watch the ending clip in 0.25 and watch the pictures. OMG, what a omg


Lol he was talking about unveiling his weird p!ss torture machine. We saw him tell the lord guy he was torturing with it a few episodes ago that he intended to parade him around once a week.




I had no idea what was happening when I watched this episode. I usually watch through the endings and openings for a show so seeing the glitchy teaser in this ending really had my jaw on the floor

Sikk Karuzo

I remeber this so well. I watched this Episode together with friends at a friends house. We were talking about how hyped we are for Part two and the ED were still in the background and this scretching sound came up. Everbody stoped talking instand. After this we all didnt talk for like 1 - 2 minutes cuz everbody was confused what just happend. You can watch this right away but we had to wait for month for the next Episode that was so hard... :D


the first time i watched this episode was late at night around midnight. I was fucking terrified when the video glitched XD


your face in the end of the episode was so genuine XD


The art the Zachery is talking about is.... his chair. That the nobles sit on. Upside down. With a tube. Erwin is driven by that thirst for knowledge, the truth. Kenny said it in the last episode. Everyone's a slave to something. Erwin also hinted this in his conversation with Zachery in the car after they overthrew the Goverment. The end is... the end I'm not saying anything other then yeah, I was like WTF too (Since saying anything else is waaay to likely to spoil!). I was late to the AoT party though so I fortunately didn't have to wait months for the next episode (or even the days you have, I got to watch the rest of the whole season over the next couple!)


Yeah, that person on the wall with Reiner was Bertholdt. You're not first reactor who got confused by that scene, because he does look like a different character. But it was indeed Bert :D

Mohamed Harizi

That after credit is by far the worst cliff hanger I had to go through

Lewis Coupe

ooo you've got a hell of a ride for this next 10 episodes excited to see your reaction love your content keep up the great work :D <3

Martin Vaclavik

now Luke, imagine... if you had to wait HALF A GODDAMN YEAR for the next episode and then waiting every week if the episode coming out will have the scene or at least explain it... and then shi**ing your pants when you actually see it in full :D ♥


Yeah, that mid-credit scene was a mind flayer.

David Weidemann

18:55 it is a reference to an OVA, where Jean is the protagonist. You should watch this one for Christmas. Fun, quality, delicious looking food. It is titled "OVA: The Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Youth"

Frank Stendal

now you have to get someone else to watch that ED before Sadako comes for you


Erwin’s dream has always been to seek the truth. Your expression watching the end credit scene was priceless. The few f-bombs you dropped made it even more genuine. Like watching it for the first time, again. Levi eavesdropping on Erin, Mikasa & Armin will be relevant to the after credit scene when you get to that episode.


Your reaction is pretty much what we all had, the pause in our head thinking then blurting that out


That chair is evil, pure tortue tubes coming from places you don't wanna know about


I forgot how creepy that ED was


You aren't prepared for Part 2 of season 3, but you will anyway get fully blown away by it =)


Was episode 11 skipped? Bc it goes from here 10 & 12 not 10, 11, & 12

Inverse Voltage

You should comment this on his Youtube video for this episode. I don't think he reads the Patreon comments.


This is where the actual show starts


I honestly think the only reason the after credit scene is in there is because we had a 6 month wait for season 3 part 2. I think they just wanted to hype people up and that's why some people feel like you shouldn't watch it. It feels odd to see a "spoiler" for something you're about to watch in the coming weeks. That being said it's still super fun to see people react to it cuz it's comes out of nowhere


This after credit scene is actually The Spoiler inside a spoiler, but even saying this is almost a spoiler. You'll get it when the time comes.


You may want to binge watch the show, but I want to binge watch you binge watching the show. We all get to suffer!

Antoine Jones

that s berthold.. he just looks different cause the lighting and his hair blowing in the wind

Antoine Jones

"Everyone else watched the after credits when they saw it, so Im gonna watch it that way too just like everyone else" Everyone else also watched the openings too when we watched this first the first time as well... just sayin

Fernando Lahude

This will be the end of the beginning.

Karman Wilmot

That ending bit when I first saw it freaked me out, gave me goosebumps and stunned me for at least a couple minutes with my jaw dropped.


Man, the ending credit song itself was giving me goosebumps before it did it's thing. Within anime, as a person new to anime you wouldn't know, but there are people who skip the openings and endings....and there are those who never do. (LOL kinda like the battle of subs vs dubs) I think that when they make subtle changes like maybe placing an extra character in the opening after a certain episode or when they change the openings and endings according to the arc, it just makes the show feel so much more fresh. Those are things you don't feel as much when you're skipping the op/ed'ings. So if you had been routinely watching the ending here and just chilling enjoying the song, imagine being interrupted like this! Super wild.

Lady Lati

Only ending I routinely watched was the first JJK ending,perfect music to end off an episode to 😂

Bryan Wells

About the change in eren, I think that is mainly because of the thing that happened underground, where he has been receiving all the memories of other people, you remember how mature the old titan guy was, those memories are bound to force a person to grow up and be more serious

Bryan Wells

I don't think I ever actually watched that ending, I'm honestly glad that I never did, that makes no sense for where you are in the show, I don't think it works well with the progression of the story at all.


yeah i never saw it either, seems like they just put that in there to tease the future stuff bc of the long break


He watched every one of the openings already before watching any of the show lol

Antoine Jones

then why would we be worried about spoilers (which there arent really any) fr openings hes already seen? Even then The Rumbling is worth watching EVERY time :p


What a hell of a brainfuck at the end 😂 But it was the same to me. That episode ended in such a positive way and then they broke that ending in the most brutal way. It's soooo good!

B. Kelly

Love AOT for getting you hyped and happy right before throwing a bomb like this. Like, here have a blanket and some snacks cus I'm about to give you the bleakest episode ever in a minute