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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to AOT Season 3 Episode 9!!!



Daniel Musgrave

that timing tho, literally just checked and watched it get posted

Lewis Coupe

Love your reactions man keep up the great content


17:35 yes it was just to turn into normal titan

Lewis Coupe

One of my absolute favourite stills from s3 part 1 is where Eren is running across the top of the wall and erwin is between his legs incredible shot always gives me goosebumps

Thomas Juino

Reminder, i saw you skip the ending and check for a post credit scene, it's not a post credit scene, it's an ending scene, in the ending song, so just watch the ending song of episode 12 please love you ❤❤


I know a lot of people have pointed it out but you need to watch the ENTIRE ending of episode 12. Don't skip ahead.

Daniel Musgrave

from now on until THAT episode watch the whole outro songs! Please dont just scan through to see if there's a post credit, just watch to the end. Trust me!

Francesco Baviello

Actually, every single syrum turn a person into a "normal" titan. To obtain the ability to turn back a "normal" titan has to eat someone with that ability. I think Ymir said somethiin along these lines when she was talking with Reiner/Bert


Hange is by far one of the coolest characters in any animated work of fiction ever. Also that "yiiiies" at 20:13 was such a mood hahaha


Dude they’ve literally explained it already. The Titan serum turns you into a “pure” Titan, like the ones wandering around outside the wall. If a pure Titan ingests the spinal fluid of a person who can turn into an intelligent Titan, like Eren for instance, that Titan transforms back into a human, and they will have the abilities of the person they ate. So Rod wanted Historia to become a pure titan, then eat eren to regain the founding Titan into the royal family.


there is only ''generic'' syrum :D as far as i know.. you need to eat someone to become like Eren etc. Eren eated his dad and Historia would have to eat Eren.. (not sure why Reiss looked like that +had the steam ''ability'' like the Colossus Titan) maybe it was just passive ability of abnormal titan :D like how some can walk in night or jump super high..


Alright I’m sorry for being rude, but we literally can’t be any clearer with you. There’s a REASON we’re saying to watch the ending song. Specifically, the ending song for episode 12. We aren’t just pulling this out of thin air. I’ll say it again: watch the ending song for episode 12. If you just skip through it like you did with this episode you’ll miss it. It’s NOT after the song. It’s DURING the song.


my man is getting super close to the absolutely amazing episodes, let's fucking goooooo :D


he doesn't read patreon so you gonna need to yell at him in his youtube comments which he reads and replies to lol


Hanji definitely one of the best waifu in AOT 😜


Day 11 asking for "Will-ill" by TK


there is no acestor goo, there is only basic titan goo, rod was going to turn historia into a basic titan, and then shed eat eren and claim back the founding titan ability which his farther stole


Yes this was somewhat explained when she told Reiner and Bert that she wandered outside the walls for about 50 years until she ate the brother.


Steam is due its huge size. larger they are, more heat they produce and thats why colossal and rods titan steam constantly. Also smaller titans produce heat, but they lose heat trought their skin like normal people do. armored titan needs to blow that heat out of his mouth once in a while (see first episode, when he rushes trought that gate and has to cool down a bit after it)


damn, I had forgotten that scene. I hope someone explains this in YouTube to him :D


ikr makes sense, dont read the comments from the people who pay lol, no hate at all to him but bruh


I think he just has too many theories going on in his head at once, so it seems he either forgets/misreads some of the information or mixes some of his theories into it (maybe a bit of both). This show can sometimes be confusing at times (as a first-time watcher), but I think the main issue here is that he confuses himself. I think he should have brought a notebook from the start and written down everything relevant to the plot.


I'd suggest asking this on his Youtube and Twitch channels (if you haven't already), because I can't remember the last time he replied to anyone on Patreon and it doesn't look like he reads comments here either.


he stated it multiple times. He uses Patreon just to dump here the unblured reactions and hes much more active on Youtube... As for if he reads comments here - maybe he does some times


I must have missed him mentioning that. I find it weird though, considering Patreon is the least likely place for people to give AoT spoilers. I haven't checked the comments on his other platforms, but people tend to give out huge spoilers on both Youtube and Twitch.


maybe its for the better.. :D some spoilers are pretty bad here..


I mean blaming Erwin for those failures isn't fair to him. Without him gambling they would never learn what the Titans can do and it's not like they can just hunker behind the walls with looming threat of Colossal Titan breaking down the walls. Erwin's plans usually work in the confines of what he knows when he made the plan, but it's always the situation like in all cases no plan survives when shit hits the fan.

Antoine Jones

theres no such thing as "ancestral titan serum" theyre ALL "generic" titan serum... even if it came from one of the "special titans"

B. Kelly

Idk why I'm annoyed how he keeps misinterpreting Levi especially regarding Erwin. His relationship with Erwin is one of the most interesting ones. Condemning Erwin for failed missions is unfair to him and Levi absolutely wouldn't. He's just a bully.