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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to League of Legends series ARCANE Episode 5!!! 




Yes, you are correct with your thinking after the episode! Marcus didn't want to kill her so he put her in the prison.

Todor Georgiev

07:54 - Nope, Vi is a jungle or top. ;)

Miklar Sihn

The combined scene of Jayce getting laid and Viktor working on his experiment and collapsing is a fantastic way of showing how their lives have diverged. Jayce might have been the one with the concept of hextech, but his life has become a lot more than just his science and the other side of his life has centered around her. While Viktor is so driven that he doesnt even notice a chance for love. He is entirely focused on the science, to the point that he ignores his own health problem and his own feelings.


To be fair, Jinx had the scientist guy's (Jayce) notes to work with, so she's not completely recreating everything from scratch, but yeah, still smart

Uladzimir Lykshyn

Marcus needed someone to put in Jail for that explosion in the first episode.


Well, Marcus (the new sheriff) is not a bad guy. All he had done was just because he thought he could do better than Ms. Grayson (the former sheriff). But in the end he completely screwed up and just tried to not make it even worse. You're right: he tried to save Vi. When he took her in ep3 he said "Come with me. He will kill you if he sees you." And even now the pact with Silco is similar to the pact Ms. Grayson had with Vander before - but its a worse version of this. He realized the people in the undercity need a local leader and so the only solution is a cooperation of the "security leaders" from both sides. Thats the nice thing of Arcane: Nearly no one is really "evil". Everyone tries just as good as he can; for himself, a loved one or just his people. But in the end some screw up completely and make things worse than they have ever been.


g.o.t games

Lewis Coupe

Love the reactions keep up the awesome content

Lewis Coupe

Demon slayer is on Netflix but only the first season the second season is not as of yet

Edward Of DOOM

You always say "I am confused" as you go, but by the end of the episode I think you make a lot of correct assessments. Not everything is explained in black and white in this show - it is meant to be very grey and leave a lot to the watcher to interpret. I have heard "Master of the Subversion of Expectation" used to describe it, and I hope as you watch, it does that.


so, caitlyn sort of forged a document from jayce to have vi released using his new status as a counselor, and it was just a standard prison operated by enforcers, not really controlled by silco marcus just sends silco's goons there for a short while then releases them back to silco as a sort of favor. most of them don't encounter Vi unfortunately big dude with the tats and nose ring did and ended up losing function in his jaw loool


the S E X T E C H episode woooo

Chris (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-07 23:33:51 Yeah reaction channels deal with alot of "Know-it-alls", sorry about that. Even most of us other watchers in the sphere don't like them. But I just chalk it up to some over-excited fans. Hope they don't ruin it too much for you >.>
2022-11-19 02:51:40 Yeah reaction channels deal with alot of "Know-it-alls", sorry about that. Even most of us other watchers in the sphere don't like them. But I just chalk it up to some over-excited fans. Hope they don't ruin it too much for you >.>

Yeah reaction channels deal with alot of "Know-it-alls", sorry about that. Even most of us other watchers in the sphere don't like them. But I just chalk it up to some over-excited fans. Hope they don't ruin it too much for you >.>


Btw, this is just a personal theory, but Silco has his own scientist working on the shimmer, and shimmer devices. I bet silco had jinx learn a few things from him. Just my own theory


One of my favorite things about this series is how real the characters feel, and their motivations. You mentioned how Jayce is turning "Bad" when he was making the new corrupt trade deals. If you watch all of the characters in this show, they are all more morally grey than just good or bad, very detailed and I love it. Loved the reaction as always, keep it up!

marko knaus

Was gonna comment at the start of the video. Glad i didnt as you came to correct conclusion in the end. You really need to pay attention when watching this series and even then you can miss a thing or two. Thats why this series is the only one i ever rewatched xD


I wanna suggest that a reaction to the music video for "Enemy" by Imagine Dragons would fit perfectly right now - it has supplemental content for the first 3 episodes of Arcane - now that you've seen them, it won't spoil anything, and can add a little extra context. Instead of "clips" from the show, it's original video that adds to the world and characters.

Richard Wheeler

Yeah I agree. It amazes me how G.O.T is so kind about it though LOL... he's just like "Please work with me here..."


I think there was more to it as well though - if he was just trying to save Vi, he could have later pulled her out and sent her away from Piltover, but instead he left her there for years. It comes down to perceived legitimacy - Silco even told Vander, "did you hear? Vander the coward fled with his children and was never heard from again..." Leaving anyone alive from that found-family group would give those who opposed him a symbol to rally behind and fight for, it's why coups in the real world typically end with everyone from the old regime being killed if they can't escape - it minimizes dissent. So, why did Marcus keep Vi hidden in prison? That prison certainly wasn't doing her any favors, she expected people to come kick the crap out of her in her locked cell... Marcus's motivation for keeping her in that cell was likely as a hidden trump card, in case he ever fell into conflict with Silco. Just like a rebellion supporting the heir of a deposed leader, such rebellion could be incited in the Lanes by returning Vander's protégé amid another Enforcer crackdown, and who now commands the Enforcers? Marcus probably intended simply to save her, but upon realizing how dangerous Silco was to deal with, he needed to keep her as an asset.


I think your only problem watching this series is that you have a hard time with morally grey characters. They aren't all either good or bad. Even Silco as the main baddy or Heimer as the main protagonist. They all have flaws. That's why you couldn't figure out Marcus. He's morally grey. Yes he works for Silco, but he resents that. He hates himself and the situation he's put himself in. There are countless times where we can see that. But for some reason your mind kept telling you that he had to either A. be good or B. be bad which is way too simple. Arcane isn't your average action movie show, it's actually a pretty smart show and the pieces of the puzzle all come together well and all characters are believable because they're written real and imperfect.

The Talanton

15:08 - Vi's parkour skills are immaculate and the animation for this was too good.

The Talanton

24:25 - Her mannerisms and voice show that when she was younger she used to rely on her beauty and seductiveness to get what she wanted, and in the process of aging she has gained power. It's that boyish charm of Jayce that pushed her buttons and had her replying as she did.

The Talanton

25:06 - Arcane isn't black and white. Even the most admirable character has flaws and even the most despicable has merit.

The Talanton

42:30 - I think the overwhelming majority of comments are supportive at the base. We really like what you do catch, and when you miss something I see most of us just sharing it so you can come into the next video as prepared as possible.