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THIS WAS HUGE!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!

Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to ATTACK on TITAN Season 2 Episode 6! 





The fact that it was such a big reveal and was so unbelievable you thought the subtitles were broken omfg. I could hear the sound of your mind breaking in that scene. XD I think we all felt that way. I know when I read it in the manga the first time I was like... "Wut?"


lol I’m like bro just watch and you’ll see and then he apologizes for pausing and I feel bad now for yelling at the screen😂

Tim Keener

Welcome to the award winning blink and you'll miss it r3vel that is infamous in this show. I know you already finished this but no matter how many times you watch this episode the absurdity of oh I'm so and so as they pan away never gets old. The manga also does the sam3 thing in tiny print.

Hououin Kyouma

It was probably "That" episode everyone was talking about.


HERE WE GO! the hype



Adam salhi (starwarsguy)

bro don't worry. You aren't the first reactors I've seen think that the subtitles were wrong


One way to pronounce Bertoldt's name is "bear-toll-t". But now in the series you will never be able to see anything the same anymore, especially when you rewatch the series.

Sven Hegenbart

The reveal in the manga was done in the same way off panel it was insane -


Best episode of the show for myself, but there will be really high contenders for what is the best episode.

Sikk Karuzo

Ure reaction was totally normal, i think everybody watching this first was like. Did is read this right ?:D Loved it. You get always more questions after one question is answered, i think this makes AoT so good aswell.


about the pronounciation: Japanese people have a hard time saying "L" so you will often hear them try to add another letter like "O" or "U" or in some cases they replace the "L" with "R" (Love will be pronounced Rovu and World - Warudo) in our case Bertholt is pronounced Berthoto



Nate luiz

Such an epic reaction!!!

Tyler Rimmel

I would try and say pronounce his name like this: Bera toldt. Add those 2 words together and you have his name.


after this episode look back at all the times reiner and bertholt are onscreen and pay attention to their faces make you realise how much detail went into this anime


You need to remember every line in this episode, every sentence have their own meanings, it would be such a waste if you forgot these lines when you reveal the truth.


"im pretty sure eren is good" got me so much

Mohamed Harizi

THAT IS ATTACK ON TITAN FOR U BABY !!! its gets only better !!

Mohamed Harizi

I hope you are talking about THAT episode , if so then yeah that was peak writing for me !

Mohamed Harizi

I wish if u did 6 and 7 together but its okey


I've been waiting for him to get to this episode for so long. This is one of the biggest mind fucks, just how casual they are about saying those lines just confuses the crap out of anyone that watches.


It's kinda impossible to tell a first-time reactor how to navigate an anime like AOT, I think it's just going to confuse him even more and make him overanalyze every word going forward. The most important parts of the plot gets explained later, while the smaller details and foreshadowing will become clear when he rewatches the anime.




Bertholt = Ber tolt

Miklar Sihn

You see, you just got a whole bunch of answers and they left you even more confused than you were before.


Can't wait to watch your reaction to YouSeeBigGirl T:T sountrack by Hiroyuki Sawano! It's the soundtrack used in this episode.


Go to your last video at 19:23. In the top left hand corner Burt is about to bite his hand. LMAO.. you are looking directly at the screen and missed it. lol its ok man.. we all did.. it feels like such a big fuck you when you see it.. because its so obvious.. Then we get to episode 6 and Reiner just spills the beans.. oh boy.. loved your reaction man.. Ive been waiting to see if you would catch the Burt moment and see how you would like episode 6 and you did not let me down. keep up the great work.


yea that episode was ok i guess


dude i was literally looking for it and i missed it. it goes to show how well hidden it is.

Evan Stone

I’ve watched this series like 4 times and I’ve never seen that either


All of the questions you put asked, will be answered and that's the great thing about a good story: no loose ends.


God damn it, right when i was about to get to bed....your video shows up xD well guess i'll take the 30min


Say what you want about the English dub but it was great not being able to read the subs and only hearing half of what Reiner said 😂


Not quite a 10 minute rant at the end lol, more like 9 minutes. 9 is just such a special number for this show isn't it? 😏


here's a good thought provoking question. Why did Reiner confess so easily? and are his actions through the anime up to this point consistent?

Chalupasaurus Rex

Welcome to the club! You've experienced greatness.


Fun fact: Ymir is the name of a giant in Norse mythology; and it's pronounced like Yuhmere I love this episode. I love how they just drop a bombshell and act like its nothing for a bit.


i think the Y is pronounced as an ee/ie sound

Samir Larras

That's actually what made Ymir being a titan super obvious in hindsight. If you're familiar with Norse mythology at least.


You are actually mistaken here as to WHY they do what you are observing. L and R are the same in Japanese(when you actually speak the language you are pronouncing both sounds simultaneously at all times), also Japanese does not have single standalone consonant sounds outside of N(which doesn't come up particularly often compared to na, ni, etc.), everything else is followed by a vowel sound at all times. So when written out using this alphabet Bertholdt's name as pronounced in Japanese is "Berutoruto"

Natasha Sullivan

oh my god... this whole video I was trying not to smash my head into my laptop. screaming for you to just watch the damn video. literally ALL of your Questions are answered *smashes face into laptop*