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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to AOT Season 2 Episode 5! 




Yooo its hereee love you man


So much of your pain stems from not being able to binge the whole series 🤣 it really reminds me of when we had to wait to get new episodes

Tyler Rimmel

You may need to increase your weekly episodes to 4 per week or the cliff hangers will mentally destroy you. Answers will come and everything will make sense eventually. I shall not spoil when that will be.


No they're not brothers, their names are Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover. Also the person Ymir ate in the flashback was another kid their age. And I agree with what everyone else has been saying, the next 2 episodes would be good to watch together 😂


Hell yeah! Maybe at 200k? I just want him to get far enough that we can have him react to rustage's eren Jaeger rap "eyes on me" and not have it be spoilery


Like 99% of your questions will be answered in the basement.


"i always forget her name" (about Christa) me: oh dont worry... thats not her real name anyways :D


Reiner and Bertolotololtl aren't brothers, just childhood friends who grew up in the same village. Also, the guy in the flashback who was eaten looks like he's about the same age as them, so it's reasonable to assume he's a friend of theirs. That would explain why the boys got so mad when they saw Ymir, and why they were so confuesd about her helping out

Thomas Juino

and if you really want to know, it is the next episode we are waiting for ;)


"I hope it's not a flashback" lmaooo

Mohamed Harizi

Please do the next two episodes together you won't regret it !

Solace Mack

hahaha i dont think you'll get your questions answered till season 3 part 2, and even then you'll have some! there's still plenty of mysteries afoot!


Honestly there's a few "That" episode's. You are coming up to one, and I agree with others watching 6 and 7 back to back will save you some sanity.


yeah.. but do you want to help him edit those episodes or what.. ? :D its not easy lol

Mello Dennis

Do a double feature for 6 and 7 lol


"Reinheart and Birthmon" Omg im dying


1 I love this series 2 Pretty sure no one would mind if you increase the amount of episodes you react to per week


like half of the episodes could be considered "that episode" honestly. I imagine most of them are talking about the next 2 eps though


I agree you should do 6th & 7th episode together

The Luminary

Watch 6 and 7 in one vid, they are THAT episode.


stop being impatient. youre not gonna enjoy it to the max if u dont accept the show for what it is. anime is all about backstory and flashbacks. and most importantly patience. dont forget anime watches wait Years in between seasons


You should absolutely watch the next 56 episodes all together in one sitting, or at least start off our weeks right by doing 2 episodes every Monday of AoT :)


Can we have the opening beeing played on patreon? Because i really miss these after the first episodes, they are so good

yousef salem

plz do a double on Monday 6 and 7

Yes Yes

My fav reactions, keep it up man


Which, as I hope you understand, *does* mean only 1% of your questions will be answered until then. Although there are some gems in that 1%.

brad marsh

stop asking for answers to the questions, you will get spoiled by someone, we all watched the show blind in the start, so do the same and stop asking to get spoiled!!!!!


Lol I also cannot wait for THAT episode. (:


I swear. I must be watching tv with a box of rocks in my head. Cause you have so many theories. And I literally just watch and don't connect any dots LOL. So I love hearing your thoughts, as it's connecting dots for me as well even though I've seen it all already hahahaha

Kevin Zebroski

Through the end of what’s out, you’ll always have more questions than answers! lol

Chyro Nighthowler

Agree, I really like having the openings as part of the episode. Though if he's personally skipping them anyways it doesn't matter, don't want him to adjust his way of viewing them. Just that when he does watch the openings as part of the episode, would be nice to not have that cut out.

Martin Vaclavik

THAT EPISODE is the next one and you will have your mind blown... no you will not get answers at the end of season 2 not being sure who is the enemy this early is quite good, that feeling wont go away... Erwin asking "Who do you think is the enemy?" next to the killled captured titans is almsot like the motto of the show lmao

Spencer Kirkwood

You should watch episodes 6 and 7 together for sure.


You don't wanna know which episode is "that" episode because it'll spoil the fun of finding out that the episode is indeed "that" episode


I really love the openings of this show and im not sure if most of your audience agrees with my opinion, but i would love to see the openings here on patreon.


I agree with the other comments, if you haven't recorded 6 yet, do a double of 6 and 7

Eric Yazzie

im just gonna say YES!

Chalupasaurus Rex

Nothing is ever filler, I know sometimes all we want is the action, but the flash backs are ALWAYS important and relevant. Even if its not obvious how.

Chalupasaurus Rex

What I will say to the good and bad question, only a sith deals in absolutes.


Ymir’s been there the entire time. Also, the line is very obscured. It depends on who’s side you’re on

Natasha Sullivan

Good and bad, even in real life isn't black and white.. There are good people who do bad things for good reasons.. Bad people who do good things for bad reasons. Good people who end up doing bad things for bad reasons. Good and bad... Generally.. With a few culturally accepted exeptions is for each person to decide for themselves.


To be fair... there are multiple... "that" episode. I can think of 3 off the top of my head that are gonna cause him to be like... kaboom brain.


You got story writing backwards if you think those are the 'worst' times to do it. The flashbacks and backstory are told at those times precisely to give that much boost on the emotional impact of the action that ensues. And using a whole section of 15 episodes at the beginning of the show to show only backstory and develop characters would not only be a snoozefest, it'd also reduce the emotional impact later on because you'd have likely forgotten about it by the time the action and the emotion impact should come at you. This is basic 101 story-telling. If that training in the mountain backstory had been randomly dropped to you at the beginning of the show back in season 1 episode 1 you'd have either A. Dropped the show entirely due to boredom or B. Most likely forgotten about it by the time we reach this point in the story. The show would just become a mindless action show if told in such a manner. You've got to build the emotional impact. That's actually why most people like this show.