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Here is the FULL VOD from our SWORD ART ONLINE livestream! Episodes 23-27 of Season 3!




I seem to remmeber that OP that chat pointed out actually have a significance, isnt that the one where they removed Eugeo from the animation?


Yeah Alice is a really great character, probably my favorite character after Asuna, Kirito and Yui. Yuuki would be up there too but sadly we havent had much time with her. Atleast not in the anime


with only 1 arm, kirito cant even dual wield anymore


I need fake overreactor Luke in my life XD


A-1 Pictures and Ufotable working together, it cant get better than this

Roxy’s Holy Relic

That Alice OST gets me so fired up every time I hear it


I guess Luke kill an other character :x I'm personally not fond of the harem type where MC is always only surrounded by the opposite gender, I find it more interesting when there is a mixt cast, so having Eugeo was a nice addition, RIP.


The gap between the end of Alicization and the begining of Alicization:War of Underworld was a year and a half. Alicization ended March 31st 2018, war of Underworld started October 13th 2019.


luke was talking about the show going back and forth between joking and serious, but it wasnt trying to be funny, it was just luke going on about quinella being naked for the hundredth time lol.

Fay X84

For 80085 sake? Japanese audience doesn’t read subtitles 🤓


it hasent been 9 days since kirito woke up in the underworld. it was 9 days before they attacked the turtle, kirito only woke up ingame 1 day before the attack Asuna Landed on the turtle at around noon maybe a bit later on july 5 2026 and we saw that the demon tree was still standing which means he had to have just woken up. time was accelerated by times 917-930 which means (it is limited at times 1000 while humans are inside) 1 irl day is ~930 ingame days 930 divided by 365 is 2,54 years which is exactly the time kirito spent ingame 2 years together with eugeo and after he died (death was 26th may 380) we had a 5 month and 3 days timeskip. the bad guys dove in 3hours after the attack so 3x1000h is 3000h in months is 4,1 its basic math


they didnt contact kirito, kirito contacted them which made the time acceleration 1to1. by accelerating the time they also accelerated the time needed to treat kirito. so he either is in a coma for 3+ years without acceleration or a little over a day Which would you choose?


The OP played as the ED in the first episode as a nod to Eugio and Kirito. Animation studios like to sometimes incorporate the OP into the feel of the episode because they dont expect a streamer to be watching and skipping them all the time lmao. Someone who watches them every episode will notice when something changes about them on an important episode or after a big change of the story.

James Perrott

youre not very smart if you think streamers are the only people skipping openings lmao. People do not just sit and watch the opening 12 times every episode, the overwhelming majority of people skip every opening after the first or second time watching. Dont lie to yourself thinking thats not the case. And there was no need for him to keep watching it either


8:50 how did you not figured it out? I already figured it out when i heard alice voice


Luke does realize that viewers in Japan don't have to read any subtitles right?

Abe J

It's not earth and those aren't humans. It's literally built into Alice's dad to follow certain rules plus the precedent of cultural norms for many generations.


My favorite arc


Prisoner answer, you drop the prisoner off to ground crew then fly to dragon entrance higher up


Stay cool, Luke. Stay cool.

Bumble Bee

No Game No Life plagiarized. There won't be another season.


I have missed a week O_o


Remember that Kirito wasn't supposed to have his memory when he was in the Underworld. Rath team were surprised when he called them. I think that's another reason to why Rath didn't interfere with his action. What are they gonna do call him and try to explain to him that he doesn't have memories? We know too little of how everything works on an intricate level, can they block/restore memories when a person is inside Underworld or do they have to log out first? And if they contacted Kirito assuming he didn't have his memory would they be able to convince him of what is going on? Or is there a possibility that he would lose his mind like Higa did (The blonde guy on the Japanese side) Or does it work more similarly to what Adminstrator did to the memories of the Integrity Knights? We don't know the answers to any of these questions so I don't think we can really say anything about why Rath never contacted Kirito or helped him out.