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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 22!




Happy fathers day


Happy Father's day!!!


What an episode to come out on Father's Day in the U.S....


Happy father's day 😀


Happy fathers day Paul!!!

stephanie johnson

Paul loses half of his body and dies after spending years searching for his wife that's basically a vegetable. Happy fathers day!

The Luminary

I have been reading the light novels so I knew this episode was coming, and the wait for this episode was absolutely awful xD


Man I was expecting this to happen ever since I saw the new opening. Then all the "when we get home" talk. Was living in denial but I guess it was inevitable. RIP.


Well everyone. Happy Father's Day. Imma go cry real quick.


well now you can watch the OP after the episode

Sylisen E.

happy father's day !!

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Wow, Studio Bind really went all in on this episode. I didn’t think it was possible to surpass the emotions I felt when reading this in LN 12 but this episode hit just as hard if not harder. Easily a 10/10 episode. This episode really had everything. The OST, the animation, and the voice acting perfectly encapsulated the anxiety, desperation, and tragic loss that we are all feeling right now. Even the CGI used on the Hydra was high quality. I thought the scenes with Rudy and Paul leading up to the final fight were really well done as well. The light novel has an illustration showing Paul’s death scene but the anime adaption was even more brutal, upside down on a broken slab but with a smile on his face and a look of relief knowing that his final act was saving his son’s life. Couldn’t have hit any harder on a Father’s Day. And we got served a helping of double emotional damage at the end with Paul’s cremation and Zenith waking up from her long slumber. Overall I can’t get over how well done this episode was and am looking forward to next week. I’d recommend staying off Twitter next weekend as the tourists are going to have an absolute nuclear meltdown, no further comment


The thing Paul said to Rudy (save your mother even if it kills you) makes a ton more sense if you've read a side story, Paul's Gaiden, which is all of Paul's life until he got with Zenith. His relationship with his mom, how much he loved her, her dying because she had a weak body and got sick, he was searching for someone to heal her in the meanwhile, when he died his father blamed him ... all of that when he was roughly 10-11 years old ..

Lager Lager

No man why It’s not that I didn’t expect Paul to die but bro at least let his sacrifice be worth anything

SQX Barto

I wonder if the week delay was intentional so this comes out on Father's Day, or just a coincidence.


'That time I got reincarnated as a baby in the body of Rudeus mother.'

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I think it was definitely intentional. Bind did something similar with Sylphiette becoming pregnant on Mother’s Day

XT 421

If it is any consolation, that smile at the very last second: Paul knew that Rudy could take it from there. So even though he's struggled so much, Zenith, his kids, his grandkids - with Rudy taking the lead, he knows it'll be alright, somehow.

Gai Valentine

When I was reading the LN, I had the exact same reaction when Zenith woke up. I just stopped reading and sat in silence with tears dropping from my face. This episode and the situation with both parents are just two kicks to the nuts one right after the other. Not to mention Rudy is now down a hand. “Save your mom, even if it kills you.” This has to do with Paul being blamed for his own mother’s death and not wanting Rudy to feel the same regret. But it also really shows what kinda father Paul is. Despite saying something that Rudy possibly sees as “even if you have to die for it, you better save your mom”, Paul did NOT hesitate to throw himself in harms way to save his son’s life at the cost of his own. That’s a true father!

Petey Bickmore

Happy Father’s Day! Been a long time we’ve had something this fucking depressing. Remember when Mushoku Tensei had been a nice school anime for a while?


If Rudy never went Roxy would of died to the bug thingys

Lager Lager

Yeah but he wouldn’t have to if they didn’t try to save a vegetable But yeah you are right


I v screamed at the screen and then I stayed silent and hurt fro the rest of it. this anime makes me feel REAL. god damn it !!!!


Happy Father's Day


I think all of us watching this episode has the same reaction. Total silence and then just end it with saying “f***”.


Very intentional, TP3 (pregnancy announcement and letter to help his mother were on Mother's day)

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Literally died to save his son’s life mate, most people would consider that a worthwhile sacrifice


My immediate thoughts are either Zenith has brain damage from being in the ice or has lost her memories, neither of which is very good. Looking back on the moment Paul said he wanted Rudy to save his mom even if he died, I do think he just wanted that level of Determination to come from his son and he wouldn't let that happen to him because as we saw, he sacrificed his own life so Rudy wouldn't die. Paul was such a great character with his ups and downs, he would succumb to temptation, he wasn't always the smartest, but he's an incredibly passionate man about what he cares for. He actually has quite a bit of wisdom based on his past experiences and above all else, he is a family man. RIP to a real one for sure. I think Rudy's freeze at the end was lowkey foreshadowed when they first went in and when Paul rushed in, Roxy immediately was ready to support but Rudy was a second behind, and later that one second Rudy got caught up in the near victory cost his dad his life. You would think that damn demon eye would help him avoid people dying since he can see a bit into the future but damn it didn't help him enough here or with Orsted (The Dragon God fight) either. This shit sucks. I hope Rudy treats Zenith better now and actually grows to love her because after Paul dying to save that woman he would want Rudy to give her every ounce of love. Even if she's not able to remember being married to Paul or having Rudy.

Sylisen E.

Joke aside, this episode hurt me so much even though I already knew...


Seriously though, don't sweat being too bummed to do much of an ending. The Light Novel readers knew you'd be like this this episode, and the anime-only's are in exactly the same place as you. When I finished that chapter in the LN... It's just not fair.

Lager Lager

I know saving his son was worth his life but the whole situation wasn’t worth it I haven’t read the light novels or anything so I just guess Zenit has lost all her memories and seems to be in a child like state I assume that doesn’t get fixed because it’s just not that kind of a series So basically her whole character is dead For me that’s not worth losing such a good character If she hadn’t lost her memories I think all of that would be better I know the series isn’t all happy life and stuff but at least give us a character back after taking one from us I don’t think the characters in the show acted weird or “wrong” but I just don’t like how the story was written there

Holy Shot

Happy.... Fathers Day.


yeah this episode ruined me. same exact reaction you had. god i hate it but it just goes to show how phenomenal this show is, invoking a reaction like this. paul was a true hero and he accomplished what he set out to do.


I was so fucking looking forward to this episode. When I read this webnovel chapter last year i knew this episode would be soooooo damn good. 11/10


whoooooo turning points (im actually not even sure if this is an actual turning point)


what do you mean? He literally sacrificed himself to save rudy and to save zenith

Daniel Griffiths

dw ive watched this twice and read it once and im more than a little bummed out lol

Luca Bellan

All things considered, Paul was a good dad. Rest in peace 😢

Euan Thompson

I just watched the episode half an hour ago, and had already read the light novel, and man, seeing this hurts like hell every time


Not really but i cant say anything because spoilers.


2:51 "Why is he looking all scared." He's looking at a Hydra!!! 8:46 Rudy has had a lot of emotional growth but almost all of it has happened since he's last seen Zenith. It's like he's a different person now and doesn't feel as connected to her as he *should* be. 9:47 The way this scene is framed. Paul is completely out of picture. That's some crazy foreshadowing. 14:41 Did you notice the FLEX where Paul *intentionally* jumped into it's mouth so he could cut off the head from the inside? 16:26 That is a GODZILLA level breath attack. 21:40 They showed that very powerful mage Rudy couldn't grow back his hand just in case you thought there was any hope of saving Paul. 21:41 1 of 2 This show tears out your heart... 27:49 2 of 2 ... and then kicks you in the balls.


Guys, don't worry. Next season will be MUCH worse.


They did Paul dirty killed him off on fathers day

Roxy’s Holy Relic

One of my favorite arcs, hopefully the wait for Season 3 won’t be too long but I have a feeling it’s going to be a minute

Andrew Southwell

If Rudy didn't go help, it's almost certain we would have lost Roxy, and who knows what would happen to the rest as they keep trying to save Zenith. During the discussion with the Man-God, it was highlighted that no matter what decision he makes he will have regrets, we just didn't know what those regrets would be. Horrible episode, but I do love a story with consequence and permeance, really makes you value the characters we still have.


They obviously didn't know before hand and to paul it doesnt matter he would save his wife no matter the condition she was in

Lager Lager

Read my other comments I specifically wrote I don’t like the story writing I’m not saying that any of the characters did anything wrong

Yuri Huffles

What hits even more is that they would have never found the hydra if not for Rudy. :(


Like from the moment I saw the opening I thought he would die like at the end of the op it was kinda obvious but I was still hoping it was a misdirect


happy father's day, Luke...


actually yes, i know of what moment are you thinking, but that dont apply in this line, cant say more for spoilers


Havent seen your reaction yet. Will watch it. We gonna cry together mate


I need at least 3 years to emotionally prepare for... the diary👁👄👁.

Lucius Seneca

★★★PAUL'S PERSPECTIVE★★★ ★From Volume 12 Part 2 - Drama CD★ Rudeus: "Alright! Flame Thrower! Only one remaining!" This is not quite over yet... A wounded monster... and a Labyrinth Guardian at that. Now it's the time for it to use its final triumph card. I need to keep focused until the very end! The Hydra prepared for the attack. Heh, I knew it. You're innocent, Hydra. In this party we're all dungeon veterans, there's no one who'd fall for something like that. Now I just need to avoid it one last time, and deliver the finishing blow. Rudeus: "Eh?" Rudy! You... Where are you looking? Paul: "You fucking idiot!" Rudeus: "Oh no... It was throwing around its necks like spiked whips..." My visual field stopped. It felt as if time had stopped. Everything has stopped. Elinalise, who is stuck in a position about to fly into this direction. Talhand, standing on one hand, with an expression that denotes dealing with a heavy body. Roxy, who is glancing over her shoulder, wondering if we had struck the final hit. Rudy, who fell on his side after I pushed him out of the way and is stunned at the moment. And lastly... targeting that Rudy from above, the Hydra's last head... Paul: "It's not over yet! RUUUUUDYYY!" I kicked Rudy to the side with all of my might. I didn't think about what would come next. Almost simultaneously, a thud resounded as something smashed to the ground. Rudeus: "What happened? The Hydra? From this distance? WOAAAAH STONE CANNON!" The Hydra's head exploded. Rudeus: "R-ROXYYYY!" Roxy: "~From a little smolder it burns a huge blessing ~ FLAME THROWER!" Rudeus: "It's not... coming back alive... We did it... WE DID IT! Ugh, It hurts..." Hey, hey... I know you want to get happy, but look around. Actually... we've lost some stuff. Rudeus: "My hand... My left hand is..." Back then... when he blew a neck open with a Stone Cannon. Was it the eyelid that sliced it off? Please hurry up and use healing magic. Rudeus: "~Angel of miracles, bestow thy holy breath unto the pulsing heart before thee. Oh heavens blessed with sunlight, servants who despise crimson, swoop down into the ocean of light, the pure white of thy wings spread wide. Drive away the blood thou seest before thee ~ Shine Healing!" Then, next heal me as we- Huh? This is weird... my voice is not coming out. I can't move... my body either. Rudeus: "Fuuuuu, Calm down... what changes if you've lost your left hand? The Hydra was a pretty strong enemy. If the cost of defeating it was only my left hand, it's a pretty cheap victory. You really saved me there, Father." Elinalise: "No way." Talhand: "Huh?" Roxy: "No..." Geese: "Hey, hey... it can't be...?" Everyone... is making a face I've already seen many times before. It's the face people put on when someone dies... Rudeus: "...Father? Huh? Why are you lying down? Eh? Why... are you missing your lower half? Eh?" Ahhh... So that's it... it was me, huh? Before the last head fell down unto Rudy, I kicked him. And then, instead, the Hydra fell on me. My lower half was crushed by the Hydra in one shot, and I lost it. A wound like this... can't be fixed with healing magic. Rudeus: "...W-Why?" My vision is going dark... I can't breathe... I can't talk either... Am I dying? At least... I wanted to confirm... whether Zenith is alive or not... Not only that... Norn and Aisha... I wanted to see them again... Are they going to school...?... Have they grown up...? Lilia... What kind of face will she make? Even if I only gave her problems... will she cry? God damn it... I'm filled with regrets... I don't want to die...! Still... there are... so many things... I wanted to do... Rudeus: "Father..." But... Oh well... *Smiles* This is much better... at least it wasn't Rudy... Take care… my son...


A man who will do anything to save his family. Anything to protect his family and go to all lengths and all places to do so. That is a father you can look up to. -Luke (Prewatched)

Kyle Garrett

What a shit position for Rudy. If he had listened to the mangod he'd have never gotten his mother back, since Paul wouldn't have known how to get deeper, and Roxy would have died. By going he saved Roxy, but got his father killed to save a mother that seems to have lost her sanity. Even worse is the knowledge that Paul died protecting him, so he will blame himself for not being able to get out of the way in time on his own. If I was in Rudy's shoes I don't know how I go home and face my siblings after this. At least he shouldn't fall into a depressed alcoholic state the way Paul did. He knows his sisters need him, that his wife and child need him, and now he has to take care of his mother too. I'm a little concerned he could break under the guilt and pressure of all this responsibility, but hopefully he can instead use it all to motivate himself to keep going.


season 3 is gonna hit as hard if not harder

Blake VanHouten

I’d say if Rudy never went, Roxy probably would have died, zenith probably never found, and who knows what would happen to Paul and his party


I just knew someone is not getting out of that dungeon.... but i though it will be Elinalise tbh

Fed Guy

as far as i can tell, if rudy had not gone to save his mom then roxy would be dead, his father would be a shell of a man who had given up and be drowning in misery and his mother would have remained trapped in that situation rudy would have lost 2 people but also his father wouldn't forgive him for not being there thus losing them all by going to save his mom he lost his father and his mother seems to be brain damaged he has lost 2 people essentially but he has saved roxy. kinda feel like the man god is a bit of a douche, he basically advised rudy to lose everyone instead of 2 out of the 3, although, in terms of emotional damage to rudy.... i don't know! would it hurt more knowing that 3 people were lost, feeling the guilt of not going to help but ultimately not knowing whether your presence would have even mattered or changed the result? or hurt more knowing that your carelessness caused your fathers death in an attempt to save somebody that was basically already gone? lets not forget the effect this is going to have on rudys sisters. they both just lost their dad but only one of them lost a mother - they both may resent rudy for not fulfilling his promise

Mr. Dog

Rudy's dream won't come true where his family is sitting around the table sharing a meal. And the worst part is Rudy has to break the news to Aisha and Norn.

Jesus Christ

Rip to my personal favourite character of this series. I don't even know what to say honestly...


8:55 Well, Rudy left the group and was breaking through the walls when he smelled Roxy. This suggests that he can act recklessly for the sake of someone he cares about. So yeah, I don't think he's very attached to his mother. Well, Hitogami warned Rudy... P.S. Happy Father's Day...


The diary... can't wait for the anime to get to that point


Can't believe Turning point was on Mother's day and this one was on Father's day...


Pour one out for the maddest lad of all...

Roxy’s Holy Relic

In your earlier statement you said you haven’t read the light novel so you’re making some assumptions that may or may not be true. That’s all I’ll say, I don’t want to spoil anything that will be covered in depth in future novels


im pretty sure if he didnt go, roxy would have died, which is the regret of that choice, but paul wouldve got zenith back without rudy and lived, and this is what happened if he did go, the regret of this choice

Lager Lager

Yes I’m making assumptions Maybe I’m wrong and she gets her memories and stuff back but I also don’t think that’s something I want to see in the future Maybe Paul gets resurrected idk But either way I just don’t like the way it’s written until now but that can change And I only mean this part of the series everything until that I loved

Blake VanHouten

Would they have known about the secret stairs? I’m not sure if there was another way to find the hydra room



Hamza Stiti

I read the light novel so I had time to prepare myself and appreciate the masterpiece that is this ep. Still cried like a baby tho


Remember when Rudeus named his arms Hulk and Hercules earlier in the season? His left arm is Hercules

Colm Barry

Last episode Paul said he'd gotten weaker. I'd say he's about half the man he used to be.

Colm Barry

Norn: "...Rudy, you had ONE job"


When I read this moment in WN, I also thought that Paul lost his life to save a vegetable, and that it was not worth it... But MT has always been very realistic, in the real world we can try to do our best, but the result is still not guaranteed. Trying to achieve one thing, we lose another. And the death of loved ones is rarely justified. Was it worth going fishing to drown in the lake? No, but...

James Yancy

Say what you like, but the guy went out like a boss. A real father giving his all for his family. That's not trash.

_____ Rasse _____

Rudy should've just boned the beast girls...


Yes you are quite correct JammySplosha, the choice was Roxy or his father..... where there is death there will allways be death *** SPOILER *** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if Rudy did not go Roxy would die, if Rudy did go Paul would die and...... Man god DID NOT want Rudy to go....


yes man god is a huge douche and it will become a lot worse... *** SPOLER **** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Man god is a murderous bastard that wants Roxy dead


oh no that would have been a huge disaster and exactly what man god wanted


Honestly I'm glad they acknowledged the fact that Rudy and his mom are functionally strangers. Saving your family is still a decent goal in and of itself but it felt really weird when it seemed like they were pretending they had a close bond. Like... he hasn't seen her in ages and *even when they lived together* she was a minor (almost irrelevant) character in the events that we are actually shown.


Honestly... They foreshadowed this plenty, it really didn't hit me that hard. It was a good send-off for a complicated and deeply flawed character.


The thing is, fighting for his family is kind of the only not-trash thing Paul ever actually does. He wasn't a particularly good or attentive father. But he does care, you definitely can't take that away from him.


Happy fathers day Luke! Also if you think the showrunners are not cruel as hell they delayed the series for a special a month back, I'm sure they knew exactly what they were doing >.> Idk if Zennith is brain dead, regressed or just has memory loss but from where Rudy is sitting right now its basically having lost both parents for nothing absolutely brutal.


Ah, thanks for the tip. [guzzles down some bleach]

Daniel Garcia III

I was spoiled on his death before season 1 even ended by a thumbnail but this still felt absolutely horrible.

Pilligrim Ilyas

Show directors are really something for airing this episode on Father's Day 🥲

Renaud Nadeau

Happy Father's Day. Also fuck them for releasing this on Father's Day. They know what they did.

GTB (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-16 22:51:14 You ask yourself a question at the very end. Keep this question in mind. Looking for the answer can open new doors. /!\ And once again, be careful when reading the comments, there are dangerous spoilers.
2024-06-16 22:24:15 A stunning ep that shows once again that Mushoku Tensei is the boss of Isekai ! You ask yourself a question at the very end. Keep this question in mind. Looking for the answer can open new doors. /!\ And once again, be careful when reading the comments, there are dangerous spoilers.

A stunning ep that shows once again that Mushoku Tensei is the boss of Isekai ! You ask yourself a question at the very end. Keep this question in mind. Looking for the answer can open new doors. /!\ And once again, be careful when reading the comments, there are dangerous spoilers.


Anime only watcher: I can only hold out hope that Zenith's state is because she's mana deprived. That Hydra was feeding off of her for months, if not a whole year. She might just need a bit of time to recover her mana, we'll see what comes. I hope there is some sort of recovery so the family isn't taking care of a barely cognisent individual that he feels little connection with anymore.

Léo Orfanotti

I didn't know how it happenned, just knew it would happened... Never thought it would be this brutal

Patrick Jacobsen

the author of Mushoku really thought to himself: "how much trauma can i inflict on a single person?"


If he didn't go, Roxy would be dead for sure, and they had probably never found the secret room with the hydra. Paul would keep looking for Zennith for a long time, possibly die in the labyrinth eventually. If they found the room with the hydra, they would definitely have all died. There was no Roxy information about it being a manatite hydra and no fire plan and their party wouldn't have two powerfull mages.


Man god must be watching this thinking. I told ya you'd regret going.


Apart from the fact that he wouldn't have lost his arm, what would have been different?

The Chosen One

in season 3 the man god explained what would happen if he wouldn't go. so your information s inaccurate.


Hitogami probably predicted that it would be even worse. Remember that Orsted is hidden from his sight? Thus, he had no idea that Nanahoshi would direct Rudeus to Orsted's portal system - if Hitogami even knew about it. In other words, according to his vision, Rudeus would probably arrive half a year later to learn that Roxy is dead - and maybe some more devastating things on top of that. So while this outcome here is awful, it is far from being the absolute worst case scenario.


In Mexico this day its Fathers Day, so this just hits different


I think one of the things that makes a story good is when the author isn’t afraid to kill off a “main” character, but even better when do it exceptionally that it punches the viewers hard in the gut. Happy Father’s Day

Matheus Nery

Well... Man God did say he would end up regreting it, either going or staying. But loosing his father, his arm and his mom becoming a vegetable... maybe it was a little too much.

Subaquatic Toaster (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-17 01:56:18 You can now watch the OP
2024-06-17 01:38:21 You can now watch the OP Remember how you feel right now and just imagine how much worse Rudy feels. Especially with the next episode. Emotional context will be important.

You can now watch the OP Remember how you feel right now and just imagine how much worse Rudy feels. Especially with the next episode. Emotional context will be important.

Subaquatic Toaster

The most brain dead, surface level take of a character. Either that or incredibly stupid rage bait on a patreon upload. Very creative, very clever. 👍

zaseum tikoro2

bruh this is not something we want to know from you lmao 🤣 keep the spoiler out please, even if it just a hint.

zaseum tikoro2

but if he didnt go, Roxy would be dead and his Father will loathe him for neglecting his mom. Rudy's decision is definitely the lesser of two evil.


When Paul tells Rudy to save his mother even if it kills him, he said it with the intention that Rudy would give his all to save her. Paul obviously didn't want Rudy to die, he just wanted him not to limit himself and not worry about his life since he would make sure to save him no matter what, which he did in the end by saving his son at the cost of his life.

Subaquatic Toaster

""Save your mother even if it kills you," he said. This was a father talking to his son. Even if it kills you. That certainly wasn't something a parent should say. At the very least, it would have been better if he's said, "Ill save her even it kills me." Still, I didn't think he was a cruel father for saying it. this was his conviction - his trust in me. Paul intended to do what he said - he would save her even if it cost him his life. And he thought of me as an equal. He believed in me. He saw me as an adult. That was why he said what he did. All that remained was to respond. We were going to save Zenith. To that end, Paul and I would share the same determination."

Subaquatic Toaster

Yeah that's a pretty big spoiler point. But it will get answered in season 3 if I remember correctly


I can't remember if it was ever mentioned in the anime, but in the novels they say bodies are usually cremated right away because if they are exposed to mana, they can become undead. That's why they didn't bring his body back to the surface but burned it in the dungeon.

hussam abdelalim

"Save your mother even if it kills you", apparently the rest of this sentence is "and I will save you even if it kills me"

Iqram Haqimi

silent at the end hits different


I just finished watching you ball your eyes out on violet evergarden movie 2. Not ready for this episode. But happy father's day


Wonder if Luke, after seeing heartbreaking episodes, gave his loved ones a long hug for solace and consolation?

Fahed JKR

😢💔 why it can still be awesome anime with happy ending why I want to see Paul happy face and the redue mother happy jamp with their grandson i can imagine it and that make me sad that I will never see it 🥲


Damn, Paul's only half the man he once was... ...but more than twice the father he previously was.

Sebastian Stróż

I found this comment on /r/anime "Fun fact, remember that Rudeus named his arms Hulk and Heracles early in this season right? His left left arm is Heracles" Damn...

Fahed JKR

I just realised the episode dropped in 16 Jun in the father day that is hard bro 💀😭

_____ Rasse _____

It's not spoilers. Man God told Rudy that he should bone Linia or Pursena instead of going to save Zenith a few episodes ago, and Rudy chose to not listen to him.


Lowkey one of the best anime episodes Ive ever seen


i knew this episode was gonna be rough on luke.

Keith Merrington

That's one great thing about this anime - none of the main characters are stupidly overpowered. They are all vulnerable, demon eyes or whatever.

Muligan Shinzuo

Apart from all the feelings, this episode showed how frikking STRONG Paul really is. We already knew that Rudeus is surrounded by strong ppl but Paul was never able to show his strength until now.

Nero Integrate

It wasn't even gonna hit me that hard because I knew it was coming, but didn't know how and when Paul rushed in like an idiot the first time I was like: fine, let him die if he's an idiot, I don't care. But then they went back, and then the way it happened is just soul crushing...


I have read the novel many times and it breaks me everytime and it broke me in the anime too 💀


The line "save Zenith, even if it kills you" hits hard But I read (after I re read the book) and then thought he meant and I will protect you even if it kills me, you can do so much more, you risk your life to save her, done focus on defense I will be that" as we saw Paul jump in front of Rudy a few times. Elinelise is the tank, she can deflect but Paul jumped in and we saw him cut the hydra up and parried it. He may have not been the best father but he will always be one of the favourites. That line is a important part of his development. He finally after so many years of searching has found his final family member..


One person I watch who covers a few chapters at a time of the books. Got to this (he pre reads then reads parts and covers his opinions) got really emotional for these chapters. It really is one of the most brilliantly written stories ever. Rifujin did amazing making this story. We now have no Paul, Zenith is gone. And we have 3 episodes left. I really do like seeing your thoughts on it. This episode hit way harder than the books. The music, and expressions we see just added up more onto what I knew was coming since way before season 2 first started. I knew no one would be ready for it.


Orsted OST is back, I feel like it's now the dark, the music plays when something bad is gonna happen. That kept me tense even though I knew what was gonna happen as a LN reader

Aeris Asano

Hey Luke! There’s a CD drama on YouTube with Paul’s final thoughts at 53:24 you might like to hear https://youtu.be/Ki_HNTa79wM?si=Kce-RWesDNOPzAQv

Altman Oreamuno

I really really really hate mushoku tensei right now


I don't think the Man-God is rejoicing in this, I feel like him telling Rudy that he would regret it if he went to save Zenith was more a test. To see if Rudy would pick the easy path that guaranteed happiness shortsightedly, or the hard path that had no guarantees other than regret, but that might be the better option in the long run. Because had Rudy not gone, Roxy would have died, Paul and the others would have kept banging their heads against the wall until they brute forced the labyrinth, they would have found the Hydra, they would have engaged it with only Paul, Talhand and Geese (Since Elinalise only came along with Rudy), without the knowledge of how to beat it in the first place, and more than likely they would all have died. Rudy might regret having experienced this and found that the payoff was not what they hoped for, but the end result would have been so much worse had he not gone there. I say this as an anime only guy though, I have no idea what we'll learn going forward...


2 things: - Elinalise was planning to join Paul's party to save Zenith, since Rudeus couldn't leave Sylphie pregnant on her own. So whether Rudy went or not, Elinalise would have gone. - Secondly, in the discussion with the Man God, there's talk of regret whatever Rudy's decision to go or stay. There was no easy path. And I remind you that when the Man God talks about regrets about leaving, he's talking more about what might happen to Sylphie, the baby and his family in Sharia, not what would happen in Begaritt. But something notable does happen at this point. But indeed, it's hard to know what would have happened differently in Begarittif Rudy hadn't gone. Maybe things would have been better; more likely worse. But the question is an interesting one, and some elements allow for more pertinent suppositions than others.


I think it's pretty clear that, regardless of what happened with Zenith and Paul, if Rudy hadn't gone then Roxy would have died. I mean if you think about it saving Roxy and half-saving Zenith means a net gain of half a person! Or rather half a person without an arm! Haha... yeah...

theAlexYou ProbablyDontKnow

A fantastic episode but that end hits me so hard. I apologize in advance for being too forward and melancholy but it reminds me so much of when I lost my dad. We didnt fight any hydras but I mean the silence afterwards. The silence of the drive back from the hospital and onwards. Again too grim but even the scene where the ashes collapse in Rudy's hands. At one time this was a man larger than life and now reduced to this. A hard watch but just beautifully done. My dad didn't defeat any hydra but in my eyes he could have if he wanted to.