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Here is the PATREON exclusive reaction to Code Geass Episode 24 of Season 2!



Abraham Perez

In Defense of Luke, even if I haven't always agreed on his view with certain things for this show I will defend him in being confused. He is only watching 2 episodes, even though some of us had to wait a week to watch 1 at a time, he did have trouble understanding certain things about characters and their motivations. That's okay, this show doesn't make it easy because the whole idea is that everyone hides their true self from everyone else and that not everything is meant to be known. You have to connect the dots. That's how this show is made, giving you plot points and info on the background to be put together to understand everything. It won't just out right tell you like other shows. So it makes sense that he wouldn't know that without watching it once or twice on his own.


But the thing is, at the end of the reaction he said he refuses to read comments, it's that we care about, not the confusion itself, his viewers are here for a reason, the least he could do is listen to us as we are just trying to help him out, after all people put a lot of effort into trying to explain things to him, he's even lucky to have us explain things, yet he just chooses ignorance over his paying subscribers, that are supposed to "run his channel", which he is always preaching.

Abraham Perez

My only criticism of Luke is how he does have trouble understanding characters, picking characters he likes and which he dislikes. NOW, as for Nunnally after watching the episode... you need to realize that she always had a suspicion Lelouch was lying to her about something. Way back in Season 1. Now, as for her believing Schnitzel* and Cornelia, as he has the information that made the Black Knights changed sides he can do the same with Nunnally, with less proof needed since she can't read it my guy. There are many things at play that you either glossed over or forgot from prior episodes but still. If he see her reactions, she trying to repent for Lelouch and Suzaku's "crimes" since she believes they are being cruel and tyrants. She doesn't know the whole truth, which this anime is all about. No one knows the whole truth until it's necessary to know. It's all hidden unless you look for it


Hello LUKE! This is my first comment. I'm sorry if it's hard to understand because I translated it using Google Translate. First of all, I would like to thank you for enjoying watching Code Geass. Code Geass is a great anime, and I'm sure you'll agree with me once you finish watching it. The story is always fast and relentless, defying the audience's expectations, making it difficult to understand everything on the first watch. I love Code Geass so much that I can't even remember how many times I watched it. At first, I relied on subtitles to watch the show, but after studying Japanese, I am now able to watch the story without subtitles, watching the sudden developments in the story, the subtle changes in the characters' expressions, and every detail of their movements. And now I can feel a different understanding and enjoyment from the first time around. Many charming characters appear and leave, and even just a few seconds of depiction can change your understanding and image of them. There were many parts of the world setting that were not fully explained by the anime alone. Still, this anime is quite enjoyable. There's only one last episode left, so let's enjoy it till the end! I'm sorry that the content wasn't very meaningful, but I've finally reached the end of this long journey, so I really wanted to express my feelings towards this work and my gratitude for your action videos. If you still have doubts after watching the last episode, I strongly recommend that you watch this anime for a second time, even if it's just for your personal convenience. Of course, reading other people's thoughts is one way.


Luke are you not going to react to code geass movie?? I would highly recommend you to react to last movie.

Khanh Minh

Do you think he's currently liking Code Geass series enough to even consider the movies?

Joel Barnada

Luke keeps saying that Schneizel tried to kill Nunnally, when it was Suzaku who launched the F.L.E.I.J.A. in Tokyo (because of Lelouch's Geas), right? In fact, Schneizel saved Nunnally's life by taking her away before the explosion. (Of course, I'm not saying Schneizel is good)

One G. O A. T. One Dream

Yes you definitely missing something, a lot in fact. Firstly Suzaku detonated the bomb not Schneizel. Schneizel saved her from that same bomb, so keep that in mind. Secondly she learnt that Lelouch was Zero, the same Zero that she hated for all the death and destruction, the same Zero that killed Euphemia. How is now using brute force to take over the world with an evil mind controlling power. (Who also btw have now killed both her parents) Thirdly: She in a wheel chair and blind... (well was blind), and she is not the one who has betrayed anyone, she on the same side she been on from the start. If anything joining Lelouch would be betraying everyone else for what? her own feelings? I think: She is confused, and feeling betrayed, having now learned that her brother is a liar and a murder. She has turned to the only other brother she has, who has told her that this is what she must do to make everyone happy. Nannaly is not a child who would put her own feelings over the world, she in fact is so full of her own ideals she would happily sacrifice herself for the greater good. And why should she be afraid of getting blood on her hands? Lelouch and Suzaku have become enemies of the world, and killed countless, she surly feels responsible for their actions. So no matter what she does she already has blood on her hands, that's why she must stop Lelouch and Suzaku. In her mind that's the only way to save the world and stop the killing. Rather a man made bomb than a mystic evil power that forces people to do as you say like slaves. Well, that's how i see her, and I feel I do so with good reason based on what we learned about her. So her actions seem 100% sensible and aligned with her character to me. I just think you have not understood her character


Dietard's name gave away his death. Die-tard...he died after being a tard and betraying Lelouch


Not you guys all being hateful towards a REAL life person over a FAKE character for him "missing" the points, but missed his very clear hyperbole changing his mind and not reading explanations/comments. The irony. Seems like you guys are BIT offended over someone not liking the thing you do, or comprehending them the way you do. If you think he dosen't read the comments or care about his content then you don't know him or his channel at all. Spend less time being intolerant. You pay $1 a month and he works his ass off. Stop being entitled brats.


When you consider there are reactors out there who always take note of things and keep them in mind e.g. Letts React, it sort of makes sense why people may expect him to act the same.


jesus fucking christ these comments, lay off him god damn its just a drawing.

Antoine Jones

how did Nina get on LElouchs ship? wasnt she on Schniziels ship? lol

Antoine Jones

ALso did you say C2 remained who she was throughout the show? what about when she got reverted to being like an infant slave girl? lol


Wow, over 300 comments. Hey, GoT spoilers SPOILERS below 33:50 I don't think Danerys had a crazy change. When I watched GoT, I had already been spoiled about what she would do at the end. With that in mind, I saw a clear character arc leading to that ending. People overlooked the way she slaughtered slave owners because "Boo, slavers." But she was brutal! And her ruthless, tyrannical nature just kept blooming as the series went on.


Reading the comments was more interesting than watching the reactions 😂, but I didn't notice the hate that Luke described in a separate post, maybe he deleted those comments?