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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to CODE GEASS Season 2 Episode 9!



_ firey

where is slime?


They aren't married, kaguya just want's to be married to she's acting like she is hoping zero will share the same feelings someday.


"This is just one more tragedy Zero's caused." - F**k off Suzaku Nina has always been a tragedy.

Patrick Jacobsen

if someone could put a bullet in Nina's head, that would be great.

Miklar Sihn

The tragedy was quite definitely that he missed the chance to murder Nina. And it only happened because Zero had killed Euphemia, allowing Nina to stop him being ready through logic.


The most racist girl appears more and more and another missed chance to kill her, but instead Suzaku said she "is just one more tragedy Zero's caused", wtf, she was born to be a tragedy . It's so funny that you are about throw up when she is speaking:D Snitel bubble trouble with Chinese people! Orange boy is back and knows about Lelouch?? So does Suzaku and his team need to prove that Lelouch got his memories back and is Zero again? This all monitoring Lelouch team is bullshit if V.V. could see everything. Also, that thing to checkmate with king is bullshit, also you can't move your king next to the opponent king, it's an invalid move.

Subaquatic Toaster

18:45 no they aren't actually married. She's his self proclaimed wife. Basically she's a kid with a fantasy

Subaquatic Toaster

Not gonna lie, at a certain point the hate Nina gets gets really annoying. She's a severely traumatized teenager whose only outlet is delving into her research. Everyone saw one weird scene with a table and a severe trauma reaction after seeing the murderer of someone she idolized and decided she's terrible and its just old.


31:20 I think you mean Murano from Parasyte


Zero mentioned taking over the capital of China without war. Hint hint, a political marriage. Guess who beat him to it. His brother.

Aaren YASS

I love Nina getting angry and shouting "IVE CHANGED!" only to show us minutes later, she has not infact, changed. At all. She's still Euphy crazy and emotional. -


Code Geas and Chess is like oil and water, shit doesn't mix


13:13 Pinky Promise. "Pinky swearing has origins in Japan from 1600 to 1803, where it is called yubikiri ... " - wiki

Harley Burnie

2:08 The people called "The High Eunuches"....."Are they eunuches?" Lolololololz!

Harley Burnie

5:00 Um. Wild question. So, why did you not rewind, yet you say you may have misheard them? If this is right, this would be the most mind-boggling, WTF content creator moment ever.