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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Episode 12 Season 2!



Hououin Kyouma

In the very first episode of this season, there was a dragon who was talking about the ring with an old lady who used to be an adventurer. That old adventurer lady gave the ring to Gazef Stronoff and Stronoff gave it to Climb.

Dr. A

"Everything comes down to banging" - sounds like someone describing Balder's Gate 3 lmao


At the beginning of episode your brain was stuck. Momon got his biggest fan. I don’t even bother to write Demi’s villain name 😂Renner princess keeps being weird. Why do you say the finale on and on? At least you got it right at the end 😂 That was a really bad day to record a video, you really mixed the pills. Also, trust Ainz he is master planner and sees 10000 years in the future, nothing happens by chance, on the other hand for Momon is a different situation

Misaka Mikoto

Have to call Luke out on the Princess face... How can you not understand the meaning of the difference ??? You have two Chuckie Dolls in your attic. It is the same thing... Chuckie has two faces... one nice.. one evil. *facepalm*

Tecknos Aslayrz

Having read a lot of.. rather gross manga, the princess face is definitely more unnerving than "overly scary face" we would typically get.

Harley Burnie

29:20 Damn. Forgot about the old broad and the dragon talk, eh? That ring is legit af!


hehe nah it's okay luke you're just sillyyyy