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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to HEAVENLY DELUSION Episode 11!



Daniel Griffiths

so many questions lol hopefully next episode answers some:)

Muligan Shinzuo

See Luke. You got some more information and were able to get closer to the truth. And no you were not supposed to know about the girls ear until now even though you picked up really early that the kids seem unnatural and this episode just solidified that idea. Next episode is gonna be a wild one, you feel uncomfortable now just wait until then (i assume you already recorded the next episode).


The opening is sung by Aina the End, then of the group BiSH that has since disbanded. You know her from the first Apothecary Diaries Ending and she also performed on The First Take, then under the name Kyrie, you reacted to that as well. One of my favourite singers of last year. As for the show, good job with your deductions, the guys name is Robin, not Alex. Anything more would be spoilers, the next episode is... the second to last. And what the posters before said, You said messed up.


- Have some serotonin on hand for the last few episodes. - An episode that gives A LOT of pieces of the puzzle! - Mimihime's hallucinations (the girl with the strange ears) when she looks into the little girl's eyes must ring a bell. And so does her description of her power. - About "confirmed" information, it all depends on what you mean by "confirmed". To me, an information isn't confirmed until the anime has given you all the pieces/clues that concern it. But beware, many things will never be very explicitly confirmed. Often, when the show has given puzzle pieces that fit together, it leaves you to fit them together yourself. For the bigger pieces it's pretty easy/obvious, but the show won't explicitly tell you "this..is what you must understand". It won't dot the i's and cross the t's. - Why do you assume that the goal of bringing them outside of the outside is to kill? What is there to suggest that? "That's what they do, they kill people" => Actually you can already tell that's not what they do. Which brings up the next point: - Hiroku ≠ Monster. The term "Hiruko" doesn't define monsters. - The disease => you saw in a previous episode the facilities team trying to cure it, and even discovering certain aspects of it. So it's unwanted and a problem they're trying to solve. - Tokio did not give birth to twins - The timeline will become clearer as the story progresses.


Another fun fact. Depending on the kanji used, the term "Hiruko" may have two distinct meanings (at least these two made some sense to me): 1. 蛭子 - Leech Child. Might refer to Hiruko feeding specifically on blood/flesh. 2. 似子 - Fake Child or Child Lookalike. Might refer to their probable artificial nature. This aligns well with the theory that all of these children have grown from those weird things.

Big T

I could be wrong, but I think the whole "people not really knowing what happened" thing is sort of like the Walking Dead concept, where people -- when the apocalypse happened -- knew that zombies took over, but didn't know what caused the initial outbreak/disease. The same thing with this being that people saw that monsters took over/there were creatures or shadows flying in the sky, but most people are just focusing on surviving, and only a small group of people related to the government/military/whatever really know the exact reason why what happened happened. Guess we have to wait til Season 2.

Vasileios Mitsos

the other anime that they recomand is promised neverland wich the first season is very good but the second season is not worth

Danielius Stanevičius

I'm anime only watcher and wanna talk about people not knowing what happened. Imagine you recording your video and suddenly u feel something, explosion or somethin similar(some kind off catastrophe), people die out, internet dies, power goes out. And something happened in another continent. Would you know what happened? Population took a huge hit, communication cut off, no phones, no internet only mouth to mouth rumors. And as most catastrophes the closer you are to the center of the catastrophe the higher chance you will die. And it must have been a huge one, because I think it affected the whole world.


So you do recognise the hallucination ability?hmm… curious 😂. Some connections are going to pay off… Now, you just have to prepare for some funny, silly adventure time


Well lets say a nuclear bomb gets dropped on you with no warning, and no goverment tells you what happened. Would you know what happened? If no one knows what happened, there is a number of ways how it could happen without anyone knowing

Michael Chen

The other anime you were thinking about is Promised Neverland, I wouldn't recommend the second season but the first one was a banger, you reacted on the opening and ending already


I get the feeling this "test" is like a culling or a catalyst that will transform them into hiruko. This talk about combatants awakening. Are they selling these "children" as soldiers for the rich to protect them from the dangers of the outside world? Is the entire idea of the facility like a hidden society where technology was never lost, but hidden. They rise up from the ashes like a phoenix and take over what is left of society. Like Prometheus offering the fire of civilization to cavemen. Must be weird to be working for a boss who is like you know that cute coworker you work with, yeah I'm going to transplant my brain into her body. Then I'll be the better looking one. Also they talked about when "something" will be ready. The scientist guy mentioned anytime if the electricity suddenly went down and the gates opened, which suddenly happens at the end of this episode. Could the two be attempting to free the children and let them escape into the outside world against their director's orders?


Regarding Mimihime, the first part of her name Mimi actually means Ear and the latter half loosely means princess. Feel free to correct me

Kaylum Moir

According to google, canned bread has a 2-year shelf life and they said it was 7 years past that, so the canned bread was made 9 years before the events here. That seems a little too short to me

Cédric Michaud

The thing is not many things in this show might be confirmed, because it's not the type of story that when all elements are there for you to find some answer, one of the characters will be like "this person is that person" or "this is actually that". The style of this mystery is more like "I give you piece by piece and you have to fit them together and solve the puzzle and I won't help you". So there is probably a large portion of people who haven't read the manga but have a lot more answers at the end of our watching because we saw some episodes multiple times. Like there is like a lot of things I'm 95 to 99% sure about it even if the show didn't "confirmed" it. Sure there is a lot of questions left at the end of the season 1, but there is also a lot of things I'm pretty sure.

Cédric Michaud

4:05 I didn't think about that actually. Now that you mention it could make sense if they are not growing like normal child, but I'm not sure because Jugo (the kid with ice powers) is probably a man eater-like kid like them and he doesn't seem their age, so it seems like he is growing like a normal kid.

Cédric Michaud

11:57 But imagine instead the Internet and all electricity cut suddenly because of something and no one knows what happens and they try to survive the crash of society, so they don't have time anymore to go for information because survival comes first and some monsters appear out of nowhere, it wouldn't be crazy to think there is only rumors about what happen to cause this catastrophe, unless you're someone that has caused it and/or is profiting greatly from it.

Asher Sanjan Abraham



"I get the feeling this "test" is like a culling or a catalyst that will transform them into hiruko." They're already Hirukos. Hiruko is not the word for the monsters. But Hiruko can turn into a monster/man-eater/morphed-Hiruko. I can't say more at this point.


Day 38 of Bookworm after Vinland Saga spamming. Apologies to my fellow Bookwormists for missed days; I was ill and even the powers of the Holy Myne could not sustain my efforts.

Ara Araragi

In Japanese creation mythology, Hiruko was the deformed first child of the gods Izanagi and Izanami (creators of the Japanese islands). The painting behind the Director at 7:49 is a depiction of Izanagi and Izanami creating the first land by stirring the seas with a heavenly spear.


Very important piece of information that is impossible to get unless you know some japanese (im sure you've been told this before): Maru means circle


3:11 Luke just got a PTSD :D


26:08 "July 20th, on the 18th." No, the 18th YEAR. Japanese have an alternate calendar where year one resets every time there's a new emperor. It's safe to assume they did the same thing for their post-catastrophe calendar. so, 18 years since whatever happened. Since we saw the *first* fancy gun delivered in the previous episode it's clear that the events in the outside are years later - probably at least one decade. Much more than that and the infrastructure would be much worse off.


Yep, I disagree with Luke's argument on this. If one day apocalypse happens unexpectedly and communications (broadcasts, global coms, internet etc...) are shut down in the process, I do not see how people would learn what caused it. All the more if the outbreak was caused by a confidential matter. You've just got to deal with it and live you life as it is haha