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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FRIEREN Episode 26!




When you are halfway into a life and death fight and she gives you that look.

Marcio Neves

Of course it would be too good to be true, if they just defeated the "Frieren clone" with that one strike from the end of the last episode. This episode was indeed VERY EPIC!! 😁


Ahhh. I've been waiting for your reaction. This ep so good.💯

Vasileios Mitsos

can you do reaction to Terror in Resonance op also to all Corpse Party Openings

Marcio Neves

14:15 it was a test to become a SECOND CLASS Mage (Übel is Third Class, just like Fern) OH, and also: PREWATCHED!! 😁


That test was to become a 2nd class mage, not a 1st class mage. That's why it was only 2 years ago.

dani oz

Tbh, as much as i want to see a season 2, i hope they dont anounce it right away. From what i have heard, Frieren has been 3 years in the making and was a passion project. So honestly they should take another 3 years to cook up the next season

Kyle David Barnes

The exam that Ubel killed the proctor in was the Second-Class Mage exam, not the First-Class.


The one ubel killed the guy in was SECOND class mage exam.

Daniel Griffiths

i feel like the YouTube comments are spoiling you, because after 24hrs they are an episode ahead. then they drip feed you small pieces of info that seem pointless until the next episode. also you seem focused on what your comments say and forget to get the info yourself from watching the show. im sorry for being the asshole i dont mean it in a harsh way but i think im pretty close on that criticism. either way, i did still love the reaction the episode was amazing thank you:)


to answer your question about why the 3 that cant be detect is them, its very simple. the real one can hide their mana better than the rest, so the copy are the same too.


The fact that threre was 2 mimics already dead beside Frieren is hilarious🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If everyone went vs frieren at once they would probably win... but not without casualties. That was the entire point of the plan, avoiding other mages dying to clone frieren.


12:20 Ubel is so axe-crazy that she can imagine herself slicing up what can't be sliced. 14:45 Ah, the giant open mouth. Haven't seen that in awhile. 18:00 Some don't have an internal monologue either. We call those people, gingers. Because they have no soul. 30:46 OMG, there's a another, dying, mimic right behind her. She fell for a mimic TWICE in the same room!


I think the dude being carried at the end is that chump who ran in by himself at the very start and got lost somewhere.

Саша Милошевић

basically every content creator so far whos reaction to this ep ive seen has thought that methode will get killed by fern and i dont know why.... its true that fern is extremely strong but so are denken and methode.... she may not be strong as fern in offensive magic but she has exceeds her in other abilities


what ?? literally no one would beat Frieren without Frieren.. :D even if we just learned how magic works and its like rock paper scissors i doubt Frieren has any bad matchups lol :D whole point of bringing Fern with her was for Fern to kill her but with Frieren to.. be an obstacle even Frieren said if they all would go there, there would be many casulties xD


I would say its more like they get bait by the show itself always showing just how amazing Fern is and constantly being praised by everyone, while also not showing other character full power either.


The first class exam is every 3 years, she cut him in half during the second class exam


Ubel has weaponized autism


If Sein saw Frieren make that face he wouldn’t have left

Cyrill Attakpah

i say nobody can beat frieren one on one until i see it happening ... like a soccer fan in disbelief :D


that thing about Fern and Frieren not expressing any emotions is actually a bit forgotten trope called "Kuudere" - a character that appears emotionless and calm


they can always announce season 2 in three years :D


The person who was carring out at the end was the dude who refused to cooperate and went in the dungeon alone honestly suprised he made it that far :DD also.. why did we NOT saw the clone dude replica ?? :D and they didnt even mention him/his replica at all :D was Spiegel unable to replicate a clone ?? :DD

Cyrill Attakpah

about 10:10 into the video "is there a style that could beat frieren?" im pretty sure if you have the ability to 100% copy a mimic (presence, mana, hostility, appearance, etc.) and dedicate your life to develope ONE skill that can pierce her heart on the condition (conditions make everything stronger in the anime world xD) you envelope at least 50% of her body with your mimic-mouth, then shell be dead in no time.


It's not really dependent on the anime studio, just on the manga releases. If there's enough material, there is, if there isn't, I agree they should wait.


Luke not understanding japanese humor at the very end of the episode lol. Richter just doesn't understand why that person (which we know, but he doesn't) is talking to him. The hypnosis girl.


Luke, do you think a level 5 squirtle would be able to defeat a lvl 100 Charizard?


Besides the mimic that is eating Frieren, I think we saw the top and bottom half of the first mimic that fooled her. Not even Frieren would fall for 3. (ha ha)


It would have been disappointing tbh. Of course she wasn't that weak, I would have actually prefered if they didn't try to pretend it was possible. This episode is epic because Frieren is overpowered.


Ok OK... to Frieren defense.. i would probably not expect a mimic in the treasure room aswell :DD who put a mimic in the treasure room ??? xD ALSO after hearing that ninomae ina'nis clip i do hear her kinda the (its dark and scary) :D

Sebastian Stróż

They can and probably will announce its been greenlit for 2nd season which can mean it will take a good amount of time to make. Also, considering it's success I dont see an option of them dropping the ball with the future adaptations.


I'm not even sure they can. Frieren said their would be casualties if they all (including herself) attacked the clone at once. Without Frieren and Sense, and since Ubel's weird ability wouldn't be effective against her (Frieren blocks with magic and prefers magic that creates stuff out of nothing since she's old school) I don't know if they can win. Her mana is truly overwhelmingly superior, even compared with a first class mage (and they said there's like 40 first class mages, if I remember well).

Cyrill Attakpah

"what is the height of magic?" i would say fern meant that the fake-frieren suffered a fatal wound, had no arms, no staff, casted magic instantly and fern couldnt detect it .. just my guess


Watchers usually overestimate Fern (while the characters in the anime underestimate her...). She's not better than Denken (probably even Wirbel) and Methode is incredible in own way. The crazy thing is just how young Fern is, so the talent is obvious. Maybe her and Ubel could be archnemesis in the future (I think they both have the most talent), I don't know why but I can very well imagine Ubel becoming a vilain, or at least not someone clearly on the good side.


I agree with Rasse, she has to check for that 1% chance that the chest may be a real treasure. She just has to do it no matter what, to be sure. Otherwise she wouldn't sleep at night.


I'm guessing that in a fight between Frieren's replica and everyone else the replica would probably lose but it would take many casualties. To be honest though I can't be sure.

Joshua Ford

Regarding Frieren she has said she has lost to a number of humans. That said, rock paper scissors works well when you have a human’s life span to work with so you focus where Frieren is out here showing manifestations of astronomical phenomena like black holes and star systems in the form of themed spells. She has had the time of o learn and perfect her skill at a vast number of types of magic. Sense would probably fail to touch her in a meaningful way without absolute surprise. If nothing else can you imagine the effect of that mini black hole on a room full of sense’s hair?

Gabriel Pires

Frieren: ALMIGHTY PUSH! Pain: I have taught her well.

Joshua Ford

Regarding that ability, I’m guessing here but it looks to me as if that was pure concentrated will changing physics to suite the clone. Frieren apparently doesn’t need to use mana or a spell as Fern understands it to simply will something to be so (at least when pushed to it)

Joshua Ford

About the mimics? They aren’t a threat to her. She simply kills them once they swallow her. Apparently they don’t have enough biting force to do more than bind up their target with their curved teeth. And can’t be escaped. Frieren stated in the last episode that she just blows them up after being swallowed so the worst she suffers is unpleasantness and she avoids that 1% risk of missing out on precious magical knowledge

Muligan Shinzuo

nonono the BEST thing is whenever frieren and fern have some expression. It is like a rare treat and always so adorable. Second best glare this season, Number 1 is apothecary diaries.


"She's dead. People underestimate Fern all the time" Well, I'd say people underestimate Methode all the time. They shouldn't :). Fern is a prodigy, particularly talented for her age, and the disciple of one of the greatest mages of all time. But she's still young and inexperienced. Several characters are "stronger" (more skills, more spells, more experience, more mana) than her in this exam. Methode is one of them. You'll find out later. Replicas are exact, perfect copies of the originals (without their spirits). Same amount of mana, same body, same movements, same abilities (like mana concealing), same spells, same skills, same combat behavior, etc... The last words of the episode are just a line of humor: Richter asks Edel who she is (they'd never spoken before).

Kyle DeForest

The reason the “stronger” replicas were harder to find is REALLY simple. They’re just more skilled at suppressing their mana, just like the real mages they’re replicating

Connor Grynol

There were at least three mimics. Also, it's less that someone put them there and more that they are just the natural environment for mimics. Like how barnacles grow on ships, mimics hide themselves in dungeons.

Kyle DeForest

2 years ago, she was taking the SECOND-CLASS mage exam. Not the first-class exam 😭

Marcio Neves

31:39 the one being carried is the dude that went alone first into the dungeon. But Richter is asking the girl that is talking to him who she is, to be so intimate with him 😁. Nobody cares about the loner 😝


If Sein had seen Methode, he would have left with her after the exam XD.

Kyle DeForest

A spell that is THAT oddly specific would totally exist in this world, lmaooo


Luke u didn't mention it so I'm not sure if you put it together Frieren said she last used that move 80 years ago What ALSO happened 80 years ago?! It's implied here that the Demon King was the last person that pushed her hard enough to use that. Also a point in Ferns favor that she needed a spell that she used on the Demon King to take out Fern


Well, Frieren was the clone's main opponent. Fern was there "only" to take advantage of possible attack openings. Fern alone didn't stand a chance and the fight would have been over in seconds or minutes. So let's not pretend that Fern is anywhere near the level of the Demon King, who took on a team of the 4 greatest warriors of their time. This in no way detracts from the merit and achievement of our beloved Fern.


Rise up Armpit gang 💪🏻


.... well i guess i was looking only at Ubel then xDD i swear.. ok would love to see him fight though.. :D havent seen him fight at all so far.. ://


I love the reactions and to think that Frieren is in the season finale, I would like to see you reacting to Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka, it's incredible.

BRUNO Marques

Magic is visualization. Which means magic itself can be visualized. Anything at all can be visualized. Not just what you do with magic. When Frieren says mages of this age can be dealt with basic magic, she really means it. Their greater understanding of the "laws " of magic actually binds what they can do. Ubel is a good example of this. That said, Frieren isn't all that great at "the height of magic", she can't really protect herself since she never practices it. She last used it against the Demon King, and her party would have protected her. Something interesting about the replicas is that they mimic what the test takers would do. Ubel and Land, were always together. And clone Ubel would only surprise attack Land but didn't kill. Cute. Next ep is test 3.

BRUNO Marques

There is more than enaugh materiel for another season. It's all on the studio to make more. And studios tend to bounce from these super long development anime once they get popular, because not living up to expectations can kill a studio.

Kyle Garrett

It's been years but it still blows my mind that people can see and hear things in their head that they imagine. Like at best I can imagine the concept of a ball or a table of a ball in a hand. I do at least have an internal monologue (I feel bad for people that don't), but when I imagine voices in my head it's always my voice, not other peoples voices, which is probably why I prefer audio books to actually reading, since voice actors can do multiple voices for me.

Kyle Garrett

As far as everyone fighting Frieren's replica goes, it comes down to whether or not they can visualizing defeating the Legendary Hero Mage that defeated the Demon King. I imagine most of them don't think they could withstand her attacks or overcome her defenses, which would mean they simply can't. If enough of them think that as a group they can win, they probably can win, with heavy losses.

Cyrill Attakpah

"i am just a dwarfen mage, but i have prolonged my life, for the past 684 years, with the secret art of ?PÖä=)%§ just to perfect this one spell. the spell that can bring down frieren. she will regret not laughing at my super funny joke. MUHAHAHAHA"

Bård Fredrikson

At the end, that guy didn't ask who was being carried, he was asking who she was to be talking to him like that.


Im not sure if you noticed as im in the middle but she killed the first class mage during the SECOND CLASS mage exam not first class mage exam


The three replicas she couldn't detect were mages who are all good at hiding their mana presence. So obviously the replicas were all able to do so as well. Also... I like how you literally spoke out the word "second class" and still got confused thinking it was the first class exam.


Of course you love her, we've known for a long time that you like bad girls 😂


I never realized it on my first watch but at the end, where Frieren is in a mimic, there are TWO other broken mimics next to her. Which means she's already been through those by the time everyone else showed up haha.


Ubel Uber! Respawn mode activated! I didn’t expect Lawine to go out in this test, at least not before Kanne, nor Denken’s friend. That spell of armless Frieren was so OP!


I can fix Ubel