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Harper lowered her phone, her discomfort evident as she settled on the bench beside her workout gear. The image of Dwayne, a friend of Ethan, stared back at her, intensifying the ache in her thoughts about Ethan.

Summoning a strained smile, Harper asked, "So, how can I help you?" The forced cheeriness in her voice did little to mask the tension.

Dwayne chuckled, a nervous energy accompanying his words. "Yeah, I know this is awkward," he admitted, scratching his head. "But I kinda needed to talk to you."

"Awkward indeed," Harper replied, studying Dwayne more closely, noticing details she had missed the night before. Despite the discomfort, she couldn't help but acknowledge his handsome features – tall, muscular, with neat, well-kept hair. He wasn't her type, but attractiveness was undeniable.

"Hard to believe he's friends with someone like Ethan," Harper pondered silently, her thoughts echoing in the midst of the awkward encounter.

Harper's expression shifted, her eyes narrowing with a touch of danger. "Dwayne, I have a quick question I need to ask you," she stated, her tone more serious.

Dwayne nodded, his apprehension growing. "Yes?"

"How did you get this number?" Harper inquired, her gaze unwavering.

Dwayne swallowed, hesitating, the fear in his eyes growing.

"I, uh," he stuttered.

Harper's brow arched, her patience already thinning.

Dwayne shook his head, trying again. "

"Well, I, like Ethan, work with computers," Dwayne replied.

"Computers?" Harper questioned, her suspicion growing.

Dwayne nodded, a confident smile on his face. "I'm a Terrorism Prevention Analyst. Hacking the Interdimensional barrier and finding your number isn't all that hard for someone like me."

Harper's shock was evident. "A Terrorism Prevention Analyst?" she repeated, seeking clarification. "1st class or 2nd?"

Dwayne proudly grinned. "1st class, of course," he declared, a hint of cockiness in his expression.

Harper's anger simmered, and she pressed further. "You said you had the same job as Ethan, so does that mean that..."

"Yeah, he's a 1st class Terrorism Prevention Analyst as well," Dwayne interjected, finishing Harper's sentence. "What, you didn't know?" he added with a casual tone.

"No," Harper admitted, her frustration mounting. "He told me he worked in sales, a desk job," she said, gripping her phone tightly.

Dwayne chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, well, half-truths then," he admitted, his fake laughter not easing the tension. "After all, 99% of the job is working behind a desk."

Harper growled, her heart racing, a sensation unfamiliar outside of her workouts.

A Terrorism Prevention Analyst—Harper understood the gravity of the job, a position reserved for a select few with the ability to discern the subtlest patterns, the slimmest evidence of global terrorism.

Two classes existed within this elite group. 2nd Class Analysts protected Lilliput, meticulously monitoring every inch of the land. On a grander scale, 1st Class Analysts took it a step further, overseeing not only Lilliput but also Gulliveria and Brobdingnagian. Their unique privilege included a special pass to travel to these lands, making it an unparalleled and highly sought-after occupation. The difficulty of securing such a position was beyond comprehension.

Harper shook her head, a scowl on her face. "Why didn't he just tell me?" she pondered silently, her anger at Ethan's omission growing.

"And why are you here?" Harper asked seething with anger.

Dwayne sighed, attempting to diffuse the tension. "I heard about your date with Ethan, and I thought I should talk to you, so you'd have a better understanding of why he did what he did," he explained, his tone sincere but Harper's frustration lingering.

"And what was that exactly?" Harper demanded.

Dwayne paused, carefully choosing his words. "You see, Ethan is..." He hesitated, as if grappling with the weight of what he was about to reveal. "He is a survivor of the destruction of Samarov," Dwayne disclosed, the gravity of the revelation hanging in the air.

Harper nearly lost her ability to speak. "H-he's what?" Her eyes widened in shock.

"Twenty years ago, a team of Gulliverians attacked a Lilliputian town without rhyme or reason, decimating it within minutes. That town was once Ethan's home," Dwayne revealed, a somber tone underlying his words. "Almost 98% of the population was either taken captive for unknown reasons, while the others were crushed without mercy."

Harper's muscles tensed as she absorbed Dwayne's harrowing story.

"There's a reason why Ethan ended your relationship," Dwayne continued, a smile playing on his lips. "There's a reason why he couldn't see a future with you, a Brobdingnagian. To Ethan, you probably remind him of the end of everything he held dear. Do you understand?" he asked.

Harper fell silent for a moment, processing the information. "Oh, yes..." she finally responded, her tone eerily quiet, causing Dwayne's smile to widen. "I understand," she added, anger coursing through her body. Her face tensed up as she spoke with a newfound understanding that fueled her anger.

"I understand everything."


This is a story about a Lilliputian who will do anything he can to protect the world, the world.

This is a story about a Brobdingnagian woman who will crush the world to protect her Lilliputian.

The story begins... are you ready?



Hey, I have an idea, how about you release 3 chapters per story? If you prefer just one, that’s okay. I thought releasing 3 chapters per story would be much quicker.


It would be quicker getting through the story but it would take longer to get out the chapters, not a lot of people are willing to be patient and wait, but I’ll think about it.