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The City of Winter Hill stood proudly among the towering mountains, its architecture adorned with a blanket of snow that glistened in the sunlight.

Clouds painted the sky in hues of white, signaling the imminent arrival of winter.

"Mike, slow down!" Yolanda yelled, chasing him up the Snow White hills of the winter mountains, which loomed closely above the city.

"Don't worry, Yolanda, just follow me!" he called back. "We're about to get the view of a lifetime." Mike continued to sprint through the snow until he reached the edge of a cliff.

"I swear," Yolanda panted, "one day you're going to fall and break your neck with how fast you're running!"

"Yeah, yeah, like that would ever happen," Mike retorted with a cocky smile. "Now stop being a wimp and look." He gestured towards the far-off distance, where the beauty of their city unfolded.

"The best view of the city," Mike declared.

Yolanda stood next to Mike, catching her breath, and smiled as she marveled at the sparkling specks of ice crystals dancing in the wind.

"It really is beautiful," she said, her appreciation echoing the serenity of the winter scene below.

Mike nodded in agreement, a faint smile creeping up his lips. He placed his hand on his hips.

His heart raced in excitement.

The snowy hills stretched towards the horizon, leading to the City of Winter Hill, where Lilliputian people wandered in the streets below.

The snow crunched beneath Yolanda and Mike as they stepped closer to the cliff.

"Don't I know how to pick 'em?!" Mike said, smiling from ear to ear.

He felt the gentle breeze kiss his cheek.

The sky was bright blue, with a few clouds here and there, and the sun shone brightly, illuminating the snow-covered land with its glow.

"Ok, ok you where right." Yolanda conceded, placing her hand over her heart.

She gazed in wonderment at the view. "This truly was worth the 1 mile hike up here." She said in amazement.

They took a deep breath, feeling the crisp air fill their lungs. A light wind blew past them, causing the hairs on their arms to stand up.

Suddenly, a loud noise pierced the peaceful silence.

"What the?" Mike exclaimed, his gaze fixed on the far-off distance where a white crack appeared in the sky.

The crack expanded rapidly, burning the air and causing the winter winds to roar with rage.

"Shit," Mike muttered, shielding his face from the rushing snow.

Suddenly, with a resounding crack, the opening split wide, revealing a tunnel of intense blue light.

"What the hell is happening?" Mike yelled, a horrid feeling overtaking him as uncertainty filled the air.


Abbie strolled down the street, hands in her pockets, heading toward her apartment building.

"I promised Mom a call," Abbie mumbled, hesitant about connecting with her family.

Upon reaching her front door, she swiftly unlocked it and stepped into the familiar, neat apartment she had occupied before.

Abbie glanced around. There wasn't much, save for the few essentials.

Her apartment was bare, save for a couch, a small kitchenette, and a TV.

There was nothing else. Not even a bed.

"Just how I left it." Abbie said as she made her

way towards the small couch.

She plopped down, taking a deep breath, and reached for her cellphone, dialing her mother's number, but stopped as from the corner of her eye she saw something move.

"Huh?" Abbie whispered, startled.

A small creature crawled from underneath her couch.

"Was that a person?" Abbie exclaimed.

It was a person, a person that looked smaller than an ant.

It was almost a miracle that she spotted the tiny figure—it was minuscule.

"Who are you?" Abbie inquired, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in her voice.



Another chapter 9? Edit: fixed, thanks!


Thanks for telling me? What a mistake!😅