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As Justin continued stroking Gigi's now-calmed fur, a whirlwind of thoughts churned in his mind—how could he fix this, make things right? Was it even possible? He grappled with these questions while gently petting the familiar dog he once knew.

Barely discernible vibrations underfoot caught Justin's attention, a rhythmic pulsing that seemed out of place. Uttering a puzzled "Huh?" he turned to find Holly, whose once-friendly demeanor had transformed into a more menacing visage, her fur stained with droplets of blood.

Quietly, Justin addressed her, "Holly."

Holly responded with a fierce growl, her claws sharp and teeth exposed. Justin, arms raised in defense, pleaded, "Holly, it's me. Don't you recognize me?"

Unfazed, Holly's anger intensified. Justin stepped back, realizing his words had no effect.

"N...O!" The incomplete words she uttered sent shivers down his spine.

"I didn't imagine it," Justin mused to himself, observing Holly. "She talked. Both of them are evolving," he pondered, grappling with this newfound knowledge.

As Justin continued his introspection, the ground beneath his feet, the back of Gigi's hands, began moving closer to Gigi's chest.

"FR...END," Gigi softly uttered, her eyes growing gentle.

Holly vehemently rejected it, repeating a clear "NO!" with increasing intensity. She dove towards Gigi, a massive furry form soaring through the air.


The roar of jets filled the air, déjà vu from earlier events. Powerful explosions erupted on Holly's left side, already airborne, throwing her off course and crashing into the city below. Justin could only watch in awe as the tumultuous event unfolded, the sky itself seeming to unleash its explosive force against the colossal creatures.

The force of the impact threw Justin's body forward, and he found himself tumbling uncontrollably down a hairy slope. "AAAHHH!" he screamed, his hands grasping for any form of stability.

"BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" Explosions rocked the air, sending massive shockwaves of heat and pressure against Justin's body as Gigi was forced backwards, her belly and breasts covered in black smoke.

Finally, his slide down the slope came to an abrupt halt as his hands grabbed ahold of thick fur belonging to Gigis thick leg. Looking down, he saw the distant streets, and he held on for dear life, afraid of the height and the inevitable fall.

As his gaze followed the line of Gigi's leg, Justin's eyes widened as he spotted the source of the explosions: A squad of jets, flying in formation, headed straight for him.

Justin's mind raced as he desperately tried to come up with a plan. As the jets drew nearer, his grip on Gigi's fur began to slip, his palms sweating profusely.

Gigi herself was bent over in pain, her hands covering her head.

The jets closed in, the sound of their engines deafening. "Oh god, oh god, oh god," Justin repeated, his mind filled with fear and panic.

"BOOM!" A powerful explosion tore into Gigi's thigh, sending shockwaves through her entire body. "ROOOAAAARRRRR!" she howled in pain, her knees buckling.

The force of the impact nearly ripped Justin's hands off her fur. "AAHHHH!" he screamed, his grip barely hanging on.

Suddenly, a powerful force hit Gigi, pushing her off-balance. She toppled backwards, her back arching as she began falling.

Justin, clinging to Gigi's leg, was sent into a dizzying tailspin, the world a blur as the wind whipped around him. He screamed, "Ahhh, I'm gonna die!"

Gigi's body hit the ground with a thunderous crash, her torso landing on the street, and her legs crumpled over the buildings next to it. Her arms flailed wildly, causing nearby cars to be tossed about like toys.

Justin found himself in a similar predicament, his hands slipping off Gigi's fur and being thrown about in the chaotic tumble. As the buildings whirled past him, he realized that the end was near.

He closed his eyes as he awaited the end.

The world stood still.


"Ow!" Justin yelled as his body slammed against the pavement, and a sharp pain shot through his shoulder. As he opened his eyes, a cloud of dust engulfed him.

Gigi lay on her back, her massive body taking up much of the street, and her legs resting atop the buildings. Justin had somehow landed safely, a mere 10 feet away from the beast.


"Gigi..." Justin said, tears almost falling from his eyes as he struggled to stand. His entire body was sore, and he could barely move.

Justin, torn between the desire to rush to Gigi's side and the ominous ground vibrations, found himself rooted in place. The air was thick with the scent of metal and oil, accompanied by the mechanical sounds of approaching machines.

Turning northward, he beheld a formidable sight – a convoy of tanks and a legion of soldiers, all armed and prepared for war.

His gaze fixated on imposing figures at the forefront, men in military uniforms with large grey coats. "The Generals," Justin whispered, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. "This isn't good at all."

The ominous atmosphere was disrupted by a deafening growl that resonated through the air. Justin turned back to witness Gigi rising, her crimson eyes glowing intensely.

"Bad... humans," she declared in a near-complete sentence, her body enveloped in steam, muscles tensing with pronounced veins. "Kill... humans."

To Justin's left, Holly mirrored the transformation, her body showing similar signs of overwhelming power. "Humans... can't... be trusted," she uttered, her voice laced with what seemed like pain.

Confusion and dread gripped Justin. "What the hell's happening?" he questioned, a profound sense of foreboding settling over the scene as the monstrous creatures prepared to confront the approaching military force.



Hey, can we collab on Novelizer?