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The day unfolded as predictably sluggish and excruciatingly monotonous as any other for Douglas. He trudged through the motions, making his way from one class to another, yearning for time to pass swiftly.

Yet, amidst the tedium, a peculiar occurrence repeated itself in each classroom, leaving Douglas uncertain of its significance. In every class he attended, the enigmatic woman he had first encountered at the college entrance appeared beside him. It was unclear whether her presence held a positive or negative connotation.

Intriguingly, she didn't appear to be shadowing him, but her consistent proximity and occasional stolen glances piqued Douglas's curiosity, rendering the situation all the more mysterious.

As Douglas's classes drew to a close, he made his way off campus, his thoughts shifting to the responsibilities that awaited him at a nearby convenience store just a few blocks from home.

However, his contemplation was abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice calling out to him, causing him to halt in his tracks. He recognized the voice instantly and turned around with a resigned sigh, only to find the same girl from earlier racing toward him. Her smile was so enchanting that it momentarily stole his breath away.

With a friendly demeanor, Douglas inquired, "How can I help you?" as the woman came to a stop right in front of him.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I didn't get your name," she said, a soft smile gracing her features as she pushed a few stray strands of hair from her face.

With a friendly response, Douglas extended his hand, introducing himself, "I'm Douglas."

"Traci," she replied, accepting Douglas's handshake with a warm greeting, "Traci Weaver."

"Well Traci Weaver i'm afraid that I don't have time to talk." Douglas began, a note of genuine regret in his voice. "I have a job at the local convenience store. My boss expects me in soon."

"That's a shame. I was hoping we could get to know each other better." Traci's response was tinged with a hint of sadness, which seemed to reflect Douglas's own disappointment.

"Maybe we'll have a chance to do that another time," he suggested, his tone hopeful. "After all we have every class together."Douglas said returning her smile.

"I'll look forward to it," Traci replied with a friendly nod.

Traci waved to him as he walked toward his car.

Traci's cheerful demeanor quickly transformed as Douglas drove out of sight, her smile fading. She lowered her hand, and her expression became more serious.

"You can come out now," she called out, her gaze fixed on a distant tree where a looming shadow concealed someone.

From the shadows emerged a man wearing a grey trench coat, a dark grey hat that shielded much of his face, and black glasses. His thin face featured a crooked smile, and he remarked, "What a beautiful smile. Quite honestly, I almost forgot who I was looking at for a moment."

The man stepped closer, and Traci observed him closely, her gaze intense.

"Why are you here?" she asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Their is only one reason I would be here." the man responded his tone serious. "" Or has your time with your little boy toy made you forget Agent 100?" the man taunted with a sly smile, his words stinging with a reminder of her true identity.

Traci's expression grew steely as she locked eyes with the man. "You have a mission," he continued, reaching into his right pocket and retrieving a red letter. "A destroy mission." He held the letter out to her. "Take it, Agent 100. Take it and bring honor to the Confederation," he urged with excitement.

With a resolve burning in her eyes, Traci stepped forward and accepted the letter. "I hear and obey," she replied resolutely before turning and walking away.

"Does that boy know who you are?" The man asked.

Without looking back, Traci replied, her tone firm, "No, and I plan to keep it that way. As far as he's concerned, I'm just a college student named Traci Weaver."

The man nodded.

"I understand," he stated before vanishing into thin air, leaving no trace of his presence behind.

As Douglas entered his apartment, a disagreeable odor immediately assailed his senses, a testament to the dirty clothes strewn across the floor and the overflowing trash bin.

Ignoring the mess, Douglas pressed forward, keen on preparing for his job at the convenience store. Yet, as he navigated his apartment, thoughts of Traci continued to intrude upon his mind. She was undeniably an enigmatic presence, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable draw towards her.

"Snap out of it, Doug," he chided himself with irritation. "There's no time for that kind of distraction. I have to get ready for work." He swiftly changed into his work clothes, determined to put his focus where it needed to be.

Douglas walked into the convenience store, the manager greeted him with a terse nod. "Hey, Doug. How's it going?"

"Just fine," Douglas replied, taking his position behind the counter.

"I need to ask a favor," the manager continued, his expression solemn.

"Of course. Whatever you need," Douglas assured.

"We have a new worker who is going to start working today." the manager explained.

"I'd be happy to show him the ropes," Douglas offered, his tone cordial.

"Good, she's actually over there." The manager pointed across the store, and Douglas's gaze followed. He noticed a woman wearing the convenience store's uniform, her back turned to them.

The woman turned around, and Douglas was astonished to see that it was none other than Traci, her features illuminated by a smile.

"Looks like it's fate," Traci said, walking toward Douglas.

"Apparently so," Douglas said, bewildered, and confused.

"Let's get to work," Traci announced, gesturing towards the register.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. No problem," Douglas stammered, still in shock.

"Is there a problem?" the manager interjected, his expression severe.

"Oh, no. No problem," Douglas assured with a quick shake of his head as he led Traci into the back. "We have a big shipment coming in today, so I hope you can stay a little late tonight."

Traci halted, her smile masking the underlying seriousness of her next words. "Actually, I have another matter I need to settle tonight," she explained.

Douglas, a hint of concern in his voice, responded, "Oh. Well, I should be able to handle it. I hope it's not a serious matter."

Traci reassured him, "No, it's a small matter."


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