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I gazed down at the city below, surprised by the human civilization that lay beyond the protective wall. Leaning forward, I touched the very barrier that stood in my way, a flimsy structure burning from the mere brush of my fingertips. The notion that this feeble stone was their defense left me somewhat incensed.

"Did they really believe something like this could shield them from my kind?" I mused, my anger simmering. It felt almost insulting.

Lowering no my arms, an internal flame surged within me. I harbored no hatred for these diminutive humans—so small, so inconsequential. Yet, this city obstructed my path.

"I can feel him," I declared to myself, taking purposeful strides forward as if the wall were an illusion. The heat emanating from my body caused the barrier to crumble and melt like ice.

The ground beneath me ignited, leaving a trail of burning footsteps, while black smoke billowed into the air, accompanied by distant screams below.

"Ebodius, where are you?" I shouted, my fiery voice echoing as I pressed onward, relentless in my advance, consuming more of the world below with every step.

The ground shook as I approached the inner part of the city. Humans in small metal boxes swerved and attempted to evade my massive strides. I paid no mind to the nuisances; the insignificant creatures could not hope to challenge my might.


I sprinted out of the house, the world trembling uncontrollably as the Kaiju invaded the city.

Sweat covered my burning body, and panic gripped me as I couldn't find my mother. Hoping she had reached a shelter, I ran through the melting streets, disregarding the chaos around me – burning and collapsing buildings, signs of an unstoppable natural disaster.

Smoke clouded the air, making me cough as I sprinted. In the distant north, the colossal Kaiju, engulfed in orange and blue flames, withstood missiles and bullets, an unstoppable force.

"Keep running," I urged myself, pushing through the dryness in my throat. "Get to the shelter."


A desperate cry pierced the chaos, halting my determined sprint. I turned to see a woman trapped under debris, tears obscuring her eyes.

"Please help!" she begged.

I hesitated, torn between my survival and her desperate plea. Taking a step forward, my will to survive urged me on. Yet, as the woman's cries echoed, I couldn't ignore the tug of compassion.

"Dammit," I muttered, caught in the internal struggle between personal survival and a stranger's plea for help.

"Fine, dammit, fine!" I conceded.

I jogged toward the injured woman, kneeling as I surveyed the damage.

"It's going to be alright." I said as I grabbed the debris with all my strength, struggling as I heaved, pulling it off the woman. She screamed in pain, a chunk of metal piercing her right leg as blood trickled from the wound.

"You're going to be okay."

I knelt and wrapped my arms around the injured woman, lifting her from the ground.

"Thank you," she gasped.

I struggled under her weight.


Hearing a desperate call, I turned towards the right to see a man navigating the wreckage. His eyes were fixed on the woman in my arms.

"Kaguya!" he yelled, rushing towards us. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, bending down to assess the woman's injuries.

"Sun," the woman said with joy, looking into the man's face.

As I observed, I couldn't help but notice the worry in his blue eyes, his golden hair tousled by the wind with subtle flecks of brown.

With care, the man gently took the woman by her free arm, supporting her weight against his own body. He glanced at me and offered a grateful smile. "I don't know who you are, but thank you so much for showing such kindness," he expressed with sincere gratitude.

"It's nothing," I replied, returning his warm smile.

"We need to get you somewhere safe," the man said, looking at the injured woman.

"Let's go."

With haste, the three of us headed towards the nearest shelter, hoping to get their on time.

A sudden chill swept through all of us, halting our movements as an eerie sensation settled in.

Despite the fiery heat, my body felt cold. Kaguya, Sun, and I simultaneously turned our heads to the right, and there they were – two figures standing amidst the devastation. Dressed in matching black suits, bald heads gleaming, and both sporting sunglasses, they resembled unsettling twins.

"W-who are you?" I stammered, my voice faltering in the presence of these enigmatic figures, whose identical appearances added an extra layer of disconcerting mystery to the chaos unfolding around us.


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