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"Do you remember all of that?" Molly inquired, her gaze fixed on the screen displaying Ski's image.

A smirk graced Molly's lips, transforming into a triumphant smile as she observed the shame etched across Ski's face. Pride surged within Molly, knowing she was the architect of the turmoil.

"No, I will never forget," Ski responded, her voice carrying the weight of memories. She recalled the towering Prodigan, Molly, looming over her city, a colossal entity with a presence that eclipsed everything.

The mental image lingered — Molly's colossal form, her face obscured in the clouds, a titan rendering Lilliputian structures insignificant. Ski couldn't shake the haunting recollection of that overwhelming power.

"How could I forget?" Ski pondered, her mind replaying another vivid scene. Molly, demonstrating her might, holding a Microputian city in the palm of her hand.

Molly bending over to give the Lilliputians a look at their much stronger brethren, Ski would always remember how nanoscopic the city looked in Mollys hands.

Ski shook her head, trying to forget how Molly exterminated that city, devouring every Microputian, every building, everything. Ski shuddered at the memory, her gaze fixated on her own tiny, defenseless city.

Ski had no idea why Molly hadn't just done the same to her city. She wondered why did Molly only focus in making her own life a living hell, like giving her Gravity equipment and making her hike up her body, which would take days for her to even get up to the top of her knees, or like how Molly would put her in a capsule and eat it, forcing her to travel all the way through her esophagus and out the other side, her body covered in filth.

Ski didn't understand why, all she knew was that she was tired of being Molly's plaything. She wanted freedom, she wanted to see all those she left behind, she wanted all of this pain to end.

"My lady I remember." Ski said.

"good." Molly replied. "So how about instead of scowling at me you show me a bright smile."

Ski nodded trying her best to make her expression seem cheerful. However, she couldn't muster a sincere smile. Instead, her face contorted into a strained expression, as if she were desperately trying to hold in her tears.

"Why are you crying?" Molly inquired. "Did you miss me that much." She asked.

Ski remained quite trying her best to remain calm.

Ski, her eyes fixed on the image of Molly, held a small device in her right hand.

"What's that?" Molly questioned, bringing her face closer to the screen.

"This is a device that so many of my Lilliputian brothers, Gulliverians, and even those damn Brods begged me not to use, lest I incur your wrath."

"Huh?" Molly looked puzzled.

"It's a transmitter," Ski explained. "Designed to send a message beyond these walls."

Molly's face shifted from confusion to shock, then quickly to rage. "WHAT?!" Her thunderous scream reverberated through the cities.

"Sorry, but your reign has come to an end. Help is on its way," Ski declared, a hint of defiance in her voice as she activated the transmitter, signaling a shift in the balance of power between the colossal and the minuscule.

Molly laughed, a deep rumble that shook the foundations of the city as she rose her foot over the whole little world. She knew that Al she had to do was lower her foot and Ski would be no more.

"How does it feel to have all of your hopes crushed, Ski? How does it feel to know that the future you so desperately wished for will never come to fruition?" She yelled.


The sound of an unfamiliar voice drew Molly's attention.

"Who's there?" she demanded, her gaze landing on two armored figure standing several feet away from her.

"My name is Captain John, and you have violated the laws set forth by the United Nations," the man declared. "And therefor are under arrest."

Captain John said raising his gun. "Come quietly and maybe you can leave here with clothes."

Molly for a moment glanced down at her foot that had completely destroyed Luminastra, the once proud city now a pile of rubble. Molly's eyes traveled from the remains of the city, up her leg, to her naked crotch.
