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Laufey's steps were deliberate, her bare soles sinking into the damp earth as she drew nearer to the Lich, surrounded by an ominous dark energy.

The ground beneath the Lich's skeletal feet appeared to smolder as dark, crackling specks of energy swirled around its bony frame.

High above, Laufey stood hundreds of feet in the air, a sly smile gracing her face as she beheld this unexpected confrontation. It wasn't the battle she sought, but it was a welcome challenge.

"LEAVE THIS PLACE, ABOMINATION, OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES," warned the Lich, its eyes glowing with a pale, malevolent green light.

Laufey couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing the threat. "MY, MY, YOU PERSISTENT LITTLE MONSTER," she remarked, bending down to rest her hands on her knees. "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT YOU'RE ONLY FUELING MY EXCITEMENT?" Her face flushed with anticipation.

For a brief moment, Laufey glanced back at the group of intrepid adventurers, and more significantly, at Duncan himself.

"JUST YOU WAIT," she declared, her eyes turning a vibrant shade of yellow as pure energy surged within them. "THIS IS YOUR FATE, DUNCAN CHULAINN!" Her voice reverberated through the entire forest, unleashing waves of potent force in all directions.

Laufey turned her attention back towards the skeletal Lich who held its staff high.

"DIE." its dark voice echoed as balls of energy appeared all around its body, firing off beams of magical power towards Laufey.

Laufeys smile only grew wider as the energy beams came hurtling toward her.


loud explosions echoed through the area as the magical balls of energy exploded against Laufey, the smoke clearing to reveal the giant completely unscathed.


A large, sinister grin stretched across Laufey's face as she stared down at the Lich as she cracked her knuckles.

"We must flee," Duncan urgently implored, his eyes ablaze with a newfound determination as he turned to the comrades with whom he'd shared countless trials.

"The Lich's power will obliterate this entire area; we have to go, now!" His voice carried a note of panic, gripping his heart.

Aric scrutinized Duncan's face, noticing the fear that threatened to overtake him. He wasted no time rallying their group. "We're evacuating immediately!" he bellowed, capturing his team's undivided attention. "Stick together and move quickly!"

"Right!" his team chorused in unison, and they all darted into the dense forest, fleeing the impending cataclysm caused by two monsters.

Laufey body moved with such speed that the wind itself pushed against her body creating a powerful gust that blew through and uprooted many trees.

"I'M GOING TO HAVE FUN WITH YOU," the giant said with a sadistic smile as she towered over the little monster that was nothing but a small dot to her. She brought her fist back, her fist that glowed with earthshaking power and swung down.

The impact was so great that it shook the entire forest and caused a shockwave that blew away the surrounding trees, creating tsunamis made of earth, that ran in all directions.

Dust and dirt filled the air and a cloud of fog was formed from the impact as yellow lightning darted wildly.

Amidst the swirling dust and the earth-shaking impact of her fist, Laufey stood tall, her eyes locked onto the colossal crater she had created.

The knowledge that this battle was far from over only heightened the thrill coursing through her veins, setting her heart ablaze with anticipation.

"YOU ARE A FORMIDABLE ADVERSARY," the Lich's sinister voice reverberated through the desolation, a bone-chilling echo that filled the air. Gradually, the dust began to settle, revealing the scene below.

The Lich was now ensconced within a massive crater of his own, his left hand extended upward to form a malevolent, green-tinged barrier. It pushed back with unwavering determination against the colossal force of Laufey's giant fist, a titanic struggle of otherworldly power.

The Lich's skeletal face twisted in an expression of sheer fury, his green eyes glowing even brighter as he pushed his barrier further.

"BE GONE!" The creature's anguished cry pierced the air, and darkness enveloped its form, taking the sinister shape of tentacles with faint hints of green at their tips.

The tentacles surged upward, wrapping around Laufey's massive fist, causing her to strain against the force. She grunted as she was gradually pushed back, the relentless power of the darkness proving formidable.

With each passing moment, the darkness continued to ascend, taking on a more menacing form that matched Laufey's towering stature. She stepped back, her fist clenched, her heart racing as she witnessed a creature that seemed almost like liquefied darkness.

Hovering in front of its dark creation, the Lich shrouded in an eerie green light spoke with ominous finality, "I WILL END THIS NOW."

Laufey chuckled, a deep, throaty laugh, her lips stretching into a wide grin. The giant woman was a vision of beauty, but her face was twisted with bloodlust and a thirst for violence.



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