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"What are we going to do?" I asked, panic rising, as my family huddled around me. Glancing at my watch, I realized time was running out. "If this is true, you'll all go wild in just a few minutes."

Dad, mom, Valora, Tyler, Lexie, and even the usually apathetic Kurtis focused on me.

"The Moon will be rising soon! Wait a minute," I pondered. "How have you all lived on this planet without losing control?"

Dad smiled and explained, "This planet produces a herb that helps us control our emotions. We've used it to stay as human as possible."

Relieved, I suggested, "Let's use more of that herb, problem solved."

Valora rolled her eyes. "We've run out."

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Grandpa Clifford supplied us, but we lost contact with him years ago," Mom explained, her face filled with worry.

"Grandpa's a Nilock?" I asked, struggling to recall the term.

"Yes, like us," Tyler clarified.

"What about Lynn, Maxon, Aubry?" I inquired.

"They didn't inherit the Nilock gene," Dad replied.

"Okay, I'd like more explanation on this Nilock gene, but first, why can't we get more herb from Grandpa?" I questioned.

"We need you to find him," Valora insisted.

"Do we even know where he is?" I shouted, met with a solemn silence and blank stares.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, but suddenly, the room erupted in pain. My family doubled over, their skin transforming into something animal-like.

I watched in horror as my parents, siblings, and Valora grew taller, their hair disappearing, their nails and teeth growing sharp, and their eyes taking on an emerald tint. They began to roar and tear at the furniture.

I stepped back, bumping into the kitchen counter, and felt around frantically for the knife I had set down.

"Mom? Dad?" I stammered.

My family continued to roar and claw at each other, each taking a different form. One appeared to be half-lion and half-woman, another part-wolf and part-woman, the third a mix of shark and man. The transformation was frightening to see.

My dad slowly looked up at me, his shark like face twisted in pain. "B-Braiden." He said in pain as he extended his hand towards me.

As I glanced at him, I noticed a small metal ball nestled in the center of his palm. "T-Take this," he stammered.

With measured steps, I approached and accepted the mysterious device from his outstretched hand.

His voice trembled as he spoke, "This will aid you in locating Dad. Find him," he implored, his words carrying the weight of urgency. "Find him before we unwittingly unleash chaos upon the world."

I nodded, absorbing the gravity of his plea. "I'll find him," I assured, determination filling the void left by fear.

His weakened voice persisted, "You're our best chance, Braden. Save us."


I turned my head towards my brother Tyler, but the sound of his voice had already been drowned out by a blood curdling roar.

"Take Lynn, Mathew, and Aubry." He said, "take them and run!"

Before I could ask what was happening, my brother was overtaken by a horrific transformation, and my parents followed suit, their bodies contorting into terrifying shapes.

Fear gripped me, paralyzing me in place.

"Run!" My mother cried out.

My father screamed.

Terrified, I obeyed. I ran up stares, hoping to reach them.

"Please, please let me reach them!"


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